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My experience with MDMA / Ecstasy !

How have you been affected from Ecstasy use/abuse?

  • I feel Ecstasy has caused me mostly suffering.

    Votes: 15 7.0%
  • I feel Ecstasy has brought me mostly joy.

    Votes: 132 62.0%
  • Ecstasy has caused me suffering, but the benefits outweigh the risks.

    Votes: 39 18.3%
  • It has caused me both joy and suffering, but the risk outweighs the reward.

    Votes: 25 11.7%
  • I have made the decision to never take Ecstasy.

    Votes: 2 0.9%

  • Total voters
Now, if someone was to come into ED and make a thread saying they took a gram over the weekend and felt awful, you know what I would tell them? That they would be fine, eventually. I would say that they should take a longer break that usual after that kind of abuse,

Does anyone really consider a gram of MD over a weekend to be "abuse"? It's maybe a wee bit more than is necessary but it's not outlandish. When we had a constant supply of dirt cheap crystal a gram was the standard amount that people would buy on a Friday night & they certainly weren't planning on having any left when they went home. 1g is equivalent to 10 weak pills. I personally don't think that's a lot.
My Experience With MDMA

My first experience (or non-experience) with MDMA was when I was 16 at a Halloween Rave. I was already chewing my face off on mephedrone, and was given half a bomb's worth of MDMA. I felt nothing, no change. In fact I started to feel pretty knackered around 4am and slept in the car. I was given a line of MDMA to snort about an hour after my bomb because I didnt feel anything, and ended up blowing it off the CD case. My experience with drugs in general at the time showing there.

The following March I went to the same rave, and this time was just on MDMA. I was overwhelmed with happiness and I fucking loved it, that was the start of my MDMA affair. I danced my nuts off for 8 solid hours and probably took about 0.3g.

I kept going to the same raves, getting on MDMA every time and taking more and more. We then ended up doing home sessions every so often, ranging from two day binges where we'd easily do a gram each and then move onto ket, to one night (all night) half grammers.

Ended up meeting my current girlfriend (of two years) who was anti-drugs, but I turned her. Ended up doing MDMA together quite a lot, opening up and basically being soppy all night, listened to dubstep and cuddling.

The summer of my first year at uni I was doing a lot of MDMA, sometimes every weekend for a month. It caught up with me quickly though, I ended up feinting in my mates room after a heavy session and nearly smashed up his TV. Severely lost my appetite and just about forced down a McDonalds after the second day of no-eating. I fully recovered.

Still do MDMA to this day be it less frequently. I am an MDMA binger, me and my friends end up getting a quarter Oz, we do it for a few weekends in a row, then I don't do it again for a few months. I've never seen the appeal of doing it every weekend, sometimes after a heavy session I cant even bare the thought of MDMA in case I vomit. Same goes for ketamine.

Missus is doing her dissertation on the effects of MDMA on the brain, but also the effects on how a person see's their life. Everybody has told her it's affected them positively.

I don't think I'll ever stop doing it. I'm going to end up a working professional living the double life like some posts above have described. Luckily for me, in my area, drugs are a bit more readily accepted. Loads of people I've worked with are on cocaine at work to give them the edge at meetings. This is the culture.

I'm 21 in a couple weeks, still young, still loving my MDMA :)
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the fact is that mdma is illegal in most places and, as a result, facts on use and abuse are hard to come by and the dangers are, inevitably, less well known. opinion is plentiful.

this is a discussion of degree and there's no reason it can't be civil. from an hr perspective, understating the frequency with which one should use mdma to be safe is as, if not more, harmful as/than exaggerating it. there's no reason that statements like "i take it weekly and i seem fine. your mileage may vary" and "you should take a 3-month break to be safe" can't coexist. either party inflating the authority of their statements is a problem, in my opinion.

i don't believe the ed staff or any forum participant should ever be criticised for erring on the side of caution.


You basically expressed my opinion far more eloquently than I could. However, the problem with the first statement is that it allows the poster to rationalise taking excessive MDMA because this guy on the internet is fine. Thereby indirectly causing potential harm to the poster. Conversely, if a 3 month break really isn't necessary then its being overly cautious of which posters will no longer respect the advice. Like I said, recommendations need to be realistic for each individual.

Suppose i'll post my experience with MDMA.

My experience.

First consumed MDMA back in February of this year. I was somewhat naiive and not entirely sure what I was doing regardless of my previous research. I brought half a 'gram' expecting an actual gram. I didn't have a test kit but it looked the real deal based on google images and my previous research. I didn't have a set of scales so I cautiously consumed roughly 1/5 expecting that to be 100mg. I didn't feel anything so went back to my car to consume more after the pre-party. Soon enough I started coming up in the club roughly 45 mins post-consumption. Long-story short it was a magical night that changed my life, literally loved the peak. Only time i've actually experienced 'chattery teeth' from MDMA, no idea why I don't get it now. Nowadays its just a gurnfest haha ;)

Anyways, after that experience I extensively researched MDMA which is where I found this site. Brought a kit and a set of scales and had a 3 month break. Consumed 130mg which was awesome if not slightly flooring but awesome nonetheless.

Since then i've consumed it 4 more times all doses between 100-120mg. I did notice a difference when the breaks were only 1 month, the peak was more 'stoney' and 'flooring' if that makes sense. When I began to comedown it was more euphoric and clear-headed. The best experience was notably after a 3 month break directly after a holiday enriched with sun and lots of good food. The euphoria was so strong I had to scream and people looked at me kinda strangely lol.

The one time I was irresponsible was after getting drunk then deciding to drop it with my new best friends of which I also supplied everyone - big regret. I also didn't measure doses just consumed lots and I was stupidly fucked, melting into a couch chewing my face off. Fortunately my new friends did look after me somewhat.

Nowadays i'm a massive PLUR addict who lives for the euphoric, loving breakdowns and the massive rush you can build up during the breakdown. I finally understand the rave culture and love it for what it is, it drew me away from the drinking culture which is a good thing.

I'm currently on a large break to try and regain that euphoria I felt from a 3month break. I do believe that if you don't increase your MDMA dosage and consume it monthly the high is less euphoric and more stoning - from my experience. I'm still somewhat confused as to why the peak is not quite the same and more stoney. Is it too much MDMA? Is it too less? Is it tolerance? I don't know really.

MDMA definitely increased my appreciation for music - I now get tingles from any song that has the 'love vibe' regardless of genre really. I feel MDMA may have developed my enjoyment for trance music which I never used to enjoy that much, all based on that night spent in Gods Kitchen feeling undescribable euphoria. But i'm still a hardcore raver, I wish I had more hardcore buddies to go raving with. I just wish my friends understood E and got out of the drinking culture :(

Cheers for reading anyways.
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The amphetamine derivative (±)-3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, ecstasy) is a popular recreational drug among young people, particularly those involved in the dance culture. MDMA produces an acute, rapid enhancement in the release of both serotonin (5-HT) and dopamine from nerve endings in the brains of experimental animals. It produces increased locomotor activity and the serotonin behavioral syndrome in rats. Crucially, it produces dose-dependent hyperthermia that is potentially fatal in rodents, primates, and humans. Some recovery of 5-HT stores can be seen within 24 h of MDMA administration. However, cerebral 5-HT concentrations then decline due to specific neurotoxic damage to 5-HT nerve endings in the forebrain. This neurodegeneration, which has been demonstrated both biochemically and histologically, lasts for months in rats and years in primates. In general, other neurotransmitters appear unaffected. In contrast, MDMA produces a selective long-term loss of dopamine nerve endings in mice. Studies on the mechanisms involved in the neurotoxicity in both rats and mice implicate the formation of tissue-damaging free radicals. Increased free radical formation may result from the further breakdown of MDMA metabolic products. Evidence for the occurrence of MDMA-induced neurotoxic damage in human users remains equivocal, although some biochemical and functional data suggest that damage may occur in the brains of heavy users. There is also some evidence for long-term physiological and psychological changes occurring in human recreational users. However, such evidence is complicated by the lack of knowledge of doses ingested and the fact that many subjects studied are or have been poly-drug users.


Great study, it addresses up a lot of the points in this thread.
Great study, it addresses up a lot of the points in this thread.

Is it really? On serotonin depletion it seems to rely heavily on the work of George Ricaurte, politically motivated and discredited scientist who published results based on mistakenly giving crystal meth instead of MDMA to lab rats.

Heck, it even quotes that discredited, retracted study.

Not impressed in the slightest.
I know no moderation with MDMA. I abused. I stopped using. I had lasting side effects that took the better part of 2 years to subside. I used once a week for about 2 years, sometimes more. I used other drugs in conjuntion with MDMA but the drug I did the most was MDMA.

All advice I post is based off of that. I want you to have fun but I want you to avoid as much of the bad as possible.

most are going to roll more than they should. most are going to take larger doses than they should. and most are going to come out just as good as they come in. I am here to help you make and educated decision on your MDMA use...the choice is ultimately yours.

sometimes I get wrapped up in the harm reduction aspect of the site and go a bit overboard on the doom and gloom...but my stated mission here is to provide the best info I can on my experience with MDMA so that others can make the most informed decision they can on using it...even if I think that decision is not the right one.
I think that the more experiences we get from long term or UK users you will be able to see a very real difference between our drug use culture. My post about my personal usage/experience should not be used as a guideline as what is safe for you (and not something I would ever encourage).

My intentions behind creating this thread and encouraging people to post their (honest) experience was not about dicksizing, nor to promote unsafe drug use or ignore the invaluable information regarding harm reduction that the threads contain. It was intended just to show that a lot of people have dropped more pills than they should have, have ignored the once every three month 'rule' and have lived to tell the tale. They do not have lasting depression, SS and the magic is still very much alive and kicking.

I am not for a minute saying throw caution to the wind and forget safety.
^ Hey Bogman, thank you for your post - as always your insight is greatly appreciated.

When you took pills for a few weekends in a row did you notice and reduced effects? Did you find the following days after you stopped any worse than the normal come down (say if you only took one weekend)? When you restarted did you notice any reduced effects down to tolerance ?


First of all great site (and pillreports too) I'm browsing you guys for a long time but never bothered to register, but I felt to have to do it now.

I just wanted to report about losing the magic - I've heard of people saying that, and other people saying they never noticed a difference.

I've done xtc about 7 times now (all this year, about 6 weeks breaks, little too short I realize that, stupid)
I instantly noticed the difference between the 1st and 2nd time. Don't get me wrong, the 2nd time was awesome but the first surprise when it hits and you just rub your face against your couch for 5 hours (I was just doing it inside with some friends) feeling like you switched bodies with your cat was undescribable to me.

It was still amazing the times after - but nothing compared to the first time. I have some friends who say it gets less and less exciting - those are the ones that actually perfectly remember their first time and how awesome it was.

When I ask another friend who says every time just gets better and better (also with 1+ month inbetween) he can't really remember the first few times as it was a long time ago.

So maybe it's just cause you don't exactly remember the feeling when you did it for the first time, that you don't "lose the magic" cause to you xtc was just a different experience overall?

Sorry if I don't make perfect sense, english is not my main language.

And a about redosing - since the first time I do more than 150mg. I know for a fact all my pills were clean (I only bought pills that were on pillreports with good reviews - and brought them to a test centre every time) The first few times I did not really appreciate the "speedy effects" as you describe and I was somewhat dissapointed when the happyness was gone. However after 3 times I learned to "control" that trip, and while you can feel really empty and dull at 1 moment, if you "capture" the inner happyness, it's even more intense than the original happyness you get when it kicks in. I now still ofcourse absolutely love the first hours, but I actually look forward to the point I start to hallucinate, I play with lights and they just transform into everything possible, moving around etc. and it just gives me the feeling of total peace with the earth.

Kind of similar (if you have experience with that) with shrooms happyness - not so easy to get there, but when you reach the point, you just stay there and never want to leave it. Altough on mdma I found it a lot easier to get at that point than shrooms.

I should add I always smoked weed with pills (the moment I start feeling anything I just need to have a joint) so maybe it's different without, but for me redosing makes it just more awesome and awesome.

About dosages, I honestly don't get a 100mg dosage. For me since the first time 100mg doesn't do much. Same for my friends who also did it for the first time, a 100mg pill barely does anything. I've never seen someone take a 100mg pill and actually roll good, they just get a little chatty and dilated pupils but nothing more. Do we have that different mdma ? Or is yours just cut without you realizing it? I would gladly take less if it gives me a good feeling, but I never had any feelings until I took more than 150mg.

Like atm23 above describes after years of using you need 200mg to get you going, but I have that since the first time - and many of my friends too.

For example I was at a friends house last week, a mate was doing pills who did it only 3x in his life and last time was about 11 months ago. He did a whole defqon (200+mg) and he was feeling it alright, but wasn't totally "floored" as most people describe here what happens when you take 200mg. He was just chilling good, nothing more..
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You do kinda lose the magic alright but you couldnt lose it after 7 times thats crazy.
I took between 20/30 pills a week from 1999 to 2005 even conservatively estimate of around 3500 pills. In 2003 i got the best pills i ever had. Pink hearts (round with faint heart logo) they were 90mg mdma and 50mg mda and the mdma was v high quality.well the feelings off those pills was out of this world amazing the magic was back just like the old days with turbo mitsubishis in 99.
Is it really? On serotonin depletion it seems to rely heavily on the work of George Ricaurte, politically motivated and discredited scientist who published results based on mistakenly giving crystal meth instead of MDMA to lab rats.

Heck, it even quotes that discredited, retracted study.

Not impressed in the slightest.

I might be wrong but I'm sure they also administered MDMA by direct, massive, injections to the brain. Not the way most people use MDMA in reality.

That "study" is a load of shite.
Here's what happened when I first took ecstasy.

It started off as a shit night, we went to a rock club and it was empty with shit music. At this point, we were only drinking. I was tired and very down, I had split up my girlfriend of three years the night before, and I was just out to keep my mind off it.

It looked like the night was gonna end about half 12, when most of my friends decided to call it a night. However, someone who I knew, but not that well, asked if I wanted to get some MDMA with him, then go to a dnb club night that was on. I thought, fuck it, i'll give it a try.

we went into the club and I took a quater. (by this point all the alcohol had worn off, weren't drinking too much anyway) I felt breifly a bit happier, music started sounding a bit better, and a smile came over my face. But that only lasted a little while, then I was back down again. We went to the dance floor but I just felt a bit awkward and tired. Dissapointed, wondering what the fuss was about, I thought about going home. This was about an hour after we took it, and it's my last proper memory of the night.

It must have kicked in, i'm not sure when, because from that point I don't have any solid memories, all I remember is feeling amazing, like indescribably good, the music sounded incredible, I just wanted to dance and move, I felt like I was in heaven, my world became this amazing place full of vibrant lights and amazing music, I felt so good that I almost couldn't understand why I had ever been sad about anything before. I left the club about 6am (I started coming down a bit after this, and can remember things clearer)and just sat at the bus stop for about 2 hours. I was sat there, doing literally nothing, yet I felt so incredibly comfertable and at peace, I felt contentedness like nothing before. I smoked a cigarette and it tasted like the best thing i'd ever had. I got home about 8am, crawled in my bed, again I just felt so comfterable, it wasn't euphoria like before, but just an intense sense of comfort and at ease, I remember wriggling around in my sheets, everything felt amazing, and I was just reflecting on how beautiful life was.

The next few days were awful though, felt tired and grouchy and low.
What would you say about this thread,this thread, this thread, and the many others like them? In the first one the OP claims to have been suffering from anxiety and insomnia for weeks after consuming about 250 mg MDMA in one night.

It was intended just to show that a lot of people have dropped more pills than they should have, have ignored the once every three month 'rule' and have lived to tell the tale. They do not have lasting depression, SS and the magic is still very much alive and kicking.

Wouldn't it be equally easy to say "A lot of people have dropped more pills than they should have, ignored the once every three month rule, and suffered depression, SS, and loss of magic as a result?"
I'm not sure why but I can't seem to quote - or multiquote the above post?

Clocktower - As I stated in my post, this thread was to give people who have used MDMA more than what is deemed 'safe' a lot the chance to post their history. The idea behind it was to try and put a bit of balance to the use / side effects of MDMA.

If you were new to the drug and read a few of the threads on here it would be so easy for you to think that MDMA is some killer drug that after taking three pills in 6 months your going to be left with lasting depression. It is certainly not without its side effects and I had asked that a few of the long term users especially from the UK to post their stories.

There seems to be a massive cultural difference with the way that people cope with these side effects - Almost everywhere (apart from what seems the US) after a heavy night/weekend of clubbing its almost expected to feel rough for a few days. Most people don't automatically assume that they have brain damage, or then start thinking they are going to have lasting depression (so talk themselves into it).

The three posts you linked - One guy was snorting upto 2g's a day, so I'm not surprised they are having problems. The other had been reading the other threads and linked his symptoms to the ones listed on here about depression etc. The other I really do not know.

The same way that your expectations of the effects of a drug can influence your high, then the same applies on the side effects. The term of serotonin Syndrome is thrown around like its happening to everyone all the time - that simply is not the case.

A lot of the users who post about depression etc are new users - some have only taken one pill others have been using for a few weeks. MDMA is not a new drug, it has been used by millions of people on a weekly basis for years - if depression and serotonin syndrome was such a danger/risk (after one dose) it would have reared its head before now?

MDMA is not without its risks.
Ever since I started using drugs I always had them handed to me.
My brother, who sold large amounts of drugs would just give me as much as me and my friends desired even at a young age.
My first experience with MDMA was off of some pretty bad blue pumas, I ate one felt some stimulation, happiness but nothing special.
At this time in my life I was already pretty experienced with LSD and liked to do that more than MDMA, It was cheaper and more enjoyable for me..
When ever I would want to roll I would just ask my brother and boom, a half gram of personal white powder (gross and cut) I always liked MDMA but it was just never as amazing as what people were saying.. I could never sleep, bad hangovers, not much empathy or social connection.. just speedy.
I would eat this molly for a year and a half usually taking around 200-400mg each time. And most likely combined with LSD.
I always would find myself craving it though, regardless of how much I liked LSD more. Sometimes I would do it multiple times in a week always unsatisfied and left hung over.

This all would change after I took 250mg of pure MDMA crystal.
I can remember that dose like it was yesterday, just me and my two friends sitting alone in a house.
I can remember thinking that I was having the most intense experience with drugs that I had ever had. The dose was too high because of pretty much constant eye wiggles but the spiritual effects were slightly less profound than LSD. I felt conected to the earth and very much at peace with myself and my surroundings, life was perfect and the world looked new and 10x as beautiful.
From then on for the next 6 months of summer I would binge on MDMA.. Not really sure exactly how much I took.. but I can remember alot of redoing.. I call them booster crystals..
The magic of that first experience has slipped from me now but its not really noticed when I'm in a rave.
When I take MDMA outside of a rave for spirituality use (usually with lsd) I don't get what I would like.. This is upsetting...
But honestly not that bad.. I now only take MDMA in rave setting and not very often. Usually once every 2-4 weeks..
The spirituality is gone, but the fun isn't. :)
I shamefully have abused the drug a few times. More than I'd like to admit. The main side effects are similar to a very mild concussion IME. My concussion was much worse though, though it was only a light-moderate concussion. That no medical record even exists from since it didn't require hospitalization. Head injuries are baad though... baaaad!
Hello, I am a new user, to the forum and MDMA.

The first time I dropped was edc 2012 on the last day. I was with my current girlfriend and I remember my experience. I got all the bad and no good, I got dilated jittery jaw clenching and then threw up.

Now I didn't know much then but what I had done was stupid, we only brought like two pills and I didn't get jack shit off the first one so I bought more from.. A random person. Now granted I got lucky and got real crystal MDMA because my gf rolled her face off and I threw up. Dunno if it's me or cause to much or cause first time or what but I didn't hold it down well.

Waited about 2 months to try again. Still nothing, didn't throw up but pupils dilated shakyut still no roll no euphoria that my gf gets every time no nothing.

So we go to escape from Wonderland me her and my roommate. And I had probably the closest you can find to pure crystal MDMA in Las Vegas which still isn't that pure, and I rolled got the euphoria felt good but still isn't as amazing as you all, my gf and my roommate describe it as.

So my next event is beyond Wonderland and we're getting m80s right out of cali which are described as really close to poke balls. And I have to say for not even fully rolling or ever peaking I'm excited as hell to try these because I want to get the full experience and hope I roll my balls off for the first time ;D

Wish me luck for a very hopeful roll :)
hi. i always told myself that i was never gunna do anything that seriously damaged my body.
recently iv been searching for meaningful answer to our existence and such, and though im really into science and physics and other such things that really try and get to the facts, i cant help but drift further away from them. they dont manage to get to giving an answer that im looking for. and when approaching these scientific communities looking for answers to what i think, it has simply been ignored. none willing to stray from what they think is right. its like, if ur not a scientist, then your opinion and ideas just simply aren't credible enough to be acknowledged. i say bullshit to that! and ppl like them.

i consider myself a reasonably loving and caring person with a thirst for 'true knowledge'/enlightnment. i hate the state the world is in. i hate the fact that, not just that there are multiple governments and ppl in higher power, and that some of these go to war and what not, but just the fact that there was ever even 1 person that thought to rule over the rest. i think we can all probably agree that the world would truly be a great place if we were all equal with no ruler, and, i dont believe in the bible or 'god' that is to say, my interpretation of god is very different!- we'll get to that. i will get to my mdma experience, i just want to explain what lead me personally to it.

but from the bible, there is 1 phrase for me that stands out among all. that is, 'love thy neighbour'. i have loved and still do, but also from that experienced the worst pain. i think, if we could all love and be connected equally, then the pain side of it would be gone forever, no more hate, no more bad. if anyone else has been or is in love then i would hope that u get what i just said quite easily. i do believe it could be done and will eventually. that leads me to thinking that there will be one last great war, whenever it happens, however it happens who could say, but this would be the one that decides weather our race continues to evolve as it should have from the start. or not. it would be between true good, the ppl that realise everything i just said, and true evil, those that would still seek to control. hopefully future generations will pick the good side. its not about been gay and soppy, its about doing what's right. whats needed.

so my mum dies a little over a year ago, she wasnt well most her life, just an unfortunate deal of some shitty cards. i couldnt really have cared about life no more. it seemed entirely pointless to work so hard only to get to that day when its all completely erased. in a world of greed and cruelty. what is the point?

i dont want to go into too many more details of me coming to take certain substances. i started to see life differently in the last year and its only increasing more in smaller amounts of time. i turned 20 november of last year, i have been through a lot. with my thirst for knowledge i took to looking away from the physical world and studying on the things we dont initially see, instantly i came across dmt and ayahuasca, stuff like that, for those who know what im on about... i believe u now know, what i am on about.

i did state, i dont particularly want to do things that could damage my body. so i looked and looked for credible sources of info, cross referenced other info, i wanted the best truths i could get on what was actually gunna be good for the next step of my journey. i will say right now. not at any part of this am i looking for a buzz. im not looking to get high as fuck to forget about my worries. i want the truth on what we are and what we will become, something along those lines... oh, and i dont smoke tobacco. as its bad.

so a few month after my mum died and all my research, not cos friends did it, they did for years and i always said no, i started to smoke weed. purely by itself usually out of a bong. at the very most i do 5 to 10 hits a week and that gets me what i want.
at first everything i could think about was just right there, i couldnt focus on 1 thing, but everything at once. now i can separate them into what i want to be looking at right then and put other things to the side. my first time walking home late at night, i got a little paranoid walking through a wood, hearing all the little sounds. i told myself right then and there that this been one of the worst side effects, was something that wasnt going to bother me no more. it comes from your head, i made myself aware of that and it was gone instantly. so some clear benefits there from weed.

more research, i was looking for something that could help me see with my own eyes, what i believe to be the real universe. im getting closer and closer to the understanding. i really believe that all our conciousness is one. not just of living things, but from every atom, every particle. we are all directly connected. i have a lot of my own theories that iv developed but i wont go into those hear. instantly i decided over the last few month to jump straight to the source of awareness. id looked into its damaging effects enough, and in my opinion i think they should be completely disregarded. there simply not sufficient enough reason to not do it. DMT smoked, or ayahuasca, which i would prefer to go with. dmt is formed in our brain, its there when u sleep, when u dream, the minute u close your eyes. i think that says all that need be said. its important to us.

what comes from it and its trips are where i want to go. not for the thrill, in fact i heard it gives u everything, good and bad, so that u may learn right from wrong and such. i want it to become truly enlightened, to see the world as it truly is. and to give meaning to this seemingly pointless role we play as humans. i dont fear, nor anxious about taking it. i want to see the good and the bad, so that i may learn right from wrong and whatever else that something on the other side seems to want us to know. many accounts refer to this thing this entity. whatever it is, i think that it just might be there, and not there as in somewhere else, but here all around us in dimensions our 5 senses cant connect with. i think, to get there, its these senses that we have to be able to shut off. or to dramatically increase their capability.

my friends have warned me away. they say im going too far too quick, i say why waste a life of hardship and unknown, when everything that we could ever need to know is possibly right there. i dont want to wait., for there sake i took a slight step back.

my first mdma experience.

so reluctantly, i havent taken that huge step just yet. but iv gone straight from nearly a year of smoking weed to mdma lastnight. friday. from what i found, it takes u to a higher state, not so high but what i summed up to be a satisfactory starting point. i did this with my 2 best mates. they dont really talk about whats inside them much so i couldnt really say what they got, so ill just recount as much of my experience as possible.

what was believed to be pure mdma crystals. i wasnt off put. they were pretty big chunks, they looked sound. i took 0.25g, lights out, we all sat back with the music on and waited for it to come. they kicked in first, around 15 - 20 mins, but i didnt seem to feel anything yet, i didnt worry or doubt that it would come, i just taught that simply because i was more prepared and aware of what i wanted that i was just gunna be able to handle it. i kept that mindset throughout the night.
coming up to around half hour mark i start feeling a little light headed. i say to them, its on its way. and i let it slowly take hold. 10 minutes later, i would say i was getting exactly the kind of thing i expected and wanted

i felt that my friends thought i was making most of the stuff up that i started to experience. little did i know that later we would be having the deepest talk, full of emotion and love, about it. all the problems on each of our minds would be shared and felt by each other.

so the lights out, were sat back listening to music, and i look into the blackness of the room, with no light, i start to see it as if there was a dark red filter over the top in every bit of the space, and still that pitch blackness, i could start to see the shape and details of these things in the room illuminated by this dark red tint. then it starts getting interesting.

the musics playing loudly, prodigy, firestarter. that sound was like something i never heard before, it totally changed. coming up, knowing the location of things in reality, isnt too bad, but as the sound of the music seemed to get louder and louder, its like it manipulated everything in the room. things started to get mixed together, i cant really explain it. the sound had left the speakers, while i wasnt looking at them, they didnt even exist. that sound was vibrating everywhere at once with no point of origin. until finally i couldnt even pick out its location of the entire room, it was just in my head. right deep in my ears. i had to test this somehow, so i looked to get eyes on the speakers, and only once i noticed them, did the sound seem to pull out of me and fade back into that recognised point of origin. of course i tell my friends, they are seeing whatever they are seeing but they say im mad., all that over the course of 3 minutes or so.

fully aware, i realise im seeing, hearing and feeling some profound stuff, i was getting what i wanted, and was happy for more. we sat around for the next 10 mins or so with other music continuing to play. sound turns out to be a big thing for me in the end)
we're babling on about whatever and i start to,.. im gunna call it 'phasing out'. by this i mean, all of a sudden i would start to stop moving my hands and such in thin air. there they would hover perfectly still, i was aware of this, and had to really concentrate each time to get them moving again by myself. this would happen continually on and off for the rest of the time. it felt amazing to say the least. its like by simply not thinking about it, i could be totally disconnected to my limbs. i sat back further but keeping a nice posture and closed my eyes, i noticed pretty much instantly that every bit of my body was in complete shut down. my arms raised slightly into the air, my body perfectly still. the music still playing, my jaw clenched tightly but my tongue still able to move on the inside, allowing myself control to a degree, i could talk through this.

my friend reaches over, tells me to put my hands down, with my eyes shut, i couldnt focus on them, i couldnt open my eyes either, the only thing i could do was move my tongue and talk from behind my clenched teeth. i told him straight, i wasnt in control, he tells me to stop been stupid and pushes them down for me, this was the weirdest feeling ever.
wherever he placed them wether on a surface or to a point in the air, i could feel them move but remain locked. he must have noticed as i heard him call out to the other, 'yo man, have u seen this' when he would move more intricate parts such as individual fingers they didnt perfectly lock for him, he wasnt satisfied that it was real.i talked him through how it felt while he was doing this. as i could still feel, i felt a springyness to my fingers, he couldnt close them in to a tight fist and let go for example because the would slightly sring back out and i could feel that. he then grabs my head and started pushing it to different sides and angles. it felt real strange. he then left me there with my head tilted right down onto my shoulder and started to urge me to get control, i struggled but managed to get my eyes open, only then could i start to focus on the other limbs. we was ready to go out this was from half hour to 45 mins of it first kicking in.

for me, this was just real, basically, anything really is possible.
sat down in the clubs, were trying to talk but losing track of everything we say. there was just so much bonding between us though and i know this is one of its major effects, were not afraid to tell each other that we love each other. thats just what it does. i sat down a lot to start with, i was in and out of control of my body all night, i remember ppl trying to talk to me and i couldnt even turn my head to them. we whent into this nice club with its circular room and dance floor in the centre. the scene was perfect for this. a lot of stuff continued to happen but the last major thing that changed was unreal even more. after everything that iv found out, i was shocked. i stood just at the edge of the dance floor, strobe laser lighting, smoke, rave music, job lot. it wasnt the colours that got me or even the light at all. the light turns totally white, spreading through all the smoke in all the room, and i look right into the heart of it, and as the music beated away, i could see it form the smoke into many geometric patterns, not coloured, just plain white glowy smoke forming into these shapes upon every beat only separated in-between by the gaps it would make through the smoke as they changed shape, that was highly surreal, but it was there.

that about sums up the main bulk of my experience, also, i dont seem to have totally come down now, 24 hours later. i wrote this now, while still feeling the effects of my first mdma trips. i know i might have gone on a little there, but i feel that i needed to get all of this out, and i cant wait to gain heightened awareness from ayahuasca :L hope u enjoyed reading :)
I shamefully have abused the drug a few times. More than I'd like to admit. The main side effects are similar to a very mild concussion IME. My concussion was much worse though, though it was only a light-moderate concussion. That no medical record even exists from since it didn't require hospitalization. Head injuries are baad though... baaaad!

i wondered, as a first time user, my first experience was amazing. im well past 24 hour mark and still no depression in the slightest, that has surprised me there since i usually get very bored day to day normally. iv just felt so renewed from my experience.

what i wanted to know, did u have a good first experience or no? and weather u think varying ppl could handle different amounts and go on feeling good?
As Child of the 1980's and a Teen in one of the massive Rave Mecha in this part of the world in the 1990's I was right on course to butt heads with MDMA at a young age..

I listed to the hype..all the "Good" people had to say.. all the Bad.. and the Bad, including what my mother had told me.. scared me off for quite some time.. My Mother, when I was growing up did just about everything under the sun as long as it was not an IV or Crack... I know she had a coke habit and smoked weed a LOT as well as a few other things I ran across over the years.. So when she told me scary shit.. I believed it.. Mind you she thought it was fun to mess with me and my friends when I was 14 and tripping on Acid.. It took me a few years to come around and I gave in when I was about 16..

That would be 1996 .. I have always been a person of moderation over all.. Not really ever abused any substance.. that's not to say that I have never been trashed or not done too much of something 'cus I have.. Being in Central Florida running around with car clubs , hitting raves between Jacksonville, Orlando, Tampa and Miami.. I saw everything "HIGH END" pill that was on the market.. My first was a white Mitsubishi ....Over all even back then I tried to keep it down to once every few months.. I think I might have dropped two months back to back once but that's about it.. Back then I was about 115lb 5'9" and a 36 D...One Pill (about 100mg / 150mg) with a redose of a whole or a half at some point was my basic indulgence.... This went on for a few years.. I never mixed substances of any kind.. I might have once had a drink or two and an hour or two later had a pill that's about as close to mixing as I had ever gotten.. I do know a few times I got pills with speed in them.. You can SOOOOOO tell the difference between MDMA Energy and Speed Energy.. I never liked that high "BUZZZ" that seems to take over your body when there is speed in them.

I think the worse "Abuse" I ever did was some where around a 1gr / 1.5gr in about a 24 hour period in 2005.. THAT was one of the WORST mistakes I had ever made with a Substance including alcohol and I have had alcohol poisoning once (long story there) I was torn up the next three days so badly that just getting up to go to the bathroom was a nightmare.. The Migraine that went with it was world shattering.. My Jaw was wrecked, my mouth was raw, ate way toooo many lollipops and candies..and I hurt everywhere.. Needless to say that I did not touch MDMA for some time after that..

In 2007 I picked it back up again, mostly as I had been doing research on MDMA and PTSD as my then Husband suffered from it and a very nasty case of anxiety not only from his traumatic childhood but from his years in the military. I tried for years to get him to see someone and he would not.. He had never done any substance other then drinking, but some how my best friend and I talked him into it over a course of some months.. the three of us wanted to do it together and help get things out in the open and help loosen him up to let shit out and for the most part it worked.. and it allowed for us to work thru a lot of issues at the time.. If we had made it a semi annual habit maybe our relationship might have survived his issues, but alas it was a one time thing. I have NEVER seen someone fight MDMA before and RUIN their own time so badly in my life.. Lesson learned.. a Control freak is still a control freak even when they "pretend" to try and do something another way..

Over the next few years there was spot uses..here and there.. a party, night out ect never more then a few times a year at most maybe 4 in 2009......
In the being of 2010 my marriage was pretty much over and my current other half moved in with me. He had never even been drunk, but he did like to sip on some nice single malt scotch now and then....Over the next two years I would offer up small pieces of info, new stories like the one in O mag about PTSD and the treatment they were trying with MDMA, how it allowed people to open up and deal with things ect.. And in 2012 at the beginning of the year I got him drunk for the first time, mind you he was 31 at the time.. We had a blast.. I found that sweet spot where you still feel good and not groggy. We were drinking absinthe mainly so it tends to be a more "CLEAR" drunk then with other alcohols. Fast forward to mid-late in the year and I finally asked him out right if he would roll with me. With a very sweet smile He said that he trusted me and that he wold be willing to try anything with me. So we did, I got a hold of some molly, tho to me it was on the weak side and from my other friends that have had the same batch.. We think the girl was filling light on us at a guess it was 70mg to maybe 100mg .. But we had a wonderful time.. I tried to explain to him that While euphoric ect.. that, that was in no way the full MDMA experience. He glowed, he loved it and smiled and said we should do it again some times..

We then had quite a mess for about a year to deal with (you have to love how much ex's can make a mess of your life)...We got to a point where we could talk about extracurricular activities again back in October and set out to get hooked back up with what we had the last time (it was easy to get a hold of, or so we thought) Well that turned out to be bust and the girl turned into a flake that pretty much blew off everyone in the area for the most part.. So Plan B kicked in.. Looking up old contacts :D

Well that took awhile sadly.. But Now.. Not an issue.. Got a hold of some WONDERFUL Molly a few weeks back and we had a BLAST.. I posted a trip report on it in the TR section on here.. if you want to read.. Needless to say this was like the days of old I can only explain it as the MDMA of the mid 90's LOL.. He was BLOWN AWAY.. and has now gotten very sucked into the "culture" here with EDM ect.. Not that we did not already have interests this is different and he really cant wait to go again.. So I get to keep a leash on him.. thankfully he has a great head on his shoulders so he listens when I say something and learns from my mistakes..

Currently.. for the record.. we are both about 205lbs I'm 5'9" 38 DDDD and he is 5'6" and fairly muscular.... My sweet spot is around 200mg / 250mg and I do tend to redose about a hour to an hour and half in.. and I try to keep it to just on one redose.. He was very happy with this dose...

Honestly, I would LOVE to see data on Height, Weight and where their sweet spots are.. I have seen the "recommended" postings but that's not really the same.. ;)
Losing the magic not that bad

So I have been trying to reduce how often i roll but been having trouble cause I go to shows alot. I try to limit myself once ever 2-3 weeks. With a proper supplement routine I have no negative effects what so ever not even slightly. My rolls obviously arent like the first time but I have a great time every time without fail. My philosphy on this is ya only doing it once a month or every couple months will make your roll better. But if I dont eat candy for a month that choclate bar is going to be fucking amazing or if I dont eat for a day and the meal is going to be delicious but doesnt mean its worth wait. So as long as Im having a great time i dont think "losing the magic" isnt that bad. It depends on how you look at it. Having a great time at my shows is worht it to me instead of having one all inspiring experience once every couple months.