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The worst opiate/opiod to withdraw from? [New poll options added 1-22-08]

The worst opiate/opiod to withdraw from? (New Poll Options)

  • Methadone

    Votes: 325 27.1%
  • Heroin

    Votes: 278 23.2%
  • Oxycodone

    Votes: 198 16.5%
  • Hydrocodone

    Votes: 54 4.5%
  • Fentanyl

    Votes: 83 6.9%
  • Buprenorphine

    Votes: 43 3.6%
  • Morphine

    Votes: 51 4.3%
  • Others - If so please specify

    Votes: 85 7.1%
  • Hydromorphone

    Votes: 21 1.8%
  • Poppy Pods

    Votes: 47 3.9%
  • Oxymorphone

    Votes: 14 1.2%

  • Total voters
For me it's heroin. I've only w/d from hydrocodone, oxycodone, heroin, and morphine though. Nevertheless... it isn't pleasant
chrlefxtrt said:
For me it was Hydromorphone, Dilauded for the lay person. Morphine comes in second, and oxycodone is third. Dilauded was the only thing to give me severe sweats.

Just sweats? Dude...
'done is the worst over all I'd say largely d/t the fact that it drags on ... and on ... and on ...
I think Oxycontin has the worst withdrawl!! I've been addicted to it for over a year now and i have 3wks clean!! During the time i was addicted to Oxy I was also taking Heroin when I could get it!! Ask any oxy user and they willl tell you the same thing that when oxy's arent available, they use H. so, Im sure I've went through the withdrawl from both at the same time!!! and let me tell you... it's pure hell each and everytime i go through it!!! I dont wish withdawl sickness on my worst enemy!!! I dont thinki anyone will ever understand how bad W/D's are until they go through it!!!
i can't believe METHADONE has been voted the WORST opioid to withdraw from and its supposed to be used for opioid dependency 8)

crazy, i guess i'm lucky i've never tried it...
I don't think it's actually an opiate. It's a benzo but Xanax hands down makes me withdraw way worse than any opiates.
taylor_105 said:
I don't think it's actually an opiate. It's a benzo but Xanax hands down makes me withdraw way worse than any opiates.

What's the Peter McDermott quote? "Cold raven?"

No doubt. And if we're going beyond opiods, we might as well throw good old ethanol onto the list ... GABAnergic things produce hellish withdrawals featuring such lovely symptoms as LONG insomnia, seizures, delerium tremens, and death. Barbiturates are even worse. I'd assume, but am not sure, that GHB/GBL is similar. Give me w/d from 'done over that any day.

enoughorancejuice? said:
i can't believe METHADONE has been voted the WORST opioid to withdraw from and its supposed to be used for opioid dependency

crazy, i guess i'm lucky i've never tried it...

Crazy world we live in! At some point, you could get heroin maintenance in some European countries ... England I think for a while, and also Holland and maybe Switzerland? I don't think it's still going on, but honestly it would be preferable to MMT in some respects ... easier, and more fun, to abuse, of course, but MMT will always, in my eyes, be substituting a more difficult, if legal, habit to break, for an easier (but by no means easy, before someone jumps down my throat :) ) one. But MMT seems to be slowly heading the way of the dinosaur in favor of bupe ... which I'm not entirely comfortable with either ... it's a very strange drug, weird (and long) metabolism and the whole agonist-antagonist thing. Subjectively and personally speaking, it never did me any good, that's for sure.

In my (relatively limited) experience w/suboxone in others, people seem to *love* it for a while, or when using it occasionally (a junkie buddy of mine eats them like skittles, prefers 'em to dope, 'done, or oxy ... trades any and all of the above, in fact, for bupe), but get sick of it, and let the anergia, anhedonia, and general emptiness of the psychological post-withdrawal experience get the better of them, and then start trying to break thru the bupe or just go off it altogether. (And yes, my dysfunctional friends come together and "one hand washes the other" if you know what I mean ...)
I've only ever gotten withdrawals from heroin and a pod habit, and the heroin was definitely more painful. The pod withdrawals felt similar and lasted alot longer, but the aches in my back and legs were alot worse with H.
DexterMeth said:
pods are quite a nasty fucking withdrawl. As you stated, you're withdrawing from numerous chems, not just one..but methadone wd is definately more prolonged and word from the veterans, the WORST by far.
people get this idea that pods are mild compared to harder opiates like heroin and oxycodone.

pods contain morphine, codeine, and thebaine. pod withdrawal is all these combined. even though pods are usually taken orally, pod users tend to gain long term deep heavy addictions from using every day. i wouldnt say its worse are just as bad as heroin, methadone, oxycodone, fentanyl, etc. etc.................. but its pretty close. it ranks up with them.

oxyaddict1985 said:
I think Oxycontin has the worst withdrawl!! I've been addicted to it for over a year now and i have 3wks clean!! During the time i was addicted to Oxy I was also taking Heroin when I could get it!! Ask any oxy user and they willl tell you the same thing that when oxy's arent available, they use H. so, Im sure I've went through the withdrawl from both at the same time!!!

Hi all, reading all this information has opened my eyes so much to this addiction I been living with for just about 2 years. First for me the above quote is completely false. I was raised seeing my parents doing Brown, so luckily I haven't went down that road. For myself, any Oxy is pure hell. I have taken, Dallies, OC's, Percs, Vics, Morphine CR and IR, Demerol and right now Roxy's. What I did notice and someone did say this in another post in this thread. That when you're W/Ding from Oxy to take some Vic's. It doesn't get you high, but kinda helps with the pain and for me it certainly helps with the W/D pains and side effects. Thank you all for sharing your experiences as it helps all of us that haven't gone down a different road yet, to stay off that road so we don't make things worse. Cheers
What qualifies as "worse"? Intensity or duration. FENT is probably by far the WORST as far as INTENSITY of withdrawal goes. All of this shit is REALLY on an individual basis. I am lucky enough to have NEVER experienced withdrawal like I have seen some people go through it. I have had pretty decent habits also...6 month H binges at a gram a day, PATCH runs where I was smoking 2 or 3 100 mics daily, for a couple of weeks straight. It all comes down to individual body chemistry.

The consensus would probably say DONE is the worst, especially since the DETOX is long and DRAWN out.

I remember seeing a WITHDRAWAL chart somewhere on a MEDICAL forum where they compared D/T symptoms of opies and I believe that it stated that FENT D/T was 8 times more INTENSE as H. I've D/Ted off of both several times after binges and I'd have to agree that FENT is the most intense.
Hmmn I'd say it has to do more with (A) method of intake (IM, IV, snorting, eating etc), (B) frequency of use and (C) relative amount used than the actual opiate. Hell, a really heavy/frequent Vicodin habit would probably be worse than a very light "snorted H" habit.
Man do I feel like a weinie compared to some of the "big dogs" you guys are describing but for me, Tramadol......oh the depression is almost enough to make you off yourself, coupled with the physical symptoms. It is too horrific to explain. I have done it likek 10 times, had a Grand Mal seizure and almost died, and im back on the shit AGAIN!! My doc will give me 56 a week, I have to pick my 56 every Monday, they last about 3 days, and I dont sleep for 3 days, and man I could jump over the moon. Anyway, you can also get em online, but I heard they are about to change tramadols classification to make it illegal to purchase on the internet, its legal right now...... I dont know what I will do if they ever quit making tramadol. Lets see 3 detoxes, and one grand mal seizure and one 28 day inpatient rehab.....didnt work, still taking it
I've been lucky/disciplined/too poor to let myself get to the point of w/d's from opiates, but the worst that I've heard by FAR is oxymorphone.
IwantitALL said:
Man do I feel like a weinie compared to some of the "big dogs" you guys are describing but for me, Tramadol......oh the depression is almost enough to make you off yourself, coupled with the physical symptoms. It is too horrific to explain. I have done it likek 10 times, had a Grand Mal seizure and almost died, and im back on the shit AGAIN!! My doc will give me 56 a week, I have to pick my 56 every Monday, they last about 3 days, and I dont sleep for 3 days, and man I could jump over the moon. Anyway, you can also get em online, but I heard they are about to change tramadols classification to make it illegal to purchase on the internet, its legal right now...... I dont know what I will do if they ever quit making tramadol. Lets see 3 detoxes, and one grand mal seizure and one 28 day inpatient rehab.....didnt work, still taking it

i didn't know anyone else got depressed on a trammie withdrawal. i was an incredibly heavy user (no seizures thank god) and i stopped stone cold due to lack of pills and went through the heaviest suicidal feeling i have ever felt and i've been there before without chemical interference.

i literally went insane and was just crying all the time, hitting myself, etc. i couldn't stop because it was like something was ITCHING to burst out and consume me.

lasted a few weeks.
i w/d from oxy after about a year use of 6-8 30mg tablets. It was only bad for first 4-5 days then the physical pain was completely gone for me. The worst was the insomnia. I couldn't sleep no matter what i did, xanax, ambien, benadryl. After 2 weeks of no oxy and 4 days of no sleep, I relapsed on a quarter tablet just so I can get some sleep and it worked fine. I got back on it but most I would take is half a tablet per day. Just to try wingin off it so I Can sleep. Since then I havn't taken it and sleep has gotten better.
Methadone is without a doubt the worst. When I withdrawed from it it was hell for 21 days.