TDS Today I am Thankful 4 Vs. Just when you think it can't get no better, then it does!

For being able to travel and not be (so) tempted. Thought about it for a while but it was okay. I'm going once again with different ppl.
Yes, that too. Always! I remember when my son made his first goal. I was so happy about his happiness - much more than about the goal although that was particularly important for him. I think we somehow realize what some of us could have been when we see our kids grow up with such good moments and mostly due to the parenting, our presence. I think I have already mentioned when I told my son I wanted to be just like him when I grew up. :)
I dunno where my3sons is located...

Erkimen, in the US of A, we stole the term football and applied it to american football. We call traditional european football "soccer".
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Opportunity! I've been offered the chance to help out with the setting up and running of a drug / alcohol recovery based cafe that a good friend is starting up. I'm hoping to spearhead the digital side of things, run workshops and also offer peer support. Just attended the first meeting, saw all kinds of old faces including my old therapist who's wanting to also help out. So cool to be offered the chance to give back at last.

Badass! :D
Wow, Muzda--that is fantastic! I have long had dreams of running such a place. Let us know how it goes.
Thanks, I certainly shall! :) It's something I've been interested in doing for quite a while, so the timing's perfect given I've been sober now while now. For purely selfish reasons I'm pleased because this gives me another reason to maintain that. Going to be a drug free birthday tomorrow, could be a tester of a day. Definitely a day to steer clear of all poppy aisles, I don't trust poppy eyes.
Happy Birthday in advance!<3

Today I am thankful for all the good people that dedicate time to running this site. If ever there were an endeavor that could be illustrated by the old fable, Please All, Please None, running Bluelight behind the scenes would be it. =D So to every mod and smod and admin on BL, this gratitude goes out to you.<3<3<3
I second that, ma'am!

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Thanks guys! Had a great buffday.. Nothing out of the ordinary, lots of awesome messages from old faces, Thai food, and the jewel in the crown movies with my sons and a BOTTLE OF MEAD ALL TO MEEEEEEEEE! God I loves my celebratory mead.
Clouds are bloody awesome. I'm thankful to the hallucinogens for teaching me the awesomeness of clouds and nature in general.
I'm thankful for my awesome family, blessed to have so many great friends. And my soppy mutt. Just thankful for all the love in my life today.
I'm thankful I'm finally over a celebrity crush I could never have. I know it sounds stupid, but the key was unfollowing the person. Now it's an out of sight, out of mind thing. Thank God.