• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Backyard Vegetable Gardening & Livestock Raising & Sustainable Living

i for one, applaud the kenderbears for being so involved and knowledgable with their community.

and trust me, it's urban.

they could just live in inman park and turn a blind eye to everything that surrounds us, like me.

in my world, ignorance is bliss. but i'd really like to have a few chickens. mainly for fucking purposes.
thanks chickenscratch, it's true, we have been going to a lot of NPU/Neighborhood Association/Transportation/Whatever meetings lately. but we're also just into being those kind of people, ya know? we joined a CSA, we make our own yogurt, in the spring we'll start getting our own veggies and our own eggs. it's peanut free livin' out here on this side of i-20. i am wearing a #gopublic NPR button rite nao


i don't know if you could have chickens where you live now. how are your friend's chickens?
and trust me, it's urban.

I guess i should have mentioned that i live on a corner, between a vacant lot and an abandoned house. it does look pretty woodsy until you zoom out and see drugs being sold on the street. ;)
I'm obviously just busting peanut-free balls ova here! Wear moar flannel and chill out everyone.
is this the thread to address issues re: organic food vs conventional?

or is it better saved for CE&P/healthy living/#oprah?

is this the thread to address issues re: organic food vs conventional?

or is it better saved for CE&P/healthy living/#oprah?

There is a thread in HL about organic versus conventional food. However, I do not know if it is still invisible to everyone but mods. I had a little mix up while moving threads. Sooo, if you don't find it, I think it'd be okay to start a new one, esp. seeing as the old one was a couple years old--Maybe check with the new mods first though? Threads like that need a lot of moderating, esp. if < the name I dare not utter because he will come back > comes back. ;)
how are your friend's chickens?

they're good, well everyone but colin powell. colin powell got eaten by a hawk. that's what he gets for being a republican chicken.

they're not dropping any eggs right now due to the cold weather, but they're happy.

also, and you guys should probably come by because he's done a ton of work, but his garden is fucking sick. He raised four beds, put up some fencing to keep the chickens out and is going to be ready to kill it come spring.
oo cool! like the vietnamese pot belly pigs that are like little dogs or like scary ones from the amityville horror? we're at two raised beds but the plan is for two more. at least. a goat sounds awesome. if only he had gotten a goat like this time last year, we could have borrowed that goat to eat all of our fucking kudzu that we spent for ever clearing. -____-

we have a SE transportation/belt line meeting tonight but liek maybe sometime when everyone is on holiday yah? like when falcons eat it at the supa dome maybe?

my aunt had peacocks once, and that seemed like the bees knees. they scared away the hawks and shit from the chickens. although i'm worried a dog would try to eat them.
^ That's interesting about the peacocks. A farm nearby has peacocks in a pen* with chickens, and ducks/water fowl aren't far off. Never knew there was a reason like that to house 'em together.

*Mostly. More often than not there are a few peacocks wandering the property, LOL.
i hear peacocks are loud, and need more housing than i am prepared to afford them. maybe if i live in the country some day.
My uncle and aunt had 2 peacocks and about 4 peahens. So, so beautiful and it kept me in peacock feathers for years <3 They bred chickens too, so had massive commercial barns that the chooks and the peacocks/hens would roam around in as well as in a large outdoor enclosure.
To me this just seems like a hobby or a fad. Kinda like a telescope but at least with that when you get bored you can leave it to collect dust in the attic.

whatever though it is not my backyard.
To me this just seems like a hobby or a fad. Kinda like a telescope but at least with that when you get bored you can leave it to collect dust in the attic.

First of all— are we speaking of a hobby as a bad thing to have? Is telescope ownership so shameful? My brother had one growing up— it wasn't my thing, and it wasn't his thing either, it turns out, but for some people, being an amateur astronomer leads to being a real astronomer, or enlivens an otherwise dull day as an actuary. I have a yard, and I was raised by a gardner, so I have some proficiency and some interest in it, and I'd rather grow food than hedges, because I value eating something that I've grown myself more than I value to appearance of a manicured turf lawn, or well-curated beds of flowers.

As for a fad— in what context? People have been growing their own food for all of recorded history— gaining some separation from agriculture as a kind of status symbol is the fad, and the costs of that fad— inhumane conditions for the animals we eat, and for the people who raise our animals and other food— aren't worth the convenience and abundance I'm currently confronted with at a grocery store (at least in my opinion, that's one of the reasons I'm interested in this).

Is brewing one's own beer a fad?
Is facebook a fad?
Is rap music a fad?

Is fad just a word people who have some stake in nothing changing attach to phenomena they themselves feel challenged by?
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On the other hand, my home made yogurt is getting store-bought-passable, and I concede that it does render me an insufferable twat.
I'm also stumped by bagochina's post... Major kudos to you and Keni for spending your time on something that is productive and very satisfying. I can think of far, FAR worse things to do with your time. Ido as much as I can in a rental, and am so excited to move into our own home so we can really make changes to the garden and keep some chooks. :)
I am speaking to the 'chickens' when I labeled it a fad or hobby. Personally I dont think it is fair to a live animal to be discarded to the curb after it turns out to be a headache or too much work. I guess urban chicken farming is to hipsters as argyle socks were to yuppies.
I've had a dog for the last 7 years, I think I can handle some birds that actually require a lot less of me. Thanks for your ongoing concern, though. 8(