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Rave Annoyances

I hate it when idiots that have taken one too many hits of LSD to handle themselves run around telling everybody how scary their trip is and how bad of a trip they're having.

Seriously, if you're going to go to a rave and eat 15 fucking tabs of LSD and freak out at least leave the fucking rave or shut the fuck up and sit in the corner.
I can't stand the people who sit on the wall or corner of the room and judge the dancers.
I'll be dancing, not even going crazy just rolling and moving around a bit,
and some frat boy and his buddies hiding in the corner will be pointing into the crowd laughing and making fun of people.
I don't care if you aren't going to dance at a rave, but at least realize your the one that looks stupid hiding in the corner not moving.
Raves are supposed to be a place of acceptance and ego loss (in my opinion at least), not a high school giggle fest.
Also the people that feel they need to fly around a huge circle in the middle of the dance floor taking up a massive area of space.
I'm not gonna judge how you dance, but if it's something that takes up a huge area of space (Poi), chill in a less populated area, not
right up in the center of the crowd so everybody has to avoid your flying feet or glowsticks.
badly organized events and whistles.. i know that people don't really use whistles anymore but i've ran into a few here or there and holy shit is it annoying.. i did however one time aquire my own whistle just so i could blow it as loud as possible to fuck up their rhythm.. that was quite fun actually. after the last occasion @ a camp-out rave that i had this problem, i started carrying one of these in my backpack. sadly i never got to use it.
I hate it when idiots that have taken one too many hits of LSD to handle themselves run around telling everybody how scary their trip is and how bad of a trip they're having.

Seriously, if you're going to go to a rave and eat 15 fucking tabs of LSD and freak out at least leave the fucking rave or shut the fuck up and sit in the corner.

+1 .. lol
I can't stand the people who sit on the wall or corner of the room and judge the dancers.
I'll be dancing, not even going crazy just rolling and moving around a bit,
and some frat boy and his buddies hiding in the corner will be pointing into the crowd laughing and making fun of people.
I don't care if you aren't going to dance at a rave, but at least realize your the one that looks stupid hiding in the corner not moving.
Raves are supposed to be a place of acceptance and ego loss (in my opinion at least), not a high school giggle fest.
Also the people that feel they need to fly around a huge circle in the middle of the dance floor taking up a massive area of space.
I'm not gonna judge how you dance, but if it's something that takes up a huge area of space (Poi), chill in a less populated area, not
right up in the center of the crowd so everybody has to avoid your flying feet or glowsticks.

I used to get annoyed by people like that (even when I was stone cold sober) but today I pitty them. They'll never understand what goes on in our head when we're tranced the fuck out dancing our own dance. They're the ones that are missing out on all the incredible beauty that the very people they're judgeing are living through at that moment.

Being tranced out on music is about the equivalent of an awesome blowjob imo. It's just... no words can explain the feeling of it. And people who laugh at us for that... are incredibly unfortunate...
I asked one of these people, holding onto a rail just watching. Why dont you dance?

They reply with "Some people like to just watch other ravers dance and enjoy the scene that way, not everyone likes to move as freely as they can, and this is how they enjoy it"
also people who walk around, and only drink and are like "eww drug people" and are basically going around on a high horse.
its okay though im on my ketamine horse so i dont take much notice.. neighhh!!!
I love watching people who are really off their heads doing very repetitive dance moves with their glowsticks in their own space, they just seem like a robot programmed to run the same sequence over and over again and they are normally in perfect tune with the music. They can actually dance like gods lol but when sober its a different story...
I don't like the people that think they own the local rave scene because they always attend the rave bars and raves that the city hosts? Who do these people think they are? You can dance the best you want, poi they best you want - whatever, but let other people have a chance. I remember I was at a rave called 'Asylum' in my city and there was this one skinny kid - kind of nerdy looking - dancing his life away (clearly one crazy amphetamines he was way too keen) and this guy walked up to him, tapped him on the shoulder and yelled in his face "YOU SUCK!!" and impersonated him. How rude.

Whilst the ludicrous insanity of it was all quite humorous I could not help but watch in disgust and think, "Whatever happened to P.L.U.R.R.?" Oh, that's right, P.L.U.R.R. disappeared out of the rave scene as soon as MDMA disappeared out of pills...
also people who walk around, and only drink and are like "eww drug people" and are basically going around on a high horse.
its okay though im on my ketamine horse so i dont take much notice.. neighhh!!!

BAHAHAHA!!! =D That made my night. I'm actually going to say something along thoes lines next time I'm out. 'Cause, ya know you can't trust those scary drug people, m'kay?8)
I'm sure this has already been posted. But when you can't walk through the crowd without getting bombarded with "can I have a sip of your water" every 5 steps. That gets pretty old pretty fast.
When the music sucks. When there isn't enough bass. When it feels like a dance competition where there is only one fool dancing and everybody else is staring. Dance circles also take up way too much space. Granted, I am a big dancer and take up a lot of room, but if there are a lot of people dancing then it is easy to flow. Or when most of the kids are too fugged up and and are just sitting on their asses.

All the smack talking about people who drink alcohol is annoying me. I hate doing molly at raves because it just makes me want to be in my comfy house, and I get pretty sensitive to other people's energies. I would rather drink some beers, and smoke some ganja. Dancing to the music and bass makes me just as high and friendly as anyone who is rolling. I don't get belligerent, nor sloppy. Kids who are faced on e look and act way worse IMO.
All the smack talking about people who drink alcohol is annoying me. I hate doing molly at raves because it just makes me want to be in my comfy house, and I get pretty sensitive to other people's energies. I would rather drink some beers, and smoke some ganja. Dancing to the music and bass makes me just as high and friendly as anyone who is rolling. I don't get belligerent, nor sloppy. Kids who are faced on e look and act way worse IMO.

I think it's a generalisation, but more often than not, drunk people put off an annoying vibe and sometimes are even completely out of place. True, some people can't handle their E either, but *most* people on Molly put off a happy, fun-loving and peaceful vibe. People are friendly, generous and accepting. That being said, I too can handle my liquor (more so when mixed with weed) and in many cases, I actually get what I call "fake rolling". It feels like a light dose of MDMA when I crossfade around people who are rolling. Maybe it's cuz I feed off their vibe, but I tend to feel just really happy and euphoric.

So kudos to you and I for being able to get drunk without being a dick.. but that can't be said about everybody, unfortunately...
Yeah that sounds like me when i first started going to raves, i didnt know anyone.
But i soon made some friends and i know quite a few people when i go out,


Btw they are really handy , because they sound like the music is being turned down slightly,
and then you can also hear people easier and talk to them at raves :)

I also hate the people who are pure clean/ sober/ and just laugh at people like me who are obviously absolutely wasted (like other people) on mdma or ket and just out to have a great night (rather than doing shit indoors, Boringggggggg)

Why would you stand there and giggle in a bad way at someone who is off their face on mdma, just let them be lol!
also people who walk around, and only drink and are like "eww drug people" and are basically going around on a high horse.
its okay though im on my ketamine horse so i dont take much notice.. neighhh!!!

Ah yes, alcoholics. Who would ever think that a drug that makes people puke, shit, piss themselves AND super fat would end up being such a popular choice ;). So popular that they'd try and down talk a beautiful drug like MDMA, because it's less popular.

I guess MDMA doesn't sit at the same table at lunch as alcohol, because it's not cool enough.
^^^^Seen a lot more people puke on themselves from MDMA than alcohol. 8)

I may be an alcoholic but I certainly don't puke, shit, piss myself, nor am I anywhere near being fat.

We all choose our poisons.