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Lysergamides [Combo Thread] LSD & MDMA: the Candyflip

Which order do you do them in for ultimate win?

  • I take the LSD first

    Votes: 245 75.2%
  • I take the MDMA first

    Votes: 40 12.3%
  • I take them together

    Votes: 25 7.7%
  • Other - please post details

    Votes: 16 4.9%

  • Total voters
Resurrecting an oldie from '05 instead of starting new thread of same topic.

For candyflipping, I usually take the E first, wait for it to somewhat peak then I drop the acid. I find that order of things to be much more pleasurable. The E trip warping into a beautiful acid trip. But it seems more people enjoy the exact opposite order: acid first, then the E.

What is the consensus here BL'ers? Post your best candyflip recipe with what you take first and how much do u space these two substances apart.
It's funny you bring this up. I'm hoping to dose this most beautiful and ecstatic of combos on friday. My favorite method is to dose the LSD (100-150ug) and then MDMA (100-120mg) at t+1.5 hours. That way the peaks mesh up perfectly. They both hit their max at 3 hours and I'm in sheer ecstasy, probably my favorite psychedelic experience I've had so far. I find the LSD makes the comdown a lot smoother too, it doesn't drop off so sharply, it just fades away over a few hours. Powerful afterglow, just beautiful in every way :) I'm so happy to get to experience this on Friday :)
Depends on the circumstance. Sometimes before works, sometimes after, sometimes during.

MDMA is one of the wierdest drugs in that it synergizes well with just about anything; psychedelics, opioids, some types of depressants like GHB and benzos, stimulants, dissociatives, what have you. Just not alcohol.
It's funny you bring this up. I'm hoping to dose this most beautiful and ecstatic of combos on friday. My favorite method is to dose the LSD (100-150ug) and then MDMA (100-120mg) at t+1.5 hours. That way the peaks mesh up perfectly. They both hit their max at 3 hours and I'm in sheer ecstasy, probably my favorite psychedelic experience I've had so far. I find the LSD makes the comdown a lot smoother too, it doesn't drop off so sharply, it just fades away over a few hours. Powerful afterglow, just beautiful in every way :) I'm so happy to get to experience this on Friday :)

Try the opposite order and see what you think. You may be surprised. :)
ok so ive done acid a good amount of times, i havent taken it in a while but my usual dosage was 2 tabs, i jus started to pop an i wanna try flippin, so what is a good dosage like 2 tabs then wait the three hours an take a pill, and should i only take one pill?
My choice was "other", you see last weekend I discovered the virtue of dosing the other way round. Normally i.e. the only previous times I candyflipped I took the acid first and tried to peak on the MDMA in the middle of the acid plateau.

But last saturday I had my b-day party, started with GHB and cannabis then later I eyeballed some pure MDMA crystals. That night went on until 3 in the afternoon and in the meanwhile me and 2 friends had consumed 2C-D, ketamine, nitrous and DMT. After 4 hours of sleep we chilled some more and I ended up doing acid the next night with one of these friends.

The acid seemed to be primed by the MDMA (+ probably other substances), I was so very opened up the empathy was crazy. And on top of that it seemed to wash over any hangover. I'm not sure though but considering the sick night I had saturday the acid seemed beneficial on sunday.

I realize that it's inaccurate to call it candyflipping but it is still relevant.
The transition into an actual Candyflip is the most beautiful thing I've ever experienced. The way it totally bypassed what I expected to happen, instead that unique experience created from the psychedelia of LSD gradually toning down in your mind yet simultaneously synergising with the onset of the classic bliss of MDMA, creating a psychedelic utopia for the next few hours.

I've had different levels of candyflip and the best was by taking strong acid + MDMA 4 hours later. The other times have always been medium dose trips and consequently I reckon I should have done the MDMA at about 3 hours to compensate as the MDMA overpowered the acid a little bit. Want to get that synergy just right. Most people who I've seen taking the MDMA first seem to be trying to "smooth out" the acid trip.
Usually 1-2 hits of L at first... then an hour later the E (preferably molly). Pure molly rarely brings any sort of harsh comedown on its own OR mixed with psychs presuming you treat it with respect and dont over-do it. Smaller spaced out doses of MDMA are preferred in the "flip" context for me due to the more valuable periods of introspection these combos can provide.
Excuse me sir, I'd highly recommend that you drop the Lucy first, and wait until you feel the acid peak wearing off (from experience I find the fourth hour works for me)...It will make your comedown smooth!

Enjoy it..
im planning on candyflipping tomorrow night at a concert ( presets :D :D ) and im wanting to mainly be feeling the mdma while im at the concert so its not too intense on the acid, would that mean for me to dose the pill before dosing the acid?
Ok so I have 1 blue dolphin roll left, and two hits of acid... It will be the first time I do acid when I decide to drop these doses, so should I take it with my roll, or experiment with acid alone first?
Ok so I have 1 blue dolphin roll left, and two hits of acid... It will be the first time I do acid when I decide to drop these doses, so should I take it with my roll, or experiment with acid alone first?

I say experience acid by itself first then start combo's after that. Its nice to get to know each substance before you decide to combo them so when you finally do, you can feel each adding there flavor to the experience.
I know I shouldn't post this here but i just need some quick reply. Two weeks ago I got "acid" but it wasn't or it was really weak. I felt sleepy while coming up but times I did it 2 hits each times. Objects seemed slightly vibrating and colors little bit brighter than usual and a feeling that everything looked smoother than normal. Four hours later I got in really good mood and talkative. The problem is I don't know what I took and a week later I still feel the drug hasnt abandoned my body. I still feel some side effects but nothing uncomfortable. Is this normal? and what could I possibly had taken due it was my first time trying acid.
^Being your first time, it's normal to feel "out of it" for a few days after dosing. I'd imagine you just got low dose acid.
I realize this was a month ago but I'm just seeing it now. :\

What is your description of the effects using the opposite order?

I realize this was a couple months ago but I'm just seeing it now ;)

Ok so the opposite order (E first, LSD later):
You take the E first, peak off it, and right then you drop the acid. The acid kicks in pretty fast in this state of mind. The transition from the E trip to the acid trip is amazing to say the least... one of the most beautiful states of mind I have ever witnessed. Your acid trip is very very enjoyable because you are feeling good from the E. The visuals of LSD are amplified into something quite unlike pure LSD. As a great bonus, I find that somehow the negative "comedown" effects of E are more or less neutralized so you are smooth sailing. And since you drop the acid kind of after the E, your whole candyflip lasts a long ass time because the acid keeps your trip going and going like the energizer bunny %)=D8o
Yeah, kinda figured it'd be something like that. I've definitely noticed the E comedown being a lot less when another psychedelic is taken after an MDMA peak. I've done this with 2C-T-2; it was great. :)
Only tried the combo once, taking some molly about 1.5 hrs. after dosing at a show with a goal of combining the peaks of the two substances. While the next 3-4 hours were just great, I didn't like the sudden shut down of blissful euphoria and positive energy that all of a sudden hit as the mdma wore off. It probably didn't help that I'd only slept 4 hours over the last two days, actually that probably contributed a lot to the sudden energy drain. If I try the combo again it will be taking mdma about 3-4 hrs. in from dosing.
i've never really had an opportunity to candyflip, because i wouldn't want to take a pressed pill...i'd only do it with molly, or pure MDA.

Kittyflipping is REALLY fun, but candyflipping just sounds REALLY intense. one of these days. though.

i would probably wait until i was all the way up on the acid, then take about 80 mg of clean molly.
I'm doing my first candyflip tomorrow, from what I've read and researched it seems that a majority of people say drop the acid, and then take the mdma 3-4 hours later. I was planning on doing that, with 1 hit of some very good acid, and 1-2 very clean pills. I'm pretty experienced with ecstasy, and I've had a few extremely intense acid trips before...so does that sound like a good plan to you guys?