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Lysergamides [LSD Subthread] Injection (I.M. or I.V.)

Re: I've had no problems with tap water..

Bwitiacumen said:
The largest amount I've IMed(muscled) was five potent windowpanes. A little less than 1cc tap water was brought to a boil for a few seconds, then the windowpanes were added while it was still hot, along with 3 drops of white vinegar to aid in leeching the LSD out of the papers. The test tube was covered and swirled-around for about ten minutes, sucked-up, then injected into my arm. It took almost 20 minutes for me to start really tripping-nuts, but I've had lower doses kick in sooner - unpredictable. Probably a bunch of factors involved, like blood's pH, heart-rate, blah, blah. Don't use anymore than three drops vinegar, or your arm might be a little sore for a few days - Used to use enough drops to get freebase ketamine to dissolve in water as the acetate and have never had any problems. Don't be afraid to walk into any drugstore on the east-coast and ask the pharmacist for a 20-pack of 1cc BD syringes. I don't know how the laws are in nazi-states like Texas(they require a permit to buy glassware for fuck's sake), but I've had no problems purchasing pokes in Mass., Conn, and Maine. Peace!%)

Not safe to do, at all. Tap water, vinegar, shit that alone does not belong directly in your blood steam, ehhh.
Re: I've had no problems with tap water..

Bwitiacumen said:
The largest amount I've IMed(muscled) was five potent windowpanes. A little less than 1cc tap water was brought to a boil for a few seconds, then the windowpanes were added while it was still hot, along with 3 drops of white vinegar to aid in leeching the LSD out of the papers.

Windowpane is not Paper! you had blotter LSD. Windowpane is a dissolvable plastic like medium.

Now windowpane can be placed on the eye; It dissolves very well on the eye andwill kick in in 5 minutes; we use to do this in the 70's with 4-way windowpane.

Putting your LSD in hot water to dissolve it will severely weeken the LSD!
Remember that Heat Light and Air degrades LSD; LSD is a very delicate molecule!
I inject my acid directly into the brain with a very long needle that I usually ram into the back of my head with full force. It's quiet a mess sometimes.^^

EDIT: Haha, putting acid in your eyes is the most stupid thing to do. Even if you've already been a hippie back in the days.
Man one guy at a goa event did that. His eye looked ALL fucked up and he had to go to hospital, man please, fuck the dumb shit. Unless you're coming from one of the better families or something...

LSD never did that to me or anyone i Knew back in the days.
maybe if you put paper in your eye, yes! And i do remeber windopane did sting a little but nothing more then that.

I have 20/20 vision still @ 47years of age.
Your friend must have done something different, Or it was very dirty! LSD back then was very clean and potent! one hit was all you needed; it was anywhere from 250ug to 500ug a dose. I wouldent trust todays LSD; i would start with a very small amount. just incase it is something other then LSD. 5-meo-amt is being passt around as LSD now-a-days, i here. ARR!

But to be safe the best way to take it, is to let it absorb in your mouth.
In no way am i tring to misslead anyone here, this is what we did in the early 70's in SF Calif, USA
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Yeah man, I know, but you can't just put fucking chemicals in your eyes... Don't you sense the wrongness? You and your friends were lucky, that's it. Well if the risk is worth the benefits for you, go for it! :)
But I just tried to send out a warning...

Acid is great sublingually... Why eat it, slam it, stick it up your ass or snort it?

Your right too, the best way to take it is by mouth, But remember Acid does not mean it is made of Acid that burns. LSD is very safe! It is Tasteless and orderless too. It is also harmlesss, you can take very high doses of it, up to a few-MGs! People do thumb print you know!

It is your mind and fears, your youth, lack of life xperience; bad set and settings, especially that tends to bring on bad trips> not the acid!!
Yes, you're right in every aspect, but it's usually not just LSD what you get. That's the problem. There isn't any pure LSD around. Read up on the different crystals, you'll know what I mean... :/

yeah man, my mum has told me that she watched a childhood friend (this was back in the mid 70s) dropping acid in his eye, and bursting a blood vessel as a result. directly or indirectly, i dunno, but she said it looked fucked up to say the least...when I take acid I don't think I'll be too anxious to try any eye absorption technique.

and injecting? what on earth
That sounds like what I've seen. And I concur, it did look extremely fucked up... I mean, if I would really benefit from it, I might do it as well, but since there's better ways of administration I'd stay away from this method...

don't knock it

"If you love needles so much, why wouldn't you be IMing that ketamine, as snorting it pretty much sucks ass in comparison."

If I've been bending and opening my mind on IM K for almost a week, just like IV K, I become hyper-sensitive to it, so sniffing is perfect in this situation, and it certainly doesn't suck-ass. Like PCP, tiletamine or other analogues, K demands respect. Btw, smoking freebase ketamine out of a test tube is an interesting buzz, but only try that when you have a fat sack, cause half of it gets destroyed by the heat.%)
Bwitiacumen said:
"Shit... you COULD inject LSD by why would you want to ?"

Because I can! :D Personally, I love needles, just as long as they're mine - If they're someone elses, then get them the fuck away from me because I'm not that keen on risking exposure to HIV, hep-C, etc.. If it dissolves in water, then I'll muscle it(quit IV long time ago).

When I leave my body to cross over, I want to have been snorting 50mg doses of ketamine, and be rigged to a bag of morphine.%)

Personally I think it is terifically bad idea but I'm all for freedom and also pyschedlic experimentation, so I retract my previous statement and instead will say this: Break a leg man. Be careful. Have a awesome trip. Please tell us how it all turned out. Could be intresting.
crOOk said:
Yeah man, I know, but you can't just put fucking chemicals in your eyes... Don't you sense the wrongness? You and your friends were lucky, that's it. Well if the risk is worth the benefits for you, go for it! :)
But I just tried to send out a warning...

Acid is great sublingually... Why eat it, slam it, stick it up your ass or snort it?


because plugging it is stronger then sublingual according to a report I read.
LOL, stronger means cheaper here I guess. What has this world come to?

Pingu said:
For those concerned about immediate medical hazards in ingesting LSD...Abram Hoffer has estimated, on the basis of animal studies, that the half-lethal human dose--meaning half would die--would be about 14,000 [ug]. But one person who took 40,000 ug survived. In the only case of death reportedly caused by overdose, the quantity of LSD in the blood indicated that 320,000 ug had been injected intravenously

..320 mg of LSD injected intravenously under the mistaken idea it was speed (this killed the user and appears to be the only instance of death by LSD overdose).

so, what is in the typical dot of LSD or in a trip?

just wondering how many pills/ trips will kill you?
monkeyjunky said:
there's really not much point, it will only come on marginally faster than if you absorb it sublingually - i.e. lsd come up takes a while because there's so little of the actual substance, therefore it won't be hugely affected by injecting it. But hey, i'd do it.

Some people just really like needles..... :\
I am REALLY interested in injecting LSD, not only because I like needles, but I am also someone who does not like long trips, and that is the only thing that is not allowing me to enjoy LSD. So, if I.V. provides a shorter duration, then I am all for it. Expect to hear back from me at least about this one when I get more emotionally stable to be able to experiment with acid again...
Re: Re: I've had no problems with tap water..

justlearning said:
Windowpane is not Paper! you had blotter LSD. Windowpane is a dissolvable plastic like medium.

Unless the world has changed dramatically, windowpane should be simply gelatine...if it's not see through it's not a windowpane!
Injecting LSD

I would like to try injecting LSD.

However, I know most people will take this thread as useless, a troll, an inexperienced person toying with a dangerous idea, or "someone suicidal". So...

I have alot of knowledge and experience on injecting solutions intravenously.

I have experience with LSD. Recently also, if that makes a difference.

I prefer everything I take injected. Anyways, I would like to seriously try injecting LSD. Could anyone here give me information in regards how to properly do this with LSD only available on paper? This paper has no designs on it, no ink, nothing. It's just clear/white.

I realize that acid is so incredously potent so an amount not even visible to the eye may be overkill 5000. But leave that to me, I'm willing to take that risk. I also realize that its not common and that "things taken orally should stay that way" . So I don't want to hear it about how I shouldn't do this, if you think im a troll, or how stupid or wrong this could go.

Also I'm interested in how this went. blahblahblah, I could not find your report...
You would best, if you choose to I.V or IM acid, to use a microdot form, dissolve in DISTILLED de-ionised water, as tap water can break down LSD due to its inherent chemical instability, as the chlorine attacks it.