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  • Film & TV Moderators: ghostfreak

TV: Lost

They have given Hurley's backstory two episodes now, the first being when he went in search of the french woman for a battery. That episode went into his obsession with the numbers, the obsession that led him to Australia and then onto the fatefull plane.

The second backstory, going into his psychiatric history may have seemed a little contrived until the very last five seconds of the episode which revealed Libby in the hospital with him. Think about it. Hurley was doing fine on the island until he started warming up to Libby. All of the sudden his imaginary friend from the psych ward is tormenting him again. Libby would always show up at some point during Hurley's dealings with the figments of his own imagination... or are they really figments of Libby's imagination? I think Libby is the "black" to Walt's "white". It was hinted at that Walt was able to manifest his will into reality... the polar bear, him winning every game of backgammon etc etc. Perhaps Libby was forcing her will upon Hurley, manifesting this antagonistic bald guy who made him feel shitty about his weight etc etc. I really can't wait to see how they play that out.
The Second Series is only just starting over here tonight.

Does anyone want to tell me, in here or via PM how it all ends, like, if they all die or whatever.
Quite a season finale, even for someone like me who's caught on real late on this tantalizing TV show.

Between the confusion and the ARG, this is a real enjoyable multimedia experience. Now I can't wait to see what happens next.
If you're in the US, you can stream the last episode at ABC
TV SHOW: LOST! (as of season 2 finale)

ok, i'm amazed there isn't allready a thread here, but i guess the lost community itself satisfies any who really care... but not me! so, with a quick warning that I might spoil things for you, i've watched up to the end of season two, and will assume any readin have also.

time for my theory :D

the island is in fact a 'nirvana' created by someone, possibly a collaboration of governments, to protect humanity in the events of a nuclear holocaust. Underneath the island is a vast city, advanced beyond that of the outside world in all scientific fields. The 'others' are simply the scouts of this city, and protect the secrets of the city in accordance with their orders. As a utopia, it does have strict moral and ethical laws, and an even strciter policy on introducing people to their society.

The 'monster' is god knows what... probably either an automated defence mechanism which has gone out of control (since the 'others' have receeded into their nirvana), or a stupid spiritual idea that the creators decided would be cool.

The healing powers of the island are derived from its magnetic field... somehow (i'm not into biology/medicine at all)

The lost cast are not being accepted into the utopic society because it is unknown whether they are truly worth it (so far everyone on the island has a questionable past), with the exceptions of certain peoples, such as the kids, and the unborn baby.

All hatches with the exception of the main hatch (the hatch in the middle of the island) are purposeless... they served a purpose during the construction of the island, but are now obsolete, and simply used to test those on the island... the exception to this is the hatch that the cast has occupied, as it controls the magnetic field generator and its overload. Of course, no one in the utopia wants to be subjected to this job, and it is given to someone who is dumb enough to mindlessly control it.

as for how the island remains hidden (from google.earth :p) or how it managed to trap people trying to escape... its beyond me... i mean they should really be follwing the stars anyway... its not like they have a whole bunch of compasses. but this doesn't discredit the theory of a utopic society living underground on the island, protecting themselves from the outside world due to a belief that A) the outside would is doomed anyway; and B) there's not enough room in their city for everyone.

so... post your theories, discrediting facts, and anything else lost related that you feel like posting...

and admins... i couldn't see a lost thread in tv & films, so if it was here and has for some odd reason been moved, plz merge this into it... thanx :D

edit: omg, i swear i looked... i looked twice damnit!! stupid me... :S well thanx admins
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Wanted to bump this up a bit since I am totally friggen addicted to it as well as "The Lost Experience" internet game. The game recently ended and it answers many questions. Like what Dharma stands for and what the numbers mean and who is really behind it all...

for those interested in any of the material from the show as well as the game go to www.lostpedia.com Warning there are many confirmed spoilers in here as well as many different theories. Its a "lost" overload of information though... Much better IMO than many of the lost theory boards going around...
seeing as you bumped it i half-rebump it and say YAY! season three recap episode is out! it's all old but with a new vo... rofl,well... still yay!
Is Juliet the same woman who plays Desmonds old girlfriend or am I way wrong?
i was thinking exactly the same thing but that makes no sense and so i was thinking i was wrong. I looked it up... yep, they different people.
I wonder why they keep casting very similar looking people...
like in the s2 finale when one of the guys in the arctic station looked like jack...
I have to say, I think this program is really quite bad. At first it started as a sort of Lord of the Flies with gigantic budget and a real beast instead of a metaphorical one (is that too subtle, maybe?). But then it just started to go off the wall. Really, the flashbacks can be quite cool stories but apart from the fact they all end with the person getting on the doomed flight, there's very little to link them together. What really annoys me is that people seem to think there is some very deep and meaningful Reason behind it all, which will all be stunningly explained in the last episode. But it won't - at least, the writers never planned an ending, as clearly evidenced by the fact the show has now reached series 3 (I think, maybe even the fourth!) and continued to get more and more bizarre. I mean, WTF! How big is this damn island anyway? How fucking long can they stretch it out for? It just is not a very good program and all the money in the world won't cover it up for much longer... but by then ABC will have something else, so why should they care?
^TPTB said there will be 4-5 seasons and a movie, what are you talking about?

do you think abc would give TPTB so much money if they didn't know they have a good plan on how to resolve the mysteries?

you might not like it but 15mil people a week in the US alone do like it.

off topic - what do you guys think about the portrail of chalie pace the junkie rocker?
Well, if you're going to use ratings as an argument, I could be very pendantic and simply point out that 15million americans watching every week still leaves 285million who didn't want to. But that's a crap argument - ratings don't decide how good a show is, and we both know it. So back to my original point. You said TPTB planned 4-5 series and a film - which they may well have, now. My point was that it was never originally conceived as being more than one series - and couldn't have been, because no studio in the world would agree to finance that many episodes - let alone a whole film on top - without geting some idea of ratings from the first series. So when the writers wrote it, they should have given it some definite ending. The fact that it didn't have one shows that either a) they never had one, or b) the studio forced them to come up with something else. Either way there can no longer be any underlying plot. All I'm saying is, I suspect the writers now are simply spinnning it out as long as possible. They do not and can not have any idea of how the show will end, what it all means, because they don't yet know when the show will end. This is dictated solely by the fifteen million you mentioned earlier.

Anyway, at the risk of soundly incredibly arrogant, I'm pulling out of this conversation because I simply can't win. While the program continues people will stolidly believe that something great and mysterious is being revealed to them: then after another few series they will drift away, maybe tuning in once more when the very last episode airs, half watching it while they eat their dinner - and by that time everyone will finally know it was crap all along, and no-one will bother debating any more. So there's just no point.
Fucking hell, people!

You enjoy the roller coaster, not the ride into the station.
thick as a planc, just out of curiosity... how much lost have you watched, and what is your favourite television show?

don't worry, i'm not asking so i can turn around and rip you apart with flames or something. i'm curious because i love the show, and can't understand how someone could not.

oh, and finally, your assumption that this show MUST have been only be garenteed one season and therefore can't have a pre-written story line and must not have a decided upon ending because the TV network's just don't do that... ok, now i give u shit. u r an idiot. even dawsons creek was released with a planned ending. 3 seasons then dawson drowns in the creek... of course in that case they changed the story, and i don't doubt that they will push for lost to go longer than the makers want it to.

While the program continues people will stolidly believe that something great and mysterious is being revealed to them.
it is being revealed to them... it is called a storyline, or plot, and in this case is indeed mysterious and in my opinion at least good, getting close to great.

As i've pointed out above from my interpretation of where the show is going... in this day an age anything that makes humans think about utopia's and dystopia's is a good thing, an IMO thats what the show is all about, with some side stories for the little people (call them kids to be politically correct)
I never said it didn't have a prewritten storyline - in fact I'm pretty sure it did. What I said was that as soon as ratings and studios begin to dictate where the story is heading, the value of the writer's opinons goes out the window. OK, so the writers are pretty skilful, and know how to make a watchable program... but no writer in the world can create a whole story with a definite, planned ending (which I hope you agree is a very important aspect) without knowing when exactly they will be allowed to finish it. Very probably they did have some good, intelligent, watchable idea for the plot ending in the first series... but then this is scrapped, because the studio comes along and tells them they need another. So back to the drawing (writing?) board, more effort. Maybe this time they come up with another ending, just as god as the first, but incorparating all the elements of series two. But then the studio comes to them again and says, "no, we want more"... now they must be starting to struggle. No-one could ever consistantly write good stuff under these conditions, but off they go again. Finally, after the studio has demanded five seperate rewrites and fully raped the plot of any meaning or interest, they see that the ratings are falling - quite understandbly - and cancel the show. The poor writers scramble to think of any old shit that will now fit the final ending, having had every previous idea destroyed, and the show ends not with a bang, but a whimper. I really don't feel any proof is needed here - just look to the fact that it has happened to practically every show on TV. Six Feet Under was good, now it's shit. Sopranos is just hanging on. Scrubs is no longer funny. Friends turned into a fucking disaster. The second series of Deperate Housewives was nowhere near as good as the first. Practically every major hollywood sequel is shite. And in five years, following this trend, hardly anyone will even remember watching Lost at all.

All I'm saying, in the end, is this. ABC is not out to provide you with the best entertainment possible - it is out to make money from you. And this is not the way to make great television, or to make great anything, for that matter.

Finally, in answer to your question, yes, I have watched Lost, probably about 90% of the first series and maybe one or two eps from series 2. I found all the episodes to be quite engrossing when I watched them - I don't deny that - but I also found The Da Vinci Code engrossing when I read it. Still I have no dersire whatever to go back and watch/read either of them, because I know I got all I could in the first viewing. People tell me it is 'deep' because of the random associations the program draws, such as those mysterious numbers turning up everywhere. But how hard is it for a writer to make connections to something he himself has written? Any such associations are internalised therefore entirely meaningless, in that discovering them does not lead to any truths ot revleations about real life. I have no idea what the numbers are or where they come from, but I'm certain that the final revelation will be something totally trivial and internalised, such as simply indicating a date that Dharma was founded or other such crap. This does not in any way shed light on any mysteries apart from those created within the program - it teels us nothing about ourselves, or the real world, as all great fiction should. This is why it is bad. The show may claim to be philosophical by naming some of its characters after philosophers (give the guy who came up with that a pay rise!), but what does it teach you? Nothing. What do you come away with after each episode? Zilch. What will Lost ultimately provide for it's fifteen million veiwers? About a hundred hours of their lives that they can let their bodies relax and minds go slack. Which you could just as easily get by masturbating. That is why Lost is shit. And nothing is going to change it.