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[MEGA] Edibles/Oral Cannabis

Alright thanks guys. I've already eaten one almost 20 minutes ago, and I have the other wrapped up in the foil still and in a ziploc bag. Man Idk how people like the taste of them, they literally taste like dirt, You can't even taste the PB at all. So even if I don't get super blown off one will I atleast get a buzz? Cause I've heard some people say that Firecrackers don't even work.
they work, but it honestly took 3 hours one of the times i ate them. i figured they werent going to work so i just went to bed. i was asleep when they kicked and woke up because i got so high.
Haha really. Well I took them approximately 45 minutes ago and I mean I feel a LITTLE but nothing too crazy, not like if I just smoked a bowl or something just pretty much more relaxed but no euphoria or laughing or anythnig.
Just wait man....I thought it wouldn't work cause it took a while but man once it hit....I was dancing, had energy, laughed my ass off....and that lasted for hours. hahaha hope it works good.
Definitely feeling high now. Not crazy super high but just pretty high this is perfect and I still have another one left! Haha
Wow. It all hit me I'm really, really high. It definitely came on slow I probably took it around 2 and a half hours ago and I'm still blazed as hell. I smoke everyday and am still way higher than I've ever been in a long time. It's pretty much a really strong body high and it keeps getting more intense. Would this be considered similar to an Indica high?
So ive heard to use about 1g of weed.
I dont have a scale, but I have 2 joints - they are rolled kinda thinly/average.
Wud a joint per cracker be enough?
To me 1g of weed seems like an awful lot!
So ive heard to use about 1g of weed.
I dont have a scale, but I have 2 joints - they are rolled kinda thinly/average.
Wud a joint per cracker be enough?
To me 1g of weed seems like an awful lot!

It would probably be a decent amount if 1g is a lot to you but its hard to give someone an exact value, everyone's different.
So I've tried making firecrackers many different times, with a few different methods, diferent ingredients and such. Haven't done it in a while but If i recall last time I ate over a gram myself using all extra fatty ingredients and shit. But all I ever get is tired for eating bud. Tired as hell, it's kind of high, kind of not. I always have to smoke some weed too though to 'initiate' it and bring out the effects of the oral bud, which are there a few but not intense at all.

I wanna trip balls off eating bud lol how is this done or does every just exaggerate? I don't doubt it but what's a sure recipe that works. I was always under the impression one had to get a greater amount of budda anyway to get high (2gs +, etc). My bud was never the problem too, I pop bowls everyday I don't deal with shitty bud. My bud used in the cooking was always coffee grinded to basically crystals for absorption.
Grind it with a grinder, fuck the coffee thing. If you smoke a lot of bud then your gonna have a high tolerance and your gonna need a lot of bud. Firecrackers aren't the best option for heavy stoners but you can still shove quite a bit of weed into a cracker.

Try eating a couple 1g (dank) bud crackers and see how it goes
Alright man I'll give it another shot soontimes then. Coffee grinders are awesome yo, they're just like automatic hand grinders and can grind it even finer if you want. Are you saying not to have it very finely grinded? I figured it would make for better absorption or something in the cooking, but clearly I'm no weed chef haha.

If I were to eat say exactly 2.0 grams of decent bud through a better method, brownies or cookies or 'space cakes' whatever the fuck my friend said lol, I would get a much more pronounced effect?
I made these with nutella once. They give you a weird high. It was really long, very slow come up, and kinda on and off. It was cool, but I don't think I'll do it again.
If I were to eat say exactly 2.0 grams of decent bud through a better method, brownies or cookies or 'space cakes' whatever the fuck my friend said lol, I would get a much more pronounced effect?

It doesn't really work that way, you need cook the brownies with Canna butter or oil then put how ever much butter/oil you need in the recipe. It usually calls for at least a half oz+ of bud per batch you make
I was 15 and I took some hits off of a roach of mids after school outside in my friend's garage/driveway when I was a freshman in HS more than a decade ago and I got a little buzz. I had gotten some midgrade from my friend and I rolled a J with it and I smoked it a few nights later in a nearby field and I didn't know how to inhale so I didn't get high.

My friend taught me how to inhale properly and smoke next week in her basement out of a red clay pipe full of mids that her then BF had made for her.
My friends birthday party at his ex's house. Our other good friend had just bought a brand new ADS bong, took a rip out of that puppy. Didn't get high but still felt good to be one of the first to smoke out of it.
First time I got high I didn't feel anything. I laid down on my bed in the dark and just stared at the ceiling. I was really dissapointed. All of a sudden my ceiling became purple and then red and green. This was actually really vivid and I was very surprised by all of this. I tried to get up by I couldn't move. Then I saw the sublime sun symbol and he communicated with me telepathically. I actually believed this and didn't question it at this point.

After that I and just stared at the ceiling for like an hour and enjoyed the visual effects. Man I miss those days...