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You know you're an Etard when...

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1 ) you'll pay five dollars for a bottle of water.

I seem to do that with anything drink related at the raves and what not. I don't mind though usually as for its not an everyday occurrence.
when you're making a random beat with your fingers on your chair and your friend are like WTF THIS BEAT IS AWSOME DUDE DO IT AGAIN and you think yeahhh thats truueee, and you do other random stuff and theyre still like WOOOOOWWWW

Instant erection ;)
i've always wondered why its really hard to light your own cigarette ..you gonna think of a whole new scheme to light that ciggarette
I can't ever do it... I'm sitting there squinting, one eye closed, one eye halfway open, trying to light a damn cigarette for ten minutes, but can't do it for the life of me.

Can't tell you how many times I've had to ask some random person to light my cigarette for me.
When you have your friends phone in your pocket (Holding it for them) and they reach thier hand out and ask "You still got my phone?"
-And you hand them your car keys.
My buddy looked at me like I was retarded and laughed.
When you've gone to drug counseling with this t-shirt, I know I have.
I got an infraction for wearing it.
Also went to mates girlfriend's graduation and we decided to drop. About an hour later, there was a photographer walking around asking for photo's and we got up, stood next to the wall and i said "Is this good enough, can you fit us in the frame" and the photographer said "no but i can defiantly see your pupils"..

We left after that because just about everybody there knew we were under the influence....
When you wonder how you made your way around the club, because for the last 4 hours you have been looking at the inside of your head.
When you loose the hot warming cinnamon motion lotion lube and finally give up looking for out of fear of loosing your erection and decided to use vicks for anal8o

When after you finally get some sleep you wake up, take a shower, and upon returning to your room you become overwhelmed from the lingering smells of warming cinnamon motion lotion lube, vicks, and sex=D

When the smell of vicks turns you on:)
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When leaving a rave you go to hug the super cute doggy, only to have your friend drag you off because it was a drug dog-- with cop owner standing right next to it.
When you loose the hot warming cinnamon motion lotion lube and finally give up looking for out of fear of loosing your erection and decided to use vicks for anal8o

When after you finally get some sleep you wake up, take a shower, and upon returning to your room you become overwhelmed from the lingering smells of warming cinnamon motion lotion lube, vicks, and sex=D

When the smell of vicks turns you on:)

- When you reach into your pocket halfway through you roll to find more pills than you started out with.

Happened to me a few weeks ago... started out with four pills, ate two or three of them through out the night. Reached into my pocket a little later for the last one, and I somehow had four again.

I just sat there and stared at my hand, trying to comprehend what was going on. I still cannot, to this day, remember how I got four extra pills. I didn't have any money on me to buy them, either.
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