The Suicide Support Thread

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You can't guarantee death any more than you can guarantee not ending up with severe brain damage.

100% agree.

DON'T be a dumb ass mate, life may be shit atm but wtf is the point in doing yourself in?............
That will solve fuck all, break the hearts of people around you that love you.

We ALL have to go through the rollercoaster of life, it goes up & down but for all the bad times it makes the good parts even better.
Life has ups and downs, high's and lows. Just learn to accept what happens to you and make the best of it-you only get one try at this life, so please don't waste it... Not to mention that death from OD on heroin is not painless, or effective, as attempts usually result in you having a seizure (plus possible brain damage), then getting found and sent to a hospital before your plan can go through. Who wants to be mentally handicapped when regular life could have continued? Step back and take a deep breath-even you can't tell me that the sensation of breathing, much less that of living, is something you really want to throw away. Goodluck
I got to ask why you choose gear too?

There are far better ways that are 100% to finish yoursef off without a risk of being brain damaged if you fuck it up.
Whiteline - Please seek help not just from The Dark Side krew, but please see someone (a psychologist / counsellor) and try get into a Cognative Behavioural Therapy program to analyse what's going on with your head.
I completely understand, I've been thinking lately when I want to go - No disease, no natural causes will claim me > I will be the one to end my life.
But I know that this is a disfunctional brain telling me things that are not rational.

So please - Take all the time you can to see your life from other therapies and get perspective from yourself with a brain that isn't being cruel to you <3

I'm going to report this to send it over to TDS, but our lovely mods can decide whether to do so.

Much love to you mate <3 You've a good head on yer shoulders so don't let the hateful part of your psyche control you man!
I'd quite like Whiteline to post again before moving the thread, so we know they're engaged and so they know what's happening to their thread.
This too shall pass...
The magic ring:

A king was fed up with the ups and downs of life. He had great highs and extreme lows. He asked his viziers and advisors to make him a magic ring which would pacify his extreme emotions. All the wise men of the nation were consulted, but none could make such a ring. As it happened the Mullah was passing through this country at the time and he heard about the kings need. He got an audience with the great potentate and presented him with a simple ring he wore on his own hand. This ring had the magic property desired. On it was written, "This too shall pass."

--- Mullah Nasrudin
Thanks for all the support. Perhaps trying to OD on smack isn't the best way to attempt suicide. I'm feeling a lot better about it today. I still don't know what to do though. Sometimes I kind of feel like it's worth hanging on, other times it just feels like too much.

I love how my parents always thought it would be the drugs that would be my downfall. In the end though, a human relationship caused far more mental health problems for me than the drugs that supposedly burn holes in your brain.

If you want to move this to a more appropriate forum then that's fine yeah. Thanks again for not being judgmental.
whiteline, I'm sorry you're feeling this way but I am glad that you do feel better (even if it's just a little) after some rest. I know you feel really shitty now, but please remember that these feelings won't necessarily last forever. monstanoodle gave some really good advice and I agree that you should try to talk to a therapist or counselor. Sometimes just getting the feelings out and talking about them helps a great deal, but they can also give you tools to use to cope when you're feeling depressed or suicidal.

Keep us updated and let us know how things are going for you. <3
When the feelings that overwhelm you are coming from a relationship that has ended before you were ready for it to end, the words, "this too shall pass" are even more appropriate. I have lived a long life and had many loves. Each time I was sure that I could not be happy without the person I was with. Each time I was proven wrong. Every one of those lovers was a delight in their own unique way and each person brought out something different in me. Mourn your loss, honor what was with your tears and sadness and when you are ready, move on. No one person should ever hold the keys to your existence, or even to your happiness. Use this time to be introspective, be honest with yourself but not punishing or self shaming. You cannot know what surprises and twists life has in store for you. The healthiest thing to do is to cultivate a love of surprises and to develop agility when it comes to emotions. I hope you will keep talking to people here as you work through this dark time. Much love and hope to you.<3
I love how my parents always thought it would be the drugs that would be my downfall. In the end though, a human relationship caused far more mental health problems for me than the drugs that supposedly burn holes in your brain.

The problem is that if you kill yourself with drugs your parents will have been right?
Obviously you haven't though, which is good. And it is worth hanging on, like someone said earlier, with the bad in life the good will be even better. Or something along the lines of that.
If you have moments, no matter how rare they may be, where you realize you do wanna live, why would you want to throw that away?
I know how bleak our prospects can seem sometimes, but the truth is you have no idea what your future holds and you have no idea whether or not things will get better. Isn't it worth hanging on in case they do? Remember life is what you make of it, and if you work towards being happy, you will be. It's in your control. It would be a shame to miss out on all the great things that could still happen to you.
I've also accidentally overdosed on heroin a couple times and I can tell you it would be everything but a nice way to go. It's painful, terrifying, and horrible. Not that you should try this any other way. Just please promise me that whenever you feel like there isn't any hope, at least just sleep on it. Things always seem better in the morning.
I don't quite understand it sometimes.

Some days I like living, other days I'm preoccupied with my death and is one if those days.

I can't help but wonder why I'm here, who around me would miss me (work, family, etc), and if I'd have a ton of people at my funeral. Would they make those RIP stickers? Would I get my own remembrance website? Who would really give a fuck? Would my co workers care? Would they miss me sitting around them?

I've been going through the motions all day. All day I've been viewing things as if it were my last time to view them.

I'm just sick of so much.
^^id miss you Heather. and you'd get a slot in the bluelight shrine. I'd come cheer you up if I could. I'm lonely tonight and wouldn't mind the company (non sexual intentions). things will get better my dear. I promise. :)
i wish no one cared about me i'd be dead in a heartbeat but since i do have people that care deeply about me i just can't get past the guilt
Hi, so for a few months now i've been considering suicide. After talking with my ex girlfriend of five years tonight and seeing how utterly worthless I was to her, I've decided to go through with it. I have thought about it, and I know I'm not going to find another like her.

But anyway, that's not the point of this thread. I think OD'ing on heroin would be an amazing way to go. I've only smoked it once, and was wondering how much someone with no tolerance would need to inject in order to guarantee death. Also is injecting the best method to OD? I would assume so.

I live in the UK and H might have different purities elsewhere so I put this thread here. Sorry if this thread seems a little weird, but i've made my descion.

I would answer your question if I thought you had a reason to commit suicide. I do not. My girlfriend who I had been together with for years left me when I decided to come clean, she basically took whatever money/drugs she could and took off and I never heard from her again untill one day a year later or so I saw her on the subway, she looked like shit and had appearently hit rock bottom and was living under a bridge. I had been really sad that she had left me up untill then (especially about the way she did it) but seeing her that day I could not help but think maybe it was all for the best anyway. Otherwise I'm pretty sure I'd have been sitting right beside her, in the same situation.

My point is, change isn't always for the worse, even if it can feel like it at first. Life has it's up and downs, but killing yourself over someone else, is never going to be worth it. Have you ever thought that it may be the other way around, that she is the one that is useless to you, since she seems to make you feel worthless about yourself?
i wish no one cared about me i'd be dead in a heartbeat but since i do have people that care deeply about me i just can't get past the guilt
I feel ya bud. if it wasn't for the people who love and care about me, I'd have checked out already.
This thread has generated both controversy, in the sense that no one could ever truly advise you on how to kill yourself, and positive discussion.

Continue to recover, whiteline. Remember, no one ill ever judge you for posting your innermost thoughts in this forum, however tumultuous they may be. We may not know you personally, but as you've no doubt seen by the overwhelming response your thread has received, utter strangers both can and do care about you!

Please continue to visit our forum. We would love to have you as a member :)


As for this thread, and the support it's received, I am going to merge it with our coveted Suicide Support Thread.

Take care of yourself. Peace - Love - Unity - Respect.

~ Vaya
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