Positive The Tapering Supportive/Social Thread

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My back pain got real bad been raining out had a fall. And I think from all the physical stress last week but the pain has been extreme for around a day now. Kept me up at night. It is making me crave an opiate, I have several ways of getting those all of a sudden too. It's not worth it I've slipped and fell before and it was like this for a week afterwards. Usually really careful but yeah this is my first time really craving them. Like anything oxy dilly H it is the fucking pain in my spine it's at its damn worst. Fuck this it's making me really want an opiate nothing else will make it go away at all. I probably have a friend who will even bring me an oxy from their script. This fucking sucks I know it will get better soon I'm probably making it worse than it is with the cravings. The cravings can manifest physically like that, they take an opportunity and bounce on it. But my back really is messed up after slipping and falling on the grass so yeah I know it's not worth it to fuck with opiates ever again but fuck do I ever want one right now for this damn pain it would evaporate. I can't get the fuck out of bed had to take my shift off later today. I hope this subsides soon I think it will. Was way worse yesterday I'm just resting in bed today I hope I'm good by tomorrow.
I am wondering if the threat of very low dose codeine is worth it. Like, the amount equivalent to half a percocet, 16mg codeine. I never had a tolerance low enough to use codeine I don't know if it gets you high like the others. I'm sure it does but I don't have experience with it. It is definitely a risk but yeah I really hurt myself and it's probably going to be a few days until I feel better. It is so bad it is making me pass out like pass in and out of consciousness, wake up iI'm okay for a while until I'm on my feet for an hour or two and then straight to bed honestly it's as bad as the damn withdrawals themselves I just know it will go away. This is not my chronic pain returning I had a damn bail it hurt like hell after. This has happened before I recovered to my normal pain level which is now next to nothing. I have really got to be hurting obviously to have my first craving for an opiate since I stopped. Cravings have simply not been an issue whatsoever.
Any opiate is a really slippery slope, man. I wouldn't do it if you can at all avoid it. Pain sucks... but getting pulled back into opiates again after all this time probably sucks a lot worse.
Yeah dude I am doing fine in fact back just hurts today. Hopefully it stops hurting soon I typically have increased pain when I'm not as anxious. But not this bad I hope it goes away soon. I am learning a lot of math in the meantime and planning on watching a film or two and reading. Stuff that is normally fun for me that I haven't been doing. No way I am ever detoxing again I am not familiar with codeine but do not trust any of the stuff anymore.
I am in SO much pain. My hernia is huge now, too big to fix with surgery I have been told. I am having the hardest time with digestive issues. OMG! Too embarrassing to go into. I keep getting septic. I'm scared. Pray for me guys. This is death type pain.
Sorry to hear that Painful one. If it's too big for surgery then what can be done? I hope you have family or a caregiver to help you through this. Healing vibes to you.
Thanks Larimar. I don't know what can be done. I am trying to fix it myself with meditation. I must believe I can to do it but I fear this injury is going to kill me eventually and it is very painful. The major pain comes and goes, thank God. Today I am feeling much better. Yesterday was scary, I could not even stand up. I'm having to go one or two days a week with zero food and just stick to liquids or things get so bad! Learning what I can do still. It had me floored yesterday.

It doesn't seem fair to me that I should EVER have to endure the opiate withdrawal. I'm not using them for any reason that is not completely legitimate. The doctors should be asking me what I need to live in some degree of comfort instead of limiting me.

I'm going to be in the same boat as you soon Squeaky. It is comforting to me to hear you say that the loperamide works and you feel the same as any other day. Even though I know that. There is still some fear there for me. Mostly because of the severe pain I get that just hits out of nowhere. Opiate withdrawal is really nothing to me in comparison. The two combined can be sheer terror though (the pain plus opiate withdrawal).
Fuck my fucking pain has been HORRIBLE lately as well I don't know how it compares to you folks but it has been HELL 9/10 I'd say at all times. For no apparent reason I don't know what the fuck I did.

Then I thought about it.

I've been a little careless lately. Got a little coke binge in last week. I wasn't sleeping for days, nor was I eating and I was in benzo withdrawal so I hardly even remember this. I remember fragments like everything from when I got my shit back to now. It is insane. The alprazolam is very effective and has been for a long time. I am happy to have it back just got my scripts early too.

I think that is why it hurts so bad this week that I was going to call off lunch with family around the corner when I was starving and I love the food there. Almost got fired actually so I decided to start moving again. I have been sedentary for way too long so today I was up on my feet all day doing stuff, it was only 11pm getting back and I helped a lot of people, had to think really hard about math, and made a few hundred $$$. Pretty successful day considering I woke up fearing the back pain so bad that I felt the need to lay in bed.

But that just makes it worse, the dystrophy. My physical condition is excellent right now, making this even more confusing. I am so fit wtf. Why all this pain but it is definitely the aftermath of doing fking coke and being in benzo wd and not eating or sleeping and barely remembering how fucked I was from being low on them let alone out.

I'm just worried the pain won't go away, because there was also a fall involved. That would fuck my whole entire life up again, this is the kind of pain I resorted to heroin to after 2 years of trying to manage it with everything legit I could think of. It was so bad I was cravings opiates for fucks sake and honestly I could use some relief. They are the sole thing that can provide it.

I'll continue to see how I feel in the coming days. Damn, seems like everyone is experiencing a lot of pain from whatever the cause. Mine is mostly self induced but really I don't know where it's coming from it's hard to say really. Because I had a real bad slip and fall outside. I think being active over laying in bed all day today was the right choice.

That pain just makes me want the dope. Maybe xanax just isn't as effective a muscle relaxer as well. I already know this to be true, it is worse at that, way worse, than either etizolam or valium or even clonazepam. So there is a lot going on essentially a med adjustment, a lot of stress and now pain around the clock out of the blue. Keeping me away from yoga, which would probaby help it almost definitely I'm just nervous. I'll see how I feel in a few days and keep a moderate level of physical activity I'm really worried about it because it makes me wish I had some lines just about right now. And I haven't had issues with cravings yet because I haven't been in fucking agony like this.
So far I have avoided the codeine.
And the really awesome anti-inflams for the fam that the doctors don't even really know the name of anymore, of which I am a huge fan. They're my jam for sure, some ibuprofen analog or some shit.
I'd just want to take another one when it wore off.
And then within a week of pay day I would be snorting smack again. I wouldn't fuck with pills knowing where it was going, reason why H was my first opiate.
I got ibogaine many years ago when my habit was just starting up because I knew I might need it one day.

I feel like it is best for me personally to try and manage my pain when it gets this bad without any sort of thing that might be interpreted as a pain medication.

Fuck does it hurt though it never gets this bad anymore what the fuck. I hope it passes soon I can't stand this for much longer.
I'm nervous. Fucking fuck it hurts and I know what one I'd use. And just getting accustomed to back on my friend alprazolam, which is much more sedating and I'm not really used to it.
Not to sound dramatic it is a killer combo again and again. I know no other way at this point. I have no desire to use that apart from the knowledge that this fucking pain that is making my spine feel like fucking fuck I don't even know what to compare it to. There is no other feeling I can imagine that is similar. Not even broken bones. I don't know what to relate it to. it's the loneliest damn thing you don't know it exists until you get it. I don't understand it myself how can anyone else. But yeah H and alpraz would be a bad confluence of events especially when I have been doing so good I should stick to my anxiety meds. It really hurts though. Spinal agony. I don't know what else to call it. I'm not on fire or burning alive like with opiates. It's this raw fucking bone feeling it's just disgustingly awful and very painful. Fuck. I wouldn't even blame myself if I did that shit how could I. It would be a mistake but I could never blame myself for seeking relief in this situation and that is the specific only thing that will provide it. I can hang in there a while longer it should pass now that I am being more active again.
Sorry to hear you are also having a lot of pain shroomy. I know what the spine pain feels like. It does freaking hurt. I think you should try and stick it out for a few before taking any pain medication. That must be a last resort. You were feeling much better pain wise so try your best to stick it out and see if all the things you have done lately are the cause and will straighten themselves out. Try and flush your body with tons of water, watch your sleep, diet, exercise. Everything!

I don't know what caused our huge flare up in pain. Both you and I are having one. Both you and I have been exercising a lot and recently have made friends again and are re-connecting to others. Maybe we have done too much, too fast. I was thinking about what I had done too and yep, I probably did way too much and strained, pulled, ripped this hernia. I have no choice but to slow it down now. I'm so hurt. I need the numbing action from the MS Contin or I literally can't stand it.

I am praying for us. I hope a solution comes.
This is definitely going to be an ongoing problem that I am going to have to learn to deal with.

I'm not letting it stop me from doing some gentle yoga in the sun and maybe a bike ride later. And I got so much hash to smoke I was having giggles earlier. If I lay in bed all day it will probably get worse. I was up and about all day yesterday, good start. Need to keep the energy going and my back will figure it out, that I'm not going to use opiates anymore even for physical pain. So my body better get used to that. This could be another attempt of the dope to reel me back in.
That sucks to hear you have a pain flare too. I am getting through mine, it is slightly lessened.

So confused I guess the cause doesn't matter. I was beginning to become a little careless because I hadn't been bothered by back pain for a few months. I think mainly physical stress from last week not overdoing it like carrying anything or falling, being in withdrawal and not sleeping or eating for a few days. I did yin yoga in the sunshine today and feel better. Good sign, I would be comfortable hitting up a hot yoga class again at this point. It also could have been a simple twist or a fall, doesn't matter I don't need to analyze it in fact it's best really not to dwell on the pain and distract myself with things that I know help it.

It was bad I was passing out from it. I think a lot of it is depression related. I burnt myself out for a while, and now I am getting back into my old hobbies. I wasn't doing anything. I've been reading for hours and that hasn't happened in a long time. I don't want to put my book down. Now that is promising because I'm thinking about jobs too and my mind is racing when I scheme about my future like this, in a good way. I feel alive. If I am done reading I'd like to play guitar, or work on my second language. These are things that I have been unmotivated to do lately. Stuff like hot yoga even if I take a week off is becoming much easier to attend, and I do so more efficiently.

I find caffeine helps significantly. I have lots of coffee, and espresso now. I used to avoid it due to the anxiety but with depression like this... I don't know if it is normally good for that but I have a lot more energy. It helps the anhedonia, the lethargic, the inability to care so much as sadness ceases to exist. Standing on the shaky footing of what has become reality. I find that without it I can't manage my time, I can't concentrate, I don't have any initiative to do anything... I really find it hard to function. I went straight from tea to several espressos a day when I quit the dope and got through the first few weeks. I am so sensitive these days that I think part of the problem is I haven't coffee at home lately. Got a yummy french press and blond roast now. Anyways if people quitting are having trouble with energy levels coffee at least for me and particularly a few espressos really helps, makes me dehydrated so I drink more water.

Seems to help with the executive functioning of my brain which is a lot of where my problems stem from. I find myself indecisive over the littlest of things, and find it hard to really follow through with things long term. I feel directionless, overanalyze the situation, spend way too much time thinking and not enough doing. All theory and no action. If only I were to take more action, but then I get all anxious about not doing anythin when there is so much to do. This is why I am attracted to stimulants and never was before, but I think I have learned my lesson and will stick with the coffee. Stuff like coke seems like shooting myself in the foot. When I get reading my book, or anything intellectually constructive at all, or beneficial for my present and/or future, I will feel great about myself. The problem seems to be getting started. I can't seem to focus for long periods of time anymore, espresso is my favourite as it often clears this up. I napped all afternoon after getting all that sunshine and had no idea it was well past midnight, it feels like dinner time to me. I suppose this means that I will have to miss yoga tomorrow morning, kind of sucks. I could stay up for it and sleep after but I'll just take it easy and practice in the sun again to make sure my back is good then start up again with classes next week.

I am having one of those moments of clarity. I can get out of this situation relatively easily so long as I have my health. Back pain returning this bad was a bit of a scare but I'll be good. I'm doing things like reading, learning stuff, and playing guitar, not just yoga now. I feel physically fit so now it is time to get my brain working again. Not socially I am fine with that, and never was before. I mean, what I am talented at and stuff related to my career path. I've been wasting my time but I have had to, it is repayment for all that pain relief and energy the pills provided me for so long. Can't make it through a day without hash, alprazolam, and coffee. Whatever. I really don't care right now I'm working on remaining off opiates since I never ever want to or think I could detox / make it this far again. So I better keep my back in check, and cheer myself up a bit.

Yeah painful one I am taking it easy though. Hot yoga tomorrow morning would be great I like the teacher she is normally pretty chill too. Can't push myself too hard though, I can take the morning to do other productive things, stay up as late as I would like, do yoga or ride my bike tomorrow afternoon anyway, and keep reading this amazing book until sunrise or I fall asleep (Infinite Jest). I think a lot of this depression came from being around people who do coke and getting some last week for a few days but I won't be doing that anymore. Hated the stuff I'm not interested in hurting myself anymore. Then I get depressed from withdrawal or whatever, days go by I don't do anything, my back starts to hurt again. At this point so many years later I think the actual injury is okay to work with it is a matter of living a healthy lifestyle overall and knowing my limits.
If caffeine helps this much I consider myself habituated to two soft drugs now. Balances out the hash and they taste great together.

It's such a good antidepressant for me (coffee) so sociable too and although I have more energy / mainly focus it somehow calms me down.

I think the feeling of being directionless after being overwhelmed by physical pain for so long is hurting me. It feels like I am rebooting my mind and relearning how to do everything. I need a list of goals (i.e. finish 1000 page book, read at least 25 pages per day; apply to at least one career job a day) and a whiteboard to help manage my life. The burnout is not going to magically disappear, just like with yoga it takes a lot of discipline to get anywhere. I simply have to start doing more stuff, forcing myself if it's something like reading. I should not under any circumstance find myself with idle time and if I do, I should occupy it with a stoner movie or maybe learning something. There cannot be any more sitting around. I have been so frustrated because this is what I've been doing during this pain flare with a lot of my time, just when things are picking up pace. Can't let everything fall apart because my back hurts. Made me realize that I have been building a life up these past few months. A lot exists, that didn't exist before.

I resent opiates. In terms of psychological cravings it would be infinitely harder for me to quit smoking hash as I enjoy it so much. I went through that withdrawal so many times it is scarred into my memory, it is the first thing I think of when opiates cross my mind. Never the high. Waiting out the sickness, over and over. I would ruin my life if I went back one more time. I don't have all the time in the world anymore and I am looking at at least a year to get somewhere. I have to go through it with benzos as well, it will be very different and definitely not this year. Getting healthy this year and learning how to be on the go all the time again. I used to be like that, and I have days like that sometimes still where I am always doing stuff (the espresso definitely helps that part). I am beginning to realize how much time I waste, how slow I feel sometimes. It is a matter of exercising the mind more and more as opposed to remaining idle. Post-acute withdrawal is definitely involved here (obviously, and I am at around the peak of that I would say).

I have a huge problem with initiative. I personally don't think I have a problem with self confidence anymore, even though I can be shy. I think it is more that I am clueless and learning how to socialize again since for so long I was a total reclusive. Completely out of touch with reality too, on psychedlics and stuff, not a bad thing really it's just time to return to so-called life. At least enough to be functional and not a junkie. Now because of that, I don't really have any friends to hang around. Not that I need them I presently should be focussing on myself. I am always happy to be around others, though I am alone so damn much of the time it is just crazy. My first girl when my pain was at its worst and I couldn't work was just like I cannot even begin to understand what it's like to live like that. She was just confused at how I was okay with it, I was still happy back then.

I would say I feel motivated, confident, sociable, these things that I never was before I have somehow learned. I think probably a lot of it comes from having to be street smart if you are a junkie. And then overcoming that shit. And the pain of that withdrawal and also this chronic pain. All of this has changed me, not only for the negative. In some ways the changes were necessary one way or the other. I also feel just plain damaged and worn out though. My back is so damn fragile I forgot I could get injured so easily like this. It sucks so bad, I haven't felt the pain like this in months and I don't even know why. It is an affliction of unadulterated misery regardless of the purity of the H. Why did I even end up looking at that as an option for pain. Seems so stupid in hindsight but different perspectives do exist.

I just don't think there is all that much wrong with me. It is not as bad as it seems if I take a few simple steps once I am ready and I am reaching that point, then things will get so much better that if that happens I would be awestruck. I am off opiates but not out of the disaster I created, yet at all, or even really on my way out except perhaps internally. If I hang in there, I will eventually see more tangible results and I can't forget about the level of fitness I have achieved and well I was nodding off and OD'ing in december for fucks sake people who would not put up with such bullshit were beginning to very much notice. I was out of chances and still relapsed a few more times. If I have made it close to the 6 month point why would I ever go back. Once I make that choice I can't take it back and this has not been all that fun this year.
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Im on day 5 I think of no oxy. Been using extra Lyrica and tapering off Loperamide. Doing 50mg today. I have been really in good shape. Just bored and depressed. The physical wds are basically zero. My guess is when the Loperamide taper is done I will have to deal with some aches in my legs for a while.
Cool dude that is good. If you keep using, you still will have a lower dependency.

I don't really view this as recovering from drugs anymore, or how long I have been off certain ones. I feel that the opiates made me very sick, unwell, and left me extremely drained and unhealthy after withdrawal. They are no longer in my system this form of dope.

I skipped out on yoga for a couple weeks, skipped out on work for a bit. Was in constant pain. Messed me up for a while, definitely still a setback all the same even if it all rose from depression. No idea the cause, slipped in a marsh though bailed bad. I was being pretty careless with my back lately I shouldn't be walking along logs and stuff like that over swamp water.

More about nutrition, sleep patterns, emotional stability, friendships I really wish I had more friends to do stuff with, hot yoga at this point. Like, dying for a chick at this point lol. So bad. Pretty much gave up on that I don't talk to them anymore, anywhere, anytime. I went this morning to exercise, and definitely feel it that I haven't been keeping up with it as much. Motivating me to go back but I'll ease my way back over a week or so. I wonder if I will ever have a more enjoyable life or if I will die sometime soon.
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I know how you feel ShroomySatori. It is really hard to deal with the chronic pain. What a horrible thing to have. I don't understand it either and I live with it. How can others possibly understand? And they don't! No matter how much you try and explain it to them, they just don't get it.

Normal people care about holidays, birthdays, weekends, etc....with chronic pain, I can't care about these things. I do care but I can't because my health is so up and down. Good days and bad days. I'm sorry to everyone in my life that I have to miss birthdays and stuff. It makes it so I am unable to have any relationships with others really because I have got to concentrate on - today was a good day and not worry about the rest of it. It seems no one is able to do that with you. They get mad at you all the time, like you have some control over it or something. I don't! I have to just take it as it comes and be grateful that I have good days!
I often worry that I won't even be able to make it to my own daughters wedding when that time comes. That is what life is like for me. She would never forgive me, but if my body goes down that day, I can't do anything.

Anyways....I have to concentrate on the positive and what I CAN do or was able to do. Not what I can't do. I have not had a haircut for so long. My hair has been driving me crazy and I am a hairdresser! Yesterday, I finally felt good enough, was able to move well enough and had the creativity to cut and color my hair! I am proud of that!
I really don't think the extreme financial stress is helping any of this.

No it is not helping at all!

I pray that disability benefits are going to come through for me. The financial stress is such a burden on top of everything else!
There is no way I can work and I love to work. I used to be a workaholic. I hate not being able to work. Money is necessary unfortunately.
Im on day 5 I think of no oxy. Been using extra Lyrica and tapering off Loperamide. Doing 50mg today. I have been really in good shape. Just bored and depressed. The physical wds are basically zero. My guess is when the Loperamide taper is done I will have to deal with some aches in my legs for a while.

Good job Squeaky! I'm glad you are not suffering the physical withdrawal at least. Sorry you are depressed and bored. I get it my friend. Good luck on the taper. I hope with the loperamide that you can taper down slowly enough that you don't feel much physical withdrawal.
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