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Nodding off at inappropriate times

Sometimes I will nod out while talking to my girlfriend and then when I come to I'm talking about some crazy shit I must have been dreaming of and it makes perfect sense to me when I say it and then my girlfriend is like "What the fuck are you talking about?" and then I think about what I just said and it makes no fucking sense at all and I feel stupid.

Nodding out during oral sex...both giving and receiving. :eek: Hard to get your partner back in the mood if they aren't as fucked up as you are. -_-

Oh man, yeah my ex once thought she was pregnant, amd wanted me to come over to her place cause she was freaking out. Apparently I was too because I thought it would be a good idea to sniff a fentanyl patch and take two Xanax bars...what a mess.

And yeah, I can relate to the oral sex thing.
I might beat all of you (and im not proud about it or the situation)

nodded out while carrying a casket at a funeral and then passed out during the ceremony when I had 4 25microgram fentanyl patches on and had had liquid valium about 120mg..last thing I remember is saying to my dad "im praying" when he asked why I nodded. Then I woke 2 days later thankfully alive since I had the fentanyl patches on.
^ I haven't laughed out loud from anything on Bluelight in a while.
My parents used to make me go to church sunday mornings until i was 18 and i would stay out all night doing opaites and drinking and whatever else was around and id go in to church in the morning completely fucked up nodding out the whole time. everyone in the church hated me and judged to be a realy horrible person and shit lol
Ahaha there are some funny stories here :D

Anything involving family is bad :| Usually managed to keep myself to my room.. my mum's spotted my pinprick pupils before and thought I have conjunctivitis though haha, made me get eye drops and everything.

Nodding out while trying to talk to someone on Skype is pretty bad too, coming round and repeating the same question over and over hehe..

Not done it at a funeral Codesan but I have at a wake :|
This one time, at band camp... No! Actually I had a friend in from out of town and he asked me in advance to get some vicodin - so I got 90 or 100 of them (to last us a week) and some powder - so I got a couple of grams. I think the first two days he never slept, I think I must have slept a little. So I'm popping vikes like they're candy and by the time I woke up after my "nap" that second night, it was lunchtime. We did a few lines and went to this brewpub place on the corner.

I order a beer AND a diet coke, because I'm feeling sleepy - which is weird since I just did a couple of ginormous lines of coke. By the time the appetizers show up, I'm nodding at the table! I couldn't figure out what was going on. My friend was laughing hysterically calling me lightweight, etc. "Uh, Gwen, vicodin is an OPIATE, duh! Silly girl, etc."

Apparently I did SO much vicodin the day before, I was nodding 12 hours later or whatever it was....

To top off, my friend was famous in certain circles and people came over to the table to say "hi" and stuff and there's me - nodding into my quesadilla. About a month later, I start hearing from friends that based on that late lunch, dope rumors started going around about me and I didn't even start doing dope until about 2 months after that.

And now I'm actually a dopehead, making it a point NOT to nod unless at home. Freaking hilarious. Still can't believe it. Feel free to flame because that was just amateur hour, man.
I nodded out into the mashed potatoes at Thanksgiving... I'm told my grandmother backed up from the table and gave the sign of the cross.
i nodded out several times during 'classes' in rehab lol

lol reminds me of my first day in drug classes I had to go to. This dude came stumbling in like 15 mins late, just kept sayin the bus was late or something (he was clearly fucked up). The counselor was like "ok just sit down" and the dude sits down, and falls asleep in a matter if seconds. The counselor told him to leave and I didnt see him after that day
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I've nodded many times into my keyboard and awoke with letters implanted in my forehead.
I nodded out on someones porch...I didn't even know who they were and I just chose to sit there. I also nodded in the middle of the road when walking with my friend and this was more than once.
Everyday at work my first week on the job. Boss had to call me in and talk to me about it. It was mortifying.
ugh, while driving my car. swirved and hit the front of a car and a curb really hard. could have been charged with driving while under the influence because of the other medication i'm on, but didn't, boooo yea! never doing that again.
Oxy & bromazepam. There were like 10 people over at my place who don't use opiates & benzos at all. (2 of em did do it on occasion).
I was nodding so hard I couldn't keep a conversation. Good that I don't let people in my house I don't trust. They could've taken over 1000 pills without me noticing, lol. But then again, almost none of them use opiates/benzos. Most of them were kinda shocked, I wonder why. =D

/e: Oh and at work quite a few times. I went to the toilet to take a shit (awch, opiate shits :D) and nodded off lol. Good thing my boss didn't suspect a thing. (Was a waiter back then. So when I was walking around I couldn't really nod off thankfully, lol.)
I set my hair on fire a little bit with a cigarette when I was nodding

Haha nice that reminds me.

I burned a hole in my pants with a cigarette a few weeks ago whilst gettin my nod on. It was funny though because the hole was obscenely large compared to the tip of a cig haha. I fer real did some damage.
^Haha, reminds me too. I ruined my best pants (at that time) with cigarette burns. I also left plenty of marks on my matrass and my sheets.
Actually quite dangerous, or so I've been told. :D But when i'm nodding I'm still awake.. Just too clumsy and way too slow to avoid burns. I remember I used to drop my "evening" spliff on my neck SO often. That would get me wide awake! For a good minute or so.. :D

But shit, setting your hair on fire must suck balls lol.