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Do you want kids?

Do you want kids?

  • I am male and I want to have kids some day

    Votes: 121 33.6%
  • I am female and I want to have kids some day

    Votes: 83 23.1%
  • I am male and I do not want kids

    Votes: 62 17.2%
  • I am female and do not want kids

    Votes: 38 10.6%
  • I am female and am undecided yet

    Votes: 22 6.1%
  • I am male and am undecided yet

    Votes: 34 9.4%

  • Total voters
my how things have changed... i initally voted "i am female and i do not want kids". granted i was 22 when i cast the vote. ;)

now at 27, i want to start having children at 30. my mind changed when i met my current boyfriend. sadly, i recently discovered that when i'm ready, i may have issues conceiving and if i'm able to conceive, it will be a very high-risk pregnancy.

i'll worry about that though when the time comes. :)
i'm a female in my late twenties and i do not want children. absolutely nothing will change this decision. :)
I'm not thrilled about the idea right now at age 21. But later on when I'm out of school and working I might be more open to having children.
I've got three great kids, a grandchild and another on the way. I hope I get more soon!
Should everyone have kids? - most certainly not
Is having children a right? - aside from the fact that i think 'rights' is the stupidest, doublespeak word and idea out there, again, most certainly no.

Do i want to have kids?
being male, in my early 20s, yes, i want kids. But i don't want anything to do with them for many, many years to come.

I fail to see how having children, or aspiring to having children is egotistical, seeing that the entire basis for life revolves around preservation of genetic information, and the act/concept is essentially a service to the species...
shit, by your definition, i could say that you're egotistical for continuing living. please. :scoff:
Definately want a kid. It'll be hard though as I'd ideally like a biological child, and even if I choose the adoption route it will be expensive and difficult. Apparenly gays can't be good fathers or provide a suitable family environment :\
dude, you're gay? when did this happen?
i was going to give you one of my eggyweggs, but now i dunno, mang. <3

kids? for sure! must be more than one, how else can i get drunk and race/fight them for gambling and entertainment?!
^ I want in.

My faggy kid will be the real life version of Gender Bender. If not, i hope he/she comes out deformed - then i can stick it in a wagon, drive around the country side and charge 2 bits a gander.
Never will I want kids, after so many years of babysitting the last thing I want is a kid. I don't know I just find little kids so annoying, and even babies when the cry like crazy.
I fail to see how having children, or aspiring to having children is egotistical, seeing that the entire basis for life revolves around preservation of genetic information, and the act/concept is essentially a service to the species...
shit, by your definition, i could say that you're egotistical for continuing living. please. :scoff:

There's enough children out there at this time in history that we don't hafta worry about "preservation of genetic information" [as] "a service to the species."

The only reason I'd want children is to make a blueprint of myself, which is entirely egotistical and there's no way U can guarantee that U won't create a monster.

Rather than have children, I'd like to brainwash Ur children to think like me!
There's enough children out there at this time in history that we don't hafta worry about "preservation of genetic information" [as] "a service to the species."

The only reason I'd want children is to make a blueprint of myself, which is entirely egotistical and there's no way U can guarantee that U won't create a monster.

Rather than have children, I'd like to brainwash Ur children to think like me!

sorry, but even a basic understanding of genetics would enlighten you to the fact that procreating results in random genetic sampling, with this randomness and spontaneity providing species' with the ability for populations to survive in a changing environment.
The argument that 'there's too many people out there, don't breed' is laughable. As others like Lovelife have said, the benefit that can be brought about through creating contributing members of society that are fit and able to survive (in more than just on a genetic basis, ie: social/cultural/moral, etc...) is again, paramount to the survival of any organism.

Childbirth is a choice, an option, but i don't believe it's a right. But please, if you are unable or unwilling, that's fine, but attaching negative connotations to reproduction because of the negligent or - possibly by your standards - unacceptable choices of other people, is ridiculous.
^^^ I'm a firm believer in population control . . . no more than two babies per couple, per lifetime.
Well, the birth rate versus the death rate in better educated post-industrial countries, especially in Europe, has been declining in the last few decades Goddess.

Last I read, that same trend is also beginning to take hold in North America as well.

Not as long as Obama doesn't do anything about the 13-million illegals in our country who pop out babies (on average 3) who automatically become US citizens:

No fucking way would I inflict my genes and parenting on a child/children.

Plus... the world is overpopulated as it is.
I want kids. I'm a 20 year old man. I think kids are wonderful!
My problem is the fact that my family history is so riddled with mental illness, physical illness, and substance abuse problems (I happen to have all 3 myself), I would just like to put an end to this gene pool and adopt some other kid. I want a vasectomy and lots of kids! Is that weird?
I don't want now, nor will I ever want children.

I'm approaching middle age and I'm certain that my feeling on the matter is fixed; It will remain that way until my last dying breath.

I've always felt that procreation was not a part of my soul's path to completion.

My siblings have had children enough to carry on my immediate family's set of genes into the future.
while I'm terrified to have kids (I view both my parents in a highly unfavourable light, and am scared to pass on their genes) I am a female approaching 25 years of age....and I can't say I wouldn't like to be heading down that road in 6 or so years :\
I'm a mid-20s female and I don't know! If I did, I would probably adopt...
Do not want.

The idea of having kids has never appealed to me, and I can barely take care of myself. %)