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antidepressant interactions with recreational drugs


Feb 14, 2011
I searched for previous similar threads but could not find any.

I have recently (10 days ago) switched from sertraline to mirtazapine and am discovering a whole host of new and positive opportunities this offers.

M is regarded by most users as a far better AD ny most users, both for treating depression and they have also found it to be a great treatment for insomnia. Many people say it also works very well for anxiety, and it is also said help curb cravings for recreational drugs.

As i still happen to have some recreartiuonal drugs i arent gonna waste them now that i do.

It also boosts benzos and opiates. Win win win !

Most significant discovery is that Mirtazapine acts far less directly on serotonin than sertraline. Thus this means it will now be possible for me to take serotnonic drugs again. FUCKIN YES YES YES. I will not be going over board though (famous last words) it just gives me chance to use some proper Methyome ive had since pre-ban and take 4FA at sensible doses without undue worries. I can even expect to get more out of the humble, underlooked mdai. I dont go to raves and stuff much, would feel well out of place there now, unless it was an old timers one full of crusties etc.

I could even take Tramadol with apparently slightly reduced risks, but it till looks like a potentially dangerous combo. Its just bugging me that out of a box of 50 i still have 47 or so left.

I am aware that serotonogeric drugs have a dsetabalising effect on mood, hence will be trying to stick to the once a month only rule.

In theory this should make it possible for me to quit all my other drugs with relative ease, if i give it just a couple more weeks, whilst i continue tapering down, the Mirt will ther to be act as a cushion/safety net/safety blanket for my moods should they fall to far.

I think the first thing i wanna do is try my methylone. These things have been so long gone, and so long since anyone talked about them that ive forgotten most of the info about it.

Is is simillar to mephedrone - (i remembger all the mepehedrone vs methyolne threads from 'back in the day') in the sexual/musical/confidence/energy arenas ?

Does it leave a black hole in your mood in its wake ?
Not having a dig, but why bother taking anti depressants if you're gonna use recreational drugs on top?

The 1st logical step to tackling depression is to knock all recreational drugs on the head, eat a good diet, and get plenty of exercise (and get financially stable if poss).

If that doesn't help then go on to take anti d's (without any other drugs).

Fwiw it's no wonder you feel depressed. What with taking depressants and all. ;)
I know any logical person would say what you say, but if you happen to be depedant on illicit drugs it aint that easy. THe ADS abviosuly werent working for the last 12 years cos i felt wortlerssly depressed, anxious, moody, introverted, isoklated, unsociable, please donet get me goingm, ive just enjoyed a few days repsite from everyomne having a go at me.

im trying my best and working VERY hard on it . bit by bit. that benzo rage thing really changed things for me uin that regard. they are comng down to therapoeutic doses asap. Im making serious headway with etiz down to 12 now from unmeasured mad doses, but binging on bupe today and friday for the last time ever, then the bupe taper begins in ernest. will have one last binge on speed or something. then itll be jus the ADs.

"The 1st logical step to tackling depression is to knock all recreational drugs on the head, eat a good diet, and get plenty of exercise (and get financially stable if poss)."
Can you empty your inbox plz....

EDITED out the insane rants.
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I have to agree with Cornishman on this one, but as a drug user taking an antidepressant myself (sertraline) I know that it is easier said than done. Why is it that your GP prescribed you mirtazapine after prescribing an SSRI if the latter is more effective? It seems that SSRIs are the first-line treatment for depression and I'm not sure why.
I have to agree with Cornishman on this one, but as a drug user taking an antidepressant myself (sertraline) I know that it is easier said than done. Why is it that your GP prescribed you mirtazapine after prescribing an SSRI if the latter is more effective? It seems that SSRIs are the first-line treatment for depression and I'm not sure why.

how was she or i to know that mirt would be more effective than sert ?

10 years ago sert was all the rage, and every gp was dishing it out as the new wonder drug

it diidnt help anyone much more than a placebo; its all experimentation, with the depressed population being used as the guinea pigs. . Its not uncommon for people to try 10 differeent ADs until they find one that works for them. I think Mirtazapine may be quite new, but it is rapidly establishing itself as the most effective AD on the market. It does not work directly on serotonin, as the SSRIs do, it has an unknown mode of action.
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I fail to see how Cornishman has lectured you in his response, he gave you the advice everyone else is going to give you :/

You need to really step back and not think everything is a dig at you, it is structured advice.

Ps your typing has improved so well done on not taking more phenaz
Please listen, I dont want any advice on stopping taking drugs.

If i wanted that i would turn to the many people who have already offered to help me come off benzos. Bupe i can manage myself.
Have you considered not taking any more phenazepam? I'd be depressed as fuck if i'd been caining that shit for weeks on end.
i havent touched any for about a month. please stop asking nosey questions.

I noticed your typing quality has improved to the point that most words are spelled correctly, so it must just about be wearing off? Which other drugs have you been taking? Maybe you should stop those for a while, see how you feel? I know life can be boring, but if you haven't stopped taking drugs for a long time, maybe it's different now.
Sounds like you could use an 11th session of consolation there, buddy =D
how was she or i to know that mirt would be more effective than sert ?

Are we meant to be psychic ?

Ill go a little easier on you as at least you admitted your doing the same as me.

10 years ago sert was all the rage, and every gp was dishing it out as the new wonder drug

it diidnt help anyone much more than a placebo; its all experimentation, with the depressed population being used as the guinea pigs. . Its not uncommon for people to try 10 differeent ADs until they find one that works for them. I think Mirtazapine may be quite new, but it is rapidly establishing itself as the most effective AD on the market. It does not work directly on serotonin, as the SSRIs do, it has an unknown mode of action.

No not psychic I was simply asking why GPs invariably go for SSRIs first if Mirtazapine is so wonderful.
Mirtazipine might well do your depression the world of good, but it's not powerful enough to cancel out (for instance) a 4-FA or methylone comedown. It's just not. Bin the tramadol because that will be dangerous with any of the drugs you are wanting to use.
No. It sounds like i could do with coming on here without being lectured or patronised, or asked endless rude and personal questions. If that is too much to ask then i wont be coming back here any more and will be asking the mods to close my account.

Nobody's being nosy, in fact nobody on here really gives a shit about your life. People are only trying to help. What the fuck do you want us to say?
No. It sounds like i could do with coming on here without being lectured or patronised, or asked endless rude and personal questions. If that is too much to ask then i wont be coming back here any more and will be asking the mods to close my account.

How the hell is asking you if you are still taking phenaz a personal question, on this board of all places? It's pretty important with regard to what you're asking, and even more important to the wider issue of your depression. It takes the brain months, sometimes years, to get back to where it was after using benzos for a long time. Maybe you need to go back and read some of the things you wrote in the phenazepam haze to realise just how far you've pushed your mind.

Any way, I answered the question you asked above. Bin the tramadol, and the other stuff like methylone will be fine, just so long as you aren't expecting the mirt to do anything for the come down.
I didn't get on the Mirtazapine and all the SSRIs I've tried have just made me very ill, the evidence seems to suggest that ADs are only really effective for moderate to severe depression.

I take Venlafaxine, an SNRI it definitely has an effect as I came off it at the end of last year but have started taking it again after things got worse, it's not all good, with the unwanted side effects but for now it seems the best option.

I believe I've suffered with depression all my life to some degree or another, I'm not talking about feeling down from time to time, depression is more complex and deeper seated. Everyone is different so there is little point in me trying to explain but for me 'snapping out of it' or 'just cheering up' really aren't achievable.

My past recreational drug use has been far more self medication than self harm, although I do recognise that I have abused drugs to my detriment and in more recent years probably in some way knowingly and deliberately.

I did used MDMA once whilst off ADs and it was fine but mainly I just stick to amphetamines as I find they relieve some of my symptoms and I enjoy talking them, I don't get much enjoyment out of things in general, depression has gradually taken enjoyment out of my life so don't under estimate how experiencing as little can be so very important.

Of course there is a downside to any drug use, I might well be better never taking any drugs but you could make that statement about anyone. It’s easy to look at someone with mental health issues and suggest they shouldn’t use any drugs, interesting how few ever sight alcohol in the same way. I’m pretty sure that if MDB had posted that he’d had a couple of cans of cider the comments would have been very different.

I don’t think anyone meant to attack him but the ‘just say no’ stuff is all a bit patronising and ultimately unrealistic, not to mention more than a bit hypocritical from a group of self confessed drug users that regularly run into their own problems due to their drug use.

I’ve met numerous people that have used MDMA whilst on SSRIs in ignorance of the issue of serotonin syndrome, none have had problems and their does seem to be some dispute and confusion in this area.

Personally I’d avoid MDMA whilst on those type of ADs, including SNRI etc, but whatever you’re taking it’s sensible to consider the interactions with any prescribed and OTC stuff your taking. 5HTP or St Johns Wort can cause problem’s, even grapefruit juice can be an issue with some drugs.

I’ve waffled more than a bit but hopefully made a few coherent points:D
Of course there is a downside to any drug use, I might well be better never taking any drugs but you could make that statement about anyone. It’s easy to look at someone with mental health issues and suggest they shouldn’t use any drugs, interesting how few ever sight alcohol in the same way. I’m pretty sure that if MDB had posted that he’d had a couple of cans of cider the comments would have been very different.

I don’t think anyone meant to attack him but the ‘just say no’ stuff is all a bit patronising and ultimately unrealistic, not to mention more than a bit hypocritical from a group of self confessed drug users that regularly run into their own problems due to their drug use.

Nope I would have just as much of a problem with alcohol as any other drug when it comes to depression. If someone is serious about overcoming their depression they'll quit mind-altering substances completely. It's not hypocritical, again just trying to be helpful.