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I was somewhat unsure if I should post this, but considering the amount of festivals occuring in Wales at the moment, I thought I should just to be on the safe side. Someone known to me purchased locally (not online as I understand) some blotters that they thought to be 1P-LSD. I've been told that the blotters were white, with '1P' on one side, and plain white on the other. The blotters were obviously significantly larger that your average 1P blotter (around the same size as an NBOME blotter), and produced a bitter taste when ingested.

The lad took one blotter only, which gave him around 18hrs of psychedelia, with profuse sweating and temperature fluctuations. Thankfully he is fine now, although he described the experience as "psychedelic speed", as the substance had a serious amp push. The lad isn't that experienced with substances (otherwise alarm bells would have gone off at the size and the bitterness of the blotter), and unfortunately because he consumed the blottrer I am unable to obtain a picture.

Whilst I am aware this all a bit hearsay at the moment, I would advise anyone against purchasing blotters in Welsh festivals as the moment, as some cunt is obviously trying to piggyback on the back of 1P's success. Just to be clear - THESE WERE NOT PURCHASED ONLINE, although I am unsure how widespread these blotters have/will become.

Stay safe all <3

I've noticed the return of DOC on more than one vendor's website lately, so it could be. No DOI or illegal DOB/DOM ops like in the 90's/early 2000's (locally, eastern Canada). Even 5-meo-AMT is making a comeback. Both substances not sold as individual blotters of course, but as powder. So of course the temptation to lay some DOC sheets is going to be back. Often some people laid some DOC or DOI on blotters for themselves but ended up selling half sheets to people they shouldn't have and etc. you all know where i'm going with that.
I've never written a trip report before but I have a transcript of a messenger chat I had on 1P-LSD. I'd had amphetamine and mdma on the Saturday day/night and hadn't had any sleep. I took 1P-LSD on the Sunday afternoon It was my 3rd weekend of taking it and it was the strongest trip yet. I had gbl throughout the entire weekend.

100mcg tab under the tongue for a few minutes then swallowed. It took over an hour to come up, peaked for about 3 hours then slowly faded over next 6 hours.

I spent the first 2-3 hours laying on the bed listening to music, earphones are an absolute must with this. UV light on, looking at pretty colours and slightly losing touch with reality.

After this time I was on messenger with a friend who was trying to work. Using predictive text on my phone made it easy cos the first few letters gives me the word. I don't think I could've actually typed properly on computer or iPad.

I don't like LSD and I'm not keen on mushrooms but this is different. Not exhausting like LSD. The senses are really heightened. Objects have green/violet auras, there’s tracing and lots of CEV. Touching, cuddling, kissing is good but sex is not an option.

Sound is incredible, I'd can't recommend earphones enough, just lay back and enjoy. It's the only drug I'm actually still and quiet on, I usually charge about like a loon and talk incessantly. I heard sounds I never knew were there. Mixes coming in and and fading out for ages. I was so intent on hearing minute bits of the music that I forget to hear the whole of it. It's like forgetting you're in a forest cos you're so intent on looking at the detail of bark on a tree.

This drug can mimic others, I could create body rushes and ecstasy feelings of contentment but it also had the insight of psychedelics. No horrible looping thoughts like LSD and no fear, not even a hint of anything nasty. All good except for my OH who's tried it twice and doesn't like it. He's loves shrooms and quite likes LSD so it's a bit weird that he doesn't like this.

The only thing I don't like is on the come up my breathing feels a bit laboured, like something is pushing down on my chest, but it doesn't last long.

Here's just my side of the messenger log.

Awesome stuff love it seriously tripping love love love it fairyland I live in xx
Beautiful colours neon green blue pink
Shapes and sounds are actually the same thing. I can hear colours and see sounds. Truly magnificent
How do they know what the sounds should be and where to put them? And how do they stay there? I need to know
I'm going back in now
Euphoria deeper red jerry disc 2 is what it's for. I have found the key to it all x
My bed is moving but it's not scary, it's a lovely marshmallow
I'm not typing this now, it's telling me what to say
The keyboard is hearts lovely
The bed is moving now, when I keep still it moves. Wobbly world
It's playing my funeral song
They won't know what's hit them. I'm going out in style hun x
I love church music. Organ and choral. Spiritual. Awe inspiring, makes me cry. (I've tripped in a cathedral when the choir were practising)
Its not an obvious choice but it is on the album I said
It's got everything it needs. Scary, sad, joyous, churchy, dancey, quiet, loud, squeaky, bouncy, boingy and some woohoos too
It's on repeat now. It's the only tune I need. The others can fuck off
Profound. What does that even mean?
It's hold that sucker down
You will only truly know how great it is when you have heard it on 1P. All other listening mediums pale into insignificance
This drug is the drug they all want to be and it can be any drug it wants to be
The music is in me. If I leave it comes with me. I take it all
I control the music but it controls me. We work together so everyone wins
I need to tell all this to S and R. I'll have to send these messages to them. They know about music so they will understand how it works
They need to know the importance of this stuff in the scheme of great drug discoveries
I've taken my BP and it's normal. I feel like I'm going to burst but I'm actually not. Phew
I just used backspace, I'd forgotten about it for a while but it was still there
I now know what the extra hole is for at the top of trainers. I can't believe it's a question I've never asked before. How many extra holes have I owned in my life and I've never queried the wastefulness of it
Backspaced again ha!!
For a while it was confusing but it's clearer now
Sounds are sounds, shapes are shapes and colours are colours. They are actually different but you can mix them together
I don't even know the football score. That's how good this is! I need it to be a draw or N will beat me in the league
A million things all trying to get into my head, none ever gets finished cos another is pushing in. Always more thoughts to deal with
Numerical thoughts are the best cos there's a right answer. I don't like questions where there's not a right answer
If I don't know the answer I have to find it. If it's logic I will get there in the end. Even the sneaky ones. They won't give me the slip for long
The trees outside have grown bigger today. I can see it from my bed
I'm very quick with my dibber
Battery critically low = death to the machine
I should plug it in but that involves moving and I only move for drugs
I'm not allowed to integrate today cos apparently it is not appropriate ...to take drugs ALL weekend, haha
I'm now plugged in. The machine is saved
Where are you?
Le voie le soleil tune. How does someone even begin to create that? It's an epic smorgasbord of sounds. I love it.
I've been told I have to eat or I will die.
I've eaten and I'm back
I'm holding that sucker down again. It's losing some depth and clarity now but I got a good few hours out of it
Never experienced colours like it before
Strongest trip yet, easily level 3. I actually did lose reality a couple of times but it was lovely even if I wasn't sure why
Stronger than the first batch I think. Just right for me with this drug but I couldn't have handled that strength on shrooms or lsd cos of the dark side but this has no dark side
It's just sparkly, glittery and gorgeous
I actually want to do it all again right now and I haven't been like that since the first flush of ecstasy. It is lush
My head was coming up with all sorts of weird shit but I could actually communicate
You can step in and out of it. I do it by removing the music. That's why I said I'm going back in. Does that make sense?
Earphones in = tripping. Earphones out = not so much. All good though
It's not a social drug like alcohol, gb, stims etc. It's more a personal thing but I'd like to take it with others with the aim of feeling a spiritual connection.
That's why I said S and R cos they know how to trip and they feel the music all the time anyway.
I'm sure this will blow them away
I did get the giggles a few times too. Once over my OH's lost slippers. The look on his face cracked me up. So sad = hilarious, obviously. I'd put them in the wrong cupboard btw. Serious stuff
I still don't know the football score, this has to be a record. I'll check...
Thank you for sharing a monumental afternoon with me and for letting me bombard you
It was good to get some of it logged. Last time I voice recorded my thoughts but I haven't listened back yet cos it all made sense at the time and I don't want to shatter the illusion. Bye x
I have never had a bad experience yet with 1-P-LSD, the biggest dose i've taken is 125uG but find that 85uG actually hits the spot quite nicely and leaves me reasonably functionaly.

I tend to end up laughing so much there are tears running down my face and the next day my face hurts from all the smiling. I find it very therapeutic to be honest, and I have never been a big psychedelics fan. Just being able to feel in a good mood, joke around with some friends, enjoy cooking some good food on it etc is a relief in itself. Leaves me feeling good the next day too with little in the way of residual effects after getting a nights sleep.
Same same - although Ive only gone as high as 200mcg so far in a single dose. That was pretty intense to be fair as I now find 100mcg just perfect - you can piss around and interact well enough if needs be (just about) but 5 minutes on your back with some good sounds is enough to suck you into some fairly complex geometric psychedelic soup, complete with all the enlightenment a good lysergamide should provide. Even as the worlds biggest neurotic with alot of bad shit in my head, not once have I had to resort to taking a benzodiazpine to steer the trip in the right direction, something Ive had to do occasionally on previous trips as soon as my train of thought starts to spiral negatively.