How High is North America? v. 2011 Team Nod Playoffs

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Well it sounds like hes alright ;) so thats good

Team Nod i am sober and enjoying it..:) maybe ill get a rez hit ot sumthin

good for you...i believe i am picking up the slack for your lack of least that is my excuse tonight.

wazzup Team Nod....been a while. i had a wicked fall and a nasty fever but i am much better now...prob has something to do w/ my RXs being filled...the world may never know.
Ah i thi-k that was yesterday.

Whatre you up to this evening skillz?

Team Nod I am playing tonight. Lotsa that lousy spice stuff and good slushy margaritas, watching chi mia game close game 5 mins left
The a 215 roxies have and continue to make today a good day. Went on a fucking drug adventure last night to get em so it's nice to just chill tonight.
Probably won't turn into a nod, but I'm hoping 2.5mg opana does something, along with the 75mg benadryl and .5mg xanax I also took. I'm sore from thinking I should pack books into the same heavy box and then try to move it :/ Then again, tolerance might be low enough that I can nod off of that, we'll see.
Watsup yall i got a nice buzz goin

What ya buzzin off of TRM? BTW, I think I forgot to answer a message yous ent me, but I'm not sure and I'm actually nodding on and off, nothing super strong but it feels good, especially with a fan on me in my surprisingly hot apartment. I'm also stoned as shit, I don't think the alprazolam or benadryl is doing anything, I feel stoned and opiated and it's nice.
Well i did have a good weed high, but not anymore... dude i havent nodded in sooo long. Close to 50 days!!!

Now im gona work on that not being high part. I already took 100mg dph for crashing out purposes.
Noddin damn well tonight! Has to run around to find the boy which sucked but I found it and the quality was right on. I took a couple xannys earlier too so I have a fantastic nod goin on. Good night team nod. I'm heading to demf tomorrow and got a great hook on the molly and lasd so Its gonna be a great first festival for the summer! :D
Have fun C_mc1!

And TRM, thankfully I've never gotten into frequent abuse with opiates, I nodded about 10 days ago but don't do this too often since I'd rather hang on to meds for pain, but it's one of the drugs I can manage to space out my use and have self control with, and I do like to indulge on occasion. But seriously, BIG congrats to you dude, you deserve it.

I'm definitely playing for team nod tonight, and it feels fucking great.

EDIT: Just puked, in a bag, that I hope to remember to tie this time, if anyone remembers my previous story pages back about spilling an opiate-fueled puke bag in my room on the light colored carpeting. Figured that means it's time for a final smallish line of oxymorph and another bong pack :)

2nd EDIT: 1st EDIT was 12 minutes after my post, and now almost half an hour from the original post, and another 1.5 soon to be two bowls on the bong (the bowlhead is smaller than the old one unfortunately), I'm nodding really hard. Weed makes everything better. Even opiates.
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Lol i took 200mg phentermine and ive been reading all these trip reports of phentermine where it seems all of them get too geeked out on 30 mg, i figured ill be alright, after all i took 180mg adderall at once, besides all the crack and crystal ive smoked.

So i read on wikipedia that phentermine is an amphetamine and phenathylamene, sooo i should be feelin it soon :)
Thats redundant, an amphetamine is a phenethylamene.

Well have been doing bags of dope cuz my pill connect has been bone dry. Hoping to meet up with him tonight... But seems like such a waste of $ now cuz a half bag will get me right and about 10 pills at (x price) will get me right. So we will see how long these pills will truely last.. Have a great safe weekend!
A little bit of morphine and a couple of beers. All free of course. Moderator special.
Starting it off with 60mg of Oxy and 50mg of DPH....this is my third straight day doing oxy so i'll probably have to pop another 30mg later on. After tonight i'm taking a break tho...
And TRM, thankfully I've never gotten into frequent abuse with opiates, I nodded about 10 days ago but don't do this too often since I'd rather hang on to meds for pain, but it's one of the drugs I can manage to space out my use and have self control with, and I do like to indulge on occasion. But seriously, BIG congrats to you dude, you deserve it.

Weed makes everything better. Even opiates.

Hey thanks for the congrats. I appreciate that.

I really am trying to stay off that shit. I think about using everday. Everydays a struggle. By the grace of god i havent relapsed yet!

Watup Team Nod? i am still feeling this diet pill Phentermine its a amphetamine drug. A very nice smooth high actually. I prefer it to adderall. Much less anxiety.

And im high on ol spice. Feelin great%)
Lol I passed out drunk last night with the lounge tinychat still going and tech house still playing.
Crazy rave dreams ensued.
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