Mental Health Coming Off Invega Sustenna (Paliperidone) v.2

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I am coming to accept that my own drug abuse damaged my brain just as much if not more than SSRI'S or risperdal ever did. After talking to multiple doctors I realize that my speed abuse and use of toxic substances from the internet really did me in.

Avoid all psychitric drugs guys and recover the best you can. If nothing improves soon Ill probably just kill myself. Im pretty much dead already.
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Yes I feel the damage every second im in agony. I have tardive akathisia and constant mental and physical torment due to it I dont even feel safe driving anymore. Can any of you drive on neuroleptics?
I sometimes feel the urge to obtain Risperdal Consta and inject it into the criminal who stole the only life I had from me. And then ask him how much he is benifiting from his treatment.
Hey guys. Been 3 years since my first injection. I'm planning on getting at least two more shots. The pain was hard to deal with. I almost have no symtoms left. However, I think it helped me in the long run which is why I'll get two or more shots.
wassup guys. new to the thread. Yeah invega really sucks but it is tough when the doctor says its good for those with mental illness but all these other people including myself complain about it. They never want to link depression or anhedonia to be caused by the medicine. But yeah I took 4 or 5 shots. My last shot was 3 months ago. Improving but slowly. I believe I will recover fully. I'm glad there are people here i can relate too.
@posioned veins

Barely. I'm still in the military and I'm still technically a patient at an outpatient clinic but I'm expected to work in the mourning and I do for most mourning. It's hard but I think juicing has helped me with energy. I gotta work and when I get home I'm getting a job too because I can't let this poison stop me. I'm on month 3 so it's easier now to do stuff

Yes but it's slowly getting bettter month 2 I couldn't do shit but month 3 I'd say it's better not 100% but maybe like 40-50% percent
I think Risperdal is poison and has made me worse, but I believe that the consequences of heavy drug and substance abuse from the internet was also in part the cause of my downfall and the destruction of my health and happiness . I also took finasteride for some time before risperdal consta, which I believe caused me Post finasterid syndrom which has most of the same identical symptoms as risperdal consta. Due to this and speed neurotoxicity I wasnt feeling amazing before I was put on Risperdal Consta and in all honesty I dont think anyone who got Invega sustenna was on top of the world and had a perfekt life either. People put on Long acting shots are almost always dysfunctional, unemployed and socially isolated. Almost always like me they are shot up with it once it has gotten to the point that they are hospitalized.

Although from personal experience I cant believe it, these drugs are supposed to help social isolation, lack of motivation and increase peoples chances of people finding employment. I know from personal experience that for Invega and Risperdal it does to opposite. But then again I think its inportant to point put that Risperdal and Invega are similar to Haldol and are potent neuroleptics, whereas some other drugs, like Abilify, work completely differently (as a dopamine agonist) and actually help depression and anhedonia. Abilify according to studies, not without side effects, helps anhedonia, negative symptoms and depression. Its a myth that Abilify makes you unable to work or function. I have tried it and it is so much different to Risperdal there is no comparison. It boosts mood and sex drive. And millions of people take it for depression. In the long term like most other psychiatric drugs im sure its not healthy for the brain, but it does help a lot of non functioning people become functional at least in the short term. And its much healthier for the brain than neurotoxic drugs like Adderall.

What I never see discussed here is what led to being placed on Invega in this first place. Saying life was perfekt and that you were perfectly healthy and happy and given it for no reason may me the true in a small minority of cases but isnt likely true for the majority. I realize that I am coming off as an a**hole saying this and for that I apologize.
It's weird that I don't feel any improvements as time passes. Where the hell does that poison being stored that you keep feeling like shit everyday? Why the body isn't in a crisis mode, doing anything it can to get rid of it as fast as possible? The recovery time span is way, way too long.
I regret to announce my days of posting up on this particular thread are over. I have grown deathly ill due to an unknown condition. In no way is it Invega Sustenna related, but enough about that.

I am proud to see a lot of you accomplishing your goals of so called recovery from this med. Keeping up your physical strength is a must. I myself continue to practice Qi Gong despite my rapidly worsening condition. If anyone needs help I am still available for PM.

BTW. Not sure what happened to invegauser but I haven't heard from him in a while.

Again, not to worry, my digestive illness is totally unrelated to Invega. You guys will do fine. Godspeed.
Before the administration of neuroleptics and other psychiatric poisons through PET imaging there is no measureable chemical imbalance of people labelled with these made up "ilnesses" whereas after the consumption of psychiatric drugs there is a severe and often long lasting chemical imbalance and damage to brain function. With some neurotoxic drugs like Meth or adderall that permanently fry dopaminergic neurons and cause widespread exicitotoxicity this brain damage is irreversible whereas others like Risperdal and Invega the deficit is strong but mostly (with short term use) reversible. And no these shots dont last forever man but can last for a long time and those months can feel like years as time goes by so slowly on neuroleptics. if Also depends on how long you got it. Long term use over years causes brain damage. But if after only one shot you still feel like crap more than six months later the drug probably isnt to blame anymore. From what I read on the brain half life on paliperidone and risperidone there is no drug left in the brain three months after stopping. So if you havent recovered after three months its either withdrawal from the substance temporary imbalance of neurotransmiters and reversible sensitization or its permanent structural and neurological damage. Sadly it has been proven that all neuroleptics cause neuronal atrophy (and brain shrinkage) oxidative stress, and permanent sensitization and damage to neurotransmitter function with long term use with often severe irreversible cognitive impairment. The stronger the neuroleptics action as a dopamine antagonist/blocked the more severe the cognitive dysfunction, oxidative stress and neuronal atrophy. This is why potent neuroleptics like Haldol, Invega and Risperdal can cause permanent brain damage much faster than low potency ones like Seroquel which most people can take for a long time with much less damage.
More and more leading scientists and doctors are coming out and acknowledging that psychiatric drugs cause far more harm than good and that public health would be much better today if these drugs and 80% of other pharmaceuticals didn't exist. Watch the first three minutes of this video its really eye opening what the leader of the largest healthcare organization in the world has to say about psychiatric drugs. In my opinion the leaders of psychiatric institutes and organizations that advocate psychiatric drugs, especially for children, and cover up the severe damage they cause to the brain and body should be jailed for life or even sentenced to death.

And yeah where is @Invegauser we need him back here he contributed so much to this thread
Sorry nevermind I meant the half life of Risperdal Consta is six days so in three months it should be completely eliminated from the brain. The half life of Invega Sustenna is much longer at 25 to 50 days.
Has anyone lost friends or a girlfriend due to the anhedonia and personality change caused by the injections? Anyone suffering from tremors and stuff muscles. Lost physical endurance/stamina and speed in running? Before all of this poison I ran ten kilometers twice a week and did a half marathon every year. Now I can barely run one kilometer without dying from exhaustion and pain.
How many suicides and deaths have psychiatric drugs and psychiatrists been responsible for in the last fifty years? My guess is no less than 10 million.
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The running will come back in time there was a Joey I asked on this forum and it took him 6-8 months to get back to running like he did so don't be discouraged by this lack of running. I'm personally waiting for it as well as I used to run 3 miles in 20 mins now I can do maybe 10 min miles. It's a sad state that this drug does to us but be patient
Yeah I try to run 2km every second day but I'm much slower than I was its so sad.

These reviews of Risperdal Consta are terrifying and I can relate so much to the first one. I'm scared because I have read that Risperdal Consta is more potent, neurotoxic and damaging to the brain than Invega so I don't think I will ever recover. They should give a handout with these testimonies to every patient before even considering neuroleptics

Reason: forced: substance-induced psychosis
Side Effects:Complete soul and mind destroyer. My brain feels like an empty shell. Almost everything that was 'me' has been erased - thoughts, memories etc. I'm no longer a human. This drug has taken away everything that made me human. No longer have a soul and my mind is so weak now that it functions at the level of a chimpanzee. Can't understand anything I read or hear any more. The whole world has disappeared. Don't recognize family any more. Am completely disconnected from everything. Friends no longer exist in my awareness. Each moment is lived in intense shock. There's no real memory left to speak of or whatever is left is but a faint whisper and without any soul attached to it. Pure blank. I have lost almost all my God given intelligence. I have even been eternally damned the drug has destroyed that much of my brain/mind. Much of what I have learned in life has been erased. It's like this drug just shredded up my brain tissue to nothing. God has left my awareness. There is no more God or 'me
Comments:Started the injections in March 2015 and ended May 2015 yet it only got worse after they were stopped. Month by month my brain/mind kept deteriorating, becoming more void like; empty of anything human like; emotion, conscience, creativity, intelligence. And it keeps getting worse and the fear grows deeper and deeper. WHAT HAS THIS DRUG DONE TO ME? I am no more. End of life, end of soul eternally. I can't believe I have to be like this forever more even beyond the death of my body. What an horrendous curse. Never in my wildest imaginings could I have anticipated such incredible loss of 'me', everything that I am. No memory of yesterday, just stuck in this moment to moment loveless, mindless void. I wonder is there any chance whatsoever of anything being healed or brought back to life! Yet almost 8 months after having stopped the injections my mind keeps slipping away more and more. It's like the poison just keeps seeping deeper and deeper into my brain. I'll be more than a vegetable in no time by the looks of it. Just what exactly do they put into these injections? Anyone have anything to tell me that could give me some hope?

My sister is so sick and can't move from this medicine. It is like she is paralized. I showed the psychiatrist this and he said he knows of the side effects. He acted like he didn't even care. What a ****! I am trying everything I can to get her off of this poison. She is so sick I think she is dying. She was full of energy and now there is nothing. She is screaming and crying every day. She seemed fine to me mentally but they keep injecting her. I hope it don't kill her.
Comments:Please say prayers for my sister. Pray they stop giving her the medicine. I think it is evil what they are doing to her. She can't move or walk.

My son got tortured by this drug. He is now in heaven. He begged and begged for his life. They would not stop. I begged them too. God please send them to Hell.
Comments:My son died after 6 shots. He said the room kept spinning, his gut hurt, burning sensation all over his body, his tongue swelled up, dry mouth, head felt like it was spilt open, shaking non stop, gained weight, couldn't move hands, couldn't breath, couldn't see, pain in both arms, heart going fast, sweating like crazy and alot more. How in the world can they sell this. The reason anybody would say this shot helps is because they are mental and should not even respond to this because there opinion is not right.
my dad died from terrible side effects from this drug.
Comments:My dad was healthy and he was screaming non stop after he got his first shot. he was in so much pain. he suffer more than any man. this stuff is torture. it will kill you.
diabetes, going to get my right foot amputated next week and the other one probably later in the year, loud tinnitus, it's worse than my feet, verry painful and deadly, blindness and blurry watery painful eyes. gained 100 lbs in 6 months, bed ridden after 2nd shot, 15 types of headaches all at the time only 5 go away with advil, dizzy all the time and falling over, tons of stomache pains and back pains, can't move my toes, head, feet and hands swollen, a sick feeling that gets worse every day, terrible, it hurts to breathe, move, and blink.
Forced treatment for psychosis after taking prednisone. Loss of emotion, depression, impaired cognitive abilities, poor memory, loss of menstrual periods, no libido, inability to climax, lethargy, apathy, inability to have simple conversations because of cognitive effects, anxiety for no reason.
Comments:I have been off this nightmare of a drug for 6 months and am still struggling with the side effects. Menstrual periods have resumed with heavy bleeding and cramps, clotting. I deal with this for 8-10 days, then have two weeks w/o my period before the bleeding resumes. I never thought about suicide before this drug, now I am so despondent about the lingering side effects that I think about ending my life daily. I would never hurt my family by actually taking my life, but I pray for God to take me in my sleep every night. This drug stole my life. I am a shell of my former self. I was a computer programmer with a successful career and a satisfying social life. Now, I can't carry on a conversation and I can't retain new information. This drug has ruined my life, I suggest researching alternative methods of treatment if you have an adverse reaction to steroids.

Sexual Dysfunction. Erectile Dysfunction, Inability to ejaculate, Loss of memory, Decreased Vocabulary, Emotional flatness, Weight Gain, Increased Back and joint pain, Loss of Motivation

Side Effects:I feel tired and down; I feel the head heavy; extreme drowsiness, I need to sleep more than 12 hours a day, sometimes I get to sleep around 14 hours,otherwise I feel tired, very sleepy and with the need to reset the sleep; sedation, a feeling of sedation; feeling of wanting to leave the skin itself; extremely dry mouth; want to puke but nothing come out; tremor of the hands and arms; muscle stiffness with contractures and facial spasms; arrhythmia; uncontrolled reflexes of the arms and legs; problems of motor control, motor retardation, the legs move in the opposite direction to the desired; in situations of fear or emotional stress as well as euphoria, more intense emotions,triggers a serie of physical reactions ranging from extreme muscle stiffness with contractures and facial spasms; breathing difficulties; chest pain; ringing in the ears; blurred vision; liver pain; pain in the testicles; palpitations (pulsar) in different parts of the body; swollen fingers, making it impossible to
Comments:I'm living a nightmare, I can not wait to free myself from it to continue with my life, I'm in it for almost a year and I'm always considering suicide. I was hospitalized for about one month and a half (arrested we mean, and the only people who knows this, is whom already passed through the same). I started with the maximum dose, 50 mg and i stayed there for a few months, they lowered me to 37.5, where I stayed for a few months and i am now at the lowest dose that is 25 mg. At the time of receiving the injection i'm in an absolute terror because i know I'll feel bad again and I'm always terrified when the day of receiving it is approaching. Apparently there is a lot more people than the general people think, that is currently in the same situation as me, and know this is terrifying. It seems it is a widespread phenomenon, a witch hunt in the XXI century, 'diagnose' and drugging. Yes, I'm being forced drugging me, if i offer the least resistance, I was warned, I will be hospitalized again, against my will. I had never thought of suicide until i started with this 'treatment'. This is not treatment, is torture, and I think many of them who prescribe this drugs know that.This is all pure merchandising.
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