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Rave Annoyances

^ i just dont like how some people get agressive on alcohol.

I just see my alcholic dad in them, when i was younger who used to bash me about a bit.

where as i see someone mangled on mdma, and they are a gurning mess, clearly enjoying themselves. Makes me laugh hehe

I know what id rather encounter at a rave, but i know not everyone gets violent on alcohol, i like to drink magners (Rare) but i do , and it just makes me silly and horny lol
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I don't like seeing Guido's trying to play it cool and act like total assholes to the people around them. The idea of total acceptance seems to go through one ear and out the other.

When people give me shit for not dancing, or just walking around. I like to take my drugs if I'm taking any that night, and just walk around and enjoy the vibes. I like to stand around and listen to my friends chat, maybe chime in from time to time. So what? I've heard people tell me I'm awkward, weird, all those things. Why can't you just accept I'm me? Do you have to remind me of my flaws? I just like to enjoy the vibes.

I don't mind seeing people too fucked up. I feel bad, cause I imagine what their going through and it's never a fun thing. But at the same time, be responsible and know what the hell you're taking and or doing. I've been in situations where I was too fucked up, and never even intended on being so fucked up, yet people still fucked with me. Why? You're just making it worse for those too fucked up. Do something nice, buy them some water or something and help them out!

The only other annoyance I have, is when promoters will sell a party, promote it for a few weeks, then when you get there it's some low-scale production. Don't get me wrong, I know raves are about the music...but nowadays you can't get away with just an empty room and some music. Put up some decorations, lights, pictures, all that shit! Give us some stuff to look at when we're bugging. Make it appear like you put money into it. ESPECIALLY if the lineup is weak to begin with. Make it look like you put money into the party!
but nowadays you can't get away with just an empty room and some music. Put up some decorations, lights, pictures, all that shit! Give us some stuff to look at when we're bugging. Make it appear like you put money into it. ESPECIALLY if the lineup is weak to begin with. Make it look like you put money into the party!


One of the recent places i was at , had all Old skool rave decor, and also had videos playing , like 3d graphics and stuff as well as a fantastic laser/ light show, And some really nice live acts like some girl in a silver bikini using an angle grinder and shooting sparks all up in the air and over herself.. Damn i woulda ...
Really, my biggest would be the people who walk up beside you, or come into the middle of the dance floor swinging glowsticks on very long strings.. Can't tell you how many times I was dancing, or just chillin' enjoying the music and vibes when I start seeing glowsticks an inch from hitting me right in the face.. Really kills it and makes me a little angry someone would be so rude. Go in the back and swing away, don't hit / almost hit 10 people in the face at once.. Those things aren't being swung softly. Also, hipsters. Sweet glasses with no lenses and neon hats.
^^^^Seen a lot more people puke on themselves from MDMA than alcohol. 8)

I may be an alcoholic but I certainly don't puke, shit, piss myself, nor am I anywhere near being fat.

We all choose our poisons.

Alcohol: 7 empty calories per gram + any added carbohydrates in the drink. It's pretty difficult to get drunk 2-3 times a week and not gain a little weight; let's also add in the expenses of heightened estrogen levels and slowed down metabolism of proteins and water weight from increased carbohydrate intake.

Also if your blood alcohol content reaches a certain point, it's very likely you will throw up, and if you pass out your bladder might just decide to give up as well.

But alas, we're all exceptions in our own respects.

^ i just dont like how some people get agressive on alcohol.

I just see my alcholic dad in them, when i was younger who used to bash me about a bit.

where as i see someone mangled on mdma, and they are a gurning mess, clearly enjoying themselves. Makes me laugh hehe

I know what id rather encounter at a rave, but i know not everyone gets violent on alcohol, i like to drink magners (Rare) but i do , and it just makes me silly and horny lol

Heightened blood pressure is a good reason for mood swings while drunk. If I'm eating unhealthy and not working out, I find myself becoming a much more emotional/irrational drunk.
^ Really?
I have always had low low blood pressure,
So much so, if i swiftly stood up this second and went to my bathroom i can guarantee you id get a headrush of some sort Lol!

My dad has high blood pressure and he is a violent horrible dickhead when hes drunk,

As for people swinging glowsticks on strings,

If the dancefloor is empty/ish
Go ahead, but dont be a bloody nob and swing them around when there are loads of people about
1. When the dj's tunes just aren't to your preferences

2. People who mean mug (girls who think every guy is being nice to get something back...no it's being friendly! and guys who act aloof and hard - dude you're at a fucking rave...smile son!)

3. security that assumes everyone is tryin' to get shit in and police/sheriffs that assume everyone is high on something. be nice and go fight crime somewhere. i'm here to have fun....not to start any shit.
people that are really fucked and dont shut up..i mean i like socializing on drugs but when this guy is talking at 200mph non-stop, it gets kind of annoying! (im just replying: yeah...uhum....yup...oh yeah haha....ah yeah....yup...uhum...)... :p
2. People who mean mug (girls who think every guy is being nice to get something back...no it's being friendly! and guys who act aloof and hard - dude you're at a fucking rave...smile son!)

3. [...]be nice and go fight crime somewhere. i'm here to have fun....not to start any shit.

THIS x1000

I still stand by the fact, though, that there shouldn't be any annoyances at raves. Sure, someone who's shirtless and smells like sweat (you ALL do! when you're shirtless at a fucken rave!!) is annoying, but dude... YOU'RE ON MDMA!!! WHO THE FUCK CARES!!!! Ok, so that asshole is swinging 10-foot glowsticks in the middle of the dancefloor... legit annoyance... but as far as not liking the music, not liking people laughing at you, not liking hipsters, minors, e-tars, etc, etc...

Just chill, man. Enjoy you're rush of serotonin and give people hugs :)
Normally when i'm rolling i won't notice, however when you are coming down in a rave sometimes stick out like a sore thumb and dealers try and sell to you every 2 minutes.

Carcasses - these are people who have either done a shit load too much and the euphoria has worn off or people coming down really hard but stay on the dance floor. They get passed around from person to person cause they don't have the energy or motive to dance and tend to end up leaning on someone cause their eyes are in the skies.
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Love this thread, i have a couple haha

1. When some kid asks to trade a couple pieces of kandi for me $120 Electric Aviators (more funny then annoying haha)

2. People running through a dancefloor packed with +50,000 people like a god damn fullback.

3. Over-zealous security guards who simply guess that who have drugs on you at the entrance and threaten to bring over real police if you don't give up your stash (lost all 6 of my pills :( )

4. The first timer who takes 4 pills without alerting the rest of the group and is a fuckin wreck the rest of the night

5. Burning people with cigarettes, did it a couple weekends ago and even though i was quickly forgiven and actuall made friends with the girl, I felt fuckin terrible for the rest of the night haha I just felt so bad haha

6. Gangster fucktards who constantly pick fights with anyone who looks at them wrong. Look where your at you fuckin scumbag, and the get the fuck out.

But on top of all these things, there are 1000000's of other thiings that make these little things worth enduring :)
5. Burning people with cigarettes, did it a couple weekends ago and even though i was quickly forgiven and actuall made friends with the girl, I felt fuckin terrible for the rest of the night haha I just felt so bad haha
I'm shocked I've never been burned. :D
What an interesting thread, I felt compelled to read the whole thing.

I went to my first ever rave - that's what they called the nine hour "event" - two weeks ago. For most of the time I was there by myself, I didn't know anyone. It was also only the second time I'd ever used mdma.
I'd party with you bro. ;)
the person that is fucked and is either falling back on you or just leaning on you constantley, i dont mind what state people get in but when you ask them or tell them to stop and they continue thats the only annoyance for me

OMG I friggin hate that so much!! Especially cuz I'm 5"0 and I'd appreciate not having sweaty dudes rubbing their sweaty nipples against my face or being suffocated by someones shoulder blade!
When people smell like sweaty armpits and ass. I get it, you're gonna be sweating if you're rolling face and are packed into a warehouse with hundreds of people. But damn, you stank!
Fucking STAIRS man.
How can I be expected to be able to walk up stairs when I am floored/rolling face ;)
I was at a club last week where the restroom was up a flight of stairs. Everyone was laughing at me
I don't like the people that don't smile back! When I roll I looove to be nice to everyone. So I smile politely, give some compliments here and there, ya know. :) But it bums me out when I smile at someone and they don't smile back or they give me a funny look. ): I try to keep it to a normal size smile and not the size it feels like inside :b
I haven't had too bad experiences but I'd sometimes rather just hang out with a few friends and do our own thing, It's cheaper and the more personal level is awesome. But I do love being around all the people because giving compliments and making people smile totally makes me feel 100 times better :)
i personally hated those people who think they have to run around and rub everyone's faces with gloves.. i'm always like dude.. how many sweaty faces have been on those!!! I'm gonna break out!
not technically a rave, but at Dubstep nights when people start moshing...

and people so spangled or K'd that they can hardly move, and end up falling into everybody