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Do you want kids?

Do you want kids?

  • I am male and I want to have kids some day

    Votes: 121 33.6%
  • I am female and I want to have kids some day

    Votes: 83 23.1%
  • I am male and I do not want kids

    Votes: 62 17.2%
  • I am female and do not want kids

    Votes: 38 10.6%
  • I am female and am undecided yet

    Votes: 22 6.1%
  • I am male and am undecided yet

    Votes: 34 9.4%

  • Total voters
I decided at a very young age that i was opposed to having kids, and nothing's changed.

I just don't see what's in it for me apart from stretch marks, weight gain, lack of money, lack of being my man's number one...UGH!

All the money and success I make for myself will be used to benefit myself and myself only!
Nihilist said:
I decided at a very young age that i was opposed to having kids, and nothing's changed.

I just don't see what's in it for me apart from stretch marks, weight gain, lack of money, lack of being my man's number one...UGH!

All the money and success I make for myself will be used to benefit myself and myself only!

Shame your parents didn't share your values.
L O V E L I F E said:
Shame your parents didn't share your values.

What's your problem? That was pretty below the belt. I never said others shouldn't have kids, I just said that *I* wasn't interested. I don't have anything against other people procreating, and I was pretty honest about my reasons not to have 'em myself. Better than giving some stupid reason like "oh, I just couldn't bring a child into this world". Oh puh-lease!

Hey, go push one out for me, ok??
i agree with SLM but at 21 and single, kids seem somewhat like buying a house - a strong possibility but not anywhere in the near future. i have two friends who are my age and about to be parents this year (separate couples). we are all excited (after the intial shock) but i wouldn't trade places with them
Nihilist said:
What's your problem? That was pretty below the belt. I never said others shouldn't have kids, I just said that *I* wasn't interested. I don't have anything against other people procreating, and I was pretty honest about my reasons not to have 'em myself. Better than giving some stupid reason like "oh, I just couldn't bring a child into this world". Oh puh-lease!

Hey, go push one out for me, ok??

I apologize for what you perceive as a low blow.

I would suggest that you now go reread your inital post.

I'm sorry if I was unnecessarily harsh, but I was just trying to (more) subtlely (than now) remind you that you wouldn't have the luxury of prioritizing YOUR looks, YOUR money, and YOU having your partner's undivided attention but for the fact that there are actually people in the world who realize that life isn't all about them.

But hey, at least you were honest.
No. When I was younger, I was terrified with what being pregnant would do to my body, and I was scared of childbirth. When I first married, I was very nervous that my husband would eventually lose patience and rape me and force me to have his child. But he's turned out to be understanding. As I got older, I wasn't so afraid of the physical aspects of pregnancy, but I feared all the responsibility; I then began to fear the possibility that my children would ultimately reject me and/or that my parents and others would be critical of me as a parent, plus I worried about money. THen R had a couple strokes and we no longer even have sex. I then fell in love with someone else and I wanted his baby, he made me feel completely different. But he has too many problems so it looks like i won't be having any children now that I'm almost 41... :(
i have three children. i always wanted to be a mommy. my kids are awesome and i'm thankful for them. i told my daughter last night "God gave me you." she told me i better ask Him for another cos she wants a sister. but, i really feel peaceful about the three i have.
I always had the plans growing up that you meet boy, fall in love, buy house, get married, have babies. I never wanted a career cos a job was just something to do till everything fell into place. When I was 20 I met the boy, everything looked like it was going to work. But after 3 years, I got bored, I realised there was so much more to me than I was allowing out, so I left. I'm now 26, single and happier than I have ever been. At first I thought all the other stuff would still happen for me, just a bit later in life than I planned at first, but with the more time that passes, I realise, I'm not ready to devote my life to someone else. And I think that unless you are ready to do that, you shouldn't be a parent. If you have a child, they should be your number one priority at all times. So at this time, I'm undecided.
OhSoBec said:

I always had the plans growing up that you meet boy, fall in love, buy house, get married, have babies. I never wanted a career cos a job was just something to do till everything fell into place. When I was 20 I met the boy, everything looked like it was going to work. But after 3 years, I got bored, I realised there was so much more to me than I was allowing out, so I left. I'm now 26, single and happier than I have ever been. At first I thought all the other stuff would still happen for me, just a bit later in life than I planned at first, but with the more time that passes, I realise, I'm not ready to devote my life to someone else. And I think that unless you are ready to do that, you shouldn't be a parent. If you have a child, they should be your number one priority at all times. So at this time, I'm undecided.

Oftentimes, we don't figure out that we've made a not-so-good-decision for ourselves until many years have passed since we've made the decision.

Kudos to you:

(a) for figuring out your mistake relatively soon, and

(b) for having such a mature healthy attitude about the subject right now.

And in an effort to reconcile this post with one I made earlier in this thread, I shall state that in my opinion, that there's a world of difference between someone:

(a) acknowledgeing that IF one is going to be a parent, that being a good one should be his/her number one priority, and humbly admitting that he/she is not prepared to make that sacrifice at this point in time; and

(b) in an almost-boastful manner, suggesting that from the time someone was a child, she never even considered making said sacrifice, because that would take away from some of the more important parts of life such as, avoiding stretch marks, avoiding temporary weight gain, hoarding all of your significant other's time and attentions to yourself and making sure that once you've eventually earned fame and fortune (without anyone else's help, of course), to lavish all of your newfound wealth on yourself, instead of foolishly sharing some of it with someone you love.

The difference is all a matter of attitude.

Please forgive me if I was too quick to anticipate being called out on an apparent-inconsistentcy.

Alas, brilliant, gorgeous, loving, generous, hilarious humble people have insecurities, too.
Take a look at these Demographic Pyramid Graphs....
THIS is one of the many reasons i dont want bio-kids...


i dont want kids, mainly because i am pretty against the idea of marraige, and the things i want to do with my life basically depend on me being independant from responsibilty towards another person, spouse or child.
i think in order to raise a good stable minded kid, you need to provide a good stable environment, with a mother and father figure who are both around to give support to the kid...
i am much too much of a 'free spirit' i guess...who tends to run off and get crazy ideas, and i dont think i like the idea of building a family in which we are all pretty much dependent on each other...i prefer to be dependent on myself...it keeps things extremely versitile...

haha sometimes i think its selfish to want to live my life with responsibility only to myself...but hey...there are all different kinds of people...some to keep the human race going, and others to keep it from getting out of hand...
balance balance balance
I do want to have children someday, mainly so I can show them all the love that my parents didn't show me. I can't change my own childhood, but I can give my own children the best possible childhood that I can possibly give them. My relationship with my parents, for lack of a more eloquent explaination, straight fucked me up in the head; so I feel it's my obligation to learn from my parents' mistakes and give my kids the best life I possibly can give them.

However, I'm only 20, so I figure I got about a decade and a half before I have to worry about that.
Ya, As a male the bio clock started ticking at about 27 for me... Did not want kids before that, not BOOM, I wake up thinking that I better get on the ball quick before I am having kids in my 40's!!

I just hope my kids are not as fucked up as I am!
im not sure yet, but im leaning more to probably not, but who knows what could happen in the future.
I am male and want to have kids some day...

But not for a while, I'm too young at the moment. They'll be good kids with a lot of freedom and respect from their father.
One day I want kids. I don't care if they are my own or if they are adopted. I just want to have kids. No more than two though and not until I'm done with school (which would make it around 2012 with vet school).
Hey all.

I was wandering about the Archives and thought this thread was worth reviving.

I've reopened it for additional voting and continued discussion.

If you've voted or participated in this thread the first time around let us know.

If you feel differently now, or your life has blessed you with children please fill us in?
