Positive The Tapering Supportive/Social Thread

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I do 2 doses a day , 1 at 6 am before work then 1 when I get home from work at 4 pm . I am cutting oxy 40 ER into 4 pieces so it would be really hard to make 8 pieces know what I mean ?? But yeah maybe I should go down to just 10 in am and rough it out at night. When I don?t take my pm dose it?s hard to sleep. Just so mad I got in this predicament and it has messed up my relationship with my husband because we are both hooked and he is the one that gets them and has to share with me , so it causes resentment and when ever I say Im out and need more he makes me feel ashamed , but on the other hand if it wasnt for him I never would have got involved with pills. Ugh it?s just a terrible cycle. We both want to quit but we both cant be sick at the same time , we have 2 daughters , 2 dogs and 3 parrots , so there is a lot to do around the house . Sucky situation all around but trying to stay positive .
That is a lot to deal with. Good luck to you.

I have to find another job now but I am quickly going to regain my full potential over the next week or so. I made it to yin class tonight and it was relaxing, I learned a lot about meditation that will help me fully let go and transcend. Money is stressing me out but I should have more work hours soon. I'd like to keep making friends with the girl who looks like Taissa Farmiga she is lovely. I'm going to be reading more, picking up Infinite Jest again tonight.

I am entirely back to normal it is so strange like that. I'm going to get really fit from this stuff I'm doing on a daily basis now and i don't think my pain will be anywhere near as bad.I'm so relaxed right now just not to feel sick!
I'm so stoned... it's the morning I'm so damn stoned... listening to an ominous peep song. my pm appointment was supposed to be the other day so I can't really be skipping those. Just helps make access a little harder.

I like to take bong rips they make me smile with no meaning behind it other than "I am stoned right now." I've still got restless legs and ankles and muscle aches in my upper arms which luckily seem to have gone away for the time being but earlier this morning, torture... Withdrawals are by far the worst first thing in the morning at this point I wake up at like 4 or 5am and it is sheer hell then. I feel pretty good now I guess after some bong rips some etiz a cup of sencha and hearty breakfast.

I am still doing hot yoga daily, I'm shocked my back can handle it. I haven't been able to do anything like this in years.

My main concern is having a reliable part time job to fund my etizolam and cannabis habits while I get clean, and health foods and whatever it's nice to have a little money I hate being broke and out of work. My present job has unreliable hours and I need to find a new one so I am applying to at least a few each day in person and online. I am depressed lately from not having any hours and I'm scraping up money for chron I better get my shit together before I need more etizolam. Fuck. That is a huge stressor in my life right now and once I have a job like that I can look at careers later this year when I'm feeling better, have stable chronic and etiz supplies lol. Love my weed and etiz I really need to be done with the heroin and oxy's and dillies and all that though. I don't understand how that ever even became an option. My back pain was way worse back then, I'm not sure what changed. If I'm able to train like this though and get less depressed in general there is a chance it could go away completely in my case as a lot of it is in my messed up head.

It has been so damn long since I was found slouched over barely conscious for 8 hours in which I remember nothing but a 10 flash of a few seconds which are not a nice memory. I am definitely feeling better like I was applying to jobs yesterday and stuff but I am extremely nervous about finances I haven't had many hours and I have weed and fucking etizolam habits to fund that I don't plan on getting rid of anytime soon as I recover emotionally and physically from this nightmare of chronic heroin and oxycodone relapses that essentially lasted a year. I was sick more than I was well by the last year. I have come a long way since then, these withdrawals have been nothing compared to the initial heroin detox. They have been absolutely awful but last summer sorta traumatized me it was so bad... and it was repetitive for a while too before I knew it had to go.

I don't really know what to do today. I might pick up the book beside me. I'm so very anxious about my present situation because of work. Paralyzed by the anxiety had rose oil burning not frankincense. I'm nervous.
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I know what you mean Shroomy. The morning is definitely the worst. I keep waking up before dawn. I am still having withdrawal also.
Just the 8 days of high dose loperamide and then jacking my tolerance up has made me very uncomfortable for almost a month now.
I'm just waiting it out. Holding tight at my prescribed dosage. Things have to clear up sometime soon I would imagine.

My spirituality is the thing that keeps me and holds me in a peaceful sanctuary during these times. Some of you may not realize what the cure is but I have given you the answer in the above song and video. We all come to this understanding in our own time and our own ways of understanding but the end result is the same. Everything still turns to gold!

Take your time my friends. Don't worry about working so much right now. You will find that if you just let go and trust that what you need will come to you. <3
I agree I think it is important to surrender and trust that things will turn out alright but also I need to start doing stuff. It's hard while just coming out of wd's. Daily hot yoga is a great addition to my life. I need more money it is stressing me out extremely.

I have had several awakening realizations lately. I am thinking of one in particular, I am trying to describe. It involves karma, and the idea of yin and yang. Push and pull. For example, instead of allowing the powerful negativity that resides within my spirit to dampen out over time as a slow suicide... I have the power to take that negativity and transform it into an equally or ever more powerful positivity. It is like all that stuff had to happen to me because of what a bad person I was at the time. I used to block out my experience of the world to the point that if you'd say something to me I'd just be in a daze lost in my own sadness. I am more receptive now. There are a lot of positive things that could come from this but I'm not giving up my chron or etiz.

Thing is I can't really take my time right now. I was able to take my time last year. I really fucked up in December I should think forward but I'd really be in a different place right now so hopefully I learn from that. As now that I don't have a prescription really it's even worse in a way as to what I would have access to if I freaked out.
Shroomy, could you post up that video I like right on here? I keep trying to figure out how to put a video in my post but I can't figure out where the tool bar and film icon thing is at. Lol! I would appreciate it. I have seen you do it before. Maybe I can't do it on an I-pad? IDK.

Agreed on the daily yoga you are doing. I was happy to hear you mention meditation. Keep those things up!
I have been able to regain feeling back in my left foot and power back in my left leg. It still hurts like crazy but exercise and stretching has been key! I have taken dance lessons for over 20 years and it is serving me well. I'm determined to dance again. It has amazed me how much just a low level dance/stretch routine daily is helping with this chronic pain. I'm doing things I thought impossible too.

I like your above thoughts. You DO have the power! This is no easy accomplishment though. I can tell you it is so worth it though!!!
You are worth it! Hang in there.

Yeah, I need weed and right now too. I'm actually growing very fond of the sativa. It has been allowing me to exercise as it relieves my intense leg pain so much. I have to be careful not to hurt myself now. Take it slow with the rehabilitation.
Hello! Thought this might be a good thread for me to join. I'm currently trying to plan a taper off my doc (oxy/hydro) using subs. I've been going back and forth between the pills and subs for a few months now. I'm scared subs might be harder to wd from, I've read mixed things, but I know I can't stick to a taper with the pills. I might end up just cold turkeying it or even considering rehab at this point. I've been battling addiction for about 10 years and have even managed to quit for several years straight but I've never gotten any official professional help and hardly anyone in my life even knows this is something I struggle with. Anyways...im suppose to get 10 more subs tomorrow (using the 8mg strips) and currently have 1.5 strips left. It'd be great if I could not have to get anymore after this. I don't really know if I want to do a short or long taper tho. It's tempting to just taper quick and get it over with but I want the best chance at success and the least suffering necessary so I'm thinking a long slow taper might be better for that. Anyone have any advice? Was thinking maybe try to start off w 2mg in the morning and 2mg in evening...then cut back by 1mg every 4-7 days until I get to 2mg...then start cutting back by 0.5mg a week until I get to 0.5mg total. Then cut down to 0.25 and then start alternating days. If i did a short taper I could do start at 4mg and cut by half every 2-3 days maybe? I can't take a ton of time off work tho so if I'm gonna feel like shit during the taper I almost think I'd be better off going ct and getting it over with in one go. Just scared I won't be able to handle it at my current dose, I've never jumped from anywhere near this high before. It's always been from just like 5-10mg a day of oxy or 0.5 of subs. When I take oxy/hydro now, I'm up to 60-120mg/day. My husband is willing to dose my taper for me or at least check behind me to make sure I'm not cheating and I'm accountable. He thinks I should just stop tomorrow and suck it up but he's never dealt with an addiction to anything so he has no clue. I'm just thankful he's sticking by me again tho. I feel awful for putting him thru this again, he almost left me the last time and I swore I'd never let it happen again and here we are :( he's such an amazing guy and doesn't deserve this at all. I keep hoping he will rub off on me eventually and I can be that good too but it's been almost 15 years haha don't think it's working that way. Well anyways I'm gonna try to post here to update how it goes and one more way to keep myself in check. Good luck to everyone else trying too. If i ever get thru this I have to make it stick this time! No more chances! Life is too good for me to keep fucking it up this way.
you always uplifting the vibe, painful one. super glad to hear you are making progress.

awakenings on the regular as well, shroomy. i'd go on about a similar experience, but not really needed. dig deep within and you can do whatever man.

agreed, cheerupem0kidx0x... life is too good to waste it on addiction. GOOD LUCK HIGH FIVE
Thanks Joe. I appreciate your comments always!
Sending love, peace, and light to you! <3

Yes indeed, we could go on about these spiritual experiences but not really needed to do so. Dig deep!
You ALL have power inside of you to overcome any challenge. Don't be afraid.

Cheerupem0kidxOX, welcome. I don't have any experience with subs so I really cannot advise you on your plan but I am supporting you. I would think that is a stronger drug (suboxone) than the oxy/hydro but the oxy/hydro has WAY too much Tylenol in them. You do not want to have Tylenol poisoning. I did and had Liver, Kidney, and multiple organ failure from Tylenol! Get off those immediately. It would be better for you to get some professional help honestly.
I like burning myself out with indica these days. I just don't know what to do.

I really need to get back into my career but it has been so long it feels daunting. I'm not sure where I want to look for work at all. I need more than the job I have now. It is stressing me out I used to have a lot of motivation to apply for jobs I need to find that again. I could start today it's like a mental block although I have applied to a few recently.

I am quite sad today my horoscope was spot on. Sensitive issues around intimacy and shared finances. So I had to discuss something with my past girlfriend who I was with for 5 years and it brought back a lot of fond memories. I haven't thought of her in a year but she has been in my dreams at night lately oddly enough and popping up randomly in places it just sucks. I don't like to be in contact with her and the horoscope was so fucking weird like that. Strangest horoscope ever.

I don't really feel on drugs anymore just stoned and lost. I need to start making an effort to get back in my field. I easily could. I just need to put in an honest effort and I don't know why I am being so lazy today. I'm depressed. I've been sad today I guess it's cause I had to talk to her and it's hard to think about how happy we used to be. Inseparable.

Yeah painful one here is your thingy
8) sending you a hug as well.

Hot yoga is great. I am surprised my body can put up with this at all. Many muscles sore but non withdrawal aches. Solid post-workout muscle soreness.

I haven't worked out in many years it is wonderful. I went into hot yoga not thinking about fitness but I whipping myself into shape. This will probably help my chronic pain in many respects. Im not sure yet how much of it can be healed... but enough to have a quality of life without pills I can't control.

I don't like physio or anything I like stoned hot yoga and also traditional Chinese medicine with a wise Chinese lady. Can't afford that these days but yoga I am to go daily. I have been 4 times in the past 6 days so that is good and it is exhausting me.

My problem is lethargy so why not get my body into such good shape that I have the energy I used to have. As, I am probably low energy for more reasons than withdrawal alone. Plus exercise releases endorphins apparently so I get a little hit. haha. The hit sucks lol but I definitely was and once again hooked on exercise, funny correlation there with the out of control dope use... but I woke up this morning feeling my human spirit again for the first time since Christmas day.

As I quit on Christmas, then I relapsed and don't really remember much but I know I have 2 weeks now. Today is the first morning that weed can make me giggle and I'd be in the mood to watch a film or play my guitar. Early hours of the morning and I am reading my book. Doing hot yoga twice yesterday definitely made this morning way better and I passed out righteously after cooking diner. I'm waking up I guess.
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:) rolling your eyes at me huh? Lol!
What? You don't like my taste in music? Sorry, someone will find it useful.
You have to find the beautiful nature scenes relaxing no?

Sounds like you are making progress. Being a gym rat sounds much more productive than the alternative. I would keep that up.
Yeah, it has been about two weeks since your overdose. I hope for you not to go through that again my friend.

Keep up the good work.

I sure have been thinking of Squeaky and hope and pray his surgery went well and he is okay.
Having a bad day. Only have about 10 mg piece left . Went thru my husbands things and saw he had 2 and a half whole pills ( so about 100 mg worth) He is being greedy and it pisses me off. He thinks hes helping me by weaning me off but Im just angry . He got me in this situation and now hes punishing me because I was bitchy to him last night , if I would have been nicer to him he would have left me a piece in my jar . I just dont want to need this stuff to feel ok. Gonna try and stay busy and keep my small piece till tonight so I can sleep and he will have to give me another piece for work tomorrow .
I need some hot yoga to sweat this shit out but its not in my budget . How do yall not work and be able to buy drugs, pay rent , utilities . Kinda jealous I have to work 40 hours a week and we still struggle to buy these stupid pills . Sorry just having a pity party .
not this one 8( painful one this one 8) it is more of a cute blush imo. I am paralyzed by anxiety today and I don't really want to take etizolam for it as much now that I am past acute wd's so I can go back to normal dosing with that but that's why this is so long I am typing it in like 2 min my anxiety is so bad.

I don't think I could afford this habit if I were a millionaire.

That does really suck about the morphine and narcotics have a certain proclivity for leading to conflict in relationships at least in my experience; both of mine were very much affected. I was the sole user of opiates and addict both times. It has impacted my family too; that is less in plain sight as they don't even really know I use after all this. This is one thing that keeps me away the relationship thing... I don't even have a sex drive when I'm using. Pretty stupid thing to give up for a hit at my age lol I am going about life the wrong way.

Nutrition and hydration are so important because they help you have the energy to do things. And the most important thing is to develop a structured life again, at least in my case, if you've lost yourself. If you are trying to hold the foundations of your well established life together, well, I am glad not to be in that position as I don't have the self control to taper. I even rail buprenorphine and get high off it. Sleep is really important for recovery too and I was missing that last time. Hot yoga is helping me both keep my diet, and my sleep patterns in check now and all the sweating can only help detox. I am going to get really fit again, pretty psyched about that.

Stressor for me presently is money I am pressured to get back into my career but I still feel like I'm recovering. I don't know if I should find a chill job in the meantime or what like I really should. I have one it's just unreliable hours at best so I need a second. In short I am very confused and don't have all the time in the world like last year. A relapse at this point is out of the question and not even on the table. I'm so damn stressed about many other things none of which opiates will help but rather hurt.

All the damage I have done to myself... wtf was I thinking... it's been going on loooooong before the opiates and benzos the chronic pain and the panic attacks and all that came out in my 20's.

This song is how I feel today if we are going to be posting songs. It's super chill apart from the high pitched lil scream at the beginning lol. Lil Peep would def do something silly like that but the song is lovely. So chill; yoga music for sure. Everything he does is so different... he is the depressed dude singing obvi. Something I could do yoga to if I was still practicing, and not recovering from my classes, at home. This dude died of opiates and benzos overdose late last year and was 21 so it is suitable for this to post. Hopefully non offensive, he was real nice but had problems with opiates and xanax's and cocaine too. Knew he was gonna die in advance and sometimes didn't care and had voiced this loud and clear with nonchalance.

Anyways I just was having a panic attack I took a large bong toke of some indica and listened to this song a few times I feel relaxed now.

I am becoming a girly boy haha. I like to part my dyed hair now that the black roots are coming in. Actually come to think of it, in that pic \/ that is how I have been doing mine too. Mine is a pink colour that worked out great, actually that dude is only dude I know who did his pink in a whole variety of ways and blends. We have very similar fashion sense. I wouldn't really say that about anyone else I know. Like... our hair is exactly the same as in that pic him then me now. I style it the same, roots are kept around same same length and are that length presently, he had the same colour as myself at one point and I will have that colour later this year. Okay okay I'm not bisexual lol def not but he is and I relate to him very much. No way am I that skinny though. I am going to get my gender identity mixed up all too easy these days. next I am doing a split of sorts, or just bleaching it while I get a better job, but I have so many ideas for colour mixes and different lengths in different places and all these things. Love dying my hair, and the way I think about what to do next with it is like a little engineering problem for me. There is a lot I could do with my black roots.

Could blend another colour in, do a colour split on each side of my hairline, or bleach it which would probably be sick as it's faded now. Never thought I'd be having so much fun triple bleaching my hair lol. Getting good with the blow dryer and styling it haha. I am actually really into fashion stuff like that is more where my spending money would go without drugs and if I had more. Cause what I mentioned above is like a creative project for me and what I recently done has been really fun lots of commentary lol. It is therapeutic in a way and keeps my appearance transient from month to month, day to day. That's kinda what I like to do. I have trouble communicating, so I express who I am externally in different ways like that and pay a lot of attention but don't really care what others think although for a straight creative dude I think I'm pretty good lol. I know that much... I am killer with tattoos and piercings I choose and just how I dress and present myself I'm good at that. Mix designer shit with random 10 year old skater shit. Dunno. Just do my own thing. I am rambling now I'm all stoned and it's because I am about to shower and get dressed and style my hair LOL. Burgundy denim will do. Oh, and definitely with my new denim long sleeve button down with the roses stithced onto the side. Woah, I didn't realize those would match but they are sick together! And with the hairstyle I will do and I have to decide whether to shave or not (I'm going to) I am just such a girly boy now lol. That is going to look great though.

See one thing I am doing is putting an effort into my appearance so I look put together and not strung out... makes me feel good and I like to be creative and pair different things and experiment.

Kinda makes ya realize how many young people are dying too. I think statistically it is age range 25 - 35 and that makes more sense to me... when long term drug abuse catches up to ya. Anyways... the tone of this song has been how I've been feeling lately. Melancholic, seeing the beauty and potential in life though, subtle self destructive tendencies are still there. I need a good job and I am paralyzed by anxiety at the thought but I have to. It was hard enough before all this shit...

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If you can manage it, the best thing to do would be to get a good job that you enjoy and look forward to doing. Overcome that anxiety to find the career and then enjoy and make some money and help some people in this world. The world needs your talents!
You are smart, good looks, educated. Don't let this freaking heroin/oxy/ whatever thing keep its claws in you.

If I had the choice of not having to have pain management, I would be off 75 mg morphine in no time. I really don't like it at all and have even tried medical marijuana to see if I could "manage" with just that but nope. No way. Too injured. I don't worry about work because I have way worse problems to try and "manage". It is hard. You don't know how hard things can get until you have multiple health issues that disable you.
Painful one you are right again about getting a (better) job btw your profile pic is cool. I don't think I will start off with a career though, but build up to it.

I am tired. I feel great at the moment just being me in bed. Not depressed, not anxious. Just me. I feel all smiley and self cuddly and rolly roundy... I am tripping a little bit.

Girl problems are not really problems at the moment. I feel like, it's really only a problem at this point in acute withdrawal when I can't be my normally contagiously positive and mysterious talkative self. I seem to make friends easily when I'm clean. I have a lot going for me there, just need to be patient. It's a patience problem lol but... yeah! One day a girl will notice me and I will like her too. Next problem I've already figured that out. There is no solution. Or the solution can be a vertical or horizontal asymptote. It makes no sense to think about it for someone like me because anxiety gets in the way and because I don't really need to change anything about myself fundamentally at all just clean up my act and I already attract the right kinda attention, lol. I haven't been myself. Now I am pretty much myself again I'm really stressed about money though. Feeling myself chill out about the romantic stuff not that it's out of the picture but it only seems to happen when I surrender to attraction or aversion. Like anything else really.

I am focussing on my health first hot yoga and nutrition, hydration are all so important and also keeping active in general. Mentally and physically. I can look for a job in my field soon and also other jobs too. I'm seeing improvement every couple of days. Getting back into a routine. I'd say I'm under extreme personal stress, but my recovery (in general) is going great. I've kind of figured out where I want to go from here. Nowhere. But that could mean anywhere, as everywhere is exactly the same. I'd like a cute and passionate romance in my life at some point, and a job in my field. After all this, that sounds highly appealing to me. I know I
m going to end up with an oddity of a girl too because I am different. It will be cute. Adorable. In the meantime, I need to chill. Maybe without weed for a while or at least try that for increased change. I am such a horny lil fucker like half I write is random shit about the opposite sex lol. I am actually, a hilarious person. Opiate use took away my ability to find humour in anything... was messed up.

I am enjoying myself tonight. Not sure about what. I'm finally getting over the sickness and it's fucking great! Just a really stressful time financially since the relapse pretty much cost me a month of work. Grrr I am being patient for a cutie fox to come along and when that happens, then, that will be great. There are happier days ahead but tonight isn't so bad. I'm not dope sick anymore just a lazy fuck!!!!!
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HA Shroomy, I actually liked the lil peep song. Nice voice. I like that echoed kind of sound. Now you got me liking him!
I keep coming back to listen. Lol!

Do I have a profile picture? My e-mail one might have somehow came over. I'm not sure which one you are seeing but thank you.

Making money has never been a problem for me. I have had two businesses, have a general contractor license, hairdresser and barber license, insurance broker, all kinds of jobs I have done. I had to keep changing in order to work around my worsening health problems.
But now, I'm just out of options unless I can grow some cannabis and have a business off that.
It is about all I can manage. Something like that I could do from home. If it was not illegal in my state I would be doing that now.

It is not really the big deal you are making it out to be. I loved working.

Your health is the number one priority right now. Working might be just what you need. A good distraction.

Indeed, horny fuckers we are. Good to hear you having a sense of humor again my friend. <3
feel for y'all, my discomfort is nothing really compared to yours.

i think i am experiencing sleeping trouble still (4 months off) physically, i'm in the best shape ever and have crazy energy without anything (a 12oz coffee have me bouncing off walls fr), but still can't get more than what seems like 2 maybe 3 hours of solid sleep. whatever, y'all in my thoughts. have a good, hopefully pain free, day. muahhh ;p
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