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MDPV Megathread 4 - Egosyntonics R Us

I do indeed, Nag. One of the swiftest conversions from "OMG! Best. Stim. Evar!!!11!!1!" to "Fuck that shee-itt!!11!!!1!" ever seen in this thread :D<3
hehe i don't think i could have recreated the sequence of events better myself :p
an associate was caught with 15 grams of what the police or drug team say its mdpv,, they say its a class b drug, i thought that mdpv was not a cathinone therefore legal still. but i have looked up and it says it is illegal. they also covered some other stuff named flephedrone. what do you think will happen to them? they were arrested under suspicion with intent to supply
I also thought that MDPV was still going to remain legal after the ban. This is why I ordered it two days before the ban - as something to combine with the MDAI. Then I was told it was also illegal.

This is what happened.
MDPV apparently really is a cathinone of sorts according to the ADD Chemistry Bods who generally know a thing or two about that kinda stuff. And, either way, it is certainly a Class B banned drug now so being busted with 15g could be a bit nasty. Hopefully its relative obscurity will go in your mates' favour, BH. In theory, he could be looking at some jail time but in practice hardly anyone gets sent down for Class B stuff so a fine or community sentence of some description will hopefully be more likely. Pretty shitty either way though :\
I would say 15g's of MDPV it would be hard to argue was purely for personal. Unless it was a massive stockpile for the ban. When they see the active dose is 5mg+ though it will be difficukt to argue was purely for personal IMO.
Just flushed around 700 mgs down the toilet, thought I could control myself with it this time, but once I started chasing it off foil last saturday it's been almost constant redosing, now I have trouble breathing, I have chemical burns in my mouth and throat, I've lost a lot of weight, I've been hearing voices and ghost radio for the past 3 days and I have a job interview on monday.

A waste, but maybe this time I will learn the lesson, never buy more than a few hundred mgs.
yeah - this stuff is as bad as crack. Smoking it causes laryngitis for SWIM and a quickly accumulated, hue tolerance. Not good at all. Just like coke it snuck up on me and now I got a new monkey on my back.Flush your stuff and put it behind ou. I went on a 4 day bender and lived through it; thank god smoking this stuff creates a huge tolerance - it basically depleted dopamine out of my brain and constricted my blood vessels. diazepam takes care of the overstimulation. Really, really addictive - i'm embarassed by how much and am also planning to toss the rest, albeit it is a lot more than 700mg. Oh well, better that than being a junky crackhead..
you guys are saints! i've been partyin' like a rock star (about .75g a week for 7 weeks -- much vaping until last week) to the huge detriment of my mouth. looks like meth-mouth that i never got with meth, but with a nastier looking throat/roof. and a heee-uge brand-new cavity. anyone else have dental issues?

does anyone know if children can absorb it skin-to-skin?
I would say 15g's of MDPV it would be hard to argue was purely for personal. Unless it was a massive stockpile for the ban. When they see the active dose is 5mg+ though it will be difficukt to argue was purely for personal IMO.

just for comparison, i got 10g for personal, although i had no idea what i was in for...
^ Guessing it's still legal where you are though? 15g of a Class B drug has potential to cause much mischief here unfortunately. But on the more fortunate side it rarely does :)

Peevee definitely causes mucho dehydration for me and many others so an extremely dry mouth (and associated dental problems) is definitely a very real possibility. Haven't noticed anything too severe along those lines myself yet but probably more down to luck than judgement. As with meth and other stims, brushing teeth regularly and keeping hydrated should help a great deal for anyone who has issues along those lines :)

Also, passing on any active amount of almost any drug through skin-to-skin contact is highly unlikely and I very much doubt it would be any problem with peev. Certainly exudes its stankiness through skin, urine, etc but virtually zero chance of it being enough to affect anybody else - even babies - I would think.
In high-ish doses (over 100 mg/day) I have found that in hot weather it made my sweat sticky and stinky. Whatever stuff I exude doesn't come off easily - at least not with water and soap. I'd be very curious to know what metabolite(s) is(are) responsible for this. And, no, I am not being paranoid. :).

I have so far managed to keep off the stuff for 4 weeks after totally loosing it during my last binge (1g smoked, 5 days, no sleep). I vaguely remember on day 3 thinking I should probably sleep to keep those creeping shadows at bay, but instead had a big hit. Fast forward to day 5 were I realise after hanging up the phone that I have just been screaming at my parents that they are a bunch of incestuous murderers, just like their ancestors (in many, many more words of course :!)...

That last batch *snip* appears to be a lot stronger than their previous lots. That or I am getting increasingly sensitive to the stuff. In any case I am now at the stage were the good effects can no longer justify the bad ones.

I am now convinced smoking this stuff is a very bad idea unless you do not care about your physical health, and have ninja powers of self control.

Some harm minimisation tips I have acquired the hard way (mostly errors, with a dash of trialling):

- Remember to drink, eat and sleep.

- Frequent gargling with water (ideally after each hit) taking care to reach roof of mouth and back of throat greatly reduces chemical burns.

- Brushing teeth with bicarb of soda after smoking session (of HCL salt) restores them to original colour, and causes incredible fizz for next 30 minutes. Try it for yourself, and report back when you've stopped foaming. ;)

Sorry if that was long winded - it would have been a lot worse if I was on it...
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you guys are saints! i've been partyin' like a rock star (about .75g a week for 7 weeks -- much vaping until last week) to the huge detriment of my mouth. looks like meth-mouth that i never got with meth, but with a nastier looking throat/roof. and a heee-uge brand-new cavity. anyone else have dental issues?

does anyone know if children can absorb it skin-to-skin?

That's another reason for flushing what was left of my stash I forgot to mention in my previous post, after a week of almost constant smoking my mouth looked at its worst, I swear I never saw it in such a bad state.

It looks like my gums receded a bit, I have burns all over my mouth and on my tongue as well, my throat also looks and feels really irritated.

Also before this last smoking binge I had been doing PV orally pretty much on a daily basis for the past couple of months with maybe an odd week break while waiting for deliveries.

Usually whenever I get a bag I make capsules with it, mixing the PV powder with Kratom and Guayasa so that it's impossible for me to snort it or smoke it, with this last order though I didn't do it that's why I embarked on a week-long smoking binge.
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This is without doubt my favourite thread. :) It`s got it all... up, down, round and round with the shadow people.

Despite the horror stories I find myself drawn to it, secretly wishing to try this. :)

Fast forward to day 5 were I realise after hanging up the phone that I have just been screaming at my parents that they are a bunch of incestuous murderers, just like their ancestors (in many, many more words of course )...
That is the funniest thing I have read in some time.... One day you will look back and laugh too... umm maybe. =D

Hope all is well now m8
I'm finding the talk of chemical burns kinda worrying. Have never had anything like that and was smoking a gram over four days pretty much weekly before the ban. Is this something more noticeable with more recent batches? I bought amounts from loads of batches from the UK and overseas and never noticed the problem myself so was wondering if you've always had issues with it of that nature or it's getting worse?
I'm finding the talk of chemical burns kinda worrying. Have never had anything like that and was smoking a gram over four days pretty much weekly before the ban. Is this something more noticeable with more recent batches? I bought amounts from loads of batches from the UK and overseas and never noticed the problem myself so was wondering if you've always had issues with it of that nature or it's getting worse?

I reckon it depends on the batches, some of the earlier stuff vaporised relatively cleanly off foil, melting and leaving almost no visible residue, well a little but not too much and not too dark in colour sort of yellowish.

The last two batches I had were much filthier when vaped, even small quantities evenly spread on foil and with little heat applied slowly and carefully, degraded quite fast into some dark orange resin looking shit, the smell and taste are also more harsh.

Still I had problems even with the earlier batches, got burns in my mouth just
by doing dabs with some of the earlier stuff and even the kind that didn't leave residue on foil still made my lungs and throat feel like shit although it took more.

With this last batch I started having breathing problems almost immediately, usually it takes at least a couple of days before I start feeling bad.

Also a friend of mine who's a medical student had a look at my mouth and throat after another binge a while back and confirmed it was actually burns and not just sores due to dehydration or lack of nutrition, which means that the PV we get is corrosive to a certain extent.
Hmm... interesting... and not in a good way :\

Ironically, the legal "replacement" here - NRG-1 which may or may not contain naphyrone - seems to be clearing up its act recently. Used to be horrid stuff to smoke - turns to thick brownish goo and burns whilst tasting utterly rancid. The latest batches said to actually be "pure" naphyrone smoke as cleanly as MDPV used to. It's almost funny. Almost :|

I used to get some throat problems at the tail end of a binge sometimes but tended to depend on how I smoked it - foil or bong. Was always a mixture of both but too much of one implement or the other seemed to work better or worse with different batches. Guess it's always been variable but never too outrageously bad for me so never really thought of it much.
dunno, shambles, as i have nothing to compare it to. i hope it's just stronger, and not some altogether different chem. the roof of my mouth is an unhealthy-looking whitish-yellowish color, and the back of my throat looks like rotten hamburger. not painful, though, and i sang all night the last time i smoked. i gargle with warm salt water a few times a day, hoping to heal some before i go to the dentist to get this cavity filled. also may have some gum recession, but i'm not sure. i also think i'm wearing them down noticeably, a la bruxism. bought a cheap bite splint, so hoping that helps. my dentist swears i'm just trippin, but i went to see him 3 weeks ago, and he didn't find this cavity then. it's pretty damn big for just being 3 weeks old. kinda scary.

staying hydrated seems to be a problem, as, when i dose, liquids just seem pour out as quickly as i pour them in.

i also stashed the remainder of my bag in a very inconvenient location. taking some time off to heal. been noticing signs of anemia -- bruises out of nowhere, and yellowish skin around my mouth. i get that sometimes, anyway. fresh liver usually clears it right up. i wonder how long it will take to rehydrate? skin is looking pretty parched..
Hmm... interesting... and not in a good way :\

Ironically, the legal "replacement" here - NRG-1 which may or may not contain naphyrone - seems to be clearing up its act recently. Used to be horrid stuff to smoke - turns to thick brownish goo and burns whilst tasting utterly rancid. The latest batches said to actually be "pure" naphyrone smoke as cleanly as MDPV used to. It's almost funny. Almost :|

I used to get some throat problems at the tail end of a binge sometimes but tended to depend on how I smoked it - foil or bong. Was always a mixture of both but too much of one implement or the other seemed to work better or worse with different batches. Guess it's always been variable but never too outrageously bad for me so never really thought of it much.

I'm also quite sensible though, I must say that, I've stopped smoking cigs at least three or four years ago and only smoke weed/hash occasionaly.

Now even if I have a few spliffs one night, the next day I'm gonna be coughing a bit but usually it clears in a day and after than I'm fine.

The thing that really scares me with PV is that it causes some visible burns and sores in my mouth and throat and a very bad feeling in my lungs, it hurts if I breath deeply and I feel like there's something clogged in my chest.

The bad feeling also lasts for at least a few days sometimes more, I don't think I'm gonna buy any more PV but if I do I'll make capsules with it right away without leaving any powder out, this last binge really made me realize that I might be doing some long-term damage to my respiratory system, really it isn't worth it.
^^ I know exactly what you mean about the difficulty in getting liquids to stay on the inside if you can even drink them in the first place - I struggle even with that 8)

As such I generally get very dehydrated indeed but almost always seem to rehydrate rapidly once a binge ends and I remember how to actually get liquids into my system and they - handily - stay there a bit longer. It undoubtedly helps that I force myself to eat on peevee too - I try to eat "wet" foods as much as possible for the nutrition and also the hydration. It's no easy feat but little and often (as often as I can manage and remember to do anyway) seems to help a lot. Yoghurts, cereals, soups etc - all good stuff :)

Kenny: I get the chest tightness more than mouth/throat problems and it can feel worrying at the time. To be honest, it's always been fine after a day or two of not smoking the stuff (but still smoking cigs/spliffs as usual) so has never been a huge concern of mine. I am certain that smoking peevee is an incredibly unhealthy way of dosing it though - really is so much less dodgy snorted, eaten, plugged - even IV, in my experience. Although that one can definitely go horribly wrong too and probably even more so :|