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Lysergamides [LSD Subthread] High Doses

willow11 said:
Busted!!!! The PLACEBO effect- why would you accept something as bizarre as that when you won't ecept alot of other postulations? How can someones impression of events actually change physical reality- how can 1000gamma (ug?) be taken and not noticed to be any different to 250? Because the human brain is capable of subtly altering the physical properties of the material universe in a way we cannot, but NEED to understand. If you can accept placebo (and truly think about what your accepting- in this case, people were somehow affecting their 5-HT receptors-howwwww????) then you have to accept that the mind can alter reality in other ways; such as causing animal migration etc. I think you've shown us the inherent flaws in rationalising everything.

WHOA! Back up there for a minute willow would you :)

What's bizarre about the placebo effect? And the mind isn't "changing physical reality", it's changing the way it feels because it thinks it's taken a massive dose of LSD. That's a very long way from changing animal migration patterns.
certain areas may be saturated at a certain point but i am sure that up to 20,000 mics causes noticible increased effects

fuck that bullshit about learys experiments... i gaurantee 9/10 posters here could tell the difference between 250 and 1000 mics
Ismene said:
WHOA! Back up there for a minute willow would you :)

What's bizarre about the placebo effect? And the mind isn't "changing physical reality", it's changing the way it feels because it thinks it's taken a massive dose of LSD. That's a very long way from changing animal migration patterns.

Hey sorry if I sounded like I was going nuts, I just a lil excited. 8o :D

Whats bizzarre about the placebo effect- the ability of the mind to ultimately determine what will occurr to the PHYSICAL body. That is, the mind changing physical reality. How can 1000ug of LSD NOT effect people simply because they were told that it was 250? This is something (the placebo effect) that is widely recognized that the true astonishing nature of it is forgotten. I would say you should think on the placebo effect- basically the brain rearranging the reality the body will feel based on absolutely nothing but MENTAL BELIEF. Please explain how it is possible. Because if the mind can alter the state of the body- in fact if someone can simply suggest to a working mind what state it will be in (as Leary did- what a cunt for that BTW), shows that reality is not determined essentially by any physical quanitfication; but by what is believed by the objective party and therefore reality could be said to be determined, not by cause-andeffect, but by observation and belief.

Sorry for hijacking; I just wanna crack this nut :D

<3 Back to topic...
J2012B said:
certain areas may be saturated at a certain point but i am sure that up to 20,000 mics causes noticible increased effects

fuck that bullshit about learys experiments... i gaurantee 9/10 posters here could tell the difference between 250 and 1000 mics

The famous study, using adrenaline- one group given adrenaline and told it was a sedative, the other givine the same, but told it was a stimulant. Both groups responded accordingly. I'm not so sure most posters here would defintely notice, as they would have no grounds for really accurate comparison.
sarcean said:
My friend has hits of acid in the 175-200ug range

I took 6 a week and half ago (so def above 1000 ug) and it was pretty great. It got a little weird (vision) in the begging once things kicked in but after the inital peak it was just downright enjoyable. Its not like you lose sense of reality or go crazy, you are just in an altered state.

Took 3 last Friday so about 600 and still a hell of a trip...%)

I want to take 20 at once just to see how it is...maybe 2000+ ug. Fatal doses are at 12000+ ug so its damn near impossible to overdoset. I do recommend that if you do take a high dose that you trip alone, its very enjoyable and can be intensely self-rewarding.

Uhh, you did not eat 1000ug if all you got was weird vision, and an altered state. High doses of LSD, (i believe i've had about 500ug at the minimum, possibly more but im not one to speculate) completely dissolve boundaries, visuals are extremely intense with both CEV's and OEV's being very prominent. Thought processes are extremely effected, your train of thought becomes a long repetitive chain (in my case) whereby one thought/idea/epiphany leads you onto other completely bizarre and profound ideas.

Synasthesia happens in some people, not everyone IME. I don't tend to get it that much, but on high doses it was quite evident. 1000ug would most DEFINITELY create massive visual disturbances, extreme breathing/morphing/melting. On my peak, i could no longer see, it was like i had my eyes staring at a canvas and all the colours were mixing and swishing around.

High doses are not very everyone, but can be extremely profound and beneficial if you know what your in for.
Immortal Teknique said:
Uhh, you did not eat 1000ug if all you got was weird vision, and an altered state. High doses of LSD, (i believe i've had about 500ug at the minimum, possibly more but im not one to speculate) completely dissolve boundaries, visuals are extremely intense with both CEV's and OEV's being very prominent. Thought processes are extremely effected, your train of thought becomes a long repetitive chain (in my case) whereby one thought/idea/epiphany leads you onto other completely bizarre and profound ideas.

Synasthesia happens in some people, not everyone IME. I don't tend to get it that much, but on high doses it was quite evident. 1000ug would most DEFINITELY create massive visual disturbances, extreme breathing/morphing/melting. On my peak, i could no longer see, it was like i had my eyes staring at a canvas and all the colours were mixing and swishing around.

High doses are not very everyone, but can be extremely profound and beneficial if you know what your in for.

I was trying to say that my visuals got extremely weird and distorted but I didn't lose total sense of reality ;) Of course there was a lot of morphing and things appeared to move rapidly but I didn't really think to go in to much detail.

Anyways all the words in the world cant describe a 'high dose' of lsd with justice, it must be experienced.
willow11 said:
Whats bizzarre about the placebo effect- the ability of the mind to ultimately determine what will occurr to the PHYSICAL body. That is, the mind changing physical reality. How can 1000ug of LSD NOT effect people simply because they were told that it was 250? This is something (the placebo effect) that is widely recognized that the true astonishing nature of it is forgotten. I would say you should think on the placebo effect- basically the brain rearranging the reality the body will feel based on absolutely nothing but MENTAL BELIEF. Please explain how it is possible. Because if the mind can alter the state of the body- in fact if someone can simply suggest to a working mind what state it will be in (as Leary did- what a cunt for that BTW), shows that reality is not determined essentially by any physical quanitfication; but by what is believed by the objective party and therefore reality could be said to be determined, not by cause-andeffect, but by observation and belief.

I think you're conflating reality and perception. If I religiously believe that I can fly, that doesn't mean that I won't splatter on the ground if I jump of a cliff. The phenomenon of the mirage, as illustrated by the cliché about the thirsty traveler seeing an illusory oasis in the desert, is a less extreme example.

The famous study, using adrenaline- one group given adrenaline and told it was a sedative, the other givine the same, but told it was a stimulant. Both groups responded accordingly. I'm not so sure most posters here would defintely notice, as they would have no grounds for really accurate comparison.

I've never heard of this study, and I have strong neuroscience and decent psychology backgrounds. Who were the authors? Also, I wouldn't be surprised about this result if a low dose of adrenaline was given.
I've eatin the same dose over a long period of time and experimented with it and I have to say when I ate 10+ hits it was like it was so part of me that I didn't really take any real acknoledgement to it, but this same dose offered a pretty wild ride at 1

*edit- I decided to eat that really high dose on a day of school, but I wasn't going up to that point, and I made myself go because the semester was almost over. My head was fucking skitzo and ended up driving to school, dont do drugs and drive!
I expected my talking to be really inhibited but it wasn't at all...I talked to my teacher, she asked why I was even there and told me I was just too cute to say no to, so I was told to turn in my final the next week...yeah she withdrew me a few days before that. haha.

That first parablegh makes it sound like I didn't get any effects from taking well over a 10 strip... The effects were exceedingly great and familiar, but the vibrations would flash in and start glowing and then just stand still....
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For me at 500mics+ LSD dissolves my ego and it is what people call a
++++ experience, indescribable.
But after the peak wears down it is so hard to pick up the pieces of my ego! It turns into a schizophrenic delusional half dead-half reborn experience for hours.
Other short lived substances (like n,nDMT, 5-meo-dmt) after break though experience you can roll around and pick up the pieces of your ego in 5 or 10 minutes and relax and reflect, on high dose LSD it is more like 3 to 5 hours in that place.
I don’t really see much benefit from being stuck in a place like that for that amount of time. It is too delusional and schizophrenic.
Thank you for all of your replies! I guess I'm just going to have to go out and give it a shot!

I found that I really can't put my last trip into words that mean anything to anyone except for me. And the only words I can think of are that it was good and I felt what it was to be.
J2012B said:
certain areas may be saturated at a certain point but i am sure that up to 20,000 mics causes noticible increased effects

fuck that bullshit about learys experiments... i gaurantee 9/10 posters here could tell the difference between 250 and 1000 mics

Well yeah that's what most people would "guarantee" which is why Leary did the experiment and found that everyone who "guaranteed" they could tell the difference never could.

20,000 is going to cause more physical effects and it will last longer as there will be more floating around your bloodstream.
crowbar said:
Taking 1000mcg and being told that its 250mcg isn't going to stop the saturation of your receptors.

Placebo is strong, but LSD is much stronger.

I think Leary's point was that 250-500 mics saturated the receptors.
willow11 said:
Whats bizzarre about the placebo effect- the ability of the mind to ultimately determine what will occurr to the PHYSICAL body. That is, the mind changing physical reality. How can 1000ug of LSD NOT effect people simply because they were told that it was 250? This is something (the placebo effect) that is widely recognized that the true astonishing nature of it is forgotten. I would say you should think on the placebo effect- basically the brain rearranging the reality the body will feel based on absolutely nothing but MENTAL BELIEF. Please explain how it is possible. Because if the mind can alter the state of the body- in fact if someone can simply suggest to a working mind what state it will be in (as Leary did- what a cunt for that BTW), shows that reality is not determined essentially by any physical quanitfication; but by what is believed by the objective party and therefore reality could be said to be determined, not by cause-andeffect, but by observation and belief.

Sorry for hijacking; I just wanna crack this nut :D

<3 Back to topic...

You're getting a little deep for me now willow :)

I'm all for the idea that the minds perception of reality can be altered, but I don't think the mind can actually alter reality itself..if that makes sense...
I have no idea the ug of the gel tab that I took the first time I dropped L but during the peak I completely forgot how to understand speaking/hearing and forming words or even how to comprehend them.

During the come down it was like what in Zen Buddhism they call Satori enlightenment since I realized that everything in the universe is connected from the smallest quark to the giant Sequoia.
A Buncha stuff

The famous study, using adrenaline- one group given adrenaline and told it was a sedative, the other givine the same, but told it was a stimulant. Both groups responded accordingly. I'm not so sure most posters here would defintely notice, as they would have no grounds for really accurate comparison.

I've never heard of this study, and I have strong neuroscience and decent psychology backgrounds. Who were the authors? Also, I wouldn't be surprised about this result if a low dose of adrenaline was given.

Maybe not so famous? I will dig it out for you though. Don't be alarmed if its riddled with inacuracies though :)

In 1962 psychologists Stanley Schachter and Jerome Singer gave 184 college students one of two types of injections: adrenaline (also called epinephrine) or a placebo. All experimental subjects were told that they were given vitamins to test their vision. The adrenaline injection caused a number of effects including increased heart rate, rapid breathing, and increased blood flow to the muscles and brain. The saline injection had no such effects.

Some subjects were told about the effects of the adrenaline while others were misled and told that it would produce a dull headache and numbness. A third group of subjects received no information at all.

After the injections the subjects waited in a room with another subject who was actually a confederate of the experimenter. The confederate behaved one of two ways: playful or angry.

Subjects who were misled or naive about the injection's effects behaved similarly to the confederate, taking cues from the situation to interpret their arousal level to determine their emotional state. Subjects who knew what to expect, on the other hand, did not manifest emotion mirroring the confederate.

This is one thing I found, not I believe the study I was referring to though. This does relate a bit. From here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Two_factor_theory_of_emotion

^They are the scientists involved in the study I was mentioning, I could only find a brief refernece to it elsewhere, but I know I've got the proper reference around and about. I think, however, the study the blind study they performed could be interpreted in many ways. Sorry for being offtopic....
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Ismene said:
I think Leary's point was that 250-500 mics saturated the receptors.

dont be fucking ridiculous. not even close.

i dont have the chemistry background to explain to you why you are wrong, but you are.

250 mics you could be walking around... doing your thing
20,000 mics you wont even know if your eyes are open
^Techincally 20,000 mics would equal death. But yeah, 250 DOESN'T saturate, the number is more between 1-2mg I believe. Incidentally, on 250mcg I'd be not really doing MY thing as such, kinda a robortic shuffle while talking with my left nostril, kinda like a kazoo.
willow11 said:
^Techincally 20,000 mics would equal death.

sorry, what?

plenty of people have eaten well over this amount and come back just fine ... as far as i know there is no risk of a physical overdose anywhere near this range.

wow... this thread is just overflowing with bullshit