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Extreme anxiety when smoking weed

not applicable in the uk we dont have weed outlets etc just pot luck "excuse the pun"
And there's always the EMCDDA, which will identify the average THC content of marijuana in the UK.

Calculate the grams smoked by the percentage THC and you get your THC consumption, buy CBD gummies to balance it out. If you're in the UK
This isnt always the case , i have 2 older brothers and one of them got hypervantilation from weed while always having smoked weed . This was 2005/2008 period . But the potency has been increased drastically though thats for sure 😅
Marijuana has always been THC heavy. Here in the United States There are specific strains bred to have balanced THC CBD profiles.

That's why weed has always caused people to have panic attacks and anxiety, When they smoke a lot.

By THC heavy I mean a lot more THC than CBD which is the problem for people that are sensitive to THC.

I'm hypersensitive to THC. I can't stand any marijuana product with THC in it. It makes me feel like my head's going to explode or ants are crawling all over my body

Delta 9 is even worse, and it converts to 11 hydroxy THC which is even more potent when you eat delta 9. Can't stand them at all.

Even high amounts of CBD make me irritable and tense not relaxed.
Nobody orders off the dark web or other places in Europe that will tell you what the percentages are?
i would imagine peeps do but not common in my experience have only known a couple that have ..is much easier to buy felina 32 and make a blend ,much much cheaper too
Marijuana has always been THC heavy. Here in the United States There are specific strains bred to have balanced THC CBD profiles.

That's why weed has always caused people to have panic attacks and anxiety, When they smoke a lot.

By THC heavy I mean a lot more THC than CBD which is the problem for people that are sensitive to THC.

I'm hypersensitive to THC. I can't stand any marijuana product with THC in it. It makes me feel like my head's going to explode or ants are crawling all over my body

Delta 9 is even worse, and it converts to 11 hydroxy THC which is even more potent when you eat delta 9. Can't stand them at all.

Even high amounts of CBD make me irritable and tense not relaxed.
Delta9 is normal THC. Did you mean delta8?
Not 25+ percent THC potent.

Herbal cannabis potency increased from 5.00% THC (3.91, 6.23) to 10.22 (9.01, 11.47).

Between 2006 and 2016, the average potency of herbal marijuana in European countries rose from 5% THC to 10.22% THC, nowhere near the potency of today's weed.

Regardless of what you may think, Holland weed isn't that much different than weed sourced in other parts of the EU.
I actually looked up the statistics from holland and multiple sources indicate an increase to 20% thc in 2003/2004 period . I can provide ans translate the sources if needed .
Marijuana has always been THC heavy. Here in the United States There are specific strains bred to have balanced THC CBD profiles.

That's why weed has always caused people to have panic attacks and anxiety, When they smoke a lot.

By THC heavy I mean a lot more THC than CBD which is the problem for people that are sensitive to THC.

I'm hypersensitive to THC. I can't stand any marijuana product with THC in it. It makes me feel like my head's going to explode or ants are crawling all over my body

Delta 9 is even worse, and it converts to 11 hydroxy THC which is even more potent when you eat delta 9. Can't stand them at all.

Even high amounts of CBD make me irritable and tense not relaxed.
Yeah no i was actually right , i looked up the statistics from Holland and multiple official sources indicate an increase to 20% in 2003/2004. But the other guy said it wasn't this strong in 2008 but it actually was even stronger ..😅
ive almost stopped smoking after 40yrs because of the symptoms you describe and know others that get same but still smoke ..i think the development of strains for high thc low cbd is the main culpit as i think it has altered the cannabinoid profile too much ...if you can get cbd weed (industrial hemp) then grind it and some "bud" you can make a blend that wont cause those symptoms start with ground hemp then add a very little "bud" at a time trying it as you go till you find the blend perfect for you ....5 to 1 ratio is about right
I actually go with your theory about cannabinoid being altered to much after heavy periods of smoking alot . I also think traumatising child hood experiences can cause a change since its not a coinsidance both of my older brothers that smoked alot got bad side effects from it . There was alot of cancer in our family unfortunately .
I actually looked up the statistics from holland and multiple sources indicate an increase to 20% thc in 2003/2004 period . I can provide ans translate the sources if needed .
The active psychoactive substance in cannabis and hashish is THC. The THC content increased sharply to 20% until 2003/2004. After that it remained stable to slightly decreased with a dip in 2013 of 13.5%. In recent years it has fluctuated around 15/16%. Below is a graph and a table with measurements carried out by the Trimbos Institute and a number of measurements taken by the police before that. At the top of the table are the 2019 values. At the bottom of the table are some figures about previous studies that were not carried out by the Trimbos Institute. https://www.trimbos.nl/actueel/nieu...hasj-en-wiet-stabiel-maar-spreiding-is-groot/
The active psychoactive substance in cannabis and hashish is THC. The THC content increased sharply to 20% until 2003/2004. After that it remained stable to slightly decreased with a dip in 2013 of 13.5%. In recent years it has fluctuated around 15/16%. Below is a graph and a table with measurements carried out by the Trimbos Institute and a number of measurements taken by the police before that. At the top of the table are the 2019 values. At the bottom of the table are some figures about previous studies that were not carried out by the Trimbos Institute.
That's not a link
That's not a link
So in other words in 2003 holland alrdy had the strength of weed that is produced now in 2024 , and now its even higher up to 25% or more . Also trimbos does research since the 90's and is from the government .
Yeah I can get fairly anxious on weed. What I don't understand is why one session will be cool and relaxed. Come back to it the next day I'm all over the place.
I though environmental factors were to point to but nope turns out that I still get this to this day... today has been chill so I will smoke later but sometimes I do feel better if I don't smoke. Energetic without the possible "paranoid" - ( what we called it as kids ) side effects.
Hi ,
I have smoked weed my whole life , when i was 22 i was on a ssri called paxil . I had problems with that shitty aids ssri so i CT the paxil . Ever since then i get anxiety from weed . Continued to smoke with anxiety cause i was such a podhead.
Now i am 32 and still smoke some weed but there is always anxiety , some times i get such a bad physical reaction that i am still thinking what the actual fuck is happening on neurochemical level when i smoke weed . Fast heart rate , heavy feeling in chest/head . Weird gravity feeling , paranoia . Most of the time it subsides after like 30mins , but sometimes its unbearable . I love smoking weed but its not fun when you take 2 hits and you go INSANE . I know what anxiety is but still i am always thinking this just can't be only anxiety . Seems like massive amounts of noradrenaline is released when i smoke or something . Extreme physical restlessnes , after continued smoking you would think at some point it would go away but it never freaking did .
I know how thc and cbd works , strain wise it doesnt rlly matter since high cbd strains doesnt seem to exist and either way its with every strain with sativa being somewhat worse . Even on benzo's there is still anxiety the first phase . I can smoke on mdma , and here comes the weird thing also on stimulants . Weirdly cause i am not a stim guy at all and it makes me edgy asf (amphetamines) but it seems like i can handle it more easy . Never found an answer to this , and i am obsessed about why and what in my brain . It doesnt matter how much i realise its anxiety when i am going bad , i am fully aware but it still gets me . Any advice or thoughts are appreciated.
Check out CBN tinctures. a few drops goes a long way... non psychoactive and tames thc as well. one of my favorite molecules in the cannabis plant
You just need to figure out if smoking pot is worth it. Either keep smoking or quit. Weigh the pros and cons, and expenses along with whether or not you are smoking out of habit( enjoyable habit) or if the anxiety and possibly( if there is) other factors.
I know a lot of people that started getting anxiety from weed when they got older. I have a theory that weed has a tendency to make you think about things and as people get older they experience more traumatic events in their lives and these traumatic events build up. The more trauma a person banks the more anxiety they start to feel when they get high.
Weed is really really strong now here in Canada. The THC content is unnatural, IMO. I can't tolerate weed anymore at all, gives me instant anxiety and overdose symptoms.

The last time I smoked weed it was the weed of this guy I met who grows weak strains in his garden. It was very pleasant and tolerable. Even the so-called weakest strains at the pot shop down the street are way too strong now.

How ironic that for decades everyone wanted stronger weed, and now some of us actually need weaker weed.