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Dissociatives [DXM Subthread] First Plateau Trips

^ I think that Ketamine, even at fully disassociative doses, is way more recreational than DXM. An analogy could be made that ketamine is to DXM what MDMA is to LSD... DXM, imo, goes deeper, is much more heady, and has a real bite to it. Also, whereas ketamine just sort of pulls you along through its subterranean caverns, DXM is like having a jetpack strapped onto your back, and you can navigate at will throughout infinite space. It feels like much more is possible with this expanded volition, although it is definitely less user-friendly because of it. Like driving manual instead of automatic. It is pure Thanatos energy.... Charon's boat in molecule form, crossing the River Styx into the Shadow-world.

It can definitely be intensely euphoric - even more like 'psychedelic heroin' than ketamine - and "recreational" at 2nd plateau... I wouldn't even bother with the 1st plateau. However, I could never see myself using it as a 'fun' substance, because this thing has TEETH. I tend to treat it more as an incredibly wise but very morally ambiguous daemon summoned from the abyss.

Still though, there's nothing wrong at all with taking it slow...

HBr is definitely the way to go. However when you dose it, you have to split the dose into 6 and take it over an hour or so. If you take it all at once, the trip will likely be very confusing and hectic. Something to do with absorption rates.

Lastly, ganja should be mandatory... smoke it as you enter the peak, remember it should take a full 2-3 hours to get there. The synergy is totally unprecedented, it's like the difference between ketamine and ketamine+tryptamine.
Yes one time I had about 400mg and I waited almost 2 hours before my friend showed up to my house with some weed, I wish he would of showed earlier but he brought over a gram of some dro and as soon as I took one hit I instantly started tripping. Prior to this I just felt that tad drunk feeling from lower doses of dxm.

Weed is definately required with DXM as it brings out the "trippy" effects of DXM like hallucinations and deep thoughts.
Propyl Power said:
^ I think that Ketamine, even at fully disassociative doses, is way more recreational than DXM. An analogy could be made that ketamine is to DXM what MDMA is to LSD... DXM, imo, goes deeper, is much more heady, and has a real bite to it. Also, whereas ketamine just sort of pulls you along through its subterranean caverns, DXM is like having a jetpack strapped onto your back, and you can navigate at will throughout infinite space. It feels like much more is possible with this expanded volition, although it is definitely less user-friendly because of it. Like driving manual instead of automatic. It is pure Thanatos energy.... Charon's boat in molecule form, crossing the River Styx into the Shadow-world.

It can definitely be intensely euphoric - even more like 'psychedelic heroin' than ketamine - and "recreational" at 2nd plateau... I wouldn't even bother with the 1st plateau. However, I could never see myself using it as a 'fun' substance, because this thing has TEETH. I tend to treat it more as an incredibly wise but very morally ambiguous daemon summoned from the abyss.

this is an excellent description. i am in complete agreement. nice post!
Propyl Power said:
^ I think that Ketamine, even at fully disassociative doses, is way more recreational than DXM. An analogy could be made that ketamine is to DXM what MDMA is to LSD... DXM, imo, goes deeper, is much more heady, and has a real bite to it. Also, whereas ketamine just sort of pulls you along through its subterranean caverns, DXM is like having a jetpack strapped onto your back, and you can navigate at will throughout infinite space. It feels like much more is possible with this expanded volition, although it is definitely less user-friendly because of it. Like driving manual instead of automatic. It is pure Thanatos energy.... Charon's boat in molecule form, crossing the River Styx into the Shadow-world.

It can definitely be intensely euphoric - even more like 'psychedelic heroin' than ketamine - and "recreational" at 2nd plateau... I wouldn't even bother with the 1st plateau. However, I could never see myself using it as a 'fun' substance, because this thing has TEETH. I tend to treat it more as an incredibly wise but very morally ambiguous daemon summoned from the abyss.

Still though, there's nothing wrong at all with taking it slow...

HBr is definitely the way to go. However when you dose it, you have to split the dose into 6 and take it over an hour or so. If you take it all at once, the trip will likely be very confusing and hectic. Something to do with absorption rates.

Lastly, ganja should be mandatory... smoke it as you enter the peak, remember it should take a full 2-3 hours to get there. The synergy is totally unprecedented, it's like the difference between ketamine and ketamine+tryptamine.

i agree. i've never tried ketamine or mdma and never will (cant find k, wont risk x) but I've tried other psychedelics and agree with all of this. Dxm isnt something to play with. It's easy to get addicted because it feels so good, and it's also easy to get in over your head. It has the addictive body buzz and euphoria of an opiate but it has the trippiness of something like mushrooms or lsd at times. Agree with splitting up the doses and the pot thing. i've never used dxm without copious amounts of pot, and never would.
Thank you for the help. No, I am not on any medications. About an hour after I last posted I felt a very very strong buzz. I can't really explain the feeling. It just felt like I smoked 3 blunts by myself and drank a whole lot of alchohol. It was a pretty pleasant feeling for the most part, idk why but it felt a little speedy lasted for a very long time about 4 and a half hours maybe 5. Drank the syrup at about 9pm and didn't go to sleep until about 2:30am. Just curious, what "plateau" would this be. I didn't have any hallucinations or anything although sometimes I could've sworn I was hearing things. (Random noises, maybe some voices every now and again.) Overall I think I did a little too much for my first time. I have about a quarter bottle left and I'm thinking that it will be a pretty good dose, not to strong nor too weak. A good chance I will experiment with DXM again. Also another question, I drank the whole 270 mg dose in 30 mg incriments over about 2 minutes. (About 2 tsp each.) Is it better to take the doses in an hour's worth time instead of all in one sitting? Thank you for the help fellow bluelighters.

If you want to know what plateau you were on, calculate how many mg of DXM per kg of bodyweight you took (the google search engine can do this for you easily), and then consult the DXM FAQ: http://www.erowid.org/chemicals/dxm/faq/

Dosing speed is a matter of preference. Dosing quicker will cause your body to metabolize more of the DXM into DXO, while dosing slower will mean you more DXM. I find that dosing over an hour results in a much more "speedy" feel but with less euphoria.
Gaian Planes, I think DXM is extremely recreational. It provides the best euphoria I've ever experienced (so far... i have high hopes for heroin and dialod which I still haven't tried yet). I used to binge on it for 1 to 4 months at a time. The only problem is that it makes you stupid, disables your binocular vision, and creeps people out. I prefer to be able to interact with the world now, so I rarely use DXM. (plus, there's a good chance that I will end up compulsively dosing for days in a row.)

Umm. Light to moderate doses feel like a moderate to heavy vicodin/vodka combo (buzzy, lazy, warm, comfortable, anti-anxiety). The heavy doses is where I find the real pleasure, but like I said, it disables you for like a day or sometimes two.

I've never had a negative trip or high with DXM, but I might just be weird. Plenty of uncomfortable barf sessions, but those ended up being worth it.

HBr with PEG (and/or a little alcohol) provides me the most reliable and predictable dose curve.
My research on Delsym and DXM soon

Hey there, just wanted to take an opportunity to introduce myself.

Ive been experimenting with Delsym and DXM for a little while now. There really is not a lot of info dedicated to Delsym, and I want to share what I've looked up and what I've found through personal experience. I am still in the process of writing it all up, basically at the proofreading and organizing stage. But it is mostly there. My write up does NOT go into every plateau and all the basic DXM info. It pretty much assumes you know whats up with DXM, but not so much about Delsym and how it metabolizes and how it affects you. It is ideally to help you get acquainted.

Im sure you will all find it beneficial, and maybe even give it a try if you haven't. Anyway, I will probably stick to the DXM related material on the site.

A little about me:
19 years of age
97kg/ 210 lbs 6'3"

Loves to take loooong walks into space and on Mars.
Has a peace treaty with the king of the North Carolinian crab species.
Fixed the world of tron and saved the internet from a virus.

(The above are obviously DXM related 8o )

Anyway, I look forward to being on the forum!
I've always wanted to try delsym, but how much do you need for a fourth plateau trip? Since it lasts longer and takes more. I plan on getting the large bottle.
You would NOT want to put in your body a 4th Plateau size dose of Delsym...believe me. The problem with Delsym is since it isnt DXM Hbr but rather DXM polystirex (an extended release form) it's much MUCH more toxic to one's mind and body. If you don't blame me check the DXM FAQ and other sources for DXM info.

And I'm not just repeating what I've heard; I'm also speaking from personal experience here. I used to be a frequent Delsym abuser as a teenager and noticed much, much worse hangovers than DXM hbr. Not to mention Delsym by itself just isn't very fun. It kicks in way too slow and never fully peaks like hbr. You'll feel intoxicated and out of it but not very euphoric and psychedelic.

If you insist on experiencing Delsym stick to a low dose of Delsym and if you want something stronger combine that low dose with a source of DXM hbr, that way the DXM still kicks in fast and with a punch.
I'll probably chug a 3 ounce bottle and supplement with some nasty ass dxm/guaif pills but they taste horrible lol. I've heard Delsym is actually a good tasting cough medicine (hard to believe) is it?
Ason Unique said:
I'll probably chug a 3 ounce bottle and supplement with some nasty ass dxm/guaif pills but they taste horrible lol. I've heard Delsym is actually a good tasting cough medicine (hard to believe) is it?

it's a little thick, but the flavor is good
Ason Unique said:
I've always wanted to try delsym, but how much do you need for a fourth plateau trip? Since it lasts longer and takes more. I plan on getting the large bottle.
Robitussin hands down, no others
delsym makes me feel sicker than any other preperation, and gets me less high. it does taste good, though.

don't do a 4th plataeu with delsym. you will likely be incapicated for several days and actually die of thirst.
Even if doing DXM while on an SSRI feels safe to you doesn't mean it is. I'm almost positive i recall reading that SSRI's and DXM make each other more toxic. And I did DXM a lot while on Effexor and while on Celexa years ago and remember those DXM experiences feeling distinctly dirtier and with nasty hangovers. So I think you might be playing with fire...
How do you prevent blacking out on higher doses? I've tried 540mg (gelcaps, DXM-only) + 100mg DPH and before getting to 3rd plateau I lost consciousness, only getting a few fragments of the peak.
Does spreading the dose over an hour like someone mentioned help with this? Or do I need to add something else (amphetamine, perhaps)?
^ Well the DPH certainly isn't going to help you remember anything...

And adding amphetamine sounds like a REALLY bad idea.

I would honestly recommend meditation to focus/clear your mind and keeping a dream journal / practice lucid dreaming to help strengthen your memory recall.
^ Remembering is not quite what this is about. 'sides, I'm already doing what you're suggesting.
It's kinda like with alcohol, just that here I still get a few fragments whereas with alcohol it's complete blackout till the peak is over. But the sudden loss of consciousness is just the same.
Lose the diph and up the DXM dose. Before you trip sleep as much as possible and dose as soon as you wake up, any type of stimulant tends to mix badly with DXM (even caffeine).