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Ock, behave and we better stop littering this thread up with "I'm Fucked" stuff before the mods give us into trouble :D
okay! i look forward to my 1p-lsd, i have returned from 2 geltabs from yesterday, everything is awesome this morning, took a lil something for the comedown , if 1p-lsd is just as good as this street stuff, than i dont know if i can contain myself I NEED ART!!!

also i have http://www.bluelight.org/vb/threads...-off-again-need-last-min-advice-to-get-ready-!

its basically jibberish during my trip but i think it explains well what i did lol

and old people smell bad:/ i came across many humans last night with bad odors around my neighborhood and 7-11 lol , 7-11 seemed like a hotspot last night, i dont know i ended up there in a weird moment with a younger crowd also , but i was to me and they were to them, but old ppl geez take a shower :/ i smell you lol my fault again for ranting on someone else thread :/ im stuck again and i still feel the good afterglow , morning feels alive !
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C'mom Gardenlane, we wants to know how your first swirly experiment unfolded....??
The experiment didn't really unfold so much as my ability to comprehend or remember much.

I was a poor trip sitter. I was already hallucinating all day due to sleep deprivation. I just got stuck in a loop, which I'm sure was fun for her :|

I think that, what may have happened, is that I took more than I remember because we were missing 100ug. There's 200ug left so I promised I will trip sit for her sober. The days previous had been filled with a lot of wakefulness and stimulants which I am now going to give a knock on the head as it's so damn time consuming.

It wasn't pleasant but it wasn't really a bad trip as any comprehension I had disappeared very rapidly. I didn't have enough time to be scared or anything. At least I don't think it's so weak anymore. The experience wasn't particularly visual as I recall but very powerful(ly shite);.
Perhaps this is an opportune moment to point out the importance of "Set & Setting" when experimenting with psychedelic drugs. Although they can produce a recreational effect they can't really be described as recreational & won't produce a pleasant effect in an uncomfortable enviroment or with a less than perfect head-space.
Good job :D

Can't wait to try mine out, got some time earmarked for it next month.
I love this stuff. My biggest fear on it is rattling for the gear but it's doable. I can be fairly functional on it to... Pet sounds and smile and watching the grass grow. Have you seen the, Google dream images?
I had to have five,i giggled at a film,so much thought id come apart but it was a mild trip no visuals.witch was a shame allin all to expensive.
Inexplicable. 100ug knocked me sideways. I have zero tolerance, low natural tolerance & I am on no meds that affect Psyches...

How about you, trip regularly? On SSRI's or anything?
I'm reading reports that there are duds out there. Coming from the main vendor of 1P... People taking 6 and nothing.

I personally don't believe them and think there is some discrediting going on. The way I understand it, Si you may know, is that the Largest Lab supplying 1p-LSD to the UK are the sole owner of the batch that was synthesised, any other company selling 1P is just a reseller essentially so the prices are higher.

I can't imagine that a company with the reputation that they have would put out bunk product.

Anyway, I'll find out for myself soon if this batch is dud or not as ive some en-route to me now. Probably give it a 100ug test run on Friday to gauge how far I want to push it another time..

I will not be making the mistake I made with MXE with this one if it turns out to be as good as it's purported to be... STOCK UP..... Did I tell you guys how sad I am about Mxe being gone... it stills hurts :(
I don't believe it's to do with stuff being bunk if you're getting at least some effect either. It's varied so much for me between doses off the same sheet that I think it's to do with other variables, the biggest one for me being tolerance.

I've massively overdone it by trying to reach a certain point that you're never going to get to unless you give it a proper rest - I stupidly did 1000mcg at once and just tripped for 3 days solid without having that breakthrough moment - it became hard work after not long and gave me a kicking I probably deserved.

Going to have to give it a fair old rest now I reckon.
As far as I am aware, all the official looking blotters, with the well-established molecule-one-side-&-1P-LSD-the-other, come from one source lab here in the UK. The compound is sourced from various chemists abroad but it's all being vended from the main, known UK source. BUT! There is nothing to suggest that those blotters are impossible to copy. There is no way of preventing someone from having the blotter copied & flogging it cheap to unknowing new vendors. Not everyone out there vending compounds has decades of experience. Some of them might even be naive to these drugs & vendors of drugs they don't use personally. They might not have any idea they're vending duds.

Something similar has apparently happened with Al-Lad too. If it's a genuine thing, I wouldn't be surprised if a single individual were behind both cases. But as yet I have seen nowhere near enough evidence to assume that anything nefarious is afoot & I have every reason to assume that the vagueries of Psychedelic drugs use are behind anomalous reports of "inactivity"...

Even if some lab were able to prove that a tab or even a number of tabs were completely free of active ingredient, there's nothing to prove that the tab was not deliberately leeched of it before it was sent in, though why anyone would go to such lengths to discredit a vendor is beyond me... I can guarantee everybody one thing for absolute certain. If a sheet or two of completely inactive blotter has been circulated by the original & only known source, there is no chance whatsoever that it is deliberate scammery. It's a mistake. If it's happened, it's a mistake. Everybody makes 'em. If I got hold of a completely inactive blotter that might mean something, because I source my blotts from one person only. But I have never had an inactive blotter & I seriously doubt anyone with the reputation you describe would engage in selective scamming, which is what reports of inactive blotters are effectively accusing...

I'm sure anyone trying to dent the vendor in questions reputation is well aware of the fact that the accusation is almost impossible to prove & that's why they make it...
When I first tried the 1p and it didn't work I know it wasn't a dud coz I felt there was something happening. I have found this latest batch comes on pretty quickly, about half an hour. I like to take two or three at once now but someone at work found one to be plenty for him. Really annoyed coz I think I threw two in the bin by accident the other day. I'm finding it healing and good for my attitude towards the gear. I feel semi functional with it apart from the urges to just stop and stare at stuff and it has enhanced colours and patterns in everything as I go about my daily business.