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Television Seinfeld

I heard that the character George was actually based on one of the writers, Larry David I think. But I only heard this from one person so I'm not sure it's true (although she does have every episode on tape, and also loves Larry David's new show).

I think one of the top episodes is the idea for the rickshaws on the homeless people. So classic lol. :D

Or how about George claiming to be a marine biologist, then the beached whale appears. "Is anyone here a marine biologist?"

"The sea was angry that day my friends....."
George pulls the golf ball out of the blowhole, and Kramer "What's that....a Titleist?" hahahaha
I love this show too much. :)
Theirs would be a show that didn't feel the need to explain references to the Capulets and Montagues, Biff Loman or even the second gunman theory. In ways and with specificity no one else had tried, let alone mastered, it came to deal with such fertile fodder as bodily functions, condo politics and the fastest route to LaGuardia.

finally bought the first and second seasons of this on dvd, and it's great re-living some of the old episodes. it's amazing to see how well it's aged. i've watched through all of the episodes so far; now it's on to the extras =D
^Yeah, I heard about that. Maybe he'll finally get to sell those raincoats.

Just got my season 4 dvd thru the post, i think this season was the best of them all, so many crassic episodes

the bubble boy
the visa
the contest
the smelly car
the trip

George: "Yeah! Look at me! I was free and clear! I was living the dream! I was stripped to the waist, eating a block of cheese the size of a car battery!"

Jerry: "Before we go any further, I'd just like to point out how disturbing it is that you equate eating a block of cheese with some sort of bachelor paradise."

I tried to find a screen grab of George eating that huge block of cheese in his underwear but no luck.
Hi-larious! :D
scene: Elaine is explaining to Jerry what she did with a woman friend earlier that day -

Elaine: "We went to the museum, then clothes shopping, then stopped by my apartment..."
Jerry (interrupting): "And then you stripped down to your underwear and had a tickle fight?"
Elaine: "You really think that's what women do, don't you?"
Jerry: "Yes. Yes, I do."

Kramer: "Do you have any conceivable reason for getting up in the morning?"
George: "I like to read the Daily News!"


Im dating a virgin, im in this stupid contest, something's gotta give.
Man I adore this show.

"Oh, those are nice. Ya know, I never noticed this before. They're smooth, creamy, delicate, yet masculine."
- Kramer, admiring George's hands

"I just took a bath, Jerry. A bath!"
"No good?"
"It's disgusting. I'm sitting there in a tepid pool of my own filth. All kinds of microscopic parasites and organisms having sex all around me."
- Kramer and Jerry

"Are you Master of your Domain?"
"I am King of the County. You?"
"Lord of the Manor."
"I'm Queen of the castle!"
- Jerry, George and Elaine
tv: Seinfeld - your favourite quotes and moments

My favorite moment is the moment when my sense-of-humor-impaired roommate hands me the remote so I can switch from Jews Incessantly Whining (About Nothing) . . . um, Seinfeld . . . to a funnier show, like Family Guy or Frasier or Schindler's List.
"It feels like an Arby's night." - Putty


already mentioned...

PETERMAN: Elaine, do you have a moment? It's about your lover.

ELAINE: (Faking a broken heart) Oh yes. I know all about his little performance in the break room.

PETERMAN: Elaine, who among us hasn't snuck into the break room to nibble on a love newton?

ELAINE: (Confused) Love newton?

PETERMAN: I'm afraid the problem with Zach is more serious. He's back on the horse, Elaine. Smack. White palace. The Chinaman's nightcap.
Elaine: Kramer!

Kramer: Oh, hey.

Elaine: What are you doing?

Kramer: Oh, well, I-I-I'm dominating.

Elaine: You never said you were fighting children.

Kramer: Well, it's not the size of the opponent, Elaine, it's, uh, the ferocity.

Elaine: This is what you used to build me up? This is where you got all that stupid katra stuff?

Kramer: No, no. That's from, uh, Star Trek III... The Search for Spock.

Elaine: Search... for Spock?!

Kramer: Yeah, I know Jerry will tell you that The Wrath of Khan is the better picture, but for me, I always...

Elaine: (pushes him) You doofus!