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My experience with MDMA / Ecstasy !

How have you been affected from Ecstasy use/abuse?

  • I feel Ecstasy has caused me mostly suffering.

    Votes: 15 7.0%
  • I feel Ecstasy has brought me mostly joy.

    Votes: 132 62.0%
  • Ecstasy has caused me suffering, but the benefits outweigh the risks.

    Votes: 39 18.3%
  • It has caused me both joy and suffering, but the risk outweighs the reward.

    Votes: 25 11.7%
  • I have made the decision to never take Ecstasy.

    Votes: 2 0.9%

  • Total voters
I have had only great times with MDMA. It has never caused me any more harm than a heavy night drinking, and I've never had a comedown that lasted more than a couple of days. In fact I did some last night and I feel pretty much fine now.
only done it 5 times, never mixed MDMA with somting got high grade pills... no more worse comedown then, little lazy tired and abit emotionless for 2 days... so far so good still loving it!
I'm a current user and I feel like ecstasy/MDMA has changed me completely. In a great way. I'm a lot less shy now and although drugs aren't good for you, I am (and always will be) SO thankful for all the amazing and hilarious nights I've had when I was high.
My life would be pretty boring without drugs. Lol I try to be as responsible as I can be, I don't abuse it but the only downside is the price. But at the same time, it keeps me from buying too many I guess lol
I fall into option 2, I've been doing MDMA for about the last 5 years. Aside from one instance where I did a ridiculous amount and drank a ton in a night and was puking a good chunk of the night, I've never *knock on wood* had a bad experience with the drug.
The feeling you get on good MDMA cannot be matched by any other drug in the world. The few times I was able to enjoy it, I had the time of my life. Unfortunately, it has caused a lot of anxiety and a lot of heartache for me.
I've taken ecstasy on 3 occasions.

First time I was at a (pretty lame) rave and I bought a clear capsule from a shady looking dude. Me and 3 other friends took the same pill and had an amazing time. It was the first time I ever did a drug (besides weed) and it was a great experience. I danced all night and just had great fun in general. The next day I felt a bit sick though.

Second time though, oh my god I will never experience anything like that ever again...I went to a different party with the same three friends (this is about a month after our first time) and this time i was expecting to meet a girl there. i popped one pill about 30 minutes before she arrived (i was nervous) and i felt it like 15 minutes after she showed up. oh my god, coming up was just amazing. just when i thought i was at my peak it kept getting better and better. i felt like i was constantly orgasming or like someone was giving me the world's best massage. i danced all freakin' night and had an amazing time with the girl...once i could tell the effects were wearing off, i took a (different) second pill and started coming up, it felt like it was happening all over again and i was so excited. but right when i was feeling the full effects the party got shut down and i had to drive 2 hours back home (it was brutal, almost crashed like twice, never doing that again)

third and most recent time it was a methbomb so im kinda scared to take any E again but who knows :) its a great thing.
looks like more than half (60%) have mostly good experiences, and 76.6% would agree the benefits outweigh the risks, while only 23.4% have mostly negative experience...
ive used it occassionaly for a couple of years. i was well readup before i ingested my first one so i knew the importance of resting many weeks afterwards. i cant say its done any negative harm to my life. i am more open since i started to use it, more friendlyminded. but i slipped once and took 3 times within 3 weeks which led me into a small depression bump that lasted 1week, then gradully built back my happiness, feeling great now. havnt taken since then and thats 3months now
The only negative thing I can really think of is the fact you cant do it as much as you want like with opiates or cannabis but maybe that is more of a fault on the other two than a true negative of MDMA
Number 2!

I truly feel for the peeps who have suffered. Bl is a blessing and a curse. It puts the fear of god into you, but keeps you safe.

I have friends that, in the opinion of this forum, abuse the shit out of MDMA (multiple times a month, during festivals dosing at 3pm and re dosing until 3-5am, repeating all three days, doing a gram of high grade Molly in a weekend, taking 4-6 mints in a day/night session, utter disregard for harm reduction, etc) they have a blast while I usually get paranoid, until the drugs kick in of course. But, I never redose and I rarely roll more than once a month. I haven't rolled since feb 8th in prep for festival season.
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I've only had good experiences with MDMA, although some were better/ deeper than others. It has taught me a thing or two about how people interact, social barriers and empathy in general.
Never had a bad experience. Had some nasty comedowns from overdoing it, but that's it. Been doing it since I was 16, now 21. Feel like my memory has suffered, but always had memory like a sieve. MDMA has improved my life twenty fold.
tried it for the first time when i was 18.
been doing it more often for last 5 years.
until now (32 now) i must say that everything was fine and i had a lot of fun :)
tried it for the first time when i was 18.
been doing it more often for last 5 years.
until now (32 now) i must say that everything was fine and i had a lot of fun

Sorry just to clarify are you saying everything is fine or have things now you are older turned for the worse?
Ecstasy has brought me all joy and the ability to view the world in a different way. I have never abused MDMA, and with that I have never suffered negative aspects of the drug. I was NEVER the empathetic, caring person that I am today before I consumed MDMA and found EDM. I stop and appreciate the little things in life, and I have found that life is so beautiful when you get out of your fast paced life and look around for a second. I can truly say I NEVER had this ability before I consumed MDMA. Maybe it is a part of me growing older as a person, but I feel MDMA has contributed to this. I love myself, and I look for the good in people. I am by no means lazy or broke either. I am successful and I don't believe this success would have come without it, as weird as it sounds. My ability to open up and love has brought me to the point in my life I am at. I would not change a thing about my past for I am happy with where I am. MDMA has brought me only joy other than some horrendous hangovers :p
So it seems there are 45 people who think MDMA is good and 13 who think it is bad, so far. Interesting results :)

and again, this is on a drug board that is said to have a much higher amount of damaged users than in the real world!
So it seems there are 45 people who think MDMA is good and 13 who think it is bad, so far. Interesting results

Your motives for creating this survey are so transparent.

I love the way its worded so that even someone who has had some form of sufferering gets added to the MDMA is "good" count.

and again, this is on a drug board that is said to have a much higher amount of damaged users than in the real world!

Based on what statistics?

Why bother with a survey if you think the numbers aren't a representation of the outside world? I think we all know the answer to this question.

Look!! no one on here has even signed up to "Never Wanting to take Ecstasy" just further evidence to show how anyone suffering lomgterm comedown is just bullshitting or must have underlying mental issues.

At least if your going to do a survey make it with questions that are actually fair. Did you really think anyone was going to say on here "I have made the decision to never take ecstasy"

Whilst its 100% clear what your trying to prove - anyone with nouse of intelligence is going to see right through it.
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Look!! no one on here has even signed up to "Never Wanting to take Ecstasy" just further evidence to show how anyone suffering lomgterm comedown is just bullshitting or must have underlying mental issues.

How does this possibly make any sense in your head? No one has chosen that option, obviously, because no one who is never going to take the drug is likely to come into ED and take a poll. The results were as fair and accurate as I could make them, do you have any suggestions on how to make it more accurate?

I disagree completely that some who actually suffered would choose the wrong option, if you have taken it with both good and bad results but do not think it is safe to use anymore, there is an option for that. On the reverse, there is an option for if it has been good and bad to you but you still think the risk is worth taking.

It doesn't really matter what MY intention of the study was, I tried in all honesty to portray it fairly. It's not like I convinced or tricked 60 people into skewing a near meaningless poll. Don't put blame on me because you don't like the results, I have absolutely no control over them.
How does this possibly make any sense in your head? No one has chosen that option, obviously, because no one who is never going to take the drug is likely to come into ED and take a poll. The results were as fair and accurate as I could make them, do you have any suggestions on how to make it more accurate?

I was being sarcastic. Of course no one is going to choose that option. So the big question that one then asks is why have you put it in your survey as you have clearly stated above you know that no one would fill it in. Well of course the answer is obvious you are trying to prove a point.

The results were as fair and accurate as I could make them

The survey is fabricated with questions that will not produce accurate results. The survey is a stunt you have set up to prove to the forum that people who are suffering long term comedowns are in a minority and either mental idiots or bullshitters.

Like with many of your recent posts this is a blatent attempt to glorify MDMA use and undermine people who are going through difficulty.

do you have any suggestions on how to make it more accurate?

The way the questions are categorised is totally illogical. I dont really wish to comment on how to make the questions more accurate as I see no point to this survey. It is clear to me what you are doing.

I disagree completely that some who actually suffered would choose the wrong option, if you have taken it with both good and bad results but do not think it is safe to use anymore, there is an option for that. On the reverse, there is an option for if it has been good and bad to you but you still think the risk is worth taking.

I never said anything about someone who has suffered would choose the wrong option. What i am saying is the questions are worded so a percentage of people who have suffered you are still grouping in the MDMA is harmless argument.

It doesn't really matter what MY intention of the study was, I tried in all honesty to portray it fairly.

If you control the content of these polls and you have the power to submit them or not submit them then YES your intentions do matter. You are clearly intent on proving to the BL community that longterm comedowns are trivial and under rated and that is exactly what this poll will do.

Fortunatley the majority on here are intelligent enough to see through it.

It's not like I convinced or tricked 60 people into skewing a near meaningless poll.

Well at least we agree on something.

Don't put blame on me because you don't like the results, I have absolutely no control over them.

I couldnt give a monkeys about the results as I know exactly what you are trying to prove. Yes you do have a control of the results based on the submitted questions.

What does bother me however are patronising comments like the ones below.

So it seems there are 45 people who think MDMA is good and 13 who think it is bad, so far. Interesting results

and again, this is on a drug board that is said to have a much higher amount of damaged users than in the real world!

Look everyone how many are pro MDMA and look at the tiny minority of people who have suffered negatively. Not only that but because this forum attracts people who are damaged this is unanamousley in MDMAs favour.

Maybe you should start a new survey asking people if they think those suffering from long lasting comedowns are either mental retards or bullshitters.

Or what about a survey asking people how brilliant they think MDMA is either Safe / Very Safe or Extremely Safe

I am not anti MDMA but I am anti glorification of MDMA and that is exactly your mission here.