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The worst opiate/opiod to withdraw from? [New poll options added 1-22-08]

The worst opiate/opiod to withdraw from? (New Poll Options)

  • Methadone

    Votes: 325 27.1%
  • Heroin

    Votes: 278 23.2%
  • Oxycodone

    Votes: 198 16.5%
  • Hydrocodone

    Votes: 54 4.5%
  • Fentanyl

    Votes: 83 6.9%
  • Buprenorphine

    Votes: 43 3.6%
  • Morphine

    Votes: 51 4.3%
  • Others - If so please specify

    Votes: 85 7.1%
  • Hydromorphone

    Votes: 21 1.8%
  • Poppy Pods

    Votes: 47 3.9%
  • Oxymorphone

    Votes: 14 1.2%

  • Total voters
i would say oxy's were the worst for me i was takeing 10 to 12 80s a day and i could'nt go a whole day with out any. cause after a half a day with out any i would be just going out of my mind with the heat flash's and my skin would hurt bad stomach pains pukeing and that only a half a day with out they are crazy to get off :!
What about oxymorphone?

I thought that was supposed to be very hard to WD from? I've never even tried it myself, so I'm just going on the few sparse things I've read. Probably will hear more about it once Opana has been out for a longer period and once it's more widely distributed.
It is horrible, I think it ranks high on the scale. I am about to go through some oxymorphone withdrawl, so i'll let you know more. :D
I've never fully withdrawn from opiates/opioids since first becoming dependant on Heroin 3 years ago. Never gone past 3 days off any op.

Heroin was the worst. Threw in the towel, went on a trip out of state to kick at a relatives house, couldn't hack it went into MMT. Came home got on Bupe. Was on 32mg/Bupe a day, weaned down to 1mg a day, could not kick it. Even at fuckin 1mg/day, buprenorphine kicked my ass. WD's nearly as bad as heroin. Started scoring dope again, couldn't go 2 days without bupe. Racked up an even bigger habit after that (went from 1mg/bupe a day to 3 bags dope a day, then 5 bags, then 8 bags, then 12 bags a day for a few weeks). Then MMT again. Been on done ever since

Can go 3 days without Mdone before getting WD's worth mentioning aside from sweating/yawning/anxiety/dry skin.

A lot of people do the dope to methadone to buprenorphine then off plan. Sounds like a great idea, doesn't always work out in practice.

My plan: Dope to Methadone to Buprenorphine to Dope to Methadone to Rapid Opioid Detox and Naltrexone maintanence.
Ive only had WD's from tramadol and pod tea so i dont have much to compare. I think tea is worse than tramadol when it comes to WD's. is there any truth to the comment made about tramadol being speed? I dont believe it but i could be wrong. tramadol gives me a boost but its nothing like a speed rush and i can go to sleep easily if i want to. im asking cuz i do it almost everyday except the weekends. the weekends are dedicated to tea!
Tramadol isn't speed, it could probably make you feel speedy, but it isn't speed. For some people the high is speedy, but its an opioid. A crappy opioid. Happy nodding! ;)

I was thinking about past w/ds. I voted for Oxycodone, but I think that heroin or methadone were the ones that I'm starting to think were the hardest.
I along with my younger brother(hes 29 and i am 32)went through oxycontin withdrawals several times,seizures..Its frickin terrible!A couple weeks vomiting,the poops,hot/cold sweats all night long with restless legs to go with it.We would go out and find some off the streets and as soon as we did them the withdrawals magically went away..but only for a little while.
ChemicalSmile said:
Hydromorphone is pretty bad ass.... imo

I am not really sure how it compares, but I went through oxymorphone wd's (opana) and that kicked my ass. i used to bang around 320 mg of oc's daily and up to 20 bags of H daily and that didnt even compare to the with drawls from 100mg of opana's . And that was only from a few months usage after being clean for over a year.
Swim just recently left a rehab for heroin and benzodiazepines. Swim did heroin for 4 years and benzodiazepines for 6 years. Swim feels that this is the worst withdrawal ever! Swim has been "clean" for 40 days and is still having hot/cold sweats, lack of apatite, sleeplessness, and when does sleep has extreme vivid using dreams. Swim is almost debating if getting "clean" is worth all of this...Swim is awaiting a spot in a local methadone clinic.....
i voted bupe. i've had wd's from oxy, morphine and tramadol. tramadol being my previous worst w/d's experience.

i'd been on bupe for 6 weeks not long ago and took my patches off for a few days and was bed ridden, shaking, sweating and pissing out my arse...all for a weekend on morphine. never again. i had a pretty bad anxiety attack at home after a few cones at one stage too. i thought my heart was going to burst through my chest. it took a lot of deep breathing and relaxing to get back to base
Yeah, i am on methadone how great it will feel if i ever have to go threw withdrawl!!
I have with drawled from Heroin once every month or twice when i was on it and that is the WORST!!. Had with drawls from benzos which kind of sucks.. and those cheap little white generic tramadols.. and oxycontin but i must say heroin is the worst!!. But anyways how great it will be since i am on MMT and Valium if i ever have to with drawl from those!! eeeeek i think i will stay on benzos my entire life.. been on them for 4 or 5 years now and been on all of them at one point or another.. I noticed though getting my methadone when i ran out of my benzo for over a week i rarely had any with drawl problems since i had methadone to help me out.
Tbird921 said:
I know EXACTLY what your talking about, bupe doesn't get me high at all, even when I have little to no tolerance, it makes me feel different but no high, the first time I did bupe I ended puking for hours because I kept doing more and more wanting to get high, I would honestly take codiene over bupe.
bupe sucks i would never go on it.. they wanted me last year in july when i started on my mmt program to get on bupe i said no thanks i will take methadone.... at 85 bucks a week....
I've wd from almost all opiates, but none is the hardest than methadone and Opana. Methadone wd last sooo long, but Opana makes you want to just put a bullet through your head. IMO, of course.
austinslacker said:
I've wd from almost all opiates, but none is the hardest than methadone and Opana. Methadone wd last sooo long, but Opana makes you want to just put a bullet through your head. IMO, of course.
I never heard of a drug called "Opana" :|
Tchort said:
I've never fully withdrawn from opiates/opioids since first becoming dependant on Heroin 3 years ago. Never gone past 3 days off any op.

A lot of people do the dope to methadone to buprenorphine then off plan. Sounds like a great idea, doesn't always work out in practice.

My plan: Dope to Methadone to Buprenorphine to Dope to Methadone to Rapid Opioid Detox and Naltrexone maintanence.

Like you, I never went past three days of withdrawal whilst I was deeply poppified. I was dependent for twelve years and went with a variation of the smack - methadone - bupe - rapid detox and Naltrexone (some weird experimental version of it anyway - fucking horrible, but as the trial stayed as a trial at least not many others had to go through that one :\). The Naltrexone stopped the day I left the clinic - fucking nasty stuff that made me feel awful all the time. I've still got the box they gave me to leave with. And I've used nothing (opiate-wise) much stronger than codeine since - two or three years now. Detox only works if you really, really mean it.

Your plan looks okay, but definitely cut out the second round of methadone cos the withdrawals are just evil. I don't quite see how the second round of dope would add much either. Other than for fun, I suppose. Honestly, in my experience at least, it's easier to go straight from bupe or dope to detox. Short sharp and horrid. But the key word there is short.

Methadone was, for me, the worst because it just drags on for fucking ever and a day.

I'm sure it must be different for all of us.
i put myself into precipated w/d from140mgs methadone+ banging an 80 oc or 2in the evening daily. by givingmyself 20mgs nubain (i did this knowing what may happen ) dont recomend that was the worst w/d of my 20?or so self impossed breaks