How High is North America? v. 2011 Team Nod Playoffs

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purple_cloud is right though, we're supposed to be Team Nod, although I'm fine with playing for both Team Nod and Team Tweak. Is that allowed?

Haha, I'm not sure, will have to wait until a mod drops in :) But yes, we're playing for Team Nod...I may not nod every night (weekly, monthly, its getting rarer) but I feel like my <3 of benzos, marijuana, and most other downer type drugs you can get your hands on make me a good player. :)

I do get coked up and post in here sometimes, so who knows.

but, idk what happened, my fb profile had some mad shit rain down on it, and all my people were worried sick, then i got kicked out of my mom's house, and since i don't have a phone, my boss couldn't get ahold of me so i lost my job.


so i'm looking for a place to live, and a job until i have enough cash to skip town although i am not 100% or even 50% on a place to go after here. I still have my truck, but the battery died....damn you guys, this really isn't cool anymore.
I've been getting fed--I am not helpless to the point of going to a soup kitchen, and i refuse to be--so that is something awesomely positive!
As far a drugs and shit since i lost my job they've all but disappeared lol. but at least i don't have an addiction to worry about, that i am lucky for.

Soooo....yeah that is pretty much where i'm at today, and right now. Anyone want a roomate? I like to do dishes lol. Haha, i would take that chance in a heartbeat you guys have no idea...
I mix 4-5mg of dilaudid with 2-3mg of oxymorphone and it gives you both: a rush like you can't imagine, plus legs so that it actually lasts longer than h.

I like a similar mixture of dilaudid/roxi. 8mg w/30-60 mg of roxi makes for a nice shot. The only problem is dillies don't come around that often, but roxis are fucking everywhere.
Im nice and fucked up, but.....i promised my friend i would go to an na meeting so im gona get picked up soon. Its sorta akward going to a meeting all fucked up
^ That doesn't sound like any fun, especially if the person going with ya is sober :\ we all make mistakes I suppose.

I'm so bored tonight, it's not even funny. So many bongs of weed which is now scarce and along with my prescribed 2mg ativan today so far ive taken about 1.5mg xanax in addition. Bleh.
I just took another .5mg xanax, and plugged (yep) about 12mg hydrocodone (I did my best to remove the APAP but it'll be sore tomorrow, was too lazy for a CWE and it wasn't a dangerous amount of APAP.) I only used about 3.5ml of water since the dose was small and I only have a 1ml syringe that is thin enough to use. THe only way I seem to be able to get high on hydrocodone is through plugging it, however odd that may be. So, laying on my side for now and hoping this does something.

EDIT: Wow, with that 2mg xanax in my system, this worked pretty quick, I feel like I'm actually starting to nod off hydrocodone, yay. Guess I'm reppin' team nod a lil more often than I should be lately...

More edit since no one else has replied: another 1mg alprazolam, more weed, still want to be higher, just wanna escape...
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Ya that was not a good idea, going to that meeting, but it was a good one actually. Got me thinking alot.

"Sometimes when you win, you really lose. And sometimes when you lose you really win. And sometimes when you tie, you actually win or lose"
Ya that was not a good idea, going to that meeting, but it was a good one actually. Got me thinking alot.

Yeah I was worried you'd have a hard time :\ Get back to my PM if you will.

It's good it got you thinking though, that's important, although if you're posting in team nod I'm sure it didn't make you stop getting high when you got home. Honestly, this thread is a HUGE trigger, whenever I come in here I grab for something, I don't mind though 8):|

And, I took the other 3mg of hydrocodone orally, so that's 15mg hydrocodone with 12 plugged, 2mg xanax, lots of weed, and why the hell do I just wish I could keep going with limited quantities...I know my abuse of this stuff is still low, but the benzos, after 3 years of daily use, heavy at times, I know I'm in for hell.(Which I plan to avoid as long as humanly possible)
Hey purple cloud you are like me. I can get nods off of like 15mgs of hydrocodone sometimes. I get extreme euphoria off like 5mgs and I take around 30mgs a day. My body reacts very strange with opiates :) I wish I could handle 2mgs of xanax though...1mg makes me super sleepy.
Hey purple cloud - have you ever actually withdrawn from benzos? I would of course recommend you have a plan and everything, but it's actually quite easy for about 25-30% of the population. I have come off benzos (sometimes at very high doses) 5-6 times and never had WD symptoms. It's a weird one, and the majority of people get bad WD's, but a substantial minority does not.

16mg of dilaudid, 2 of ativan, heady bud, stella artois.
I dont know what you mean by grains. Never heard of it.

Grains are also used to measure gunpowder. My buddy reloads his own ammo and we had to weigh out some Yale one day. So all we had was his grain scale. Good thing I am decent at math because we did the conversions and had our shit weighed out proper. Good times those were.
what the fuck is yale? coke?

that is an ingenious weighing method. I used to have little metal objects that weighed at common weed weights and the one for half ounce was a large military round.
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