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Lysergamides Anybody else think that LSA just plain sucks?

Does LSA just plain suck?

  • Yes

    Votes: 123 28.3%
  • No

    Votes: 198 45.5%
  • No Opinion

    Votes: 114 26.2%

  • Total voters
illusion25 said:
dispite the nausea, i find lsa to be ALoT more powerful psychologically than lsd.

LSD is more like euphoric , stimulating and visual.
But i find lsa to have a powerful mental aspect and i "learn" alot more from it.
LSA seems more sacred to me and earthy, but the nausea is shitty at times.
LSA + shrooms are quite a mix.
I would love to try LSA+LSD

I agree with you here... in my limited (compared to other psychedelics) experience with LSD and LSA, I have found LSA to be a better experience overall. Of course, I have not been all the way there with either. But LSA is quite a bit different, much less forceful, more euphoric, and earthy. The combination with mushrooms sound excellent by the way.

oh, and a method I used to completely eliminate the nausea and bodyload (and I do mean completely) with SLA, or HBWR seeds anyway, is to take them sublingually. My best results were from when I chewed 10 seeds up very finely and held the resulting "slurry" in my mouth, swishing around, for almost an hour. Then I spit it out, careful not to swallow any the whole time. I ended up getting a very nice trip from it, without the slightest bit of nausea or body load. it was extremely euphoric and beautiful, although not as strong as I expected. I think you probably need a certain margin more seeds to achieve the usual effect. Also, in comparing with an oral dose of 5 seeds I had another time, 2 weeks later, I noticed that the effects were slightly different. The 5 seeds that I chewed and swallowed produced a lot of nausea and a much less euphoric feeling. I suspect that some alkaloids or other actives in HBWR are not absorbed well sublingually, because the nature of the two trips was a bit different. I definitely preferred the sublingual effects in every way.
I've just been looking into this Baby woodrose seeds, is it just like lsd but alot weaker??? Looked on the net and it cost like £2.99 for 5 seeds, when 1 lsd trip costs £5.. Would prefer the trip anyday
^^ No, read the post I made directly above yours. LSA and LSD are not the same, and LSA is not weaker. They're two separate psychedelics. It's not like LSD is a more concentrated form of LSA or something. Also, LSA stands for lysergic acid amides... it's actually a collection of substances, not just one. Their combined effect produces the effect of HBWR and morning glory seeds.

Eh, also, 2.99 for 5 seeds is a horrible price. ;)
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high quality LSA seeds def. can compete with if not top L

I'm willing to bet people who say LSA is shitty just haven't tried the right batch of Woodrose/Rivea/Morning Glory seeds. If you buy seeds from a sketchy dishonest site one of two things can happen- you can end up with really weak seeds or you can end up with seeds that feel very toxic. I've had super weak Woodrose seeds twice and tried eating up to 40 at once and STILL felt barely the slightest buzz. 5 seeds of strong Woodrose blew away 40 of the bunk ones. As far as if you get toxic seeds you can end up with nasty side effects like muscle and stomach cramps and even a paling of the skin and your lips becoming bluish (this is probably from vasoconstriction). The wrong type of Woodrose seeds can have too much of certain chemicals which constrict your blood vessels. Good Woodrose seeds have very little of the toxic vasoconstricting chemicals and instead are rich in the healthy, psychedelic chemicals that you want.

This thread should refer to LSA as "LSA's" actually, since the trip from seeds like Woodrose comes from the synergy between all the different chemicals in the seeds (the chemicals as a group are called LSA aka Lysergamides). When one says LSA they are referring to only one specific chemical in the seeds, also known as Ergine. Hoffman experimented with pure LSA and found it to be a boring sedative compound.

With good, healthy Woodrose seeds I've eaten up to 30 and noticed no more side effects than eating 10, aside from sometimes more nausea. Woodrose are weird in that some trips I had little to no nausea and some I had a lot. I think what influences the nausea the most is what you've eaten earlier that day. You need to have eaten very little the day of your trip and if you do eat, eat only light foods like pudding, ice cream etc. I do recommend you eat a little that day because if you get nauseated you don't want to dry heave... If you guys are very concerned about the vasoconstricting properties of Woodrose just take a vasodilating health supplement like L-Argenine. Or lay in a very warm tub for 20 or 30 minutes.

I think high quality Woodrose can def. compete with L (Cidney), even top it. With Woodrose you get a MUCH mellower, clearer, less stressful, less speedy, less confusing trip. And the onset is sooo much more gradual and easy to handle. Also LSA containing seeds are physically much more euphoric than 'Cid and no harsh depressing comedown. Woodrose is a lot more sociable drug and feels much less alienating. You may even feel strong empathy for other people. And anyone who says it can't be intense just hasn't tried the right batch. It can be VERY mentally and visually intense at times, with very vivid, colorful, cartoonish visuals.

Not to mention Woodrose is soooo much cheaper than any other potent psychedelic. I know a certain supplier that will sell like 100 good quality seeds for merely $30. With Woodrose make sure the seeds you buy are grown in either Hawaiia or Madagascar. Those places grow the cleanest, strongest Woodrose. Do NOT waste your money on seeds from India or Ghana. Those are shit. And if you want a stronger LSA trip take a high dose of an MAOI (3-5 grams of Syrian Rue or some Harmala or Harmaline or Moclobemide) a few hours before your trip
Xorkoth said:
^^ No, read the post I made directly above yours. LSA and LSD are not the same, and LSA is not weaker. They're two separate psychedelics. It's not like LSD is a more concentrated form of LSA or something. Also, LSA stands for lysergic acid amides... it's actually a collection of substances, not just one. Their combined effect produces the effect of HBWR and morning glory seeds.

Eh, also, 2.99 for 5 seeds is a horrible price. ;)
Yeah, I brought the seeds from the same place (not listing souces :) ). Prices go down as you increase quantity 50 seeds for £15 and very strong.

Here's a post I made on another forum (not long enough for a trip report imo):

Mind: Extreme happiness on par with mdma, but much less forced. A lack of inhibitions and caring (minor ego loss?) on par with weed or alcohol. Emotions extremely exaggerated (but all happy and inquisitive, never negative) which I discovered when I started shouting at the top of my voice at my friends to look at the TV where a polar bear was attacking a woman. I had to be calmed down by my friends, and I sat down rocking back and forth with excitement. After some good weed, my mind expanded even more and I had great insight (into the subconscious), and also If mdma is known for the 'extacy' it can produce then these should be known as 'euphoria.' Because I was so excited at one point I was jumping up and down and felt the most excited I ever had! (And I reached this instant level of euphoria just by just looking at how untidy my bedroom was and thinking about tidying it!)

Vision: With my eyes closed while listening to music, I saw visualizations comparable to a windows media player visualization with 2 groups of colours changing shape and colour in beat with the music. Then 5 hours in my eyes became a bit less dilated than that of mdma, but much much more sensitive to light. I saw a rainbow of colours on the TV while watching Scrubs. And then later everybody's head look detached from their body in Naked Gun 2 1/2.

Body: The nausea hit first before any effect, and steadily increased in waves up until 8 hours in. I vomited on two different occasions, the first being 3 hours in straight after the smoking some weed and the next time 7 hours later at home. Throughout the beginning of the trip I had a great body high, very similar to that of the one I gets on mdma but not just in his trouser area (lol) but all over my body; a sort of pleasant orgasmic tingle.
I've only ever done LSA once, in the form of 'freshly picked Hawaiian Baby Woodrose' seeds from a reputable online vendor. They weren't lying when they said it was considerably more potent than regular seeds.

I took 8-10 seeds (was a while ago) with the 'husk' outer coating removed just straight up. I didn't really know better at the time. The come up was enjoyable mixed with pot, but then as it gradually came towards the peak the trip got thoroughly unenjoyable. I got the absolute worst cramps, especially in my legs, and pretty bad nausea especially in the light.

While I'm not going to say LSA 'just plain sucks' after that, though I will say I prefer LSD much, much more. The main difference I noticed between the two (for me personally) was that the mindfuck on LSA was much. Everything was just so rediculously confusing, whereas on LSD I can atleast make some sense of what's going on :p . However I think I'll try it again using the sublingual route of administration as a few members have thankfully suggested.
Zarathaster said:
I havent tried HBWR
theres the problem, they are much much more potent than MG seeds. The expierence from 8 seeds was intense(first time), 11 seeds blew me out of this world. First time was still the best visual wise however. with a huge body high rush, with vision distortion, objects jumping, my vision fading to white then black, beautiful colors thrown about everywhere, appreciation for nature, increased loving feelings, feeling of connection to my friends/family, very large amount of insight, also an intense sensory high( touching everything feels intensely good especially in your fingures and toes). Everything is happy, everything is great and music is awesome. Pure beauty. LSA was very good the first few times i did it, but it lost it has appeared to of lost its magic, i havent done it in a very long time, but the last time i did it i chewed up 10 seeds and had the worst nausa i have ever expierenced. I also tripped very hard and it wasnt welcome becuase of the intense stomach pains. overall LSA made me reborn as a person, it made me see and think about things that i never have. It is great to do with your best friends with plenty of weed. A very unique and beautiful drug. So i do not believe this is a shitty drug at all, espeically because it is natural.

i have eaten over 500 Mg seeds and gotten nothing more than a euphoric feeling and the worst shits ever.
Like HBWR, the potency of HB will vary greatly. Most seeds in circulation were bred for their external beauty, not for potency...and thus are very weak. I've had potent seed, where only 100 or so were needed. And remember, the dosage used in Mexico is about a thimbleful of seed...no more than 75 or so.

I'm surprised none of the vendors offer seed from wild Mexican strains of Ipomoea violacea...they are going to be far more potent than the "heavenly blue" strain.

Idi0tequ3 said:
theres the problem, they are much much more potent than MG seeds. The expierence from 8 seeds was intense(first time), 11 seeds blew me out of this world. First time was still the best visual wise however. with a huge body high rush, with vision distortion, objects jumping, my vision fading to white then black, beautiful colors thrown about everywhere, appreciation for nature, increased loving feelings, feeling of connection to my friends/family, very large amount of insight, also an intense sensory high( touching everything feels intensely good especially in your fingures and toes). Everything is happy, everything is great and music is awesome. Pure beauty. LSA was very good the first few times i did it, but it lost it has appeared to of lost its magic, i havent done it in a very long time, but the last time i did it i chewed up 10 seeds and had the worst nausa i have ever expierenced. I also tripped very hard and it wasnt welcome becuase of the intense stomach pains. overall LSA made me reborn as a person, it made me see and think about things that i never have. It is great to do with your best friends with plenty of weed. A very unique and beautiful drug. So i do not believe this is a shitty drug at all, espeically because it is natural.

i have eaten over 500 Mg seeds and gotten nothing more than a euphoric feeling and the worst shits ever.
Anybody tried Rivea seeds yet? They've a history of shamanic use whereas Woodrose has ZERO history of shamanic use. Also people say Rivea supposedly doesn't cause the nausea that Woodrose and Morning Glory can

It's on "my list' which means sometime between now and death I will try them. I'm interested in trying mostly because of its historical importance. I'd be most game to use wild seed I found/caught myself. Now I just need to get to a Mixteca village.
Well, I had my first interesting morning glory experience last night. After trying 200 seeds and feeling only a slight body load, and only some mild CEVs and a weird feeling with 400, I decided to try 600.

That was probably a bad idea, since I vomited very badly an hour after taking them. I understand now why some traditional entheogen ceremonies involve vomiting -- I felt a lot better after that happened. I didn't get any CEVs at any point, so I suspect I didn't absorb most of the active chemicals. I was definitely affected, though; I had an unusual feeling of clarity and spontaneous recall of old memories, not so much facts and events as thoughts and feelings. I also had a distinct lovey/huggy feeling, although no one was around, and a slight body-buzz.

The next day, I feel very relaxed and happy, not in an extraneous way but in a very emotionally integrated way. I've lately felt that the color was draining out of my life and now it seems to be substantially back, although who knows, maybe I'd be feeling like this anyway. I'll echo what others have said: MGS isn't necessarily that "trippy," and if you take it with the wrong set/setting you may not feel much. But I think my experience was worthwhile even though it was a ++ at most. I'll definitely acquire some HBWR when I get the chance.
I looovvvvvvvve lsa.

It's so cheap, and yet today I had one of most wisdom-inspiring trips.

p.s. Tape recorders are essential.

And ginger tea doesn't hurt either.

I can't wait to do it again next week, maybe sooner.
It's SO Wonderful!~

There is no try, only do.
Resist nothing, be you!

Anyone try hamala, sinuichi, kava, kratom, or nitrous with lsa?
400 Heaveny Blues(morning glory seeds) and I was tripping hard.

It had some similarities with LSD as far as insight/tracers but it was significantly different as far as sensory effects/it has extreme sedation and less stimulation.

LSA feels more easier on the EGO/mind than LSD.

Music sounds amazing on LSD, it will draw you right in and you won't ever be distracted by thoughts.

Less distortion and echoing than LSD, very euphoric like LSD too.

Stare at lights on LSA, it's amazing. You won't wanna turn away.

My subjective experience anyway.
I've had kratom with LSA. It worked, but no special synergy. I actually expected the body highs to synergize better than they did, but it was more like just a blend of kratom and LSA. It didn't produce a special state of euphoria like combining it with AMT or 2C-B or something does. But enjoyable and worthwhile, of course.

I will most likely try LSA in the form of a good strain of HBWR again tonight, and depending on how it goes I may add 2C-B later. LSD + 2C-B is a fantastic combination, so I can imagine it would be great with LSA as well... and perhaps even better.
morninggloryseed said:
I'm surprised none of the vendors offer seed from wild Mexican strains of Ipomoea violacea...they are going to be far more potent than the "heavenly blue" strain.

Most likely because the horticulture industry doesn't need the mexican strains to sell morning glories. You would need an expedition sent down into Oaxaca to gather the stuff. Now if I can just get some research funding.......%)
Hemiechinus said:
Anyone try hamala, sinuichi, kava, kratom, or nitrous with lsa?

I have used Syrian Rue (peganum harmala) extract with LSA, as well as nitrous I'm sure. I don't remember nitrous being any more amazing than you might normally expect while tripping - that's a known fact. It always adds to the experience and can give you some of those moments of sheer blissful perfection where you're just LOST in the state.

Now back to the syrian rue. This is something that I cannot recommend highly enough, honestly folks this combo knocked my fucking socks off! However, I did it differently than most people normally combine MAOI's with psychs. I dosed the seeds at maybe like 8pm with a friend. Waited until I was approaching the peak, about 90-120 minutes later, and then smoked the syrian rue extract (It was either 5x or 10x) out of a pipe. Man... I've had some crazy trips, and this was easily one of the unforgettable experiences, to blow out the smoke from the rue and then being ELECTROCUTED in psychedelia instantly. The rue sends the trip through the roof and visuals go out of control.

This was much different than simply eating the rue seeds before the woodrose, in that I was able to titrate the dosage to my preferred level, and then the added bonus of getting what I can only describe as like a RUSH of tripping? It's weird. It's as if you took a hit of some crack that was psychedelic or something.

The other reason I find it far better than orally taking the MAOI's is that you are able to observe just exactly how the MAOI changes the trip, as it happens before your very eyes; but with eating the MAOI's the whole trip is "MAOI'd" if that makes sense. It really changes the experience, into a more "serious" tone. Kinda cool to have a pure LSA trip for an hour or two, then break out the rue and smoke it. :)
Zarathaster said:
Now, I'm wondering if I should be posting this since I'm a new guy and it might have been debated to death already,

But, having done the polar/non-polar extraction, and having used a full oz of mg seeds, I embarked on what I guess is a full on LSA trip. It it fucking sucked. I mean, it wasn't a badtrip; just underwhelming. It was basically a bit of closed eye visuals, a slight 'I'm tripping' sensation and not much else. Listening to music wasn't particularly great, and there was no maelstrom of thoughts a la shrooms. It was just... meh. And then a few hours in, I got the jitters like no other. Though, I'm no stranger to this, since almost all psychedelics make me jittery. But it was still like getting a heap of the bad without any of the good.

Plus, I'm new in town so I don't have any sources for anything around here so I was kinda pumped to finally set aside a day to go into tripland, so the set and setting were good.

I think its just that the bottom line is that, compared to your more run of the mill psychedelics, LSA sucks.

Anybody agree? disagree?

I absolutely love LSA-containing plants and rank the trips I've had with them right up there with any other great psychedelic. Somewhat like LSD but to me seems 'deeper' in a lot of ways...its almost like the effect the drug has on thought processing is very similar, but not as scattered or hard to deal with. Many of the LSA trips I've had have provided very powerful insights that changed my life in positive ways.

I think the reason why you didnt have a good initial experience was either the batch of seeds, as others have mentioned, or the extraction method. I've tried a myriad of dosing methods with Morning Glory and HBWR seeds using all manner of different solvents, extraction techniques, etc and by far the best way Ive found to do them is with the traditional cold water extraction, or by eating the whole seeds powdered and encapsulated.

There was a huge thread over at the Lycaeum regarding alkaloid extraction from LSA containing seeds, and there were some very interesting points brought up - worth a look.

trancedeviate - great idea about the Rue extraction!