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Cocodamol - The drug of the credit crunch? plus other codeine/dihydrocodeine queries

I ended up taking some last night, got a massive headache when I was coming down off of the 2cb :!
That's common for a lot of folk coming off 2CB, thankfully not for me.
I've just discovered that I can't stomach a big dose of codeine anymore, so another one off the list. It's not such a big loss, anyway, and it still works as expected at normal doses.
Took a Solpadol earlier, seems to have made me feel pretty decent, stopped shaking and shivering at least. :)
I have come to the conclusion co-codamol is indeed quite a handy drug, it has surpressed my craving for some more heroin, albeit only for an hour or so. Tis better then nothing though!
Its pretty nifty, heroin made me feel sick everytime, but i never felt like throwing up from the slightest movement on codeine.

Guess i'm a lightweight, which is fine by me :) However i'm a lazy bastard so I can hardly ever be fucked with CWEs or going into chemists looking like a drug fiend trying to buy some, so i generally just use it when i'm in pain.
what strength cocodamols have you got? if they're 8/500s then theyre weak as piss anyway
ah they're the good ones, as long as you're only taking a couple then you shouldn't have a problem. the alprazolam will potentiate the codeine to a degree though.
Even taking 2 of the co-codamol at a time I've not felt anything from them whereas been reading others threads of folk getting high off 12.5mg of codiene. :\
yeah i read that and i think that it's bollocks or a complete anomaly i cant feel anything at all under about 120-150mg of codeine and that seems to be pretty normal from everyone else i have talked to.
Same here. Even on 2-300mg I don't feel much. Even with 20mg of diaz, I only get the diaz effects.
It used to work quite well on me, even with a tolerance. No tolerance now and it doesn't work. Meh.
The 12.5mg codeine thing looks like it may have been down to an enzyme deficiency that affects a surprisingly large number of people. It's the same one that means some people can trip on tiny amounts of DXM when others would need 10 times as much. Inso's thread on it here :)
^Some people I know swear they felt something from a few 8/500 co-codamols, and they took it just for pain relief, not expecting any sort of high.
Yup, there is that certain percentage of the population who process codeine (and many other drugs) differently and it knocks them for six, treac. Lucky Inso wasn't trying to get high cos if he'd taken a recreational dose then he probably wouldn't be feeling too good. It's probably a good idea for anyone taking codeine (or DXM) for the first time to take a very low dose to see if they are one of the lucky (?) ones.
I was of the opinion that I have the enzyme deficiency for DXM. Had generally used it medicinally and been fine. Tried it a few times recreationally and apart from the odd few minutes (coupled with nitrous) it was fucking awful. Now I can't even take a medicinal dose without feeling like shit and having a hangover from it.
I certainly don't get trippy effects on a small amount, though.
Chemist too clever for me

Been trying a bit of codeine lately - what with the credit crunch and all - went into the chemist not thinking they'd be that bothered about who buys it and suddenly I'm confronted by some young lass saying "How many of these are you taking? You've had a box already this week havn't you".

I just mumbled "Not many" and she sold it to me and I left. Didn't realise they were so keen about it 8)
You should try buying codeine linctus or Gee's. Suspicious just isn't the word :|

Get yourself a Lady of a Certain Age to buy 'em, Issy. They never question Ladies of a Certain Age :)