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The EADD "things that piss me off thread"

The wrong use of they're, there and their. Oh and the wrong use of apostrophes:| ...though understandable and allowable in fucked postings haha :D

Mmm! The attitude pisses me off - if you correct someone on their misuse of apostrophes, they'll usually say something like "it's not important -- you knew what I meant". Well, yes.... I probably did, but I also think you're an idiot.

Other road users... period. I especially hate when you get stuck behind someone doing 45 in a 60 zone. Then they get to a 30 zone and they carry on at 45. One-speed-fits-all. WHY would you do this? I can only think it is from not paying attention.

People who tailgate you when you're obeying the speed limit. Whether it's a silly speed limit or not, you shouldn't harass other road users for obeying it.
Fat people who breathe heavily when stationary.
hahaha ahh on the tube home yesterday there was a very heavily set woman who looked and sounded as if she had been running a marathon when she was actually sat on the tube before i got on..weird huh
Two of my neighbours snore so loudly you can hear them (loudly) through the floor, door and walls. And they bitch about me making noise. Can hear the woman upstairs perfectly clearly when she takes a dump too. Told her the same last time she complained to the police. Look on her face was well worth the police visit :D
tesco sandwich filler..

that pisses me off,99.9% mayonnaise.
i quite like mayonnaise but whatever mutant chicken fetuses they use in them really didnt agree with my stomach..anyways lil too much info there :p
Two of my neighbours snore so loudly you can hear them (loudly) through the floor, door and walls. And they bitch about me making noise. Can hear the woman upstairs perfectly clearly when she takes a dump too. Told her the same last time she complained to the police. Look on her face was well worth the police visit :D

HAHA that would have been priceless.
Had my atos thingy today, cunts'll probly make me go to appeal as they do for anyone who isn't in a persistent vegetative state. Also the lady that was rat-a-tat-tatting my fecking life into her keybord had a kind face so I bottled calling her an agent of satan like I'd wanted to before she all gave me that sympathy look. dagnamit.
Two of my neighbours snore so loudly you can hear them (loudly) through the floor, door and walls. And they bitch about me making noise. Can hear the woman upstairs perfectly clearly when she takes a dump too. Told her the same last time she complained to the police. Look on her face was well worth the police visit :D

Lols =D

Yeah snoring pisses me right off, and noisy bastard neighbours as well. Inconsiderate fucks.

That reminds me, ppl who don't flush the toilet after they've been pisses me off. Why do I want to see someone elses turd staring back at me? ffs!
David Cameron proper pisses me off

In fact the whole government does

* Narrow minded fucks that think they know everything

* Greedy bankers with fat pay rises

* British weather

* Overpaid footballers

* Post office queues

* PPl moaning about ppl who moan

* BL running slow

They all piss me off

I could go on forever...
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Don't get the "Political Correctness gone maaaaaad!!!" stuff at all. Has anyone ever actually come across it in real life outside of reading the Daily Fail? I know I haven't.

David Cameron pisses me off cos he has a smug face made for Doc Marten's and went to Eton yet tries to make out he's "just a regular guy" who rides a bike (with a car full of bodyguards following six feet behind him 8)) and spunked out a mong kid once. Cunt. No idea what he's done since becoming PM though cos I don't read papers or watch the news these days and stopped doing so around the time of the election.
Don't get the "Political Correctness gone maaaaaad!!!" stuff at all. Has anyone ever actually come across it in real life outside of reading the Daily Fail? I know I haven't.

Yeah actually I come across it almost every day and it pisses me right off, the UK is the worst in the world for it. My last encounter just last week when the police arrived at the shop amid a complaint that there was this pig ornament that was apparently deemed "offensive", stuff like this slaps me in the face everyday and yeah so it is PC gone mad.
Pig ornament offensive? To the police? To Jews? To Muslims? To anyone? Did anything actually happen due to this complaint? Did you have to remove the offensive item? Did the complainant get compensation for the major stress he no doubt suffered as a result? Didn't the police show signs they knew full well it was ridiculous to spend time on such foolishness when they could be smashing international cake smuggling rings? Can I find another question to add to this post? Can I? Well CAN I?!?
Sorry, but if PC has 'gone mad' then it needs to go a bit madder in my opinion. We're hardly living in an egalitarian paradise, or at least we weren't last time I checked.
Pig ornament offensive? To the police? To Jews? To Muslims? To anyone? Did anything actually happen due to this complaint? Did you have to remove the offensive item? Did the complainant get compensation for the major stress he no doubt suffered as a result? Didn't the police show signs they knew full well it was ridiculous to spend time on such foolishness when they could be smashing international cake smuggling rings? Can I find another question to add to this post? Can I? Well CAN I?!?

Yeah offensive to muslims it was deemed, by the muslim that sumbitted the compaint against our store after the manager refused to remove it, and in the end yeah we had to remove it.

another question would have been nicer
Yeah offensive to muslims it was deemed, by the muslim that sumbitted the compaint against our store after the manager refused to remove it, and in the end yeah we had to remove it.

another question would have been nicer

Do no muslims live in the countryside. Imagine if they lived accross from a pig farmer. Would the police force him to relocate his pigs to a different field if a compliant came in?