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Television Seinfeld

New boyfriend hates Seinfeld... Umm.. What?!

My boyfriend has recently informed me that he thinks Seinfeld is "stupid", and doesn't think it's funny.

I'm not sure what to think about this, I think it's the funniest show ever made. Arrested Development coming a close second.

Do you think having diametrically opposed tastes in comedy shows is a bad sign? Input, please!
^ does it seem likely, or even practical, that you will find a partner who feels the same way about everything as you do?

there has to be some overlap in taste or else you'll have trouble finding things to enjoy together which is a fundamental part of any relationship. you think it's the funniest show ever and he doesn't. sfw? don't watch it together.

I like Seinfeld , marry me and we can name our kids after the characters.
My mother watches that show religiously. Every night. She knows every episode by heart.

Having said that, I too used to hate Seinfeld. But after years of constant exposure, I got used to it and dare I say, it's kinda funny now...
I like Seinfeld , marry me and we can name our kids after the characters.

Liar. Everyone knows that when you're a fan of Seinfeld and procreate, you name the baby Seven.

Maybe Soda.

Dump the dude.

Next problem!
Not liking Seinfeld isn't a reason to dump your SO. It's not like their tooth brush fell in your toilet by accident and then they used it without knowing and now you don't want to kiss them or something.
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LOL..got a good kick out of this thread, thanks for the laughs.

But in all seriousness, learn to appreciate each others differences. If you can't, get the hell out.
Haha, I would certainly never dump him because of it. In retrospect, the way i articulated my question made it sound very superficial. I was more interested in finding out whether you guys think that having the same sense of humour is important to a relationship, and whether you find that you bond over watching tv shows together? I'm mourning the fact that we won't share any box set marathons.

I probably should have mentioned that he doesn't like many of the other shows I love, but the Seinfeld thing was a major spew. I just can't fathom it! I'm speechless. I have no speech.
arrested development is a good show. seinfeld sucked balls when it came out and nothing has changed.
my ex likes seinfeld, i can't stand it. we got a divorce. think our differing opinions of seinfeld played any part in our relationship ending? ;)
doesn't like Seinfeld?

what's the deal with that?

but seriously talk about making a big deal out of nothing
I would rather shave the retinas off of my eyeballs with a rusted razor than watch Seinfeld.
I've tried getting into Seinfeld. It's got some funny moments but I think it's waaaaay over-hyped.

I prefer my Larry David in "Curb Your Enthusiasm" form.
Not liking Seinfeld isn't a reason to dump your SO. It's not like their tooth brush fell in your toilet by accident and then they used it without knowing and now you don't want to kiss them or something.

I've dumped girls because of man hands and after finding fungal cream in their bathroom.
I've tried getting into Seinfeld. It's got some funny moments but I think it's waaaaay over-hyped.

I prefer my Larry David in "Curb Your Enthusiasm" form.

I'm a big Curb fan too.

I'm on a deadset mission to find a show that we both find funny. I've never heard him mention a single comedy series he likes.. But he must like something.

Can somebody suggest another good comedy apart from Arrested Development or It's Always Sunny that I might like?