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antidepressant interactions with recreational drugs

Nope I would have just as much of a problem with alcohol as any other drug when it comes to depression. If someone is serious about overcoming their depression they'll quit mind-altering substances completely. It's not hypocritical, again just trying to be helpful.

ADs are mind altering substances and amphetamines are routinely prescribed in the US for depression, Benzos, Barbs and a host of other drugs have or are also used therapeutically, it just aint that simple
ADs are mind altering substances and amphetamines are routinely prescribed in the US for depression, Benzos, Barbs and a host of other drugs have or are also used therapeutically, it just aint that simple

That's my point. One mind-altering substance is enough. It's difficult to assess how effective an AD is when you're taking other things.
That's my point. One mind-altering substance is enough. It's difficult to assess how effective an AD is when you're taking other things.

That's not what you seemed to suggest

If someone is serious about overcoming their depression they'll quit mind-altering substances completely.

and the statement doesn't hold true, doctors often prescribe a combination of drugs, I've been on 3 at once and I'm sure many people are on more than one.

I think the idea that some one experiencing mental health issues should avoid any drugs that are not being prescribed by a doctor is an arguable position.

However much the same argument could be put forward for someone not currently suffering (or knowingly suffering) from a mental health issue, as a generalisation avoiding all drugs would lead to better health, physical and mental.

Life is about damage limitation (harm reduction) not pigeon holing people and apportioning blame because some of their decisions may have influenced their current state of health.

It is entirely possible, IMHO that someone's self medication or even recreations drug use could have a positive impact on their mental health issues as it is alos possible it could be detrimental.
It is entirely possible, IMHO that someone's self medication or even recreations drug use could have a positive impact on their mental health issues as it is alos possible it could be detrimental.

It could have a positive impact. It could mean that people in this position would be even more depressed if they didn't use recreational drugs occasionally. But I don't see any evidence that a period of abstinence of more than a couple of months in their adult life, has even been tried. So while you might be sadder in the short term drug free, it might be better long term to come off all but very occasional use. Clearly regular drug use hasn't led to good mental health, and semi-abstinence hasn't been tried for long enough to work. If both arguably have the potential to result in better mental health, it's worth trying both.
There is always going to be interactions but most likely they will manifest themselves as minor side effects.
Things like sweating, or jaw wobble for example.
It could have a positive impact. It could mean that people in this position would be even more depressed if they didn't use recreational drugs occasionally. But I don't see any evidence that a period of abstinence of more than a couple of months in their adult life, has even been tried. So while you might be sadder in the short term drug free, it might be better long term to come off all but very occasional use. Clearly regular drug use hasn't led to good mental health, and semi-abstinence hasn't been tried for long enough to work. If both arguably have the potential to result in better mental health, it's worth trying both.

I'm not that familiar with MBD's detailed history of drug use, it was more of a generalisation, if I was referring to anyone specifically it would have to be myself, I can't really comment with confidence about anyone else.

I have certainly abstained from all drugs for fairly long periods, it's not really possible to measure the benefit, but in cases where I was abusing in a damaging manner it must be to my benefit, mental health issue or not.

There is always going to be interactions but most likely they will manifest themselves as minor side effects.
Things like sweating, or jaw wobble for example.

I would be a little more cautious, best to check for what the medical people say at least :-

The problem with U.K prescribed antidepressants is they suck.

If I were a doctor I'd use a carrot/stick approach and offer patients free pharmaceutical heroin and/or methamphetamine to combat their depression.

Not only would it work a damn sight better than all these SSRI's.
But it would also get people off of dangerous & ineffective street drugs.
I didn't get on the Mirtazapine and all the SSRIs I've tried have just made me very ill, the evidence seems to suggest that ADs are only really effective for moderate to severe depression.

I take Venlafaxine, an SNRI it definitely has an effect as I came off it at the end of last year but have started taking it again after things got worse, it's not all good, with the unwanted side effects but for now it seems the best option.

I believe I've suffered with depression all my life to some degree or another, I'm not talking about feeling down from time to time, depression is more complex and deeper seated. Everyone is different so there is little point in me trying to explain but for me 'snapping out of it' or 'just cheering up' really aren't achievable.

My past recreational drug use has been far more self medication than self harm, although I do recognise that I have abused drugs to my detriment and in more recent years probably in some way knowingly and deliberately.

I did used MDMA once whilst off ADs and it was fine but mainly I just stick to amphetamines as I find they relieve some of my symptoms and I enjoy talking them, I don't get much enjoyment out of things in general, depression has gradually taken enjoyment out of my life so don't under estimate how experiencing as little can be so very important.

Of course there is a downside to any drug use, I might well be better never taking any drugs but you could make that statement about anyone. It’s easy to look at someone with mental health issues and suggest they shouldn’t use any drugs, interesting how few ever sight alcohol in the same way. I’m pretty sure that if MDB had posted that he’d had a couple of cans of cider the comments would have been very different.

I don’t think anyone meant to attack him but the ‘just say no’ stuff is all a bit patronising and ultimately unrealistic, not to mention more than a bit hypocritical from a group of self confessed drug users that regularly run into their own problems due to their drug use.

I’ve met numerous people that have used MDMA whilst on SSRIs in ignorance of the issue of serotonin syndrome, none have had problems and their does seem to be some dispute and confusion in this area.

Personally I’d avoid MDMA whilst on those type of ADs, including SNRI etc, but whatever you’re taking it’s sensible to consider the interactions with any prescribed and OTC stuff your taking. 5HTP or St Johns Wort can cause problem’s, even grapefruit juice can be an issue with some drugs.

I’ve waffled more than a bit but hopefully made a few coherent points:D

brilliant post, if i hadnt been so furious with 'benzo rage' id have been able to write a better contribution to the thread.
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The problem with U.K prescribed antidepressants is they suck.

If I were a doctor I'd use a carrot/stick approach and offer patients free pharmaceutical heroin and/or methamphetamine to combat their depression.

Not only would it work a damn sight better than all these SSRI's.
But it would also get people off of dangerous & ineffective street drugs.

You can't have a carrot/stick approach. It is either the carrot or the stick, not both ! The carrot would be the offer of drugs, the stick would be no offer of drugs.
Ill stick to the other sections until i can return as a paragon of virtue. I'll get slagged for something even then. Once one person starts, thers a whole bunchof prople queing up to follow. Please explain what i have done.

You've said this about 5 times in this thread alone, why don't you do it? Or do you just want to keep the thread going until you hear what you want to hear? I already answered the question, and apparently it's beyond you to use google?
I agree with Allein's take on this - recreational drug use shouldn't necessarily be off the map for people suffering from depression. That's a ridiculous notion. Yes, certain drugs (or certain usage patterns) can exacerbate or possibly trigger depressive episodes, but they can also be of enormous benefit as long as they are used in moderation, and preferably alongside effective lifestyle management techniques that don't rely on drugs.

Diet and exercise will reap rewards in the short and long-term, but they're pretty useless if you're still stuck in a negative mindset with no escape visible on the horizon.

However, MDB, I genuinely think the other posters have your best interests at heart, and it really does seem as if you're more concerned with finding justification for a decision you've already made, rather than seeking advice on possible nasty interactions.

I'll use your own original post if I may:

M is regarded by most users as a far better AD ny most users, both for treating depression and they have also found it to be a great treatment for insomnia. Many people say it also works very well for anxiety, and it is also said help curb cravings for recreational drugs.

Brilliant. Your typing has improved immensely and you seem positive about the change of meds. The last part of the quote above could certainly be read as an admission on your part that your drug use is a real problem and you wish to curb it.

That's a eureka moment right there. So I can imagine people's faces fell along with mine when they reached this bit:

As i still happen to have some recreartiuonal drugs i arent gonna waste them now that i do.

It also boosts benzos and opiates. Win win win !

Do you really require a booster for opiates and benzos, or are you serious about pursuing your treatment? Entirely up to you.

I can see why you might misinterpret people's posts as 'lectures', but do you really want people to give you their honest opinions?

Best of luck with the new meds, and I hope you get further in your quest to curb the benzos and bupe too. But you must understand that you're giving out mixed signals, and it's frustrating for those who merely wish to offer you advice, albeit of the type you seemingly don't wish to hear.

You aren't being slagged. It's a shame you feel that way. Having been in a similar position, I'd say the drugs you're on are clouding your judgement more than you'd ever think possible, but that will only become apparent once you wean yourself off. Until then, be sure to take care.
Nice one ^^^

Often it takes a cataclysmic event of the bad kind to really get things into motion. Would be nice for MDB to avoid something like that.
Nice one ^^^

Often it takes a cataclysmic event of the bad kind to really get things into motion. Would be nice for MDB to avoid something like that.

The several benzo rages have already serverd as cataclysmic events in my own mind, and have served for my to curb my benzo use by 75 % in 2 weeks. Id say thats really getting into motion wouldt yoiu ? I mnade moire progfress in 2 weeks than in 2 yeear s since these out of control rages started, cos i know the bnenzos are causing them.
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mydrugbuddy said:
you still dont understand. The several benzo rages have already serverd as cataclysmic events in my own mind, and have served for my to curb my benzo use by 75 % in 2 weeks.

This is great news, and a fantastic achievement. Nobody in their right mind would contest that. No doubt the benzo rages were frightening to experience, and it's good that you're taking action. You're getting there. :)

I think lurching's referring to a real cataclysmic event though; the kind which leaves an indelible mark on your life (hospitalisation, homelessness, relationship meltdowns - all three, even - and the like). So far you've been relatively lucky, but luck runs out faster than you might think.

Again, I speak from bitter personal experience, having made a real mess of things over the past few years. I'd hate to see it happening to somebody else. You must remember that at the time I thought exactly like you - I believed I was thinking clearly and that I was in control of my life, and I was neither.

It wasn't till I abstained from benzos, booze, stims and opies for some time that I could even begin to see that, however. And I only abstained in the first place because I thought somebody might start loving me and spending time with me again if I did. Yeah, I was in a weird place.

mydrugbuddy said:
what mixed signals am i giving out ? Im clearly not the onl,y one by the way, the whole thread is chock a blcok full of mixed signals. A bit like the forum itself really. i want to stop and i want to carry on ? isnt that the problemn of all addicts.?

Refer to the parts of your post I quoted above. The first quote displays a mature attitude to your recent change of meds, and seems to imply that you hope the mirtazipine will curb your urge to get out of it all the time. The second quote proceeds to validate said urge. It seems for all the world like getting high is more important to you than getting well, which is a real shame.

Not to say the two can't go hand-in-hand given the correct balance, but y'know?
Check out this mdb - Antidepressants and Recreational Drugs (Long!)

Well, specifically....

Mechanism of Action
Mirtazapine is an antagonist of presynaptic alpha 2-adrenergic autoreceptors and heteroreceptors on both norepinephrine and serotonin presynaptic axons. It is also is a potent antagonist of 5HT2 and 5HT3 receptors. As a result, there is increased NE and 5HT activity, especially increased 5HT activitity at the 5HT1A receptors.

Common Side Effects
Sedation, increased appetite, dizziness, and weight gain.

CYP2D6, CYP1A2, and CYP3A4 are the primary enzymes involved in the metabolism of mirtazapine.

Recreational Drug Interactions
Alcohol, GHB (and related substances), Benzos (Xanax, Valium, Klonopin etc), Opiates (Heroin, Codeine, Vicodin, Oxy etc), Barbituates: The effects of these drugs will be stronger than normal, as they will add to the sedative effects of mirtazapine. CAREFUL and go easy on these drugs and stick to low doses until you are sure how they interact with the mirtazapine.

Ketamine: The effects of this drug should not be altered by mirtazapine and the combination is not known to be dangerous.

DXM (Dextromethorphan, Robotussin): Because mirtazapine and DXM are metabolized by some of the same enzymes, this combination is most likely quite dangerous. Avoid taking DXM and mirtazapine together!

MDMA/Ecstasy (includes MDA, MDEA etc): Rolling on mirtazapine is relatively safe. Some people find that they do not roll quite as hard as they usually would, and that they need to take about 1/2 an extra pill to obtain normal effects.

Amphetamines (Methamphetamine, Adderall, Dexedrine), Ritalin (methylphenidate), Cocaine, 4-MAR (4-methylaminorex): Using stimulants while on mirtazapine seems to be relatively safe as well. The mirtazapine does not appear to affect the recreational effects of the stimulant (i.e. you will get just as high as you always did).

Hallucinogens (LSD/Acid, psilocybin/Shrooms, Tryptamines, 2-ct-2,DPT, DMT etc, Salvia) Hallucinogens seem to be MUCH stronger in combination with mirtazapine, so please be VERY CAREFUL! A dangerous interaction with shrooms has been observed in one person taking mirtazapine. Please avoid hallucinogens while taking mirtazapine or dose very carefully.
Ofcourse these are completely subjective, like your Mirtazapine is (it made me suicidal), so even though this list may tell you it's alright to take such-n-such, you must test the waters by putting a proverbial drop on your tongue.

There - Did yer job for you.
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Ok thankyou to all to have responded, and aplogies to those i have been rude to especially cornishman, i have asked several times for him to clear his pms so i can send him a personalised message.

i m mixed up, its as simple as that, im at the point where i can see a futire free from drug dependence, and to tell you the truth i havent really even enjoyed my last few getting out of it binges; only succeeded in damaging more things around my house. Now my bedroom door has fallen off the wall as has a kitchen cabinet, Its like a Frank Spencer comedy if you find walking human disasters funny.

I got through both of my remaining 8mg bupe tablets yesterday so am now forced right down to 2mg a day. I am not going to be regularly takingf 2mg multiple times daily. I think t first ther may be times where my mood needs that extra lift a second time in a day, but therte will be no wasteful extravagent bupe bingeing from here on in, same applies to etizolam.

So i am doing everything right then. Just considering an occasional weekend blast of methylone or something puts me nearer to the recreational drug user, who is on maintainenance doses of therapeutic (self prescribed meds). I have a little way to go with the etiz, but everyone knows you have toi take your time with them near the end. In fact im gonna dig out that hether ashton clip to find out what warning signals to look for and at what speed one should take ones taper.

Its probably at least half a dozen times that ive got etiz use to below 10 mg, onbly to let it rocket out of control again. The rages have ensured i will not be doiung that again. Loosing control to a degree is part of the fun of drug taking but totally loosing all control is no fun at all.

I am excercsing a lot, plenty of LONG hikes, and bike rides, diet could do with improving, but im making steps in the right direction there too, by eating much more fruit and veg. Mirtazaoine cauises terrible night munchies though, i think they may pass, as the initial daytime drowsyness of mirtaz also generally passes within a couple of weeks.

By framing thigs in that way, there is not a lie in there, but the situation doesnt look halkf as bad does it. Can people see why i get iunfurated by the lectures now ? - because im already doing/have done what they are telling me to do.

I can also see it must feel awful to try to help someone and then be respnded to with a wall of rage. I can only apologise again, but i am genuinely sorry because i can understand how it must feel from the other persons side too.

So I'll forget the fuckin tramadol, and stick to the heakthier parts of my regimes. Things really arent that bad. For me, my main problem at the moment is my temper, im worried im gonna loose it in a public place one day, and if the police get called, its gonna mke things worse. Right now is the ideal time for me to go through the insomnia im inevitably gonna get, most of my appointments are fortunatelky in the afternoon.

I have again misses a signing on at the JSA this morning through over sleeping. I am lucky as im finding this huy does have a heart after all, he keep telling me i should be on ESA, byt i have too many savings for that. Im not sure how many times you can be late for your signing on without ebeing "sanctioned" but i think today is the first time in my cyrrent run of signing on that ive been late. It is nota lie for mre tyo argue that my medication (mirt) causes excessesive drowsiness at first, but that usually wears off, as the users body builds up a tolerance to that side effect.

sorry, that was tldtr, but i had a lot to say. But mostly thank you and sorry. And please no more lectures LOL.
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