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Mega Merged: Ultimate poppy pod/seed tea thread (getting the most out of your pods)

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I think Second is referring to Poppy Pod Tea, not Poppy Seed Tea.

As far as what happened? Maybe you went into it knowing it was gonna taste like shit? Sometimes I have no difficulty getting it down, other times I'm gagging from the get go.
Well it sure looks nice when you're trying to get there... and it's even a nice place to visit and vacation. Once you move to podville and you've lived there for a while, trust me... it's not so nice.

So true...
Well it sure looks nice when you're trying to get there... and it's even a nice place to visit and vacation. Once you move to podville and you've lived there for a while, trust me... it's not so nice.

I'm sure anything not used properly bites back 10 X fold.

There doesn't seem to be that many vendors on e-bay, one got seized not so long ago... the various sites as well as the ebay sellers all tout that it's not for consumption so I'm losing interest real fast.

I'll just count my blessings when pharms come around at a reasonable price, and hope I can afford to travel sometime in the near future.
Yes, 2 got busted in the last month. But hey, they ALL state the "not for human consumption" bit. Anyone who buys pods has access to thousands of seeds;), and I've found that they grow like crazy. Living in the city could make planting hard, but a trip to the countryside could prove "therapeutic" for many people! 2 or 3 times a year, once in the winter, once in the spring, then once to see the leaves change8). I thank God I live in the boonies!
Yes, 2 got busted in the last month. But hey, they ALL state the "not for human consumption" bit. Anyone who buys pods has access to thousands of seeds;), and I've found that they grow like crazy. Living in the city could make planting hard, but a trip to the countryside could prove "therapeutic" for many people! 2 or 3 times a year, once in the winter, once in the spring, then once to see the leaves change8). I thank God I live in the boonies!

Ya they would have to state it's not for consumption. It just makes me wonder if some of them have some sort of agreement with the cops to neutralize the active contents somehow.

I guess those who have lots of positive feedback might be a safer bet than professional looking websites that have been operating for a long time.
There's no deal with the cops, they're just covering their asses. Anyone smart enough to bother putting that warning in their terms and agreements is likely selling the real deal. Why would a professional looking website be less reliable?
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I buy pods from a lang standing seller, with lots ( and I mean over 10,000 ) of feedback, ( One of which stated "the tea rocks! "LOL, the seller missed THAT edit!) and haven't been disappointed yet. I also notice that out of the hundreds of pods I have bought, there is very little variation in potency. And yes, I assume that is from uniform growth and the pods being the sellers standard stock.
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Hey, I know some of this has been gone over before but I figured I'd ask a few questions at once. Do you guys recommend the larger pods or medium/small pods?

I think at most sellers you can get a better deal per gram of pod buying the smaller pods, but is there a direct correlation between the potency in the size or the pods?

Also I know this is close to sourcing, but would you guys recommend auction sites for getting pods as opposed to devoted websites? I've noticed there is a large price difference in favor of the auction sites.
I buy medium large pods, don't know if there is a potency dif between small and jumbo. I know the larger ones go for more, I assume that is because they are more sought after for true floral arrangements. Most big auction sites have their own web site as well outside the auctions. I use one auction site, they are reliable and honest. Got ripped a couple of times before them, but found a good one and stuck with them for a year now. Their BIG, can't miss 'em.
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I always opt for the mammoth pods. I find that the little ones require so many per batch that they're actually more expensive per dose, plus they're much more of a hastle to prepare than a few big ones.
Thats great to hear.

I don't know why the professional looking sites would be better/worse than e-bay. I'm just paranoid, and real low on cash.
Thats great to hear.

I don't know why the professional looking sites would be better/worse than e-bay. I'm just paranoid, and real low on cash.

Dude, no worries. Pods are legal, and delivered in discreet packaging. My mail lady delivers them to my front door, out in the middle of nowhere! Their worth it, and I will never go back to pill-popping like I used to. $100 of pods will last me a 2-3 weeks, $100 of pills will last me 2 or 3 days. Plus, I don't worry about getting busted fed style with a pocket of illegal scrips. Local pigs here don't know what pod tea is, but they know their Oxys! AND, I have flowers all over the woods now, won't have to buy pods by next fall=D!

PS Lollerskater, I'm gonna order some mammoths, I want to test your theory. Hope it works!
^^ Actually... I'm pretty sure pods are technically illegal. Correct me if I'm wrong. I know ebay sellers have been busted in the past. In fact, even though I'm sure it wouldn't happen, those poppies growing on your property are illegal as well (if you live in the US).
According to state and federal laws, they are illegal. But, you can find them growing in almost every state, in floral shops across the country, and in old neighborhoods everywhere. Most cops have no idea what they are, though. Hell, there are poppys growing around my local courthouse! I happen to live in a very remote area, and I grow them in flower beds with numerous other flowers. They also happen to grow all over the hills in my area for some reason8). If you scatter them out in small plots, it's easy to go unnoticed. They spring back up, year after year too! They grow in shitty soil, need little water. Just be smart.
I know, Sorry, it's confusing!

They grow in every state, nurseries sell them as ornamentals, you can buy the seed at flower shops, on the internet, and garden centers, and they can be found in old neighborhoods everywhere. My grandmother had hens and chicks in a flower bed in her yard, and her friends grew various colors of P.somniferum. I've checked the laws, and they are VERY confusing. Poppys have this quasi-legal status ( only term that seems to apply! ), in one aspect their legal and another they are not. I can and have gone to a floral supply house not far from me and bought them over the counter, tax and all, for arts and crafts ( too expensive! ). I bought 3 plants from a local nursery, potted and perfect. The only thing I know for certain is that if you score the plants ( cut the pods to obtain opium ), you just committed a federal violation. The cuts are very visible, they turn blackish quickly. But most cops have no clue, a friend of mine is the sheriff of my county, and he has been to my home numerous times and has seen my flower beds, my garden, and all he sees are flowers and vegetables! Hell, we sat on my patio with dozens of types of flowers around us, incuding poppys, drinking beer, and no worries. I stay under the radar, discreet, and keep it to myself, and have had no problems. If your smart and keep it low profile, it's fairly easy. So, if you speak legalese better than me, check out the laws and see if you can make any sense of them! I've tried.
can you parachute pod powder

i know it might take a whole pack of rizla but im willing to do so in order to not drink that nasty stuff.

^ Yes, parachuting is really no different to just swallowing it. If it works swallowed, then it'll work wrapped up in a bit of paper.
can you parachute pod powder

i know it might take a whole pack of rizla but im willing to do so in order to not drink that nasty stuff.


Eh, it takes long enough for the pod powder to dissolve in your stomach based on what I've read. People report that you get less of a peak this way because not all of it gets absorbed at once. Parachuting isn't worth it with pod powder IMHO. Only do it if it makes it easier to get the shit down. It would work for that purpose and the effects/onset time would be about equal to swallowing it. The onset might be slightly slower. Your stomach acids can easily eat through tissue paper, but it could take a few minutes.

Eating pod powder ensures you're getting 100% of the morphine, however preparing tea can give you a stronger peak that comes on quicker. The onset time is a huge factor when it comes to addiction and drug preference. People sub-consciously like things that give them instant gratification. I think it's very non wasteful to eat entire ground pods, but the couple times I tried it, I felt I was missing the peak. It was also hard to get down much of the powder.
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