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Confess Your Drug Sins Here, 1 at a time.

Once when copping in the hood somewhere in CT we were sold what had to be dried toothpaste; we were in a car, it was dark and in a bad neighborhood that was lousy with cops and stick up kids that we were keen to get rid of and the dealers were rushing us (always a bad sign but we were like 17) so we didn't figure it out for a while, I even tried to smoke it :|
People who sell fake drugs...I won't go as far as to say that they should die, necessarily, but I'd settle for a severe beating
^ Not to mention that people can not only be affected emotionally but also physically. These people are dangerous as in placing 'shred' glass in white powder. A friend of mine had nasal hemorrhage. :\
People who sell fake drugs...I won't go as far as to say that they should die, necessarily, but I'd settle for a severe beating

When he was running for Sheriff, HST either advocated the stockade or stoning (with rocks) for selling fake drugs, I can't remember which...

Missed Christmas for a long time, but it was really great to have it his year. Family united, friends all together. It made me think ( for a minute) that the world can be a good ´place to be. <3 Merry Christmas to all! <3
^That's not a sin m8.
About selling fake drugs, once I sold pure alcohol mixed with an "tea" made of random herbs from my garden to some tourists as Absinthe.
The sin was having the ODs while my family thought I was sleeping. And by letting my wife lie about it to most people.
One of these ODs was so severe that I was in a coma for 2 days and when I woke up I couldn't speak or hear for days - literally.
It was like being in hell over and over again, on top of having to see my children worry sick because they thought I had a physical "normal" problem and was suffering with that. I keep imagining how their lives would have been if I didn't come back to them.

Up to this day I get emotional imagining my wife's reaction when she heard from the doctors that the chances of me getting back to life were very small and she had to try to come up with something to tell my kids. She cried all the time and every time she held my hands the nurses said my heart beat would increase, even unconsciously.

That was a fuc shitty thing I did and I have beaten myself up a lot for that. Now I'm sober and trying to get into terms with my past. Not as easy as I had thought. Besides, it's very difficult to go through all of that and not have issues with your own marriage later on in life.
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Erikmen.... if ANYONE around here deserves to give themselves a break and a pat on the back it's you. I know that you can't allow yourself to forget as to make sure you don't repeat the past but I hope you have forgiven yourself. You're a good guy and a good family man.

I am curious, if you don't mind me asking, how big was your habit? Was it a poly drug habit or just H? How many years? Did it start out like most with pills?

Keep up the good work!
Erikmen.... if ANYONE around here deserves to give themselves a break and a pat on the back it's you. I know that you can't allow yourself to forget as to make sure you don't repeat the past but I hope you have forgiven yourself. You're a good guy and a good family man.

I am curious, if you don't mind me asking, how big was your habit? Was it a poly drug habit or just H? How many years? Did it start out like most with pills?

Keep up the good work!

Thanks gmlifer! :) I'll get there.
As of my habit it's greater than me. Huge as I started very early in life and somehow make it through work, family etc.
It was mostly about opiates, from pills to H and for sometime combining fentanyl, benzos with other opiates. It was surreal, and I am alive by chance. It could have gone either way. At the end I had to surrender to Methadone for almost 8 years when I decided to make the jump and work out a way out of it.

This has happened almost two years ago and I was in hell for almost 2-3 months. Bluelight really helped and up to this date I'm dealing with regrets, and how I can change my children's life. It's been a long journey but I'm coming to terms with it.
Take care!
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Just shady shit that comes along with being strung out. Stealing, ripping your friends off, not caring about anyone, using a rig so dull it couldn't pop a balloon. I cringe at a lot of things I have done
I like to get high and eat cheese.
The problem with cheese and certain drugs, especially opiates is that opiates are constipating and cheese is also. Mix the two together and you may just find yourself stuck in more ways than one.