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Safely obtaining drugs in a dangerous area

bad neighborhoods dnt mean you are going 2 get robbed the more low key you are the better the worst thing is that in those areas there are alot of cops driven around
bad neighborhoods dnt mean you are going 2 get robbed the more low key you are the better the worst thing is that in those areas there are alot of cops driven around

im just looking for my junky cunt girlfriend bitch stole my guitar
my fucking gibson les paul
shes gunna trade it or pawn a 2000 dollar guitar for 20 bucks
i know shes around here somewhere

sorry if im loitering

:\ 8)

dont know how well that would work

but its better than whatcha doing around here
uhhhhh chewing chocolate
where did ya get it
doggy dropped it
it dont even work when you really AINT copping drugs and are in the hood.I been stopped for looking for drugs supposedly, when there was no drugs in the car and i was just driving my friend.they stopped me, searched, beat up my friend, cussed me out,acted like soldiers from the SS, and then finally when they couldnt find shit cuz i was innocent, gave me a ticket for careless driving. :| like TAKE THAT! We cant arrest you,but we sure can fuck you as much as we can just for being here!

Also its a extra risk being female cuz they can think your trickin . Fuckin sux, everyone thinks a white girl in the hood is lookin for dick for dope, regardless of if i am carryin a bunch of shoppin bags and shit cuz i was just in the area like everyone else that lives theere...fuckd up...I may be street official and have plenty of bizness in the hood and my roots there but cops just see white skin and black neighborhood andthink, ho, drug addict
I know that paying off/bribing police in the US is almost never a good idea but there are certain European and third-world countries where it is accepted and will keep you out of jail. Can someone describe how this process works? For example, if one is searched and drugs are found in a country where police bribery is acceptable how does one initiate the transaction (bribe) and know how much to give? As well as any other tips to stay out of jail.

I feel that this topic is completely relevant & I hope I am not breaking any rules. I think it is necessary to know these things when traveling to countries where bribery is common and your rights are not fully known.

im only speaking about russia, but when you get pulled over for speeding a lot of the cops are very underpaid and will gladly take the money into their pocket. learning frm experienced family members id say you should always say something along the lines of "can we just take care of this now and both be on our merry ways?'". the officers will usually have a set fee in mind, i reccomend u pay it and dont negotiate, im sure it'll be somewhat fair and probably well worth the money. u do not want to piss off a crooked cop.
haha that shit would never work.

maybe it would...

IMO, just like people have been stating that if you bring X dollars to the corners then be ready/willing to lose it (financially), you really should assume that if you have a confrontation with the police then it's also game over (legally). Having an elaborate story about what you're doing that would work is like solving an unsolved problem in quantum physics; yes, it could work, but proceed with an assumption that what you've tried has been tried (and failed) before. Do not spend your time thinking of how to outwit the police; spend it instead on learning how to avoid them.

This is a bit of a difficult thread because there exists variance from city-to-city (some of the debates can go either way depending on a location). But it's governed by how the crews work. What is better - car or foot? Where is best to pick up? How to develop a sixth sense for police activity... What I will say is that the locals/dealers know the setting better than you and you need to learn from them before you EVER attempt to cop. The hard (and extremely hard) part is studying local behaviors thoroughly enough to learn such without the locals assuming you are undercover. Or the police figuring out your intentions.

Learn the local slang (not just for product but for misc. things like police activity, geographical location, transaction standards, etc) before you EVER try to cop in a new city. The quickest way to make someone think you are undercover is either being too vague or too strong with local terms. You need to hit the sweet spot. How to learn this? I wish I could share my story, but it's a bit beyond the thread's tolerance...

Along those lines, do not ever talk bulk when you don't really know a dealer. Also, do NOT talk early about any other drugs that are not open air in your location, even if you know the slang. These will be taken as red flags. Not that you're going to get mugged or worse if you blunder like this, but you will be remembered. Do not assume that because you're in the hood that everyone is too drugged up to remember specs about your car and/or your person. You want to minimise red flags in order to maximise your copping territory.

Know that trust and respect are not the same thing. You can respect a dealer (or he can respect you), but trust is a different issue. Respect can be developed mutually but trust is something that is meant for behind closed doors. Tip a good dealer out of respect. Move the transaction along quickly out of respect. But trust nothing in the open-air. Dog-eat-dog world.

Do NOT say things like "man these streets are hot today" as a white person. Even if they are, such talk 1) extends transactions into unnecessary time and 2) you shuld assume the dealers know as much as you do and do not need your "tips." Pulling a u-turn when a scene is hot speaks volumes over trying to "help" dealers under such circumstances.

Balance your own confidence with your humility and respect that the streets know more than you do at any given time, no matter how careful you are. If you feel the slightest sense that something isn't right, turn around and go home. You might be correct or not, but if you're wigging out it will be recognized by locals and not in such a good way. It is ALWAYS better to be anything from dissapointed to sick AT HOME than in jail or after being pushed around. Prepare well, yes, but also understand that drugs are illegal and when involved in such activity, ANYONE can run into bad fortune.
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Well stated RL.

Agreed, and while appearing calm and collected is easier said that done, well...at first it is difficult, but you will learn that dealing with the corner boys is a relatively simple matter and nothing to fret about. Like many other have said, the police/NARCS present the real problems for most of us. The corner boys just want your money, so the vast majority of them will treat you well. They are ordered by the higher-ups in their respective organization to view the users/buyers as just that, customers. The police on the other hand, are only out to fuck you over. Experience is king in this game, and it is just that, a game...some of us are better than others at playing and winning...but eventually you will draw a losing hand...and you can only hope that lady luck is shining down on you when that day comes.

My simple advice? For the record, I've been "safely" obtaining drugs in "dangerous" areas for some time, and I've either been extremely lucky(never had any issues with police or corner boys) or my strategy is a good one, for the most part. Common sense, mos def, but nothing is 100% fool proof...

1. Once you've obtained a cell number/etc(I only scoop small amounts at first, 1-4 bags, and I tell them I'll be back if it is a good product), I believe hitting the block under the cover of darkness is the smart play. We all know "white folk" get scrutinized harshly in these areas, by the police and law-abiding residents, so use that darkness to your advantage. As long as you phone ahead and are a loyal customer, your hook will not mind meeting you at 7pm. Hell, it's probably much safer for him too...

2. Get in and out as quickly as possible, and if it is an option, take a different route out of the area. Easy to do in Chicago's open-air markets, but it could be a problem in smaller cities that have concentrated markets. Common sense, of course...it doesn't mean you have to be a dick to your hook, in fact showing him/her respect/kindness should pay off when you are desperate/out of cash and need a hit.

3. Be prepared to swallow your purchase the second those flashing lights appear. Again, for some of us this may not be easy, but having a liquid on hand to help with the swallowing is essential. I keep a few things in my car at all times that help me prepare a purchase for the big gulp...you may only need a small rubber-band to make the purchase ideal for swallowing. Of course this is easier said than done, but I always ask my dealer to wrap the ish up in such a way...and it's the only sure-fire way to feel uber-confident when you eventually do get pulled-over(and it is going to happen, just do everything you can to give yourself a better shot to come out of the confrontation a free man).

I'm sure all of this has been posted before, but I was in the mood to type a bit...best of luck y'all...and we all will need that luck at some point in time!
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i got a question. how safe is it to refuse to buy drugs after youve seen its bunk or low quantity? is it cool to just walk away after the dealer has gone thru the trouble of getting it for you? and say u want something the dealer isnt holding but probably knows where to get, is to safe to tell him to meet you at a nearby liquor store or fast food joint? or are you asking to get jumped and mugged? i was thinking about watching the drop spot from a safe location waiting for the dealer, would that be a good idea?

never copped in the ghetto before, i dont think san jose is that dangerous (eastside) but rather be safe than sorry
nobody can help me? im gonna try obtaining pcp in relation to m y last post and i figure most dealers can get some but arent holding
MDMD, I have done it before. Of course the dealer is pist, but you're not paying him to give you bunk shit. So if he wants your business, it's his job to get a product that delivers. If you think the product is good then buy. If not, walk away. But don't expect him to be ok with it..

Which is why i Don't care where I am, I always carry this to obtain drugs.
hey they just rolled out the new OPs where i live and i was judt wondering if anybody here has any experience in copping in Des Moines, Iowa.

Thank you any feedback would be great.
hey they just rolled out the new OPs where i live and i was judt wondering if anybody here has any experience in copping in Des Moines, Iowa.

Thank you any feedback would be great.

This goes for everyone who is now considering switching to heroin because they can no longer shoot oxycontin, and is wondering how to score...firstly read this thread, you can find EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW about scoring in a large metro city like Chicago/NY/LA/etc....basically cities with open-air markets...if you're in Des Moines? You're going to have to hit the streets and ask around...imo, scout the police reports and find where the prostitutes stroll, and pick one up and ask...for a price, she will probably hook you up with a dealer...if it doesn't work the first and/or she isn't an H addict, try again...eventually you will find one. You may have to drive to a larger city to find prostitutes or H, but that is your only chance of finding it. Of course, I'd advise you to stop using opiates all together OR get on subs(stay at the lowest dose possible, trust me, you may have fun for a week, but abusing subs at high doses for longer than that is a fucking horrible idea...you use the stuff you so you can feel content, and if you abuse it, you will not feel content after a few weeks, just tired and depressed...and hell, unless you're shooting---and even that sucks---you will only get high ONE time from subs, and that is the first time they fill your receptors).

If you really want H(for those within a 4 hour drive of Chicago), just plan a day trip and shop around, again, everything you need to know about SAFELY OBTAINING DRUGS HAS BEEN SAID, and nothing else really needs to be said at this point. It's the same game, and it always will be. Best of luck...but if you're in BumFuck, Iowa(sorry, I know Des Moines is big-time for you Iowaians, lol, and there is certainly an H scene if you find the right person to talk to...start with the whores...) you may as well get on subs and enjoy life.

Enjoying life, that is the key...and heroin, if we had an unlimited supply, would certainly be a solution to the "how to enjoy life?" question. But since we don't, I'd try a different road...but we all have to find the answer to that question ourselves...I hope you take the right path brother(or sister...)
why do ya'll think it is such a good idea to carry a knife? whenever I've been robbed, or hear of others being robbed, the dead is usually done with a gun.

you wouldn't want to bring a knife to a gun-fight, would you? plus, carrying a blade makes you stand out - with everyone around you instantly taking tabs
I don't typically carry anything. When I was copping if someone's gonna rob your ass they're use a fucking gun. A knife won't do shit.
You think I'd rather carry a knife? I'm not old enough to even buy a gun.
And if the mutha fucka wants my drugs and money bad enough to pull a gun on me, he must need it more than I do, so he can have it. But Id never go somewhere sketched without at least my pocket knife.
lately i been riding thru the hood on my skateboard, it has been relatively safe, and a good icebreaker with a dealer or strangers around the dope spot
, cuz i been asked more times than a mofo, what tricks i can do . and all that jazz

plus if you're gunna get jacked you can always swing your board for some self protection,

but i must say back in 96 i got popped when picking up in nyc on my skateboard
but if a cop stops me , and my pockets are clean, its like bro im just looking for skate spots or some shit
Fuck crooked dealers who step on their shit more and more for a couple weeks, then say they got some new stuff and it's really all from the same original batch.

U gotta be strong. Go hang out where they deal and sip a beer and read the paper and make it very clear u don't do business with fucking thieves. One dude went off on me, he had like 3 homies with him, i was by myself and making a scene yelling at him calling him a thief and shit right in the area he deals. Then he tries to threaten me by saying "You know how many times I been in prison!?!"

I yelled back, "what the fuck is that supposed to tell me.... that u suck at your job?"
it's that common Boston trying-to-hard white boy swagger. got some of my old crew in a lot of troubles, despite how entertaining it was