Positive The Tapering Supportive/Social Thread

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The one with the mix of long coloured hair. I am talking about your avatar that appears beside your messages I don't see a profile pic. I have one, it is of my candlelit shrine. I like fashion and very few people can pull off green hair. I have seen it done so poorly lately it is absurd. However... the lady I think I am switching to for this pulled off lovely green hair (I'd never trust myself doing this myself). She looks like a hot little elf. Only person I know with hair as chill as and different as mine around here. We had a conversation about this and what I could do with mine next. Probs just keep it going even my mom likes how it is styled now... having black roots is sick, I can do so much since I like black. Well like that pic above is pretty much exactly my hair but a faded pink my cousin's wife says I look like when kurt cobain had hair that colour it's kinda like that just less red and a bit has faded to blonde. I have thoroughly enjoyed this I need to think of what to do next. I wouldn't bleach my hair for red I like dark subtle crimson reds and stuff but I am thinking of bleaching my roots and leaving it like that.

lol that is that dude's exact hair haha so that will be my next style. And yeah that song is amazing I'm listening to it presently well I just changed to Hellboy which is really interesting album it's very dark. Has deep bass and beats, and acoustic guitar singing full of sorrow. Everything he does is so dark. I sing/rap along to a lot of the stuff I can do it pretty well already since I want to record a few cover songs with guitar and stuff.

I feel more like this today. All his stuff is so different but the acoustic album is sick. But this one, is actually haunting to me. My hair is like that right now lol, just faded a bit and with black roots it's been fun. London Grammar has a song called Interlude which is real down tempo and relaxing too. I like the singer Hannah Reid.

I don't know wtf to do today but I think I'm just going to do yoga to start since I feel like shit. I couldn't sleep last night out of herb. Took a bunch of baclofen and cyclobeneprine I feel like a zombie today so yoga will probably help get that out of my system. Got a quarter today though I woke up late and rushed for the herb. So burnt out today I better start doing stuff if I'm going to do a little exercise.
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Gotta admit never heard of lil peep till he died . But after I started listening to his music, it is very different and he was def a profoundly sad boy . Beautiful boy but sad , I love his Swedish bone structure . I wish I could do different colors in my hair but my natural color is so dark my hair dresser won?t let me bleach it out , she?s like a mom, says its too healthy and beautiful the way it is, she will only let me put caramel and reds into it, lol. So yeah if you bleach your hair a lot for colors make sure to do deep conditioning treatments or it will eventually break off.
I have not had a pill or even a piece of pill today and feeling pretty good, but I have been at work and busy so hopefully I can sleep tonight .
I had a burnout of a day. I woke up dazed and confused and rushed out to grab pot as I was already starting to panic. I just don't know what to do. I went to a power yoga class this afternoon it was the most intense one so far. I don't know how I feel. I was just feeling depressed a moment ago and very sad. Now I am feeling okay. I'm paralyzed by anxiety. Well I am going to go apply to a job in person tonight after applying online just for the sake of doing something. I really don't know how much more of this I can take. There's no going back... that doesn't make any sense. I am directionless. I have no idea whatsoever what to do. I will try to focus on getting a job and going to hot yoga daily. Smoking less weed as I can't afford it right now. I am in a bad spot I feel very pressured my anxiety is blowing up. I need just a job for spending money and weed and etiz. It takes time to get a job in my field so I am going to find something more chill first (this is what I have been debating but like... I need cash for chron and etiz or I'm fucked). Also getting a chill kinda job will be good for me in general. I already had one but the overnights are just way too unhealthy especially when stimulants get involved.

Just really down on myself right now. I'm going to have dinner and then go do something else before bed. Need to keep busy. I'm sad.
Gotta admit never heard of lil peep till he died . But after I started listening to his music, it is very different and he was def a profoundly sad boy . Beautiful boy but sad

" He was helping people, he was not somebody who needed help. He was not as sad as people think he was. It?s frustrating as someone who remembers a happy brother. "


his mom had/has an instagram THAT was sad.
Shroomy, do you think the benzo's could be causing you anxiety? I have noticed that they have a backlash or rebound anxiety attached to them that happens if you take more one day. I know you have probably been using more than prescribed during the heroin/oxy withdrawal. Are you now back to a regular dosage or do you keep going up and down with those?

I think you need to evaluate that. Keep a stable dosage. Same amount every day. You could be having some problems from the benzo's. I'm not suggesting you come off those. No way. I'm just saying that you have got to keep that stable. Those benzodiazepines are way more hardcore than the opiates. Seriously. Take it very serious. Do NOT run yourself out of those no matter what.
You and I talked about the lorazepam helping us a lot with the extreme anxiety and those help me as a skeletal muscle relaxant too, so they help for back pain. At least they do mine. Would your doctor prescribe those for you? That would be cheaper and I just don't know about the other stuff that you are getting over the Internet. That does not seem safe to me.

Just a suggestion. I want you to feel better! I think it is great that you are taking pride in your appearance and having fun with that and music is always great for you. The hot yoga is a good thing to do. I understand if you are not up to working yet, take your time.
Might help though to have some distraction. Hang in there. It is going to be up and down for awhile but at least there WILL come a time that you feel way better.
I?m in the middle of three surgeries. Had two on Thursday last week, still waiting for number 3 this afternoon. Pain has been really bad. Hopefully I?ll at least be at home in my own bed by Friday.
Good to hear from you. I have been thinking of you. I hope you feel better real soon.
That must be real bad pain squeaky. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
I'm hoping for the best outcome for these surgeries!
Sending love
you are my thoughts as well, squeaky. i'ma pray rn all works out for the best for ya dude. peace and blessings!
Squeaky, I posted to you on my recovery thread, but wanted to drop by here as well and wish you good health, and healing.
Get well squeaky dude

Yeah next logical thing to do would be regaining control of benzos.

Been depressed lately haven't had the energy to do anything but laze around smoking pot for a couple days just sucks. This has been a nightmare but then again being H it could have and still could be far worse than what I've experienced. The way I have been self tortured the most was through chronic relapsing and also being sick more often than not by the end of it and the sickness progressing, the duration of the high shortening, withdrawals kicking in faster and faster, needing heavier and heavier doses until it was completely unreasonable how much money was going up the nose and iv use seemed reasonable at the time. It was highly researched, done 5 times then the quitting process started. It has been a couple months shy of a year since then and I'm still fucked up, but nothing at all like before.

Was seriously fucked up before these past weeks have been nothing compared to that and it has still been hell on earth. Insane thinking back to it. How much of a need it was. How I was so caught up in warding off the withdrawals a couple years of my life went by in the blink of an eye and I feel like I'll never be the same now and I know it is true I finally did it. These were like no other. Sucks cause after going through that then the cravings come. H is fucked last time was early last summer and thinking about it now is insane how good it felt. It was black magic. I experienced strange synchronicities, telepathy, and it was like that luck potion in harry potter. At first... would od if I ever went back to it percs almost do that now.

So burnt out wish I never messed around with this shit I was so high for so long crazy how recovery is even possible just not continued use that would result in death for sure, kinda like been bit by a vampire...
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Yeah man, it's crazy how addiction grabs you so hard. I was on opiates for 10 years... entire twenties. I felt less equipped to deal with life, and less like myself, and less developed, when I turned 30 than when I turned 20. But I'm 34 now, and that is well behind me. I finally got out of the haze and I feel so much more alive. I don't even think about doing opiates anymore. You can get there, it just takes time. Just keep trying to keep the truth in your mind... yeah it's a good high, but good god, is it worth the cost? Hell fucking no.

I used to wish so hard that I had never touched opiates, but now I'm almost glad it happened because I appreciate life so much more. You can turn the last few years into a learning experience, a strength rather than a weakness. You just need a little distance from it. Don't worry, it gets better. :) <3
I spent a good deal of my teens on opiates, they masked the pain of things in that had happened. But that was all they did, made me not think about them, so I never dealt with them. When I quit, I had years of repressed memories to deal with, I hadn't even mourned the death of my best friend, I just pushed it to the back of my mind, but it never went away.

That's the hardest part of addiction for me, actually dealing with my problems, instead of masking them.
I am doing pretty well. Going to hot yoga is great. It's so exhausting but I woke up today feeling energetic. I have a voracious appetite and I am drinking so much water. I didn't have that before yoga and I already see how this is going to improve my life in a lot of ways. I will be fit again, and have way more energy in general, also more relaxed and body awareness. I can take the biggest bong tokes after those classes it's very good for the lungs. The yoga that is, not so much hefty bong tokes. I find I am often correcting my posture and the shoulder opening feels good. My friend says I look healthy, and I feel that I am getting there. My body will feel progressively lighter and more flexible in the future. It should help my back over time. I realized I have been much too sedentary for a long time, and smoking pounds of outdoor. I'll go again tomorrow I am picking up my book today and have plans with my bro today and I am starved even still. My appetite is ridiculous now from that.

Feeling better though, normally coincides at three weeks. Time to sit on my meditation cushion, and read my book. After having a second breakfast, and having a morning bong toke.

Just one of those days where there is hope because essentially I feel normal, and wondering how much are things going to change once I am really physically fit again. I get crazy exhausted from these workouts then bounce back feeling great but soon enough they won't exhaust me so much and that is exciting. Legs have a nice burn today. I can't believe this isn't messing with my back but the posture alignment seems really to even be helping. Core strength too, it is good to work transverse abdominals to help support the spine.
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Good to hear shroomy. I think you are doing excellent! Keep drinking lots of water and eat all the second breakfasts you want right now. Imagine how hungry your body is after going through all of that? You need nutrition. You have been literally fighting for your life here. Eating healthy is the best thing you can do. That and drinking tons of water and exercising! You are kicking ass brother! :)

I'm so happy you are looking healthy to others and are exercising, keeping up your appearance- (I did read about your red hair, awesome! ) and realizing that you are too sedated. Take a good look at how you are taking those benzodiazepines and get yourself on a strict schedule. Same amount, same time every day if possible. That will make such a difference. The medication you are taking can help you a lot. The weed too. Just taken medically- so to speak.
Home from surgery(ies) now. Doing the math, they let me talk them into 60 mg oxy(at one point it was 80mg oxy !!) every 4 hours. Along with 300 mg lyrica and 6 mg ativan per day. , that?s 360 mg oxy per day and they?re still trying to find a pharmacy that will fill me a prescription!
I left as soon as I could because I really hated the food, but also because 8 days of that and I knew I have a lot of work ahead of me just kicking that huge habit. Everything hurts, but somehow it hurts less right now that the last time i ran out or my script early.
PainfulOne, JoeTheStoner, Shroomi, and Pokemame thank you for your kind words. It really helps to know I?m not alone.
I am SO happy to hear you are home Squeaky! I was just wondering if you were home and hoping you were and I was just about to leave this website for now when I saw your post. Thank you for letting us know how you are doing. You are not alone. Not at all!

Well, considering what you just went through, I think we have to rely on medical professionals here. You and I are seriously injured.
Just do the best you can. That is all we can do. Go easy on yourself and don't worry too much about it.

I hated the hospital food too! Lol! They kept thinking I was anorexic because I would not eat it. I finally asked the nurse to go take a big sniff of that food and tell me if she would eat it and she did and said "probably not, I see what you mean." :)

Take care! Sending love and healing!
Miserable. I'm so sick of this. I know that my life has been ruined beyond repair, and it's really just not worth the effort and even if it is I am so depressed the odds are very much against me. I feel full of ideas, but too burnt out and fucked up to execute and get anything done. I didn't think I was going to make it to my 30th birthday. Odds are around 50/50 presently. I'd say. I wouldn't remember any of this as if life; life would just be a dream. In my case, a nightmare. I wouldn't remember the archive of suffering I have in my mind, because my body would have ceased to exist. I am not sure what happens but I am not convinced death is when I would wake up or escape anything. It is for sure not an escape and probably makes things worse when you intentionally do it, in terms of reincarnation. I could end up a slimy alien on a faraway planet in another galaxy where it just sucks and there isn't even grass or attractive foxes.

I think the way the energy might work, might be like a very powerful radiation of spirit. It is like all the inner negativity that has been building up to the point that a spirit has been driven mad by the isolated, skewed and pathetic version of reality that exists relative to what could have been. All escape routes checked and thoroughly blocked; quarantined, alone. Nobody even knows it would be a shock wave that would impact the universe in a powerful but brief way. Like a supernova, really, but scaled down and more ethereal; possibly undetectable by scientists.

A sudden death is said that more of your current condition carries on to the next life. That would mean it might not be an escape from drug addiction itself. it could even be seen in the physical laws the mathematics but it's just way too complicated to carry out something like that when the subatomic particles of the human body go about their interactions via the 4 fundamental forces of nature and there is presently no way of tracking where they go and possibly reform. Reason being, that if you try and observe a subatomic particle, the more precisely the observer knows its position the less likely he or she knows its location. The very act of observation changes everything about the way the mechanisms of this shit existence work.

This is one reason why I think there is a marginal hope, at least until my 30th birthday. For me, that's a milestone. I might find that in two weeks, my brain no longer feels dead and fried. It has been 3 weeks and I'm pretty much handicapped from the lethargy and depression. So I may as well see how I feel in a little bit, unless I run out of etizolam and I fucking need to grab weed again.

Fuck I fucking ruined my life I see the outcome I see it now. I'll leave a beautiful blonde corpse to cremate. I could have had it all, and I still could but there is no longer any structure to my life. I am a total burnout. I used to do stuff all the fuck day long. I'd work out like 3 intense routines a day (10k run, hour gym sesh) and smoke like 10 joints a day, in between cooking ridiculous amounts of food and reading, studying... I had the confidence to apply for jobs. I remember smiling a lot, like I was happy. Even if there were problems I was chill, I had my pot and I didn't use other drugs at the time.

Then I got a job after a year search, then I lost the job car girlfriend money and health from an injury a year later. Couldn't work anymore (I could now, the pain is... more manageable somehow). Couple years pass by, no more house, no more girl, I have nothing so I try heroin. I decide I don't like it. Go on vacation with my girl she gives me 1mg dilaudids. I still 2mg hydromorphone and have one of the best days of my life plus no back pain, the reason we got them so I wouldn't be in pain on vacation and since her family member was having health problems she just took 10 of them. 1 would get me high, 2 really high - totally functionally, seemingly happy, feeling like myself just a subtle high, and so pain free in was unbelievable.

Then I still had the gram of H stashed away so I started experimenting. That stuff was so strong for a new user. I'd sniff around 10mg and felt like several percs were hitting me all at once 15 minutes later but more physically relaxing but with that same mental stimulation, just felt more natural. Like it belonged there. My first gram lasted 6 months because I was smoking opium too, sniffing dilaudids, and blew through a few thousand percocets. Half a 5mg perc would get me high as fuck in the beginning. It wasn't just about the high. I had accomplished nothing in years due to the pain and it wasn't any better. A couple months after opiates (and benzos, same time period I got on those) I was back in university for a second degree and then I moved far the fuck away to a beautiful place to work. This was a wonderful time of my life.

Then everything started falling apart. A gram of heroin didn't last me so long anymore, and I could not go back to oxy's that I had got a script for as they were so weak they were like tylenol and I resented the oxy high compared to H. Not just that but the medical benefits of properly scaled out really high quality H were so much more powerful for me personally, and also more controllable dose wise. Well the benefits didn't last and now I wish I was dead to put me out of my deep sadness. My personal preference is H for sure, sniffed, fuck needles, sniffing H all those years did barely anything to my nose in comparison to anything I ever sniffed much less of. I like it because it meshes with my need for physical health, promoting exercise, enabling me to work, helping me be more social but it just doesn't last I get hooked and ruined. It even somehow makes me luckier. I function a lot better on it than oxy. Due to my tolerance (they could easily kill me now too, and almost have twice) I couldn't feel the oxy. Ever since then, my life has really been downhill and that was a while ago. The romance I had this summer when I was getting clean off H was a nice time of my life despite being in the worst withdrawals of my life. Without her, I never would have had the motivation to get out of bed that summer but we were together as much as we could be. Then the oxy relapses started like clockwork.

Everything goes back to normal for a while when I use, I mean I'm numb and euphoric and all but from the outside I was still myself even if I felt very different. People thought I was doing great. I got comments from so many people that I looked healthy and happy. I was anything but. It has to be heroin though for me. Oxy isn't enough to function I like to rail opiates. I couldn't function as a dilaudid addict either it has to be smack for me. It makes me so functional that it is almost magical, but I feel so good, that I just end up enjoying life to the max and busy getting money and dope but I lose sight of the long term picture, and mess myself with withdrawals.

I do not like this. I hate this time of my life to the point that I want to die. Maybe in 2 weeks I will feel better, but then I will be 2 weeks closer to 30 and I've told myself if I didn't see improvement before then that I may as well climb the cliffs at the cabin and jump hundreds of feet to the rocky creek below. Happy fuckin 30 average relations around the sun, let's see what next bullshit life has in store. Perhaps those intermediate states of reality before being born as a sewer rat might be like the heaviest possible dmt trip. It's my favourite drug barring addiction and 'narcotics'. Has a narcotic feel to it really, it is totally the psychedelic narcotic to me. I'm trying to be as healthy as possible so that I can pass in excellent condition. I owe it to myself.
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In the moment it may seem like life is ruined beyond repair. I can tell you that I am living proof that this is not so. I find it helpful to focus on the exact moment that I am in. Be Here Now. Here Now Be. Now Be Here. As long as in this exact moment you are doing the best you can then you are all good mate. As I'm sure you are aware so much can change in such a short time and MUCH can change over the long haul, especially with small victories every day (doing the right thing in this exact moment over and over again).

Whatever has happened to make you feel this way can be overcome.

Why 30?

I have to say that 31 has been my favorite year in this physical realm so far.

I have been through the opiate withdrawals, it gets better.

I love you. Stay well.
My doctor put me on both. I wish he never did this to me. I'm currently 6 days into subutex withdrawal and after this I have to taper and quit my benzos which is terrifying but I hope i can do the same as with this taper. I cannot believe I waiting so many Years to detox the opiates my body is returning to functional but the benzos will kill my mind..

I've been updating on my YouTube channel
It sucks but it's doable suprisingly..
Yea, subutex is one of the longer half life opioids, so withdrawal is especially shitty. But just get through it, you are this far, not much more time with the physical symptoms.

Have you talked to a doctor about benzo taper? Be careful with this. How much are you taking currently?
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