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⭐️ Social ⭐️ Detroit Megathread

The greyish shit I've gotten has always been garbage. Anyways I have a friend who just got out of rehab and when they drug tested her she tested positive for PCP. I know she doesn't use PCP, all she uses is Heroin and occasionally cocaine. So be careful about what your getting, even though it's impossible to tell. Anyways I got my script for suboxone and should be quitting here finally :). Anyone ever hear of a meth scene here in Detroit? Just wondering, never heard of it being around here but it's obviously everywhere but here.

I would think you would know if you were on PCP!;)
i would just look for the ones who look like they are holding while at school and bust them then take their dope. at the same time i would be like "billy, for investigative/scholastic reasons im going to need to know where you got this heroin..."

I work in Compton. Los Angeles. I would get shot.
i live in miami,fla and the dope is usually fire,but these last couple years its been mediocre at best thats why i quit its been almost 3 years ,im on MMT though a
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The greyish shit I've gotten has always been garbage. Anyways I have a friend who just got out of rehab and when they drug tested her she tested positive for PCP. I know she doesn't use PCP, all she uses is Heroin and occasionally cocaine. So be careful about what your getting, even though it's impossible to tell. Anyways I got my script for suboxone and should be quitting here finally :). Anyone ever hear of a meth scene here in Detroit? Just wondering, never heard of it being around here but it's obviously everywhere but here.

ya i have a cousin who is gay and i guess that type of scene is the only place that shit iis big in the detroit area.anyone been getting really good whiteish brown stuff on the eastside lately its pretty good?
Yeah, its what I've found on the eastside too. Not bad, but there is some gray/tan stuff on the southwest side that is incredible right now. But most everything that has been around is of good quality.
I have family here that are teachers and they are considering moving away. Teachers with tenure and ten years of seniority get lay off slips every summer and hope the money to keep them comes through and not lose their jobs. Finding a job in the metro deroit area and keeping it may be tough, but I'm sure you won't have any trouble finding the other things you are worried about. Crystal is here, just not as predominant as boi or girl. Good luck wherever you travel ugly!
If you can't find dope in d town, i couldnt find water in the pacific,
well for everybody thats been wondering. Now i dont suggest believing word 1 from the police but i read earlier that they are currently not focusing on the user and instead going after mid to upper level distrobution
Maybe there is something to the cops focussing on dealers instead of users cause I haven't seen anyone stopped recently in my travels or many police at all lately. Hope it isn't just the calm before the storm when they decide they wanna start taking some vehicles. Be safe out there!
If the police want my nikes or my schwinn i guess they can have it.
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Eastside dope has been fire the last couple of days. Wednesday I said I agreed that cops were leaving users alone and goin after the dealers, well after yesterday and today it seems like there is another operation smackdown swinging into action.

There have been plenty of detroit cops stopping people on 75 stopping people, which doesn't normally happen. I was a couple cars behind a guy coming out of the neighborhood I cop in, but caught a red light turning onto the expressway, about a halfmile from the onramp he was stopped by 2 marked dpd cars but the cops were in street clothes with vests on.

Everyone be careful, detroit gang squad are some hard ass fuckers that you don't want anything to do with. I hope its not another smackdown coming but its been awhile.
detroit gangsquad got dismantled a few weeks ago. Years ago they got my car but it was a weedspot on the far east side, it was the county and they basically carjacked me. 2 minute transaction that resulted in me walking the 2 blocks home and a week to come up on a stack or the car would get auctioned.
Gang squad is still around. They got the group from 60 cops to 20 and reassigned the others to patrol. The story is on mlive.com. forgot what the link is.
Something is definately going on in the city copwise. A few days ago my dealer told me not to come because the state boys were cruising around the side streets stopping people. A few days before that I've seen plenty of state cops pulling people over on 94 in the city. And today and yesterday while I was down I've seen a million dpd police. All down side streets stopping people cruising down the main road, its been really scary the past week or so everyone be extremely careful out there I think another sting operation is inevitable the way things have been going the past couple of weeks. Also when I got off the freeway today I pulled into the gas station right off the freeway and I pull up to the front of the building and out the door walks a female police officer in all of her police gear, gun and all and she hopped into a black chrysler 500 I believe it was, total unmarked car, IDK if it was hers and she was on her way to work or if it was an undercover car. None the less be extremely careful.
Hot everywhere is right. One of the stories I read about the gang squad talked about how that unit didn't need to be as large now cause of partnerships with other departments, fbi, atf, and dea. Pavel is right, cops are everywhere. My primary guy got picked up this afternoon. Be safe and careful in your travels everyone!
Holy shit!! Picked up the strongest dope that I have gotten in at least a couple of years, if not ever. Copped from 2 differant sources as well. It is a light yellow/ tan color. I would normally do nearly half a g at a time(snorting), but couldn't get weight this time. So I did 6 nickles and stayed completely smashed for about 6 to 7 hours. WOW! If you come across this stuff and you iv please be very careful!
Has anyone else come across this light tan/yellowish dope? Been gettin it for the last few days. I just did two little ones this morning and I'm nodding like crazy! Been nodding so much the last couple of days my neck is sore. Don't think I've ever had dope that was this strong. Wow!
What's going on? I hope I'm not the only one that's left here from the detroit area. If anyone is still around, I saw several cars of white people stopped on one of the main drags in the east side today. Saw 3 on the way in and the cops had everyone pulled out and all the doors open searching the cars. They were heading out of a dope area and within probably a mile of eachother. I took a chance and went the other way when I lrft and took a differant freeway around to get back home. Be super careful on the east side everyone!