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Safely obtaining drugs in a dangerous area

this aint directed at you yo, u seem to be a cool chick, but I am so sick of hearing "Oh i WOULD go cop in the hood but Im just a skinny white girl boo hoo" Guess wat bitches, Im a skinny white girl too and I been coppin in the hood since i was 16 and I made it to 22......i dont know wat the hell everybody is so damn worrried about.....You got only the cops to fear.

Part of me wants to type out some advice and shit and the other part wants to say that if you need to ask, and you see yourself that way, you aint never gonna be able to handle it. I aint scared when I go cop other than of the boys.(Not the corner boys the ones in blue.)

if you are scared of coppin on the block youre best off just to stay away becuz people can tell if you are scared and dont know wat youre doin. you go up in that bitch all shook and worried and they gonna eat you alive. maybe ill come back and psot again later

it's not that I don't think girls are capable of taking care of themselves, but I am not at this present time... in the past I've been much stronger because of gymnastics, but right now I'm a 5'5 95 pounds weakling. I am also a spoiled white girl, I grew up in an affluent area and so I am basically just completely clueless as to dealing with people in a dangerous area... getting better after living in oakland for a while but still not great....

I also have a history of physical/sexual abuse so I'm really paranoid and hesitant to put myself in ANY situation where that could happen. my post wasn't knocking women or white women as to not being able to defend themselves... it was more just asking for ways TO defend myself...
Seize the moment

I went to the Detroit Institute of Arts last weekend to checkout the Film Theater. I got a schedule and looked around a bit, checked out parking for the future and the museum.

I realized I was in an area that might provide another of my desires, (being half-packs) so I drove around a bit, got further into the hood, found a large crowd of people "hanging out" all over the street...even blocking the street.
I could see I wouldn't be able to continue driving without either running over someone or stopping as I could see them approaching other cars. But it didn't feel right. Plus I was alone and getting deeper into an unknown, possibly dangerous area. So I turned at the nearest corner, found my way back to the DIA and decided to go home.

This was where I stumbled into a cool connection. I went to a Liquor store to buy a candy bar for the drive home. When I left the store a guy was outside panhandling. I gave him a buck and asked where I could score some dope. He was surprised but decided to help. We went to my car, drove back to the same area I'd just left. He went into a building, copped me ten bags and I gave him two. He was so happy. And so was I . I gave him my phone number but he hasn't called. Man, I wish I could get a regular connection so I didn't have to go to sketchy spots to cop. If they only new the kinda easy cash I have. But, years ago I had connects and very little money so C'est la vie.
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When your scared you start making mistakes. Thats how you get arrested.

I'm kind of the opposite, the more paranoid and cautious I am the more alert I am. The more alert I am, the more I use my eyes to look around and my brain to assess the situation. I'm more likely to notice if something isn't right when I'm not totally relaxed and confident. IMO it was when I was getting too confident, too relaxed, and copping at this one spot was just a nromal thing that I started getting sloppy and could've potentially been popped by 5-0 or robbed just cause I was lowering my guard without even noticing it.
Oh yeah I wanted to add that dealing with middlemen suck, BUT I have had some limited success with this homeless/street dude my friend met. This guy didn't have a cell phone, the only way to reach him was to dial up the homeless shelter and ask the people there if he is around and they can deliver a message. So obviously scoring through him was a huge ordeal, but damn he knew the best fuckin spot in the whole city. The dope we got through him was always on point and I swear to god it was LITERALLY like 3x better than anything I've ever gotten in the city.

If you do decide to try and score through a dope fiend like that though, obviously there is a high chance that he'll just take your money or get you some bunk shit. You gotta pay to play, and the best way to let them know you aren't a chump is to work it like this:

1. you're gonna wanna ride around and look for actual dealers first, but depending on what city you live in you run the risk of being robbed or ripped by them just as bad as anyone else. and like I said, one pro to using a dope fiend thats in the streets is he is more likely to know who has the best product for the best deal at any given time. but how do you know they are a homeless dope fiend? well, if you use dope it isnt rocket science. tip: go early in the morning so it is more likely they haven't had a chance to pan handle enough to get a fix or whatever if they really are in the streets and a dope fiend they are barely able to stay well.
2. park around the block. leave all the money you brought to spend on drugs in the car except for like a $10 bill.
3. bring the $10 bill on foot and go back to the fiend you picked out earlier. if you did a good job scouting, he will be in the same place. pan handlers outside the liquor store like somebody above suggested is not a bad idea. go to a spot on the outskirts of the hood so if cops roll up on you can play dumb like you are lost or something like that. now, approach the fiend, he will probably see you coming if you are white in a black neighborhood and may even know what you are there for already (again, its not rocket science). ask him if he can score you some dope/boy/whatever slang passes for what you want in your city. he will say yes regardless probably, so this is where you whip out the $10 and say "I got x amount more where this came from, go grab me a $10 bag and bring it back here, if its good I'll buy X amount more bags and throw you a couple for your trouble" or something along those lines. Don't follow the fiend anywhere, don't lead him back to your car, certainly dont let him in your car or anything like that. If he can't walk to the dope spot from where you find him at, chances are you aren't in the right place to score drugs anyhow.

Worst case scenario: he tries to jack you for the rest of your money which is in your car around the block so all you lose is $10.

Best case scenario: he gets you some good ass dope for $10, you roll back with him to your car and give him a little mroe money to get whatever you really need for yourself and a little for him so he will be less inclined to rip you.

Just be careful while you wait for him to go and get the drugs. If the cops roll up you'll need a story, if somebody comes and harasses you be prepared to walk away but I wouldn't lead anyone back to your car if you feel sketched out.
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I went to the Detroit Institute of Arts last weekend to checkout the Film Theater. I got a schedule and looked around a bit, checked out parking for the future and the museum.

I realized I was in an area that might provide another of my desires, (being half-packs) so I drove around a bit, got further into the hood, found a large crowd of people "hanging out" all over the street...even blocking the street.
I could see I wouldn't be able to continue driving without either running over someone or stopping as I could see them approaching other cars. But it didn't feel right. Plus I was alone and getting deeper into an unknown, possibly dangerous area. So I turned at the nearest corner, found my way back to the DIA and decided to go home.

This was where I stumbled into a cool connection. I went to a CVS store to buy a candy bar for the drive home. When I left the store a guy was outside panhandling. I gave him a buck and asked where I could score some dope. He was surprised but decided to help. We went to my car, drove back to the same area I'd just left. He went into a building, copped me ten bags and I gave him two. He was so happy. And so was I . I gave him my phone number but he hasn't called. Man, I wish I could get a regular connection so I didn't have to go to sketchy spots to cop. If they only new the kinda easy cash I have. But, years ago I had connects and very little money so C'est la vie.

Sounds like you and I are in the same boat. Detroit here too.
Sounds like you and I are in the same boat. Detroit here too.

I shot up at that CVS many a time. Yeah, your not too far from where I used to cop all the time. Check out other side of THE RULES OF THIS FORUM! Yea, thats the best place you can check for copping advice when it comes to locations, Why, because that shit aint allowed here. Post some shit like that again and Ima have ta give you one of them lil warning things. It aint nothing personal, but bluelight is here for harm reduction, including this thread which serves the purpose of givin GENERAL advice on the best way to act when tryin to cop in the hood. It aint here for givin locations to people , becuz thats indirectly sourcing which is a biiiiiig no around here. Get more familiar with the BL user agreement and the rules of this forum and thread before you post again if you want to avoid makin the same mistake twice. :)

PS- big thumbs up for jersey !=D

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Best advise: carry a knife. Carry several. I usually have at least two on my person, even when I'm not copping. When I am, I have my money in one hand and a knife in the other.

Muggers look for easy targets, not good sport.

I was always spooked that I'd be bringing attention to myself by having a knife on my pocket and another on my belt but no one really gives a shit.
^always have. every morning no matter what i gotta have my blade in my right pocket phone in left wallet in back right. wont do nothin first.
My main guy lives in the projects. When I go to his apartment, I stay and bullshit for a while. It's easy enough, he's a pretty good guy. That way it doesn't look like quick in and out traffic.

And I disagree with always having identification. If you would get robbed, mugged, or whatever, the idiot has your address. A few hours of police harassment is better than having your house robbed
Best advise: carry a knife.

MVD, if your from the group that happens to transliterate from cryllic to roman letters to MVD, it will probably work for you.

a knife is not a good idea without some skill behind it, and the viciousness and agressiveness, and cruelty to go behind it.

also, what kinda dangerous are we talking here, detriot or lagos.

there a is a world difference.
are cops allowed to stop you/pull you over just because your in a "drug area"

I don't know if they're "allowed" or not. But in certain areas around here, if you drive around the same block a few times, and look out of place (i.e. white) you will get stopped.
back in the day i had a pair of chad muska skate shoes
they had a nice stash spot built in
could hold a half ounce of cannabis

plus if the dealers where kinda sketched out about you
and thought you was 5~o
you could take off your shoe show them the spot
they would get a chuckle and serve you right after
Copping on the street is some risky business.

There is no way to stop a person desperate for money or your possessions but if you act confident and "normal" people are less likely to fuck with you.

If you don't know anyone in the area, try approaching someone (not a junkie) and ask if he knows anyone, offer to buy him a beer or a bit of money if he helps you out. Then go directly through the dealer.
No it really aint. The cops is the only thing to fear. IDK where all this hesitation comes from. If there wasnt no cops to fuck with me I would be on that block every fuckin day
when i was a kid, before my pop moved to holland
he used to bring me into the hood
just to
to chill with his friends and shit

as i grew older
going to sketchy spots never bothered me much
once or twice i had a cornball friend with me
& i'd get sketched out by their sketched outness

but flying solo
its like laceyk said the jakes and cops are my biggest fear