TDS Today I am Thankful 4 Vs. Just when you think it can't get no better, then it does!

Thank the lord above that I had a six minute commute tonight instead of two hour one.. Love
I'm thankful I'm finally over a celebrity crush I could never have. I know it sounds stupid, but the key was unfollowing the person. Now it's an out of sight, out of mind thing. Thank God.
Haha! You're not the only one, I'm totally in love with the fantasy of marrying Dana DeLorenzo. Nothing wrong with the odd fantasy as long as you keep in mind it's only that.
Haha! You're not the only one, I'm totally in love with the fantasy of marrying Dana DeLorenzo. Nothing wrong with the odd fantasy as long as you keep in mind it's only that.

Yeah, I just didn't expect to literally fall in love over social media with his personality over years. We interacted on there and even met. It became an obsession and felt extra pathetic once he got a girlfriend and I was still following him around promoting his shit.

I came to the conclusion, what the fuck am I doing? I felt like his fool. By that time he was also promoting his girlfriend on twitter and I was sooo over it. I was only feeling heartache so I had to break away for my own health.
thankful for my mom. She'll be 87 on Sunday--still a little (shrinking!) powerhouse of optimism, wit and intelligence.
I'm thankful for my mom and my girlfriend, I hardly can't imagine my life without them being honest.
thankful for my mom. She'll be 87 on Sunday--still a little (shrinking!) powerhouse of optimism, wit and intelligence.
That's awesome! Happy birthday Herbys mum! I miss my ma, would trade most anything to see and hear her one more time.
I broke up with my girl. Tbh I feel like shit, I love her so much and can't think of my self being happy with out her. But I have a very mild hope that it maybe be better like that cause after all, it was a toxic relationship. The more I was with her the more I loved her and the less I loved my self. Tbh I feel it will never get better but my logic says it will. We'll see.
^bomber that was a brave step and you should feel proud of yourself for taking it. Sometimes it is just the familiarity of a person that is hard to let go of. If it was toxic, you may have felt it was love you felt for her but it was probably need more than love. Use this time apart to work on your relationship with yourself and you will be a great position when some one else comes along in the future that you would like to be with. Stay strong and don't doubt your instincts!<3
Today I am thankful for my garden--brings me so many hours of exercise, engagement and overall delight.:)
Well, It was 3 days I had broke up with my girl and I was facing it like trying to quit a hard drug, cause it realy was like that for me. Today she texted me. This ruined the whole try to forget her, but I realy felt better and Im thankfull for it.
Today - thankful for the random chance moments that surprise and cheer me up after I get in one of those funks when I go on a negative one wondering what exactly the point of anything is. Gotta love the post withdrawal.
Thankful to go back to my work trips. Took my wife and youngest to the latest one.
When I get back though it's all so messy..