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Tryptamines [Mushrooms Subthread] Low Dosage Trips

after reading this thread and remembering someone (probably a. hofmann) say that light doses of LSD or shrooms enhance your senses/perception, i gave it a try yesterday.

didn't use psychedelics for about 1 year, because i don't have the time for that. i want at least 2 days to really come down. and almost never have that time because i have to work and my mind is under stress then.
with this kind of a light trip i won't need 2 days...

cutted 0,5 - 0,75g of dried amazonian labeled cubensis into little pieces and put them on my tongue and waited for it to be soaked full of saliva (i learned food will be digested more easily then). then used a glass of orange juice to swallow it... i didn't chew on the pieces, because i didn't want to have that mushroom taste in my mouth.

played bf2 for 2 hours and didn't recognize any effects.

went to the couch, turned the xbox on and played some music with milkdrop (psychedelic screensaver) on.
didn't have any open eye visuals or any reality loss. but the borders of my ego were definitly dissolving. that's what i ate them for, anyway :)

and it seemed that the more i concentrate on the barely conscious trip, the deeper it would go.

had some short closed eye visuals (visualizing geometric shapes, and seeing a bright green instead of black/red when i closed my eyes, that got more intense when i concentrated on it).

listened to adam freeland - we want your soul. thought "yea, i want my soul too". good idea to play that song so it can remind me, that i want my soul ;)

and it seemed like i could awaken a part of me that is normally sleeping. someting that makes me "know more" than i know usually. with a better overview of what i can do, what my skills are. seeing more of the possibilites that i have in reality.

there was no really deep "seeing" on this trip, where i float above a infinite field of knowledge and tunnels to various realities. i was still very limited. but i think that field was close, and i was somehow connected to it, using it.

17:00 looked in the mirror. pupils weren't a lot bigger, but definitly affected by the shrooms.
felt in a state of consciousness where i could easily come up with solutions to personal/ego problems.
and thought "i like reality", which is very uncommon for me. because when i think of the past years, i only see myself hating reality so much. i remembered again how my own worldview can change the way i experience the world. and that it would be a lot better for my mind, if i could manage to like reality every day...
i'm sure that on psychedelics i can come up with a solution for that... but i doN't know if i found it yesterday :)

18:30 psychedelic effects were still there, but almost gone. decided to get some food, as i only ate some chocolate that day. decided i don't want to trip anymore. no more concentrating. not because it was unpleasant, i only lost interest. probably because the effects seemed so weak.
surfed the web and watched some tv, that brought me down almost complete.

i think this was the first trip in my life, where i didn't have even 1 second of a bad trip. the bad trip came later, after the effects of the shrooms. when i didn't know when to stop eating (mostly sweet stuff and cheese). maybe because of a slightly chaotic neurochemistry. i was hungry no matter how much i ate before. the only thing that made me stop eating was when i experienced my stomach was really full and will explode soon...
on stronger trips i wouldn't eat anything at all.

by 21:30 i was so sick from eating that i was only lieing in my bed, hoping it (the body symptoms) would stop soon and i fall asleep. reminded me of my 4g cubensis trip last year, which started like that. heavy stomach aches etc. and didn't end up in any good...

that 4g trip last year was a total waste of time and i was hating the shroom for that trip. but this small trip was really a positive experience after all.

i also felt a bit exhausted and sleepy after 18:30, but that wasn't a problem.. woke up in the night, and felt slightly unpleasant differences to my usual neurochemistry at night. maybe not enough serotonine in my brain... but that's a thing that i usually expect from psychedelics. it's one of the reasons i don't find time to trip. wouldn't want to go to work with chaos in my brain chemistry.

when i woke up this morning at 7:00 it still felt a bit unpleasant, but after some minutes everything was like usual...

during the trip i thought that if every human had this kind of little trip from time to time, the world would be a much better place. and that psychedelics can help humanity a lot primary in dealing with their problems. but also for scientific purpose. a free and open mind thinks better than a closed one...

i was more the kind of guy who says "better too much than not enough", "strong bombs against strong walls in my mind". so i'd rather eat a lot of shrooms than just 0,5g. but the experience yesterday changed my view. the walls in myself aren't as strong as i expected. 0,5g can be enough for some purposes. will try it again this summer...

for a real holiday from "everyday consciousness", or for trips with lots of action and sci-fi it's not really enough though. that's also a thing i want to do again in some time...

but the real benefit for humanity is the trips where we can learn something. and for learning small amounts of psychedelics can be enough. at least for users with a bit experience and who have goals for the trip (looking into theirselfs, learning, etc.).

for the "i only wanna be fucked up but still be able to party and have social interactions" dudes it might be the right dose, too. but eating psychedelics only for that reason is a stupid idea imho. but better than eating no psychedelics at all ;)

peace to all the (re)searchers out there

"Perhaps to some extent we have lost sight of the fact that LSD can be very, very helpful in our society if used properly."
-- Senator Robert Kennedy, 1966

"The religion of the future will be a cosmic religion; the religion which is based on experience, which refuses dogmatism. If there's any religion that would cope with scientific needs it will be Buddhism...."
-- Albert Einstein

"A human being is part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. We experience ourselves, our thoughts and feelings as something separate from the rest. A kind of optical delusion of consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from the prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.
-- Albert Einstein, 1954

"People who shut their eyes to reality simply invite their own destruction, and anyone who insists on remaining in a state of innocence long after that innocence is dead turns himself into a monster."
-- James Baldwin
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I like low-dose shrooms combo'd with a beer or a bowl... the shrooms lend just a little trippyness and give me an interesting energy for a while. Good for dancing.
fungus44 said:
I think my fave very low dose shroom trip had me at the laundromat working on an essay about a 16th century sonnet. Every letter was interesting, every pattern of the words, the numbers of letters, the associations of words -- ended up with an A+.

My sweetheart realized onlya few months ago that low mushroom doses make your vision much sharper -- we walked in very dark woods and saw fine. Not too much purely mental or trippy activity.

I suppose it's an ability to observe detail more closely without being overwhelmed by this or that particular detail.

I noticed that I could see really well my last low dose trip.
fungus44 said:
My sweetheart realized onlya few months ago that low mushroom doses make your vision much sharper -- we walked in very dark woods and saw fine. Not too much purely mental or trippy activity.

I suppose it's an ability to observe detail more closely without being overwhelmed by this or that particular detail.
Could this just be the result of pupil dilation? The walking in the dark woods part makes me think so.
Maybe will split 4 g's into two 2 g doses. I was a little skeptical because 2.3 g's is the least i ever took and it was an awesome trip but im used to an 8th or more. Hmmm... decisions. I wonder if two 2g trips would be worth it over one dose of 4g.
Depends what kind of trip you're looking for. Both have some gratifications
I went shrooming a few weeks back and only managed to find one. I was in a pretty good mood and decided to eat it. Within ten minutes I started to feel really good, really nice body buzz. I got home quickly and went straight for the stereo and the volume button. No real visuals either, but everything was in pastel . I had the best night, it gave me such a high. Nothing beats the wider sound of music.

I've tried this a few times and reccommend that your in a good mood to get the maximum results off a small dose. Three cans of bourbon normally helps my mood :0)
Mushrooms at low doses

In the spirit of the The Low-Dose LSD Appreciation Thread I'd like to hear people's opinions on the effects of mushrooms at low doses: Effects, similarities and/or dissimilarities with a low dose of LSD, are the effects just less intense than a regular mushroom trip or do they change qualitatively (as they seem to do with LSD)?

And analogous to the LSD thread; please post only of low doses of mushrooms only.
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1-1.75g of psilocybin is excelent for doing a hike. I love to do this in the spring, I try to do it at least once a year. Colorado is a beautiful place to do it too.
Low dose mushrooms - very stimulating mentally. Wonderful, spiraling tangents of thoughts. Quick, but subtle, alterations in emotion (for while mild feelings of discomfort/anxiety which can quickly shift into mild euphoria). Visuals light, gentle swirling of patterns if concentrated on, everything appears 'crisper', as if coated with a sheen which adds a little extra dimension and sparkle to everything. Very synergistic with some good old cannabis.

In my experience.
Well, what would you consider a low dose? :)

But, I find that I enjoy low-dose mushrooms far more than low dose LSD. For me,

2-2.5g = good for a club where you want to feel a bit "high" - it'll be a solid trip, strong visuals - OEV/CEV, but it typically wont leave you too far gone. I have had the odd trip with 2g thats taken me far further than expected, but its still been enjoyable in a club setting.

1-2g = good for a mild trip, and I really enjoy going for a bit of a hike on this dose. Its not too strong, but not too weak either. Its the kind of dose that I can do mid-morning, and still have a fully productive afternoon once I'm back to baseline. This is also a great social dose for me - able to talk, laugh, lots of fun. This can also be nice for going to a club when its not the kind of club that people get shit-faced at.

Never really done less than 1g, but I've had a few great trips with 1-1.5g -- stimulating, mood lift, music sounds good, subtle visuals, world has a bit of a candy-gloss coating to it, not too mentally taxing but very easy to get lost inside of your head if you allow yourself to.
Wow, I must be either very sensitive to mushrooms or the mushrooms I have tried were a very potent species (Copelandia Cyanescens). I ingested a little over 0.7 grams this Friday and I definitely wouldn't define that as a mild or low-dose trip.

I completely lost the understanding of time - I could look at my watch and say an hour had gone since ingesting the shrooms, which is just simple math really, but I couldn't comprehend what that meant or how to estimate when the trip ended, the border between me and the world around me became blurred - I would do something and feel seperated from that action as if the body I experienced were someone else, I experienced strong visuals - the ceiling, and to some extent the walls, in my room moved around, the ceiling felt like it was half a metre from my eyes and the walls could move at least a meter horizontally and the knots in the wooden ceiling would form strange patterns and move about to the music, plus the loss of understanding of a lot of simple concepts like everyday life and a lot more I can't remember right now.

I know Copelandia Cyanescens is somewhat more potent than, for example, Psilocybe Cubensis but I didn't think they were that much more potent.

The dose I had in mind when I said low would probably be 0.1-0.2 grams if 0.7 grams provided the effects described above. That was my third time trying mushrooms over the course of about 2-3 years so I'm not experienced at all. Perhaps I just haven't experienced the full effects mushrooms can provide?
first and only time using mushrooms (no supply, otherwise I'd be eating some now) I felt very little. The ceiling began to swirl a bit, and my thoughts were interesting. I found a tree outside my window to be extremely amazing, and had a nice connection with it. About 5 or 6 hours after dosing I walked 1 mile to my car and drove home. The walk was amazing, but somewhat awkward physically.

I was extremely depressed later in the evening, however, the next day it was like I was awoken from a haze. I had been depressed for maybe 5 years, and the mushrooms demolished my depression. Psilocybin is amazing.
redeemer said:
Wow, I must be either very sensitive to mushrooms or the mushrooms I have tried were a very potent species (Copelandia Cyanescens). I ingested a little over 0.7 grams this Friday and I definitely wouldn't define that as a mild or low-dose trip.


I know Copelandia Cyanescens is somewhat more potent than, for example, Psilocybe Cubensis but I didn't think they were that much more potent.


The Copelandia is indeed a stronger mushroom, depending on how used you are to the effects of mushroom, 0.7g can be quite a bit. I usually do 'em from 1-1.5g when i trip, don't got any needs to go higher.
^ I see, sounds like it is the inreased potency that makes the difference. I can imagine ingesting the dose you speak of, 1-1.5g, but doses ranging from 4 to 7 grams, which are often mentioned on this board, just sound way too extreme to me.

shypht said:
Well, what would you consider a low dose? :)
Without having tried what I would call a low dose myself I would say a dose ranging from one tenth to a fifth of one's normal dose. With that in mind, does anyone else want to share their experience of mushrooms at low doses?

Effects, similarities and/or dissimilarities with a low dose of LSD, are the effects just less intense than a regular mushroom trip or do they change qualitatively (as they seem to do with LSD)?
redeemer said:
^ I see, sounds like it is the inreased potency that makes the difference. I can imagine ingesting the dose you speak of, 1-1.5g, but doses ranging from 4 to 7 grams, which are often mentioned on this board, just sound way too extreme to me.

Without having tried what I would call a low dose myself I would say a dose ranging from one tenth to a fifth of one's normal dose. With that in mind, does anyone else want to share their experience of mushrooms at low doses?

Are you sure they talk about 4-7g of (dried)Copelandia and not cubensis or another shroom?
^ No, that was my point actually, although it was worded kind of poorly. I now understand how they can ingest that amount since they aren't talking about the Copelandia shrooms.
Personally I'm not comfortable with anything but low dose when it comes to shrooms.