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Are you afraid of death or have you made your peace?

Well, yeah I understand that. That's just the way I see it though. Like due to all the terrible things in the world it makes it that much easier to get depressed is all I meant. Didn't mean to discredit someone else's viewpoint, just to clarify.

Also I 100% agree with your "let the user decide" statement.

I know your intent was not to discredit.l see it the same as you. Humanity's inability to live and let live in so many ways makes me not want to be a human. I'm sick of it (in myself also) and it's depressing as fuck.
Man this thread garnered a lot of replies in a short time.

I often wonder about the correlation between fear of death and self-assessment. If one believes they have accomplished much in life does the thought of death seem less intimidating then someone who believes they have lived an unfulfilled life? Coming into close contact with the realization of one's mortality and to witness that window of time shrinking at a rapid rate suddenly puts your entire life in the spotlight.. if it doesn't measure up to the standard you've set yourself then I imagine there would be immense anxiety about death.

I think you're correct. And the higher you set that standard the worse it can be I'd imagine. Likely some set the bar beyond what is possible. For those life may be especially hard to take.
I never suggested suicide as a way for you to cope with life. I'm saying it's a way for people who see life like I do or similarly. You've really in what you've written above stated for yourself many of the things I feel. Yet for me they are deal breakers and for you they are not. To each his own. I've just shared the broad outlines of my personal beliefs and they go much deeper than this conversation and thread. And frankly I'm not out to convince anyone to come over to my side. I've seen in bright detail the futility in that. I share my belief on this because I know it's unpopular to the culture at large and I know there are some folk out there who think like I do that feel intimidated by that reality. Like you trolling me. I stand up to it to give them the awareness they are not alone in their views. They have a brotherhood/sisterhood out there somewhere and they may take heart and not feel so all alone and even despised by those who feel the need to vilify something they are not comfortable with.

And really I never said I see no good in the world. I don't see enough to make it worth my while. If you think about it you likely take that approach to many things in your own life other than this subject. Some things just are not worth our energy and involvement. We then must choose another path even if it is the path less traveled. And for myself I find some value and self respect in not following the masses on this one. So it's really to each his own right? Live and let live or die. I've never thought that you finding value in staying alive is wrong for you. I have no problem with that because it's none of my business.
Man this thread garnered a lot of replies in a short time.

I often wonder about the correlation between fear of death and self-assessment. If one believes they have accomplished much in life does the thought of death seem less intimidating then someone who believes they have lived an unfulfilled life? Coming into close contact with the realization of one's mortality and to witness that window of time shrinking at a rapid rate suddenly puts your entire life in the spotlight.. if it doesn't measure up to the standard you've set yourself then I imagine there would be immense anxiety about death.

For me, getting close to death did the opposite. It showed me that I was too focused on accomplishment and achievement, and on doing. What it showed me is that there's no way you can fuck this up (re: life), and that everything is OK either way.

What I think you're addressing is temporariness. So many people go through life assuming that this will last forever because they never think about death. Then something draws them into it and it gives them a reality check. That's when they realize time is short.

But if you've already done that inner work, then a near-death experience will show you an ultimate way of letting go of everything you thought mattered.

I care way less about money and material shit now. I mean, money matters to an extent, but where does real wealth reside? That kind of thing.
But if you've already done that inner work, then a near-death experience will show you an ultimate way of letting go of everything you thought mattered.

I care way less about money and material shit now. I mean, money matters to an extent, but where does real wealth reside? That kind of thing.

A near-death experience can be somewhat life-changing, without trying to sound pathetic. I had one about 9 months ago, and it made me realize that I did not want to die just yet, and that perhaps I had been spending too much time worrying or just thinking about irrelevant things in general. As you say, Foreigner, the realization that time is short came, and I decided that it was not worth wasting what little time I have on things I don't care about anyway.
I first started reading this thread and thought how huge the posts were for the amount of diverse poignant perspectives and deep existential questions posed. I was about to say that this thread deserves to be distilled into a book on the subject. However, there has also been a lot of petty sarcasm and bashing, some with valid points, and others just because there was point-blank disagreement on the perspective. I actually haven't finished it yet, I'm still on page 3, so I hope it levels out.
I was about to delete it the other day but I think it seems to have gotten back on track.
Alright trolling aside now,

Can you only continue to post here under this condition? Your admission of earlier trolling was unnecessary, it was clear what you were doing, but people here want to actually discuss things like adults. If you only wish to ruin that, please don't post.
They're entitled to their beliefs just as much as anyone else regarding the topic... This ain't the place to bash people's religious/spiritual beliefs. I created the thread because I wanted to see what people's personal thoughts on death were, not because I wanted a religious debate or an animal rights debate. There's plenty of other threads for that.
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So when you have people saying stuff like "I'm not afraid of death because I believe I'm going to heaven," I'm supposed to respond like an adult? 8(

I think what I hate the most is that people are always eager to be offended. It's especially annoying when they're not open to hearing why they could be wrong. I'm not saying I have all the answers, but you may as well sit back and take a moment to understand my input instead of automatically deflecting with open-ended questions.

No, the problem with the way you argue is that you try to attack the person as well as their arguments. The trolling/sarcasm doesn't add anything to your arguments or discussion in general other than make you look like an idiot and perhaps upset someone.

You can argue with people and try to prove that their opinion is wrong, but you don't need to simultaneously suggest that the person is stupid for having such an opinion. It's unnecessary and if you can't get rid of it, then don't bother posting.
Yeah you're entitled to your beliefs, but they're no longer immune to criticism when you post them in a public forum. Maybe the adult thing to do here is not get offended when your beliefs suddenly appear questionable at best.

I created the thread because I wanted to see what people's personal thoughts on death were.

I created the thread because I wanted to see what people's personal thoughts on death were.

I created the thread because I wanted to see what people's personal thoughts on death were.

Do you understand yet?
My personal belief is in a form of reincarnation but my personal variation on that belief still results in our deaths being the end of everything we consider to be us in any important way. In other words I have faith that we'll be reincarnated, but it's not something I believe is an objective fact, I could be wrong. And even if I'm right, my idea of reincarnation doesn't assume anything we consider to be us, our memories, personality, preferences, my form of belief in reincarnation doesn't make any assumptions that any of that comes with us. All that stuff has been objectively determined to be part of our brains, and that part of us definitely dies and doesn't live on. So no my belief on reincarnation won't allow anything you think of as being you to live on, only your continued experience of consciousness will live on in another time and place. It won't continue to be you though.

And I'm not afraid of dying, I wouldn't be if my belief were disproved right now. I have spent so much of my life pretty much begging for death. While I no longer actively seek it out, ive long become more afraid of what suffering life has in store for me than death has.
I should at least answer the question and draw attention away from the ongoing immolation by way of fire and pitchforks:

My personal thoughts...well I don't think of it as such a dark scary unknown thing like I used to. After doing so many psychedelics, in particular DMT, and then later having a couple near death experiences, I not only do not have fear of death/impermanence anymore. Death's certain approach is now a force of will to live and appreciation of life's preciousness, whereas in a darker time I didn't give a fuck to such an extreme that I didn't actually care if I died...but the fact that I survived all of that, and the conclusion I have made from the 'game' I have been 'playing' with 'God', which is kind of like rolling metaphorical dice to see if the results are absurdly improbable...I see enough evidence to greatly consider a higher order. This inquiry has gathered me evidence of 'spirit', 'soul', 'creator/engineers', and I have such faith in this divine engineering that what lies at the edge of life is by no means something to fear. It's not like life shouldn't be appreciated because what lies after life is better than life; what I believe is most likely is there is just more life on the other side of death, and we are here in this form to learn this among many other things, and just maybe, when we wake up to all the realizations we have forgotten from the time we were made of God and it's associated all-knowingness, maybe then it will be time to step up to the next level to become one with God once again.
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rmikhail sez:Well it's one thing if you don't know any better and it's another if you're just unwilling to admit your mistake. I realize I can be aggressive in the way I illustrate my points, but if you insist on romanticizing suicide even after I've made it clear why your arguments are null, I'm gonna do my best to make you feel stupid.

I think this is bullshit. The fact is that personalisms and flaming are against forum rules and I've never seen one shred of evidence from you that your beliefs are in any way valid. You've made nothing clear but your personal bias or fears. usually from my experience when someone attacks the person then they are afraid of the subject.
What's with you and making everything personal and skipping any real content on the subject ? Just tons of fear based bullshit imo. And mean which you have acknowledged. All you have to debate and discuss with is being mean. Wow how special and courageous, oh and intelligent.
Can you two get a room or something and take your petty bickering somewhere else? It's adding absolutely nothing to the thread.
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As is the post you just made. Please take your own advice. No off topic response can really disturb a thread. All you have to do is pass on it if you consider it irrelevant.
Quit shitting up my thread for fuck sake and take it to pm. You two are driving away potential posters. I'm about 2 seconds from just deleting this nonsense.
Quit shitting up my thread for fuck sake and take it to pm. You two are driving away potential posters. I'm about 2 seconds from just deleting this nonsense.

You're off topic once again. You seem as responsible for this as anyone else posting here. Don't drive away potential posters with your yelling please.