NSADD:Social Thread:Memphisx10 exsplains why he loves muck sticky

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idk how people can drink flavored vodka straight. makes me wanna vomit.
I tried to eat my first meal in days today, a burger and waffle fries, but I puked half way through the burger.

I'd say smirnoff is generally my drink of choice as well. I actually used to think smirnoff was higher quality vodka, gives you an idea of what I usually drank.

are you dopesick? sorry, but the only thing i have gathered from your posts are that you are gay. which is cool, but what is your DOC?
Nah I'm not dopesick, just getting over a fever and having lasting nausea. My DOC would probably be amp, but I try to avoid it nowadays.

idk how people can drink flavored vodka straight

I hate flavored vodka... I usually drink screwdrivers, I love my oj.
Nah I'm not dopesick, just getting over a fever and having lasting nausea. My DOC would probably be amp, but I try to avoid it nowadays.

I hate flavored vodka... I usually drink screwdrivers, I love my oj.

idkwat amp
i tried a shot of vanilla vodka one time (it was bought to bemixed with two chocolately type liquors, idk it was for my dad's gf)

it was fucking nasty
flavored liquor of any kind is gross. Hell, even flavored beer is fucking nasty. Just don't screw with booze like that.
WTB- Are you a meth-head or do you just eat a whole lot of adderall or something?
you're tellin me. I've been up for over an hour.

Good morning jay. How are you this morning? Cold? it's about 30 here, I can't imagine it's any warmer up there. At least it's only november/ almost december. Shit's really gonna suck in a month or so.
I am tired this morning. I need a proper sleep, tbh. what about you?

it was snowing here last night. it's actually 36 here today...so not that bad...
I am tired this morning. I need a proper sleep, tbh. what about you?

it was snowing here last night. it's actually 36 here today...so not that bad...

I'm sick still so I didn't sleep too well. I kept waking up during the night because I could barely breathe. :|

49 and sunny here. prolly get in the high 60's today

It's sunny here too, but we've got a forecast high of 44 today, so fuck you and your high 60's :p.
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