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MDPV Megathread 4 - Egosyntonics R Us

i've decided, as weight loss aids go, this sucks ass. i'll either lose the last 10 lbs with good old fashioned diet and excercise, or else learn to love them. screw those stringy hollywood cosmo bitches anyway!
Nobody likes a skinny lass - 10lbs "extra" ftw <3

It is pretty shit for weight loss (although it was actually based on an old fashioned diet pill, I think) but it is bloody amazing as a money saver. Have never managed to save money in my life till I hit the peevee hard - never went out or did anything other than use peevee. A gram a week saved me a fuckin' fortune - skint again now, dammitalltohell :D
Nobody likes a skinny lass - 10lbs "extra" ftw <3

It is pretty shit for weight loss (although it was actually based on an old fashioned diet pill, I think) but it is bloody amazing as a money saver. Have never managed to save money in my life till I hit the peevee hard - never went out or did anything other than use peevee. A gram a week saved me a fuckin' fortune - skint again now, dammitalltohell :D

Man that's so true, PV is the only reason I've managed not ovedraft my bank account lately, when I'm doing it regularly I have absolutely no interest in other drugs, drinking, socializing, nothing at all, a fast internet connection is all I need.

Thinking about it the last time I did something else than PV was in April on my bday, did DPT and 4-FMC, after that it's just been peevee.
Yup, I do no other drugs whatsoever other than maybe GBL (dirt cheap anyway) whilst binging. I don't even drink or use my prescriptions on it in fact. Barely eat either (although I try) so literally nothing gets spent other than the cost of a gram - which was next to nothing a lil while ago. My how things change :\

Totally agree that a decent intertoob connection is all that needs money spending on it for peev-fiends :D
i thought it would save some money, too, compared to the local price of other stims, but when you figure the dentist bill, i didn't save much. and that monkey rode me like a 2 dollar ho. it'd be fun now and then if i could manage moderation, but that seems unlikely. perhaps ordering in (much) smaller quantities would help, but right now, i can think of better ways to spend my money. like maybe donating to bluelight. :)
Donating to BL is rarely a bad thing :)

Not everybody has to pay for dental treatment here - although NHS dentists are thin on the ground many places now :\ - so wasn't an issue for me cos I don't. Buying bulk only worked out if it was insanely cheap (was down to around £10/g or even less towards the end of its legal days - even if you just bought a gram some places) cos tolerance gets so high so quickly that you just cane the lot rapidly. I found a gram a week meant I'd spend half the week fuxxorred and half the week sleeping it off with tolerance reset to baseline for next week - was perfect for saving cash. Not so perfect for harm reduction purposes sadly :(
"It is pretty shit for weight loss"

It is EXTREMELY GOOD for weight loss. Takes me weeks to build my weight back up after a session.
I never found that myself but any strong stim has the potential, I'm sure.
I prefer smoking it tbh. I have tried snorting and dabbing but never plugged or iv. OK it is well more fiendish but the euphoria is better and the duration of action shorter (a good thing IMO) I've never (touch wood) had any breathing or mouth problems as of yet. That said it has only been a handful of occasions I have smoked it.

Oh yeah and agreed regarding gbl and a fast internet connection however I like some poppers too.
^awww, i'm blushing!

any suggestions for speeding up healing the tissues in my mouth? i need to make my dentist appointment soon, but don't want to have to explain the sickly color. i live in a sparsely populated place, and it's unbelievably easy to develop a rep.
^awww, i'm blushing!

any suggestions for speeding up healing the tissues in my mouth? i need to make my dentist appointment soon, but don't want to have to explain the sickly color. i live in a sparsely populated place, and it's unbelievably easy to develop a rep.

For me brushing often and using mouthwash solves all problems in a week or so, also refraining from doing more PV works fine.
It is pretty shit for weight loss (although it was actually based on an old fashioned diet pill, I think)

Pyrovalerone, the one peevee is based on was never intended to be an appetite supressant, but as a mild stimulant for post-viral fatigue and such like conditions requiring a small but perfectly placed pharmacological 'kick up the backside'. In fact suppressing appetite is the last thingf you want in somebody recovering from a disease.

Of the RCs on the market, I reckon the best anorectic will be the 2-thienyl analogue of methamphetamine. Be careful though as it might have even more crazy potential than meth (TCP, the 2-thienyl analogue of PCP has more dopaminergic activity than PCP. Same holds true for the tiletamine/ketamine comparison)
also refraining from doing more PV works fine.

alas, it's too late. no more vaping, though. i diluted my immediate stash to avoid temptation, and planted the rest many miles away. after trying the other roa's that don't involve needles (never been there, out of my comfort zone), my next fav is plugging. hope it doesn't exacerbate the sitch. i'm pretty anal (pun perhaps intended ;) ) about oral hygiene, and have never had dental problems, even after a 3 month crack binge, or a 6 month meth binge. or, for that matter, a 25 year love affair with cannabis. the dental stuff with peevee is kinda throwing me for a loop. nobody else really mentions it (yes, i UTFSE). i wonder if i got the real stuff.

f&b -- i will check into that chem. thanks.
Well vaping kicked my ass too. And is it just me or dies one's tolerance to MDPV become hellishly high very fast with repeat dosing, particularly smoking. After a 36 hours of consistent dosing I barely get any effect from 50 mg. A really good quality for such a compulsive and abusable stimulant. I never would have believed that someone could consume a near gram in 24 hours and comedown enough two hours after the last dose to take a nap. And I didn't even feel particularly bad after the experience. One bad day and then back to normal. This stuff really does get you by the nuts though an who knows what hidden damage I may have done to myself. Well, 6 months of crack didn't kill me, so 2 4 day long binges on MDPV are unlikely to as well.
No more vaping here too. In fact, probably no more MDPV as I feel that all the current products pale to original european prototype.
Also, it does leave an odd greasy coating on the skin after heavy use, but no chemical oral burns so far. Really safe short term given the potential for massive abuse. Wounldn't be near as unscathed after a 4 day crack binge. Still, losing control is never a good thing.
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General Alcazar: I agree with the tolerance bit, it build up extremely fast, especially when you smoke it, much more than with amps, one thing I've noticed is that the positive motivational effects of PV disappear almost immediately with repeated use.

I mean I used to take amps in low and moderate doses at uni and work several times a week, and still I always got an improvement of my ADD symptoms, increased ability to concentrate, focus, enhanced productivity, etc.

With PV I only feel those useful properties on the first day of use, then even if I don't binge but stick to small oral doses and get food and sleep every night on the next day I won't get any help with doing work, but just get stimulated and bored, my procrastination actually gets worse.
In fact, probably no more MDPV as I feel that all the current products pale to original european prototype.
Has anyone else noticed a drop in quality since the ban?
MDPV has the bad combination of being a stimulant that causes amotivation at the same time. However, the upside is that once the tolerance sets in, the euphoria is still present but the peripheral effects diminish substantially. This is very odd but I think that maybe the norepi reuptake develops a tolerance faster than the dopamine reputake inhibition. I really don't know though. What I can say is that if I smoked as much cocaine (accounting for potency) as I have MDPV over the last 4 days, I woulda died. As it stands right now I feel fine. Too bad MDPV is such a fiendish drug, otherwise it would be a very useful substance in certain contexts.
just lay the glass or foil or whatever DOWN before you fuck your own mouth and throat like a stone pimp. mine looks like something out of an alien/monster flick. and it's taking forever to heal. i smoked crack nearly every day for 3, maybe 4 months once, and didn't have visible (UGLY!!) injuries like this. granted, i went too far. nearly every day for 4, 5, 6 weeks....i lost count, but it was goddam excessive. lord only knows what my lungs must look like now. strange thing is, as horrible as it looks, it doesn't hurt at all. and i'm a singer. you'd think i'd notice my throat and lungs going to hell.

weed ain't got shit on peevee for amotivational syndrome. except for sex. i got plenty of motivation for that nowadays. the ol' man hasn't felt deprived for months. ;) and bl. gotta have something to do while he's at work. my battery consumption was getting conspicuous..........
It must be some adulterant _ i've smoked tons of it for 7 days straight and all i got was rebound depression, nausea, acid reflux, a mild headache and dizziness. Considering i used btwn 1&1/2 to 2 grams in that period, that's pretty mild. Not gonna smoke that shit no more ever, or use for at least 3 months - even on freebase cocaine i didn't use as compulsively as this. Thsnk god it is relatively benign. Hope your mouth heals soon