• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Backyard Vegetable Gardening & Livestock Raising & Sustainable Living

You're making a fair few assumptions with that comment, bagochina - how do you know that it's simply a fad for them? How do you know that the chooks will simply be 'discarded to the curb'? :)
Why throw them to the curb when you simple need a killing cone and 11 herbs and spices?

ew don't eat layers! make broth or something. otherwise i imagine it's like eating carpet.
not sure if this beliongs here but heres some pics of our pepper plants. had to bring them in from the cold!





its my first attempt at food and i cant wiat to eat them!
I wish I could have chickens again :) It was one of my jobs to care for them as a kid. If you are going to let them walk around your yard, don't forget to clip their primary feathers. They are not good flyers and cannot fly for a long time, but they can easily fly over a high fence and will. Then you will have to chase around the neighbourhood for them ;p They can still fly a little with clipped primaries, but they cannot get the same kind of lift as they would normally have - ie enough to escape the yard or coop.
atri -- those look delicious! we are still in the process of trying to decide what to plant out there, but i know we have decided on another two beds at least, which will give us a little wiggle room in case something doesn't work out. we had our first frost last night, and our cannas absolutely died. i mean, immediately. it was sad and PB said it looked like a sex crime, lol. i know for sure that we will plant more peppers and tomatoes, at the very least. those peppers look totally ready to eat man, get on them! i loved that in the summer i made breakfast with peppers and tomatoes from our garden. hopefully next summer we can make the ENTIRE omelet from our garden.

Arie -- thanks for telling us that. that is the last thing we want, escaped chickens! ~writes down "find out more about clipping primaries"~
I am just looking around at the online guides re wing clipping. Most advise clipping just one wing. That would make the bird lose balance during flight and probably tumble and land on their back or head. It seems like it would really confuse them. We clipped both, and the chickens were still able to fly straight, just not get very much lift. This one seems the most sensible guide to me, according to my experiences, at least: http://www.betterhensandgardens.com/2010/03/24/clipping-chicken-wings-flight-feathers/

Clipping both wings kept them from flying out of the pen, at least, or into trees when they were out :) It just made them more manageable while still allowing a bit of flight.
still way too small right now, few more weeks and theyll be perfect. my buddy gave them to me when they were all shitty and i nursed them back to food. its my first attempt to grow anything besides sage and catnip.
hey dude -- they get moldy and bitter inside if you let them go too long, eat up!

who's your avatar?
really? hrm maybe ill try one out soon then.
my avatar is tally when he shaved his head
Ya— the story with ours was that I really crowded them in a pretty large plastic planter— like 6 adult plants in what I'd guess was a 20 Gal pot. They all grew to about 2.5 feet high. They filled out really nicely and constantly produced flowers because they got all day direct sun, and we hit them with an organic liquid fertilizer every third day or so, taking care not to cut peppers for 24 hours after we fertilized, otherwise you'd get peppers that taste like fertilizer.

If we let them sit in the plant to grow as large as a store bought pepper, they'd be nasty. The way we did it, we had smaller fruits, but many more of them. They had thinner walls with less white stuff on the inside of the walls. They were very very peppery though. They went in omelets most mornings that summer.

Maybe with your plants you can allow them to get bigger since you're not forcing so many plants to compete for soil and light— but def consider constantly fertilizing them. forgetting to led to a very noticeable decrease in fruit development and flowering.

What are you lighting them with?

Is it high intensity discharge Weed lights? Tell me it is.
they sit out on the patio

natural shaded sun courtesy of the laurel oak there. i just took pics when i brought them in cause it was cold.

my buddy that gave them to me wasn't taking care of them, but he has the fertilizer mix and gave me a gallon of it. i kept diluting and using it until i got them back to health and now they are producing, they havent been fertilized in a few weeks though. i'm pretty sure it's omelets tomorrow morning now. :D hes gonna bring me more fertilizer soon too, i dont know if its organic or not.
I'd love to grow capsicum! The plants above look very healthy.

We only have a deck so I'm a bit limited with gardening but am currently growing impatiens, cherry tomatoes, continental parsley, chillis, basil and mint. Would love a proper garden one day, I find growing in pots quite a bit harder than growing in a garden setting.
I have a little garden that I love tending, but it's suburbia, so I guess it doesn't count as far as this topic goes. But my good friend has a hydroponic set-up that he used to grow weed with, but now he's growing lettuce and tomatoes out of his basement, and he's planning on expanding the operation to include a full array of crops. I can't wait until he expands because the few crops that I've had of his so far have been amazing. He really knows what he's doing when it comes to hydroponics, and as soon as he gets more funds there's gonna be endless delicious foods all year round.
tis a 'Green Tea Ghee Candle'


this one is 2-3x larger then it should be. but you get the idea i hope, Ghee aka Clarified Butter is liquid at room temp -and will keep this way for many months- it does solidify at cooled temps.

what i did here while the ghee was still liquid was added green-tea, and tied the copper ankh to one end of the wick to help it sink. the tea leaf mixed in as the ankh did. i put it in the fridge and the candle was ready after a 1.5-2 hours.

the wick wont fall over and sink into the butter, and so using a small tea-candle or 2-4 oz container would be fine while the butter is still liquid. a cotton ball can be used as a wick, and will burn for 20-30 minutes.

you can add essential oil while the ghee is in its natural liquid form, then allow it to solidify in the fridge, once it has done so the ghee can then be scooped out and molded into a ball shape along with the wick, so that a length of wick is "dry" and sticking out from end prepared to be lit after placing into a burner.
(imagine a golf ball size hershey kiss)

these are amazing candles..!
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we made another lasagna bed, and now we're figuring out how/where to plant blueberries.

We can now have 12 chickens in nashville private residences. Better then larger cities with ethnic communities eating the local squirrels, pigeons, etc..
wow i can't believe you are so restricted in what you can or cannot have in tenn.