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Lysergamides Anybody else think that LSA just plain sucks?

Does LSA just plain suck?

  • Yes

    Votes: 123 28.3%
  • No

    Votes: 198 45.5%
  • No Opinion

    Votes: 114 26.2%

  • Total voters
I had one really nice experience on HBWR and a couple where I wanted to die.

Morning glory is so so, nothing that I'd write home about, yet. I'm wondering if further exploration is even worthwhile. It won't be long till local plants are ready to harvest so I'm considering a bit more experimentation but only if they have potential in the realm of mushrooms , ayahuasca, cactus or 2c-e.

My tripping time is limited so quality and intensity are important , are these things really worth further exploration if the above are easily available?
I remember thinking after my second-active- trip with hbwr that they would be great for everyday activities.
Not too unsettling and a little narcotic to keep down the anxiety, but definite activated mental prowess.

For me the best method was a plain water/lemon extraction for a week.
Not sure if I should filter it this time though...

Has anyone taken acid and lsa at the same time??
Theres some great info on the nook. CWEs...and combinations with maoi...
I remember the first time I done LSA. I had been offered it in the past from a friend but knocked it back. For some reason I accepted some off a hippy stranger who knew my name strangley enough, At a rave. It came on nice and in my state I ended up accepting more of these (for nowt) off these hippy characters. I vaugley remember one saying, "wow, He just ate the dark one"
the night was amazing, At the end I was so fucked up I could not remember where my coat was nor could I answer the impatient looking doorman who was trying to move me out. I was well gone.
Luckily, The manager of the club knew me and I leveled with him on my state and he instructed the bouncers to lay off (much to their dismay)
All of a suddon, I had a moment of clarety and remembered my coat was upstairs behind a speaker. I told the bouncer (who had been standing there waiting for me to snap out of it or something) He swiftly replied "well fucking go and get it then, Fast" It was there and I managed to get into a taxi and got back to my friends house.
I was well gone for the rest of the night when about 6 in the morning I started tripping more and felt really sketchy, I started thinging, "What did I take last night" "why am I going up instead of going down" I remembered the Hippy/Stranger saying "wow! He just ate the dark one" I could not settle and had to leave for home where my girlfriend who was 6.5 months pregnant was. I arrived home and done the "hippy Jig" for a few hours until my girlfriend woke up. (The hippy Jig is what I call, Feeling skechy off some unknown substance obtained from a hippy) She was unsympathectic to my plight as she could not get high. She eventually mellowed out to my plight and the day was a slow recovery until about 8 o-clock (I was just starting to feel alright) when my girlfriend started getting severe stomach pains which ultimatly resulted in an ambulance. Next thing, I am in the Ambulance, LSA back on me like a bastard. that night, Chrstmas Eve 2004 at about 10.30pm, I became a father. we named our daughter, "Poka" after Poka Michelson who is our favorate gabba artist. I was tripping off my head in the delivery room. They must have seen the state I was in.
Anyway, It was a night and day I will not forget.
LSA certainly works but Acid pisses all over it.

When in the Ambulance, I said to the driver (I was in the front) "What are the survival chances of the Baby?"
"How early is it" He replied.
"A little over 6 Months" I said.
He glanced at me with a stern glance and said, "it's a bit early mind"
At the birth time I was expecting a bloddy mess, It blew me away when I suddenly heard a baby go "waaa!"
I suppose you could say, "Poka" is my little LSAngel
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Hemiechinus said:
Has anyone taken acid and lsa at the same time??

I took LSD (est 75ug) with 10 med. potency HBWS. No special synergy, but it was a very strong trip...but nothing I'd ever experiment with. Took both at same time...was mostly LSD-like at first...then got more 'woodrose-like'...two distinct phases of the trip...which is no surprise since LSD peaks at 2hr for me...where as HBWR don't really get going until hr 3-4.
kong said:
Theres some great info on the nook. CWEs...and combinations with maoi...

I wouldn't recommend an maoi with HBWR/MGS because of the vasocontriction.

I think that if you take woodrose seeds or mgs with the expectation of getting an lsd trip you'll be disappointed. The chemicals are very different from one another; that diethyl group makes a world of difference.

egor said:
Holy crap, with good seeds, no more than 8 are needed for a strong, full +3

Did you mean HBWR? I don't think you'd feel anything from 8 MGS.
^^Yeah, hbwr, I wont waste my time with mg seeds anymore
I am still waiting to assay rivea corumbosa seeds, but should get a chance shortly
dbailey11 said:
I wouldn't recommend an maoi with HBWR/MGS because of the vasocontriction.

I think that if you take woodrose seeds or mgs with the expectation of getting an lsd trip you'll be disappointed. The chemicals are very different from one another; that diethyl group makes a world of difference.

Several people have tried it and haven't reported any dangerous effects.

I wouldn't take seeds as a replacement for lsd, but as one more interesting, worthwhile chemical.:D
I had mild dreamy effects with no real psychedelic qualities. I was dissapointed when I first tried it, so I never did it again.
I ate a relatively large amount too.
rivea carumbosa seeds are far superior to MGS...

in fact they are better than HBWR too, they seem cleaner..

the light sparkling visuals seemed brighter too. (cant really write what i mean but i would choose them over HBWR except they arent nearly as potent..)
I have gotten intense trips from LSA comparable to mushrooms. Yes it is more narcotic and there is a big body load for me. If you find that your extracts or seeds are weak for you then I strongly suggest you get some sort of piperine (and no I do not mean piperazine). I have found that piperine blends greatly improve the strength of the experience. So much so that only 1g of mixed MG and HBWR has given me great visuals and a great headspace, very calm and empathetic.

However I do recognise that the potency of the material varies greatly.
psilocybonaut said:
I completely agree. LSD blows anything out of the water.

Ah, congratulations to you for sampling every psychoactive in existence!
Don Luigi said:
Ah, congratulations to you for sampling every psychoactive in existence!

Exactly. Go smoke some DMT, it will change your mind about LSD. But, don't get me wrong, I love LSD.
Hmm minor contribution here I guess. For the record I've had 2 great LSA trips (MG) and about 10 horrible ones. So I won't say it straight up sucks, but for the life of me I don't know why I kept doing it :D It's been about 5 years since I've touched any and still if anything even remotely tastes like that nutty MG seed mush I get nauseous.

Oh, and you know that inner thigh pain a lot of people get? Is that from vasoconstriction and does that vasoconstriction significantly raise blood pressure?
Zarathaster said:
Now, I'm wondering if I should be posting this since I'm a new guy and it might have been debated to death already,

But, having done the polar/non-polar extraction, and having used a full oz of mg seeds, I embarked on what I guess is a full on LSA trip. It it fucking sucked. I mean, it wasn't a badtrip; just underwhelming. It was basically a bit of closed eye visuals, a slight 'I'm tripping' sensation and not much else. Listening to music wasn't particularly great, and there was no maelstrom of thoughts a la shrooms. It was just... meh. And then a few hours in, I got the jitters like no other. Though, I'm no stranger to this, since almost all psychedelics make me jittery. But it was still like getting a heap of the bad without any of the good.

Plus, I'm new in town so I don't have any sources for anything around here so I was kinda pumped to finally set aside a day to go into tripland, so the set and setting were good.

I think its just that the bottom line is that, compared to your more run of the mill psychedelics, LSA sucks.

Anybody agree? disagree?
marijuana should increase its effects for you
dispite the nausea, i find lsa to be ALoT more powerful psychologically than lsd.

LSD is more like euphoric , stimulating and visual.
But i find lsa to have a powerful mental aspect and i "learn" alot more from it.
LSA seems more sacred to me and earthy, but the nausea is shitty at times.
LSA + shrooms are quite a mix.
I would love to try LSA+LSD
I was going to agree with the OP, after a disappointing first try. but you guys have convinced me that HBW does actually work. I suspect my seeds weren't that potent. Is there anywhere online that people would reccomend for having consistently good quality seeds? That might takew some of the guess work out of it