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[MEGA] Edibles/Oral Cannabis

Phish show, alpine valley 97 or 98. Felt a buzz, was one of my first shows and I had no idea what was going on.

Couple years later I got more into it, the first few months were simply amazing.

My biggest advice, stick with just the weed and maybe some alcohol every once and awhile.
First time didn't feel anything ....

Secon time wow .
I wa sooo high . My mind was blown .

Everything was in the typicalslow motion frames haha
I was 11. My friend was 14.

We were out in the woods, she had a bit of skunk and a pipe she had borrowed from my friends older sister. She asked if I wanted to try some. I said yes.

Never been so stoned in my whole life. I went home and my Dad could pretty much instantly tell... But I'm glad I did it young.
... I don't really remember....

I was probably 13 or so, chillin in the woods with 16 year olds, smoking a bowl and trying to ride a bike off a jump.
Had them for the first time today. Smoke regularly, but the only edible I've had is honey. They didn't taste bad like I've heard and I'm pretty messed up.
I used to stir in a touch of canola oil. Microwave 30 seconds on high with cannabis. Let cool a bit. Spread and then cook on half a bagel.
Those firecrackers had me pretty messed up yesterday. I was so surprised. I think I eat too much for my first edible.
ok, so I just made my first firecracker. It has been cooling for over an hour.I will let you all know how it goes. I accidently put to much olive oil w/ the p butter so when I unraveled the already baked tin foil there was green peanut butter all inside the foil. I scraped the mess back on top of the firecracker . other than that I followed the recipie exactly. kewl beans I hope this works
I made some using nutella + a bit of olive oil to increase fat content.

Well I certainly busted the myth that nutella wouldnt work..because I only used 0.18g of finely chopped weed...and I was high for around 5 - 6 hrs...

These things are definetly a good bang for your buck! I just hope theyr not too harsh on tolerance!
OK so I did it. Nobody told me it was gonna be fuckin delicious. BTW It took 2 hours to notice full blown effects but was awesome. I was so stoned yet I could not sleep. Very hallucinogenic and I actually felt slight effects 20 min after eating. I cannot wait to do it again. At first I thought I wasted a good half gram but it was well worth it!!!!!
BTW. The part about take on an empty stomach I would definitely do. It really does interfere with the experience when eaten right after a meal.
Yeah.. empty stomach pretty vital if you want the full blown experience imo.

Currently preparing to make another batch, this time with 0.30g :)
If 0.18 was good, this is set to be awesome!
Mmm... I haven't had firecrackers in months. Personally I like making firecrackers in the microwave. Actually it's the only way I make it anymore. Mix P.B. and weed then microwave for increments of 30 seconds 3 times and allow to cool for half an hour. I eat it with a spoon but that's just me.

Almost forgot. If you're in a dorm or live with parents and smell is an issue use sealed tupper ware. Be sure to vent it out a window or outside in between cooking to keep it completely smell proof.

P.S. Make sure it's microwavable tupperware first.
Anyone had much experience with successfully re-dosing with the crackers?
Today I cooked me a firecracker with 1.9g of decent purple haze buds.

I was really high but it was great. Vision got blurry some times, not unlike eye wiggles. Body high was really intense. A nitrous hit shot me trough hyperspace hehe :)

I'll change the dosage until I find my sweet spot

Nitrous is fuuun, haven't done it in awhile though, to the moon!
this thread is fucking win. I have never heard of firecrackers before, although recently I heard people talking about it on here. I can't wait to try it
OK, so I had some really dry herb already, decided to skip the process of drying out the herb, grinded it as much as possible, put out 4 crackers, put organic PB on it, mixed in with a toothpick the herbs, topped them on one and other, (2 sets of firecrackers) with about a gram of herb all together. About 10 mins left in the oven, and I am going to try one out soon
I've dry pan fried some powdered weed just to the smoking point then mixed it with honey and it worked great. I've done the peanut butter route too but it worked just as well.

mmmmm ... hemp honey.