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Bupe Suboxone/Buprenorphine Mega Thread and FAQ v17.0 + v18.0

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nasal spray???? I'm intrigued???? Mind you I kinda get energy from my doses whenever I decrease in dose...


Yup, nasal spray :) I kind of have a snorting fetish, unfortunately there is no super fast easy way to snort a strip.

I dissolved 4 strips (32mg) in 16 mL water (which I boiled first) and filtered. My bottle of nasal spray (Nasalcrom) delivers .13 mg per spray (200 sprays for a 26 mL bottle). I figured I lost a tiny bit of bupe in the process... Since my solution is 2 mg per mL, I figure I get .25 mg per spray. You could do this for any dose you wanted, i.e. you could dissolve any number of strips, say you dissolved 16 strips in 16 mL of water, you'd have 8 mg/mL or 1 mL per spray... You can do up to 17 mg/mL, that's the limit for bupe's solubility in water.

I like it a lot because a. I don't have to wait for doses to dissolve sublingually, b. I find with the increased BA I can dose lower, c. I can take something nasally (probably not the best thing...). Bupe seems to hold me a little less time nasally, 12-24 hrs depending on dose. I've been able to decrease to ~1 mg/day doing this. And it's just really convenient to just take a couple sprays and move on with my day. Time until onset is reduced too, which I also enjoy, when trying to cut down dosing, it's nice for a dose to hit within the half hour if you're sick. I get more energy and feel better overall taking bupe this way. I have tried everything but IV, what can I say, I'm a junkie at heart... But none of the other stuff (snorting pieces of strips, using oral syringe to administer nasally, plugging, sublingual with alcohol) worked any better than plain old sublingual til this.
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I stay on low doses the whole time until 3 days before my appt. I usually take 16-24 mg for those 3 days depending if I'm trying to dilute. Usually I take 8 for one day after because I have a hard time going right down to 2. It may be because my bupe dr is in my hometown and I always go to my parents that day, so I think the addict side of me talks me into it. Then I do go right back down. I don't ever feel doped up from the high doses anymore - I used to but it stopped two months ago. Actually if anything I feel less from them. Then I always get jack shit off any doses for the next week or so.

I dose 2-3x daily, both on the high and low doses. Currently I dose between .25-.5 at a time intranasal. I'm actually dosing more like 1-1.25 currently, I just got there. The large doses I take 8 at a time sublingual.

Tbh, after posting this, today was the very first day I think I got something off the low doses... I think the nasal spray has helped a lot, before I was dosing mostly sublingual and when I did change ROAs I think I was having a harder time dosing with an oral syringe. I have strips, not pills... I just wish there was a way to get around the high doses. I may just stop and wait and see what happens since I have a lot of bupe at this point.

Careful with that...how long can a non saline (unfridged) solution stay sterile ? The oxycontin pebbles (OP60) are a pretty worthless pain med' and a definite lose / lose situation when trying to maintain w/ suboxone. Your doc is either a non-professional or a uncaring douche if he prescribes you a constant 16 - 24 mg's a day.
My last post seemed a little harsh when I re-read it...hope I didnt offend you.
Careful with that...how long can a non saline (unfridged) solution stay sterile ? The oxycontin pebbles (OP60) are a pretty worthless pain med' and a definite lose / lose situation when trying to maintain w/ suboxone. Your doc is either a non-professional or a uncaring douche if he prescribes you a constant 16 - 24 mg's a day.
My last post seemed a little harsh when I re-read it...hope I didnt offend you.

My solution is salinated a and refrigerated - I should have mentioned that. About 1/16 tsp of sterile saline for 16 mL.

I use once a month... It's the only way I seem to be able to keep myself sane, knowing I get a one day vacation... I get good results, I've been using the OPs for years, I dissolve them in soda in the microwave and me and my girl get plenty high. ~150 mg for me and ~90 for her. Sure we could get off with less if they were IR but I cut off all my connects. This guy is a friend who gets a script once a month and either gives those to me, or charges me next to nothing.

My doc is unprofessional, but the only one I could find. I take 1-2 mg/day, and I am stockpiling. I would like to be able to smoke weed because it helps me immensely (pain, anxiety, cravings, loss of appetite), and I am trying to get to the point where I have enough bupe for a long time without the dr.

I'm sure I do need counseling, but I was on a 6-month ban from the counseling services in my town due to non-compliance. Basically, they wanted me in 3x a week, and I was working 60+ hours a week in a town over an hour away across a lake where I had to take a ferry for $7 each way. I just passed the 6 month mark and I am working on setting something up.

No worries about seeming harsh, if you don't know my background I probably just seem like another person abusing suboxone, but that's not my intent at all. I just have a shitty doctor and no program and no friends and the NA meetings here are a joke with people dealing. I am trying to stay away from H, as it quickly makes my life extremely unmanageable, so I don't put myself in that situation.

My real issue, I guess, is that I don't really want to come off bupe, as I am EXTREMELY depressed without some kind of opiate in my system, and nothing else I've found, through medication, therapy/counseling, or having everything one could want in life, can help in the way opiates do. I had everything I could ever want out of life. I was still depressed and suicidal. I ended up throwing it all away for H.
I have been on Subs,(8mg-16mg daily)for about a year. I have been shooting them for almost 9 months.
When I miss it is dreadfully painful, sometimes lasting for two weeks.
I'm so f#!-ing sick of being on this crap!

I tapered 12mg to 4mg over 6 weeks to 2 months and jumped off 4mg, had been taking the 12mg for over 6 months and I was regularly IV'ing with mogadon and rivitrol to give it a bit of a push. It was painful, but the job I had at the time, welding trailers together was equally if not more painful which evened out the suffering and I went to work everyday of my withdrawals, I found the activity of working dealt with the psycho effects and the physical work dulled the aches and pains and the stomach upset, actually the most productive period I had at this shithole job. I have always found withdrawing from dope more painful than subs, however the dope wd's are over much faster as sub withdrawal seems to linger for up to a week or more but is entirely more bearable. Different for everyone though as I have heard varying reports as to the severity of subby wd's from a variety of differently experienced characters.
Just an FYI for people who have problems with the naloxone in suboxone. I was on subutex for a couple of years because the naloxone gives me bad muscle spasms and headaches. I had to find a new doc cause my old one got into trouble or something and new doc WONT prescribe me subutex. Anyway I have found that if I spit out my dose, after it is dissolved, instead of swallowing it, I don't get nearly as bad effects from the naloxone. I assume most of the naloxone must be absorbed in the stomach instead of sublingual. I may get a little less of a dose due to spitting but the naloxone really tears me up.
Yep your right with sub's I always spit out the saliva it gets you so much higher too many think I'm nuts and that I'm wasting drugs but its true when you swallow the spit it seems to reduce constipation cause the central opiate effects are reduced and will give you a headache from the naloxone if your allergic to it.
Yep your right with sub's I always spit out the saliva it gets you so much higher too many think I'm nuts and that I'm wasting drugs but its true when you swallow the spit it seems to reduce constipation cause the central opiate effects are reduced and will give you a headache from the naloxone if your allergic to it.

I keep my naloxone because a few things I have read indicate that when you dose a very small amount of an antagonist (naloxone, naltrexone) with a full or partial agonist (bupe or your opiate of choice) it reduces tolerance. I could definitely use that. I also notice that the naloxone reduces constipation, whenever I dose about 10-20 min later I have to drop a deuce. Also, there's really no easy way that I am aware of to eliminate naloxone when dosing intranasally. I did try spitting when dosing sublingual and noticed no real difference in effects.

I'm still doing well on .75-1.25 a day, sometimes I get great effects and sometimes just energy but I'll take it. Hoping my tolerance is still dropping...
Not certain if this is in the right place? Hoping it is & will be answered. Here's my story, very similar to others... I've been on 12 mg suboxone SL alternating with generic bupe SL when closer to the end of the month. 4 mg AM 4mg lunch time sometimes 4 mg in evening. Depending on what I felt like. It is 8 pm on sat. 8AM thurs. 5ish mg bupe ( mainly Bc I was rushed & it didn't break properly) 10:00 AM remainder of 8 mg. (psychological -I'm sure Bc it was the last) no meds until the next afternoon around 2 PM. Then one 5.7 ZUBSOLV SL & about 6 PM another of the same. 11 AM one 5.7 ZUBSOLV...SL I've been reading for 2 days & freaked out since thurs PM worried about W/D. I recently started my dream job.... & there is no room for error. I need to get my house in order before Monday but feel too crappy to get off my butt & do anything! I am contemplating what amount & ROA of the ZUBSOLV to dose now. I have read & understand that there is an equal amt in the Zub as in an 8-2 film. Didn't know that prior to reading here. I shouldn't have taken both of those yesterday.... How much could potentially be safely iv'd @ this point?
Not certain if this is in the right place? Hoping it is & will be answered. Here's my story, very similar to others... I've been on 12 mg suboxone SL alternating with generic bupe SL when closer to the end of the month. 4 mg AM 4mg lunch time sometimes 4 mg in evening. Depending on what I felt like. It is 8 pm on sat. 8AM thurs. 5ish mg bupe ( mainly Bc I was rushed & it didn't break properly) 10:00 AM remainder of 8 mg. (psychological -I'm sure Bc it was the last) no meds until the next afternoon around 2 PM. Then one 5.7 ZUBSOLV SL & about 6 PM another of the same. 11 AM one 5.7 ZUBSOLV...SL I've been reading for 2 days & freaked out since thurs PM worried about W/D. I recently started my dream job.... & there is no room for error. I need to get my house in order before Monday but feel too crappy to get off my butt & do anything! I am contemplating what amount & ROA of the ZUBSOLV to dose now. I have read & understand that there is an equal amt in the Zub as in an 8-2 film. Didn't know that prior to reading here. I shouldn't have taken both of those yesterday.... How much could potentially be safely iv'd @ this point?

Yeah, you took the equiv of 16 mg suboxone yesterday. Honestly, I do not IV but I have read lots about the subject on here and some have said that IV really is not worth it until one gets their tolerance down around 2 mg. However, some still choose to IV their higher doses, the impression that I get though is that until you taper down, the effects aren't much different regardless of ROA. If you decide to go that route, you should AT LEAST cut your dose in thirds to make up for the 100% BA (when you dose sublingual the BA is ~30% ). Actually, considering it is Zubsolv... Does that have a higher sublingual BA? Since you dose 4 mg of suboxone at a time normally, I'd probably try IVing between 1-1.5 mg to start.

I wanted to get you some kind of answer, but hopefully someone comes along with a little more experience with both IV and Zubsolv.
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Im not too sure if I even understand the question its kinda rambling. What do you mean by safely IVed??? your taking some huge doses already I don't see you overdosing on any much of any dose because of the ceiling effect if that's your question.

And no theres not an equal amount of drug per say in a 5.7 mg zubslov and a 8mg suboxone but when taken sublingually the 5.7mg zubslov should be putting roughly the same amount of buprenorphine into your bloodstream as you would get from a 8mg suboxone tablet(TABLET not film the film has a higher Bioavailability) due to the fact suboxone tablets waste a lot of medicine due to poor formulation causing only 30 percent of the 8mg tablet to be absorbed in a saliva filled mouth. But then the creators of zubslov came along and claimed that they made a better formulation meaning more gets absorbed so less medicine is wasted which in turn also means less money to be spent on the medication cause you can pay for 5.7mgs and get the same blood levels of medicine as you were getting with 8mg tablets(if taken as directed through the sublingual route). But if you IV a 5.7mg zubslov you wont get as much buprenorphine in your blood as IVing a 8mg suboxone due to the fact IV has a 100 percent B/A no matter what the brand of drug is so Your only getting 5.7mg bupe in your bloodstream IVing a zubslov but with suboxone your gonna be getting the full 8mgs if you IV them. But if you have the films of suboxone like many do in the states then your gonna be getting around the same B/A as zubslov meaning a 8mg film with a B/A of around 50 percent will be putting more bupe in your blood stream than a 5.7mg zubslov because the films are suboxnes reformulation to make for better absorbtion but the makers of suboxone kept the same amount of medicine in the films and just put a warning saying if your switching over from 8mg tablets to taking 8mg films it may cause more drowsiness due to more of the active ingredient being absorbed.
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In that case, neglect what I wrote about cutting your normal dose in thirds, and maybe cut in half (~2mg shot?) instead. As I was typing I realized I knew nothing about why Zubsolv's 5.7 mg purported to be equal to Suboxone's 8mg... Thx for the lesson, train, I had a feeling that was the case after I thought about it. After all, it's the same drug, so how could IVing one have more or less effect or cause higher blood levels than IVing the other...
Hiya everyone, I'm interested in the idea of plugging suboxone and how to go about it. Could someone advise me, please?

I'm not the best person to ask because I have never done it successfully. I have tried, I'm guessing constipation was the issue, even though I go every day.

Anyways, what you want to do is dissolve your bupe in water (the less you can use, the better - less possibility of leakage). Then, you can administer this anally with a needleless syringe (in the US, the pharmacy (chemist) will give them away if you tell them you are dosing a child - it's also called an oral syringe more commonly here). The best way to do this is to be laying on your side, and use some lube, and slowly insert the syringe, then push the plunger slowly until the solution is released, and after that I usually leave the syringe in place a moment or two before I attempt to remove it, once again to prevent leakage. The first few times, at least, you'll probably want to keep laying down for 15-20 minutes to make sure it has absorbed.

I have tried this three times. The first two, I think my dose was so high that I wouldn't notice effects anyways. The last time, I still didn't have good effects, so I'm thinking that I did not get good absorption. If you have fecal matter up there, it can interfere with absorption, making this a little tricky of an ROA for us maintenance users.

If you do an enema, you can eliminate that problem, you'd have to look that up on your own though, I just gave up before I tried that.

I have heard that plugging is the best bang for your buck, if you will (not sure if you use that expression across the pond), with better euphoria and effects in general short of IV. However, after my failed attempts, I ended up putting my time and resouces into making my nasal spray instead. Maybe it's just because I have a little bit of a sniffing fixation, but I find it the best way for me. It probably is not quite as good as plugging done correctly, but the thing I really like about my spray is that it has to be the hands down fastest way to administer. No fixing shots, or waiting for sublingual to dissolve, or waiting for solution to absorb... Just spray and go.

A little off topic there... Back to plugging, if you have any other questions, I can try to answer them, or I know there are some plugging threads here, I may even have one bookmarked, if so, I'll edit it in here after.

Here are a few links I found:

For plugging bupe specifically

For plugging in general

got the links :)
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Thank you fullycaffeinated & train for your answers. I apologize for rambling. I decided not to iv anything... As my goal is to maintain the same levels of the drug in my system. I have been on suboxone maintenance for about 5 years & am now on 1/2 of an 8 mg strip (sl) two to three times a day. From what I have read here that means I am essentially only actually absorbing about 2 mgs of bupe from the pieces of the strip. Is this correct? Is this a ridiculously high dose? Also, for about a week prior to getting the zub filled, I was taking half of an 8 mg suboxone generic 2-3 times a day. If my calculations are correct @ 30 percent... That's 1.2 mgs approx. is that still a ridiculously high dose? My goal is to taper & eventually come completely off this shit! I still feel EXACTLY like the junky I used to be to when my meds get changed (like now or from brand to generic) I freak out. Or when I can't get my meds on time Bc of a prior auth or similar circumstances. I have put a TON of work into getting my life back to a manageable state... I have come a long freaking way & been more productive than I ever have since being on subs. I absolutely HATE this mess. ( rambling again....sorry)

In order to get the levels back to the amount I was comfortable with pre-ZUBSOLV when & how much would be a reasonable amount to dose with. I know I won't OD, but I don't want to feel like shit either, as I have children to care for & a household to maintain.

Friday 2 pm (5.7 zub SL)
Friday 6 pm (5.7 zub SL)
Sat 11 am (5.7 zub SL)
Sat 8:30 pm (1/2 5.7 zub SL)
Currently 5 PM Sunday afternoon
Nothing since sat 8:30 PM feeling mild withdrawal...anxiety, sweats & stomach is jacked up!...I can usually distract myself & the anxiousness will go away--not happening today. Don't want to overdo it or screw levels up any worse than they are.... Thank you

I do realize that you all aren't Dr.'s & I cannot hold anyone responsible for my decisions to take any medications... Other than myself.
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In that case, neglect what I wrote about cutting your normal dose in thirds, and maybe cut in half (~2mg shot?) instead. As I was typing I realized I knew nothing about why Zubsolv's 5.7 mg purported to be equal to Suboxone's 8mg... Thx for the lesson, train, I had a feeling that was the case after I thought about it. After all, it's the same drug, so how could IVing one have more or less effect or cause higher blood levels than IVing the other...

Yea exactly I've never had the chance to try zubslov here the pharmacy only caries the original name brand 2mg Suboxone tablets and the stop sign shaped 8s but I only get the 2mg ones for my script. But I have read a bit on zubslov and it actually quite cool what they did they made the buprenorphine particles smaller than the naloxone particles so less naloxone gets absorbed and more buprenorphine gets absorbed. Apparently the menthol flavour in the pills which give it a minty taste besides a citrus taste like Suboxone has even helps the B/A get raised because it dialates the blood vessels under the tounge much like using an alcoholic solution does. Kinda cool eh.
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Thank you fullycaffeinated & train for your answers. I apologize for rambling. I decided not to iv anything... As my goal is to maintain the same levels of the drug in my system. I have been on suboxone maintenance for about 5 years & am now on 1/2 of an 8 mg strip (sl) two to three times a day. From what I have read here that means I am essentially only actually absorbing about 2 mgs of bupe from the pieces of the strip. Is this correct? Is this a ridiculously high dose? Also, for about a week prior to getting the zub filled, I was taking half of an 8 mg suboxone generic 2-3 times a day. If my calculations are correct @ 30 percent... That's 1.2 mgs approx. is that still a ridiculously high dose? My goal is to taper & eventually come completely off this shit! I still feel EXACTLY like the junky I used to be to when my meds get changed (like now or from brand to generic) I freak out. Or when I can't get my meds on time Bc of a prior auth or similar circumstances. I have put a TON of work into getting my life back to a manageable state... I have come a long freaking way & been more productive than I ever have since being on subs. I absolutely HATE this mess. ( rambling again....sorry)

In order to get the levels back to the amount I was comfortable with pre-ZUBSOLV when & how much would be a reasonable amount to dose with. I know I won't OD, but I don't want to feel like shit either, as I have children to care for & a household to maintain.

Friday 2 pm (5.7 zub SL)
Friday 6 pm (5.7 zub SL)
Sat 11 am (5.7 zub SL)
Sat 8:30 pm (1/2 5.7 zub SL)
Currently 5 PM Sunday afternoon
Nothing since sat 8:30 PM feeling mild withdrawal...anxiety, sweats & stomach is jacked up!...I can usually distract myself & the anxiousness will go away--not happening today. Don't want to overdo it or screw levels up any worse than they are.... Thank you

I do realize that you all aren't Dr.'s & I cannot hold anyone responsible for my decisions to take any medications... Other than myself.

If you used to take 1/2 a strip 2-3x/day, then I would take 1/2 a Zubsolv 2-3x/day. Forgive me for saying this, but I think maybe you are overthinking things. Or, there is some issue I'm not quite getting. With the long half-life of sub, any dosing changes you make will affect you more gradually, i.e. if you change a dose say Friday night, you probably won't even notice anything til sometime Sat or even Sun.

You started dosing higher than necessary, but you have let some of the bupe come out of your system since last night (esp if you are already feeling wd symptoms), so I would just start dosing whatever your usual dose should be.

Also, food for thought, have you considered lowering your dose a little to stockpile a little? I know for me, I feel a lot less like a junkie when, if some emergency occurs and I am denied access to a new script for a period of time, I have a little to fall back on. In any situation where one is taking medication that can cause a withdrawal syndrome upon cessation of dosing, it is ALWAYS a good idea to have at least 2-3 extra days worth of medication on hand. This goes for bupe, pain management, benzos, anything which can cause wd. Because shit DOES happen and sometimes you may go without meds, as tragic and unethical as that is.

Yea exactly I've never had the chance to try zubslov here the pharmacy only caries the original name brand 2mg Suboxone tablets and the stop sign shaped 8s but I only get the 2mg ones for my script. But I have read a bit on zubslov and it actually quite cool what they did they made the buprenorphine particles smaller than the naloxone particles so less naloxone gets absorbed and more buprenorphine gets absorbed. Apparently the menthol in the pills too which give it a minty taste besides a citrus taste like Suboxone has help the B/A even more because it dialates the blood vessels under the tounge much like using an alcoholic solution does. Kinda cool eh.

That's pretty cool shit, dude... I looked into it a little here once for a member on a fibromyalgia board I'm on who is getting switched to it, but didn't find much. Thx for the info :)
If you used to take 1/2 a strip 2-3x/day, then I would take 1/2 a Zubsolv 2-3x/day. Forgive me for saying this, but I think maybe you are overthinking things. Or, there is some issue I'm not quite getting. With the long half-life of sub, any dosing changes you make will affect you more gradually, i.e. if you change a dose say Friday night, you probably won't even notice anything til sometime Sat or even Sun.

You started dosing higher than necessary, but you have let some of the bupe come out of your system since last night (esp if you are already feeling wd symptoms), so I would just start dosing whatever your usual dose should be.

Also, food for thought, have you considered lowering your dose a little to stockpile a little? I know for me, I feel a lot less like a junkie when, if some emergency occurs and I am denied access to a new script for a period of time, I have a little to fall back on. In any situation where one is taking medication that can cause a withdrawal syndrome upon cessation of dosing, it is ALWAYS a good idea to have at least 2-3 extra days worth of medication on hand. This goes for bupe, pain management, benzos, anything which can cause wd. Because shit DOES happen and sometimes you may go without meds, as tragic and unethical as that may

Thanks for your reply! I actually did stockpile for a while & went through all of those meds while dealing with this 2 week ins. Co. fiasco. I do stay ahead of my Dr. Who now has me prescribed to dose 2.5 8-2 mg films a day. (If I take a whole one I feel like absolute shit for the entire day... Sometimes 2 days ) but after the first incident with the ins co & my Dr. being on vacation & unavailable for calling in a script I decided to make sure I had enough to hold me should circumstances ever call for it again. Lo & behold... I am glad I did!
Maybe I am overthinking it... I just keep remembering the process of CT from 7 years ago like it was yesterday. I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy.... I also have in my head that I know I felt good weeks ago.. & now I don't. I just want to feel halfway normal again. It has been 21 hrs since my last dose of the half a zub so I am going to take another half & hope it makes me feel decent. Thank you for being kind... This is the first time I have been a part of any forum... Though I've read tons of threads in them especially since being on suboxone. Thank you for ur help!!
noangelhere; said:
Thanks for your reply! I actually did stockpile for a while & went through all of those meds while dealing with this 2 week ins. Co. fiasco. I do stay ahead of my Dr. Who now has me prescribed to dose 2.5 8-2 mg films a day. (If I take a whole one I feel like absolute shit for the entire day... Sometimes 2 days ) but after the first incident with the ins co & my Dr. being on vacation & unavailable for calling in a script I decided to make sure I had enough to hold me should circumstances ever call for it again. Lo & behold... I am glad I did!
Maybe I am overthinking it... I just keep remembering the process of CT from 7 years ago like it was yesterday. I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy.... I also have in my head that I know I felt good weeks ago.. & now I don't. I just want to feel halfway normal again. It has been 21 hrs since my last dose of the half a zub so I am going to take another half & hope it makes me feel decent. Thank you for being kind... This is the first time I have been a part of any forum... Though I've read tons of threads in them especially since being on suboxone. Thank you for ur help!!

No prob :) I believe there is a Zubsolv thread, I will look into that after my shower. The people there might be more helpful and have more/better advice for you. I've never taken Zubsolv, and I have heard mixed things about it. If I recall, I have heard of other people who have had a rough transition suboxone-->zubsolv.

I'll be back after my shower, hopefully with more links, my power just came back on and it was out for 9 hours, I usually shower first thing in the am and it is 6:30 pm here now!

*edit - here is a link from someone who had difficulties switching on addictionsurvivors... (You will probably have to copy/paste my links, I'm on my phone :/ )


And here is a Zubsolv thread here on BL...


It has also been discussed a bit in past megathreads, if you use the search here and type in "switching suboxone zubsolv" you could probably find some posts in the old bupe megas.

Also, the past couple times I've done tramadol (with my bupe) I've caught a little opiate buzz. I have NEVER gotten opiate effects from tramadol before. Is this just synergy, or has my tolerance gone down to the point that tramadol has effects. I have taken trams and bupe before, I've even taken a higher dose of trams (right now I've been taking 200 mg, I've taken up to 400 mg).

I'm really curious because if I can feel tramadol, that means my tolerance is drastically lower now, right? Like to the point I could feel a few percs? I don't wanna OD on my next "vacation". I know tolerance varies individually, but does 120 mg of oxy seem like way too much for someone on 1 mg or less of bupe a day? I've only been that low for two weeks.
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1mg buprenorphine equals roughly 20-30mgs of Oxy
Yes 120mgs at once is high for you but won't kill you (in theory) but why not start low with a few percs or a oxy 20.
1mg buprenorphine equals roughly 20-30mgs of Oxy
Yes 120mgs at once is high for you but won't kill you (in theory) but why not start low with a few percs or a oxy 20.

Thx dude, and I have tried starting low, but for example, last time (which was last month, I use once a month, no more, no less) I ended up at 150 mg. Month before, I used 180 mg with little effect. I'll prob start at 90? They are OPs but I break em down in microwave w soda. The weird thing is, my girl has almost no tolerance and needs 60 mg IR or 90 mg OP to get off, she's very insensitive to oxy, I think her liver may not process it correctly?

On the other hand, alcohol/benzos are the exact opposite, she is extremely sensitive to them and my natural tolerance would have most passed out...
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